
nanny lucy

Battle of freedom

Chapter 3(nanny Lucy)


I went to the compound wearing one of my fluffy bunny slippers, i stepped into the compound and it felt so good, the atmosphere was so different from the normal air conditional im used to, it was so warm and cool all at once, i waked to where dad was talking to his business partner, i wanted to try the plan i had earlier, "dad"i said, he was quite shocked and angry but however he hid those feelings because he'd not want to loose his contract with the rich man, the man is one of the most sucessful business man. "hey michelle"he said, "hey dad, welcome home, its time for jack's and luna's walk"i said, i was obviously gonna use the dogs as an excuse to get out of the compound, "not yet, wait for me in your room, i'll follow you to take them for a walk, okay?"he said, "but dad---"i said, "up--stairs"he said clashing his fist, i could see anger wtitten on his face like a large warning sign. I left and went into the building, i entered the sitting room sadly, nanny lucy sighted me and she was very shocked, "where are you coming from?"she asked, i didn't reply her, "spoilt brat, i'm talking to you!!"she shouted, i started walking away slowly, "come back here brat" she said as she pulled my hair dragging me back, "you are quite aware that if dad catches you laying your hands on me, you will be in for it"I said boldly not knowing what came over me, "your dad isn't home yet so i have the right to do whatever I like"she said boldly dragging my hair,it was at this moment my dad walked into the living room with annoyance and anger written all over his face,"what are you doing to my daughter!!!??" He shouted. Nanny Lucy stuttered "n-nothing S-sir" and let go of my hair pretending as if nothing happened. My dad looked at her in disgust and promised not to pay her salary for that month as a punishment for touching me, she left dejectedly because she dared not talk back at my father for fear of loosing her job and not being able to secure another job elsewhere.

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