
Batman: Ghost

A new figure appears in the shadows of gothams underworld. is he here to help or Make things worse? What will happen when this figure clashes with batman?

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


(dante)" Oh man that was really something else. I didn't think I'd have that much fun." ~I think I'll stay in gotham for awhile longer. That is after I finish the mission. Speaking of~ " Ghost-net has there been any news on our targets?"

[ghost-net] no new updates on the targets, however there has been recent updates on black masks group, the falcones, the Irish mob, the jokerz, and two-faces gang."

(dante)" I see. I'll deal with the Irish mob tomorrow night for now I wanna get some sleep and try to end the night off on a good note." I have Ghost-net link up my suit with my alert system to shock me awake if there is an intruder and start getting ready for bed. "I really wanna see cass again hahah-

(?)" Why are you so obsessed with that Asian Whore?"

(dante)" What the hell who said that?!" The sudden voice grabs my attention causing me to draw my blade. ~I had Ghost-net connect with the alert system I should have known if there was an intruder so how~ " Where the hell are you! get out here NOW!"

(?)" Where am I? I'M OVER HERE!"

(dante)"Huh!" The voices grabs my attention jerking my head over towards the mirror. " Oh no not you...... Vergil!"

(vergil)" Is this anyway to adress you're father?"

(dante)" You were never my father and you will never speak ill of cassandra again. If you do I'll simply kill you again."

(vergil)" Why do you insist on loving this pathetic woman?"

(dante)" shut up."

(vergil)" she is a worthless dog."

(dante)" Shut up."

(vergil)" The only good thing that bitch is good for is a good Fuck."

(dante)" Shut Up."

(vergil)" She's a worthless asian whore whose only purpose is to be raped by-"

(dante)" SHUT UUUUUUP!" I grabbed my blade throw it as hard as I can into the mirror shattering it. The loud shattering of the glass causes me to jerk up in my bed. " Ahhhhh." I yelled loud as I felt my heart beating hard. I could feel the sweat dripping down my body. Tears pouring down my face. " Ha another nightmare huh?! The last time I had one of those Something bad happened. Cassandra I hope you're ok."

The next day

(dante)~After last night I wonder if getting closer to cassandra might be a bad idea~ "NO! no It's alright we can handle this, Now then let me give her a call to let her know I'm coming." I pulled out my phone and dialed Cassandras' number. " Hey cass I wanted to know if it was ok If I stopped by?"

(cass)" Yes I'd like that."

(dante)" Alright I'll be over shortly. See you soon beautiful."

(cass)" yes."

(dante)" Alright we got the approval lets head on over." I go out side to my car and start driving to wayne manor. "Again I forgot how far away from the city wayne manor is jesus. After 30 minutes of driving I finally arrive at wayne manor. I knock on the door and stephanie answers it. " Hey steph."

(stephanie)" Oh hey dante are you here for cass?"

(dante)" Yeah I am. mind if I come in?"

(stephanie)" Sure come in I'll go get her."

(dante)" Thanks mind if I take a look around while I wait?"

(stephanie)" Sure go ahead I'll go get cass."

(dante)" Awesome! Thanks steph. I watch as stephanie ascends the stairs and start to look around. I walk around for a solid minute and eventually find the kitchen with dick eating on the counter. " Oh hey dick what's up man."

(dick)" Oh dante! I didn't know you were coming over today. I heard from tim and steph that cassandra had a really good time last night. You couldn't wait to see her again could you?" He said cracking a smug grin at me.

(dante)" Yeah man. I really had a good time last night. Honestly was one of the best nights I've ever had. Is that weird to say that I really enjoyed spending time with her after one date?"

(dick)" What! no way man there's nothing wrong with it at all. Honestly I'm happy you two seem to like each other so much."

(dante)" Yeah I really do like her don't I." I said with a smile on my face. " Anyway I wanna keep exploring so I'll see you late dick."

(dick)" Alright man see ya and oh hey before you go the room down the hall on the left is the training room. Check it out if you want."

(dante)" You know what I think I'll just do that. Thanks for the talk dick." ~ I think dicks a nice guy definitely the most straightforward of this bunch~ " Oh here's the training room dick was talking about. Whoa Daaaamn! This place is really big jesus. The room looked to be at least three times bigger the kitchen which was pretty big. There's a few training dummies I wonder if they'd mind me using one?" ~ There's something I wanna try out~ " Gentle Fist Art: Eight triagrams 64 palms.

Cassandras' pov

(cass)" He said he was on the way I hope he's ok. I had a scary dream last night."


(cass)" Leave."

(shiva)" Why do you waste your time with this weakling daughter. Look at yourself. You've wasted so much time with this boy that you've completely neglected your training. Now you speak of protecting him, but you can't even protect yourself. Weakness! Well if this how things are going to be, Then as your mother there is only one thing I can do to show you why you've chosen the wrong path. Watch as your weakness gets this boy killed."

(cass)" Mother Nooo! " I try to save him, but I'm helpless as she slits his throat. Dante! I screamed as I see the light fade from his eyes.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

back to the present

(stephanie)" Hello cassandra?"

(cass)" Yes."

(stephanie)" Hey cass dantes here."

(cass)" Huh! really!" I yelled happily as I opened the door seeing the smile on stephanies face.

(stephanie)" Aww look at you cass. You seemed so down early this morning and now look at you. You really like him don't you?"

(cass)" Yes."

(stephanie)" Alright well let's go see him."

(cass)" Yes."

(cass) I walk with stephanie down the stairs through the halls looking for dante, but we can't seem to find him. ~ I was afraid what I saw last night was real. I'm so happy he's here now~.

(stephanie)" Hmm I know I left him down here. let's see if he's in the kitchen."

(cass)" Mhmm."

(stephanie)" He's not here. Hey dick?"

(dick)" Hm oh hey steph, Hey cass I'm assuming you two are looking for dante. I sent him down the hall towards the training room."

(cass)" Thank you dick."

(dick)" No problem cass."

(stephanine)" Ok let's go see him. Maybe if you're lucky cass we'll get to see him with his shirt off." I heard her say with a smile on her face."

(cass)" Here." We arrive in front of the training room and hear dante inside yell something.

(dante)" Gentle Fist art: Eight triagrams 64 palms.

Dantes pov

(dante)" 2 PALMS, 4 PALMS, EIGHT PALMS, 16 PALMS, 32 PALMS, EIGHT TRIA GRAMS 64 PALMS." I attack the training dummy with consecutive nerve attacks build up speed and intensity. Each series of attacks getting harder and stronger until finally with a palm attack I send the dummy flying across the room. " It looks like I've gotten better with it, but still it seems to take a lot out of me to use. Let me get dressed again before cass and stephanie find me." As i turn around I stare in shock as I see the two girls staring at me with terror on their faces. " Oh no. Cass?"

cassandras pov

(cass) ~His attack was fierce such coordination and such rapid strikes, not even I could do that. Oh he's turning around. I hope he doesn't mind we watched~. As we watch him turn around I see something that horrifies me. Something that reminds me of... well me. His entire body from his neck down is covered in scars. Not just normal scars no these are deep. Some look like stab wounds, some cuts, and slashes. There are bullet wounds and burn marks tracing his stomach. " Dante?" I said staring at him feeling the tears in my eyes starting to fall.

dantes pov

(dante)" Cassandra! Stephanie! I'm sorry you two had to see that." I said to them as I put my shirt back on hiding the scars on my body. I can see cassandra starting to cry as she called my name. " Cassandra I'm so sorry I never wanted you to see that." I apologized to her as she cried I pulled her into a tight hug.

(cass)" Are you ok?"

(dante)" Now that I'm here with you yes I am." I tell her as I pull her deeper into my hug. I feel her wrap her arms around me embracing My affection. When I look up I see what seems to be the entire wayne family standing around us with concern in their eyes. Well except for damian who seems like he doesn't care at all. " I'm sorry everyone i didn't mean for this to happen." I said to them ~ It seems like stephanie told the others what she and cassandra saw.

(bruce)" Take off your shirt."

(dante) I can hear the tone of his voice. He isn't asking me, he's telling me. " Very well. Cassandra please don't look." I told her as i took off my shirt showing everyone around the horrors of my body. I can see the look of terror in their eyes. Stephanie, barbra, and cassandra all look away. On the other hand Dick, damian, tim, and alfred all look at me with Shock filling their eyes. Bruce on the other hand looked like he wasn't fazed at all. ~ This guy is acting like he's seen things like this before. He's hiding something~.

(Tim)" Dante how.... Who did this too you?!"

(dante) I can see all of their faces asking the same question I hesitate to answer, but i finally relent. " I told you all you need to know already."

(cass)" No!" She said as i can see the pain in her eyes.

(dante)" Yes. My father did this to me. It started when I was 3 years old every day would be the same. I trained until my hands bled. If I couldn't hold a my sword my father would simply cut and stab me with his until I passed out from the pain or blood loss. He would beat and break my bones if I couldn't make a fist. If I was to hurt to move He shot me. I once passed out during training and he set me on fire. I'm sorry cass I never wanted this to happen." I Cried

(cass)" It's ok. He can't hurt you anymore." She said as she Wrapped her arms around me holding me.

(dante) I sit there for a few minutes before staring into hers eyes and saying to her. " I meant what I said before, When I'm with you cassandra I feel like all the pain just goes away. I've enjoyed the time we've spent together." I get up to leave and she stops me.

(cass)" Don't leave please." she begged me with tears in her eyes.

(dante)" cass can you love this?" I asked her showing her my body again. What she did next even I couldn't have expected. Cass took off her shirt and showed me her body full of..... "Scars?!" I look at her feeling the tears falling down my face again. " Who did this to you?" I ask her seething with rage. She doesn't answer my question instead she asks me a question.

(cass)" Still love me?" She asks me

(dante)" Yes I do." I say to her as I pull her into another hug. I stare into Cassandra's eyes and a feeling of wanting and hunger consumed me. I leaned into cassandra making my intentions clear. I wait until I see cassandra nod as she leans in and we Kiss. Slowly the world around us seems to fade away. When we finally separated I couldn't help but look at her and smile. I look over and see the smiles on everyone's faces. " What are you guys staring at?" Everyone cheered, but bruce and damian. Soon bruce spoke up.

(bruce)" You two seemed to have finally calmed down how about going out for today and relaxing huh?"

(dante)" I was gonna ask if you wanted to come and see my place cass, what do you say?"

(cass)" Yes."

(dante)" Alright let's go." cass and I get dressed and head out and try to relax after a very emotional time.

Bruce's pov

(bruce)" All of you follow me now!"

(dick)" bruce what's going on? Why are you gathering everyone together after what just happened?"

(bruce)" Be quiet and I'll tell you. Ok when damian, tim, stephanie, cassandra and i went to investigate gordons call the other night we arrived to see a man who call himself ghost standing around the bodies. He says he wasn't the one who killed them. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. When we fought he called damian arrogant and referred to him as a child. He took the others down easily and was able to fight me on equal grounds. Before he left I told him if he was responsible for the deaths I would catch him."

(tim)" Ok Bruce where are you going with this if you know something about this guy you need to let us know."

(bruce)" I believe I know this ghosts Identity. His reply to me was " Catch me!? Like a ghost batman I was never even here. I believe Ghost Is actually Dante."

(Everyone)" WHAT!?"

(Alfred)" Master bruce are you sure about this?"

(bruce)" When he first came to the manor there were a few things about him that tipped me off. One he repeated what he said to damian about him being arrogant, Two his swords were of fine craftsmanship the same as the blade of his I broke in our fight. And the final thing that made me doubt him, When he dropped cassandra off I made a joke about coming to get them, and he simply responded by saying " oh don't worry Mr. wayne you couldn't catch me if you wanted too. I'm like a ghost."

(dick)" Bruce this could all be a coincidence."

(bruce)" I pulled up the video of his little training session earlier. Watch this.

Video of dante plays

(dante)" Gentle Fist Art: Eight Triagrams 64 Palms.

(damian)" Whoa His strikes they are precise, fast, powerful I couldn't do something like this even if I trained for another 20 years. What kind of monster is he.

(bruce)" He moves and fights like a seasoned warrior. The final piece of evidence I needed to confirm his identity he presented himself unknowingly. When we all saw his scars earlier. I noticed that one of his scars was still fresh. How did he get it. Look where it's located. under his right peck. That's where cassandra managed to cut him back during our fight."

(stephanie)" Oh cassandra. Oh no. This is going to break her."

(dick)" Ok he's this ghost guy, but he did say he didn't do it. Maybe we should investigate this further first. We shouldn't ruin their relationship if we aren't sure he's the murderer."

(tim)" I agree with dick bruce."

(Alfred)" A monster who has no qualms killing wouldn't break down like that in front of someone unless he loved that person master bruce. I agree with master dick and master tim"

(damian)" I can understand where grayson is coming from, If he thinks we should look into it more then we should."

(stephanie)" He accepted cass even with all of her imperfections I think we should try trusting him."

(bruce)" Very well! We will see what he does, However if he is the one responsible for those murders I'm taking him down."