
Batman: Ghost

A new figure appears in the shadows of gothams underworld. is he here to help or Make things worse? What will happen when this figure clashes with batman?

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Another day.

After his emotional breakdown Dante was a little more than embarrassed.

(dante) Oh man I really made a fool myself in there didn't I. How am I ever gonna live that down? dante thought to himself.

(cass) " Dante. Ok?" cass asked pulling the man from his deep thoughts.

(dante)" Oh sorry cass! Honestly just a little embarrassed. 19 years of training and mental fortitude and I broke down like that." dante said while snapping his fingers

(cass) " Not like?" cass asked with tears in her eyes

(dante)" What! Of course, I like you cass!" dante said wiping the tears from her eyes and pulling her closer to him. I know! How about we get something to eat." Dante asked hoping to improve the mood.

(cass)" yes!"

(dante) ' with that being said, where do we eat exactly.' dante wondered. " Cass? Do you know where'd you'd like to go?"

(cass) " Big belly burger." Cass said pointing at the burger joint down the street.

(dante) " Oh, I like that place too. Let's go" The man said as he and the girl picked up their pace towards the joint.

(waiter) " Welcome to big belly burger home of the big belly burger what can I get for ya?' The waiter asked.

(dante) " What do ya want cass? It's on me."

(cass) " big belly burger, fries and strawberry shake.

(dante) " Alright! You heard the lady two big belly burgers, one large fry and one large strawberry shake."

(waiter) " You got it. Coming right up sir that will 17.50"

(dante) " Here you go." the man said as he handed over a twenty to the man behind the register.

After a few minutes the waiter returned with the two fighters' food.

(waiter) " Alright! Here you go guys have a wonderful day."

(dante) " Thank you, you have a good day as well." The man said before he and cass left the restaurant with their food.

(cass) " Good."

(dante) " You like it. I'm glad." the man said with a smile, cass herself smiling back.

(cass) " Want?" Cassandra asked offering her shake to the man.

(dante) " I'd love some." ' Let's see if we can make her laugh.' the man thought while using one of his fingers to rub whip cream on the girl's face. " Hahaha, I got ya. Hahaha Ugh!"

Cassandra had returned the favor

(cass) " Hehehe!" cassandra giggled.

(dante) " I love hearing you laugh. It's so adorable." the man said causing the young woman to blush.

Back at the Batcave.

(dick) " See bruce nothing wrong at all. They're having a normal date, AND LOOK Cass is laughing. She never does that." Dick argued

(Tim) " Yeah, come on bruce. Even if this guy is the ghost. He hasn't done anything we haven't done our whole lives." Tim said agreeing with dick.

(Bruce) " It doesn't matter if he was the one responsible for those deaths then he must be stopped." Bruce argued.

(Stephanie) " And what about cass bruce. This will break her heart bruce. You can't break them up if you don't know for sure. Bruce, I've never seen her smile like this before bruce."

(Barbra) " Bruce, would you be able to live with yourself if you take this happiness from her and you're wrong?"

(Bruce) " If I'm wrong then good, but we can't simply leave out the possibility."

(Jason) " Yo, what are you guys yelling about I can here you from upstairs."

(Alfred) " Ah, welcome home master Jason."

(dick) " Welcome back Jason. Maybe you can talk some sense into bruce."

(Jason) " Why? What's up?"

(Stephanie) " Cassasndra's got a boyfriend.

Record player scratches.

(Jason) " Hold up where is he so I can put a bullet in him?"

(Tim) " Calm down man. He's not a bad guy. Look" Tim said pointing to the image of the two's date.

(Jason) " Whoa, she's smiling that's scary. She never does that. She looks really happy bruce, why are you so against this?"

(Barbra) " See even Jason agrees."

(Bruce) " Because we had an unknown show up on the exact night that a pile of bodies showed up."

(Jason) " You think he, did it?"

(Bruce) " I'm not entirely sure whether he did or didn't."

(Jason) " So, it's simple just watch him and find out. If he did, we take him down, if not then let the two be happy."

(dick) " that's what we've been saying. but he's dead set on this."

(Bruce) " Quiet, they're moving."

With cass and dante.

(dante) " The sun's going down, guess I should be getting you home soon huh. Did you have fun today?"

(Cass) " Yes. Thank you."

(dante) ' No, problem cass I enjoy spending time with you. Now, let's get back to the car."

(Cass) " Yes."

After a short walk the two returned to the man's car and left to head back to the manor.

(dante) " I guess this is it for tonight"

(Cass) " Stay?" Cass asked pointing towards the house.

(dante) " Not tonight love. I've got something to take care of, but tomorrow would be nice."

(Cass) " Okay.

(dante) " Come here." The man said gesturing for the woman to come closer to him. " I'll see you tomorrow Okay." dante said giving the woman a hug.

(cass) " Okay. Kiss?" the woman asked for a kiss.

(dante)" Gladly." The man said before leaning down and kissing the woman.

Cassandra opened her mouth allowing the man's tongue to enter. what started out innocent progressed as the two lover's tongues danced ferociously in each other's mouths, only separating when a breath was needed before returning. Soon Dante's hands began to explore Cassandra's body, starting at her hips before sliding down to her firm ass. Cassandra responded by moaning into the man's mouth, feeling his strong hands squeezing her ass.

(Jason) " Yo am I interrupting something?"

(Tim) " Having fun you two?" he said with a grin.

(dante) " Oh, man I forgot where I was standing for a minute there."

(Cass) " Yes."

(dante) " Well, it looks like the fun patrol is here to break up our fun. So, rain check until tomorrow?"

(Cass) " Yes."

(dante)" Looking forward to it. Stay safe love." The man said before walking back to his car and leaving. " Another amazing day in the fucked-up life of dante. Well, at least we got someone who actually cares about us now, hey old boy. Let's not fuck it up."