
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

Shuri (Part 2)

I was aware that Shuri obviously didn't see me that way and was just trying to think of a quick excuse so that her father who wasn't in his panther armor and her brother were not harmed. She had no idea what I was capable of, but knew I was dangerous enough to kill Wakandan guards within seconds. I assume she said I was her boyfriend because I was technically in an area others should not be, but her being a young woman crazy in love could explain it a bit. 

Understanding her intentions, I put my right arm around her waist and kissed her on the forehead. "Yes, Shuri wanted to show me her lab, but as she was showing me a gadget, I touched something I shouldn't have and blew a hole in the side of the building by accident. She tried to take the blame herself to protect me. I find her a bit charming". 

Shuri who was hearing all of this had an odd look on her face, but quickly changed it in the spirit of acting. She had not expected my words and actions and was slightly taken aback. She must somewhat like dangerous men because she didn't seem repulsed by the arm around her or the kiss. I'm sure that would change if I decided to kill her brother and father. 

Considering I made it this far with very little death, I wanted to continue to do so if I could. There were two exits to this lab if you included the hole I made in the window. I could escape quickly if need be and not kill anyone else. Unlike in the comics, there was no need for me to kill the current black panther to use the heart shaped herb. In the movies they used the herb at the same time someone else had used it and nothing bad happened.

My eyes moved towards the dead Wakandan guards that were behind one of the display cases that held Shuri's tech. If the king or prince walked my way a bit too much, they would be able to see one of the guards hands stick out from behind on the ground. Luckily I had used my lightsaber and there wasn't any blood pooling. Without thinking much I slightly raised my hand from behind Shuri's back and created a portal beneath the bodies. Since we were so deep underground, you could say I just gave them a proper burial in another universe. 

"What was that light?" King T'chaka asked, looking at the direction of the display case. Shuri and T'challa not seeing it didn't know what the King was asking. 

"What light?" Asked T'challa

The king started walking to the display case followed by the three of us. Shuri panicked thinking the bodies were still over there tried to stop her father. "I'm sure it was nothing father, probably a light coming from or reflecting off one of my new inventions". She grabbed his hand and tried to hold him back, but the mans curiosity needed to be quenched. Lightly pushing his daughters hand away, he continued to the display case.

When we all arrived at the display case, Shuri's eyes went wide as she looked and saw the bodies were no longer there. 'How did he do it' is all she could think. The king scratched his head as he received no answers for the strange light he had seen. "I must be getting old" King T'chaka said as he looked back at me. 

"How long have you two been dating?" he asked me

"Not long" I replied while shuri nodded her head in agreement and smiled. "I know he's not supposed to be back here Father, but I wanted to show off a little. I'll make sure he leaves soon". 

T'challa looked me up and down for what seemed the 50th time since I had entered the lab with Shuri. "I don't like him, he looks like Eddie Winslow from that American tv show we used to watch. He also gives off the vibe of a womanizer" 

"He's standing right here Brother, please do not insult him in front of his face". 

I was somewhat amused by this farce, but at the same time getting bored with it. I was hoping we could wrap it up soon. Not wanting to just stand there and be talked about, I spoke up. "Prince T'Challa right? My name is Pootie Tang, Shuri has told me all about you. You two have a great bond and I admire that. I have no plans to break the heart of your sister, so please be at ease and as for your harsh words, I would rather have someone tell me something to my face then to say bad things about me behind my back and I also fully understand you are just being a protective brother". 

T'Challa looked at me with a serious face for a number of seconds before his father finally spoke up one last time. "T'Challa, we have checked on your sister and her lab and we have found out what we needed to know, why don't we leave these two alone and get back to our previous discussion". 

T'Challa sighed. "You mean your lecture? Sure, let's go then. Shuri make sure you have him leave this area soon and don't go inviting any other people inside here in the future without running it by our father or mother first".

"Of course brother" Shuri replied. 

Both father and son assumed I was a low born Wakandan otherwise how would I have gotten inside Wakanda undetected. Still, area's like these were reserved for people with clearance of sorts. I obviously did not belong here, but it could be somewhat excused because of the fact they thought I was a Wakandan and my fake relationship with Shuri. 

After the two left, Shuri turned to me. "You seem to be full of surprises. I think it's time you leave though. Thank you for not trying to kill anyone else". She then gave me the heart shaped herb that she had stolen for me. I now had two heart shaped herbs unknown to her.

Seeing a big chunk of Vibranium that has yet to be put to use in the lab I grabbed it up before walking to the window. "If it matters, I didn't come here to kill, I came here to get stronger to not only protect Wakanda, but the world in the future". I didn't need to explain myself to her, but since she was so cooperative, I wanted her to know that I wasn't as heinous as she probably thought and she didn't need to worry about me using what I stole to harm Wakanda. 

"You have come to steal things that you can't even use anyway. The heart shaped herb only works for those of Royal blood or those it deems worthy. It kills everyone else that uses it. Bast will not accept you so if you want to live, don't use it. As for the Vibranium, you more than likely won't be able to mold it how you want. It's not like most metals". Shuri said, not worried too much about what I had grabbed. She could just retrieve the Vibranium later sometime. It wasn't the first time Vibranium had made it's way outside of Wakanda and Wakanda was not in short supply. 

I chuckled at her words. "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. Since you have chosen to be one of my girlfriends, you are not allowed to see other men" After saying these words I shot a web out the window and made my way back up to the surface. 

Shuri seemingly upset at my words yelled up at me from the window. "Who's worried about you and who's your girlfriend? I hope I never see you again!" 

She may just get her wish, I don't plan to step foot into Wakanda again until my father arrives. 

As I was leaving, Shuri stood at the blown out window trying to think about what she should do now that things were stolen from Wakanda with her help. Not wanting to get in trouble with her family, she felt it was best to keep it to herself for now. 

"Wait... girlfriends?? Who does he think he is?"