
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

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Chapter 59 - Gorr, The Butcher of Gods Part 3

POV: Baldur 

Unknown Planet 

Several galaxies away from Earth 

I held onto the children and ran in the direction they indicated towards their village. Within seconds, I could see from afar a large city surrounded by a green stone wall, with the only noticeable feature being the smoke rising from it. The city was ablaze. 

The children were crying at the sight, and I couldn't imagine the feeling of seeing the place where you grew up engulfed in flames. 

"Hold on tight!" 

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I held onto them tighter and flew towards the city. As I approached and crossed the walls, I saw that all the buildings and houses were made of the same green stone, and they all appeared very rustic, devoid of any visible architecture. I witnessed the inhabitants running from the black monsters that were killing them, their torn bodies littering the city's streets, staining them red. The sight only strengthened my resolve to make Gorr suffer for this. 

I landed in the middle of the city and released a huge golden light that covered the entire city. The light then diminished, returning to me and disappearing. It was the only way to divert the monsters' attention from killing innocents and focus it entirely on me. And it worked. 

The monsters directed all their attention towards me, allowing their prey to escape. The inhabitants seized this opportunity to enter their homes or hide in alleys and rooftops, getting away from the enemy. 

"Now, how should I get rid of these vermin?" 

The most efficient way would be to destroy the entire city in an explosion, but for obvious reasons, that was impossible at the moment. 

"A direct fight, then." 

The children in my arms began to tremble with fear as they saw the army of black creatures approaching us. I set them down and created a shield of light around them, protecting them and rendering them invisible. 

"Stay put here and let me take care of everything." 

I spoke to them and turned just in time to see a black lizard right in front of me, its mouth wide open, ready to snap my head off. I ducked my body and thrust my hand under its mouth, piercing its skull from within and then exploding it from the inside, drenching myself in black blood. 

The black monsters weren't as foolish and paused for a moment after witnessing me easily kill one of them. 

"I've been wanting to get rid of this anger for a long time, so be good animals and help me with that. What are you waiting for?" 

As if they could understand me, all the monsters attacked me simultaneously. I couldn't allow them to surround me, so I also attacked head-on, both my arms glowing in gold, transforming into blades that cut the first monster in half. The second one came from behind me, and with a quick movement of my body, I severed its head. 

The third and fourth monsters approached from my left and right. I leaped into the air, causing them to collide. From above, I fired a burst of energy from my hand, hitting both of them on the ground and causing them to explode. While still in the air, I was struck by the fifth enemy, sending me crashing through a nearby house wall. Inside the house, I grabbed its jaw and snapped it, but it wasn't enough to kill the fifth one. 

He backs away and shakes his head until his jaw returns to its place, but I haven't been standing still this whole time, I've created a golden light sword and thrust it into the creature's forehead, killing it. 


The ceiling of the house I'm in trembles, and from it, the sixth, seventh, and eighth creatures collapse on top of me along with a roof made of pure rock. As one of the rocks, the size of a soccer ball, is about to hit the ground, I kick it, sending it flying at high speed and hitting the sixth one in the head, exploding it. The seventh and eighth climb the walls to my left and right, using their claws like spiders. The seventh jumps on me, and I hit it with my elbow, making it fall face-first to the ground. Then, I thrust my light blade into its eye. 

The eighth also knows how to seize the moment and makes me roll on the ground to dodge its claws, but I'm hit by its tail, sending me back onto the street. As the eighth is about to jump onto the street, I shoot a blast of energy that creates a hole in its stomach. 

To my left, running through the streets towards me, are the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth. I point my hand at them, and four golden spears appear floating in the air, which are then launched at them. The first and second spears hit the ninth in the head and the tenth in the chest. After hitting their bodies, they explode, turning them into small pieces of flesh. However, the other two spears miss the eleventh and twelfth. Before they cause any harm to the houses where survivors may be hiding, I make them disappear with a thought. 

"I should train more in unarmed combat, I'm relying too much on Sigel." 

I conjure two light axes and attack the eleventh and twelfth. My first blow cuts the eleventh in half, and I jump and plunge both axes into the twelfth's chest, making it fall to the ground still alive. I rip one of my axes out and strike its chest again, and again, and again until the thirteenth one takes me out of my berserk state by sinking its claws into my back. I roll forward to escape its bite and throw my axe at it, which explodes upon hitting its body. 

I stand up and look around, as there are no enemies nearby I start to heal the wound on my back. I can't see the injury, but I'm sure these creatures carry some of All-Black's energy. I don't want to be weakened during this fight, but the peace is short-lived, I feel several monsters watching me from the first floors of the houses around me, so I get into position, ready for their attack. 


I feel a monstrous pain in my right heel, and when I look down, I see one of the lizards that was cut in half in the previous battle. The eleventh is still alive, taking advantage of my distraction by biting my heel. The pain is immense, and those who were watching from above jump through the windows and attack me from all directions. I feel bites all over my body and their claws cutting me. 


With a cry of anger, a gigantic ray of light falls from the sky, covering me and the black lizards attacking me. Shortly after, I stop the flash of light and find myself on my knees with nothing but dust around me, even the houses used by them to hide are destroyed. I highly doubt there was anyone alive in them. 

As if they could sense my injuries, in front of me, I see a small army of black lizards coming towards me, they'll be here in seconds. With no choice, I teleport into my golden dimension. Floating in the infinite golden ocean, I use its energy to heal my wounds and restore my strength. When the recovery is complete, I return to the city to continue my fight. 

When I return to the city, I find myself in the middle of a small army of monsters. As I disappeared, they stayed in place, trying to find me, but I'm quickly noticed and attacked. I emit a flash of light, and from above, several golden spears appear, their blades facing downward, and fall to the ground. Each spear that hits the ground creates a small explosion strong enough to kill my enemies. Shortly after, the ground is once again stained with black blood, but there are still enemies alive. 

"Let's finish this!" 

I spent hours fighting, walking through the entire city, killing these black lizards. I must say, now I understand the suffering of superpowered heroes who can't fight with all they have against a villain in a city, any attack or loss of control of my power can destroy many lives in the city, unlike my enemy, who doesn't care about anything other than getting me killed. 

After the massacre ended, I returned to the center of the village where the two children were protected by my shield. With all attention focused on me, they were completely safe, and if the shield were to be attacked, I would feel it, they were never in danger. 

"It's all right, children, the monsters are all dead." 

I had to clean myself up first before speaking to them, my body was covered in black from the monsters' blood. I reassured them and brought them to what was left of their old home. Luckily, their mother was still alive, albeit with wounds all over her body. I increased her regeneration, enhancing her natural healing and saving her from death. I left the two grateful children crying and embracing their unconscious mother in the destroyed house. 

As time passed and the survivors emerged from their hiding places, they looked to me at the center of the village, more scared now knowing that it was I who had killed that army of monsters. 

"I don't want to harm your people, I'm just seeking some answers." 

The oldest survivor brought me to his house where he served me a green drink that I chose not to taste. He sat in front of me and thanked me for saving his people, but I felt guilty, knowing that the monsters' presence here was my fault. 

"Elder, could you tell me when the monsters appeared?" 

"They fell from the sky a few days after it turned golden," his voice was hoarse and sad, recalling what happened. 

"Our warriors managed to fight them off at first, but their numbers were low after the great massacre. In the end, we were overrun, and the rest you already know." 

"Great Massacre?" 

"A few years ago, a divine being named Thanos visited our planet, he decimated half of my people, most of whom were our warriors. Our people cannot easily give up their lives. The city you see is all that's left of my people." 

Thanos seems to be quite active, his ridiculous idea of saving the universe almost brought this people to extinction, and after that, there was Gorr. These people have suffered too much. 

"Don't worry, Elder, I promise that your people's blood will no longer be shed." 

POV: Third Person. 

Royal Ship of Genosha. 

En route to the unknown planet. 

The Genosha spacecraft cuts through the void of space at high speed. At the front of the ship sits the captain's chair, where Freyja is seated, watching her men who are in control of the ship. 

"Ma'am, if we continue at this speed, we will reach our destination by tomorrow," reports one of her men wearing a complete silver armor. 

"How long until we reach the coordinates given by the witch?" Freyja asks, remembering the bald witch who is a friend of her queen. 

"Five hours, general." 

"Excellent. We must retrieve our lord's weapon," Freyja says, placing her hand on her chair, and a blue hologram appears in front of her. 

"We are on schedule, Alice. Please send the report to General Nordur," she commands the AI. 

"As you wish," the AI responds. 

"Any news from the queen?" 

"Her condition remains the same," 

Freyja sighs, thinking of her powerful queen who has yet to awaken since her battle against the black humanoid. 

"And the aftermath of the battle?" 

During the battle, the king was furious, so he was not very subtle at that moment. All the sand within a radius of over twenty kilometers from the battle site turned into glass due to the king's flames, not to mention the destruction at the battle site. 

"The S.H.I.E.L.D covered up the event, but they have increased their surveillance on Genosha." 

"No matter. The orders left by our king in case of emergencies are quite clear." 

The king left several orders in case of his death or disappearance. In summary, in case of attack, any force that attacks Genosha must be destroyed. 

"Now we can only hurry and reach our king before he runs into trouble." 

That's what Freyja desires most now. 

POV: Third Person. 

Outer Space. 

In the void of space, Gorr is observing the horizon as if he could see everything. A few days ago, he spread his creations throughout this quadrant in search of his enemy. Gorr has never lost his hunt. 

"I found him," Gorr then smiles, looking at a distant small galaxy. 

support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator and read chapters in advance