
Bad Girl Stay Blond (BGSB 2)

A Nigerian playboy gets his life twisted from dropping a hit album and getting into a relationship with a girl who happened to stole from him in the past without getting any idea about it as he fall over head heels inlove with her. Jessica Newspread life changed after returning from Mombasa to a already made life her older sister mary Newspread and Bianca work so hard to archived, as the youngest CEO of spurs her life gets into the media as she tangos with a Nigerian teenage rapper which she attends the same school with. With her several dark and hidden secrets she tries to juggle through love and fame all at once's, with council exams around the corner. Until they let the old cat out of the bag secrets start revealing itself will Jessica be able to keep her secret hidden and save her relationship from crashing or face the consequences.

Barine_Gift · Sports, voyage et activités
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196 Chs

chapter 51



In life we girls need each other to survive day to day life, especially the beauty part to go do pedi and hair appointment, shopping, fashion show everything girls do and over the years Jessica has being alone technically her whole life is mary and now it seems not only her instagram career kicking off in other to have a friend she end up becoming one and it was with Susan.

"God Susan I'm still sleeping" Jess said still laying on the bed.

"Your mom and sister are here, Instead of us going to the boutique today they brought the boutique to us" Susan said still in her pyjamas.

"What!!!" Jess get up of the bed slipping her toes into the flip flops behind the night stand, she checked her alarm already rung and stopped.

"AP English is till twelve so we have double free period and is mostly revision, I just found out other seniors are skipping classes and actually committing to reading,  the auditorium is filled up with SS2 student they can't even wait for us to sign out, Jeez" Susan said pressing her phone, Jessica already in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"Good thing everyone is taking school seriously after all who wants to repeat we need to get in one of those study groups before it get filled, and I need you Susan the both of us have to be in the same study group....

Jess paused then resumed.

"What are the schedule for today I still have that report to hand Pricilla before I go to school" Jess asked, Susan put her phone down as she checked her laptop.

"You didn't type shit last night still blank, tell me why didn't you finish the report" Susan asked raising  her eyes from the laptop while Jess packing her hair toothbrush stuck in her mouth.

"Travis and I stayed up all night talking i didn't even know when I slept off" she said her face masked with scrub.

"So you two are like what now, boyfriend or friends with benefit" Susan asked, she was going to ask but the tea came around earlier so she better spill.

"I don't know but we are happy and he asked me to the dance"

"Yes you told me last night, I just want to know how you are going to introduce him, as a boyfriend or a friend" Susan pushed the question grabbing her own MacBook from the floor she was charging next to Jess reading table.

"As a friend is not that bad" Jess wasn't sure on what to say, perhaps she's waiting for the words to come out from Travis mouth at the same time felt bad about it, she can't tell anyone why she thinks is a bad idea dating Travis, if he sees her as a girlfriend material and wants to be with her she's not going to turned it down.  life is short and is better living just the way your heart tells you to and if that is to date Travis lil then she will.