
Bad Girl Stay Blond (BGSB 2)

A Nigerian playboy gets his life twisted from dropping a hit album and getting into a relationship with a girl who happened to stole from him in the past without getting any idea about it as he fall over head heels inlove with her. Jessica Newspread life changed after returning from Mombasa to a already made life her older sister mary Newspread and Bianca work so hard to archived, as the youngest CEO of spurs her life gets into the media as she tangos with a Nigerian teenage rapper which she attends the same school with. With her several dark and hidden secrets she tries to juggle through love and fame all at once's, with council exams around the corner. Until they let the old cat out of the bag secrets start revealing itself will Jessica be able to keep her secret hidden and save her relationship from crashing or face the consequences.

Barine_Gift · Sports, voyage et activités
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93 Chs

chapter 32




Cairo is informed the principal want to see her second period into English so the teacher let her leave as she continue on the topic, Jess looked on her phone that just chimes, it was travis text.

"I was expecting you to seat with me?" Jess locked her phone and continue to pay attention to the class, travis texted again.

"No response" she glanced at him, he was watching her while Skye as the third wheel suspect the two of them inter-lurking.

"People will know" she pressed send.

"Jessica, your phone" the teacher demanded as she walked to her desk, she dropped the phone in the iron bucket, others shoved their phone back into their bags in other not to be seized today is Friday likely to have your phone back on Monday.


Cairo checked herself as she wondered what's her offence, she hardly have meetings except the coach, and the coach handles every matter except this  is serious.

principal doesn't put calls except is bad news, either you've got detention, parent didn't show up in parental activities.

They know her parent doesn't live in the same city with her so she have a lot to deal and  the school understand.

Cairo head to the principal office two student were already in so she has to wait till is her turn, was it about the fundraiser, or they found out she leaked Maggie result which she accidentally came across,  Maggie result  half opened on the desk, she peeped intentionally not only to know what her grades were especially since she's going to the same law school with her.

In her thought wondering what's her offence are the secretary ask her to come inside .

As she stood up from where she sat the other two student who just passed her  didn't look happy  Cairo wonder if she's in trouble.

She said hi quickly but the principal asked her to seat.

Two other Student stood up as she saw them through the glass door while he spoke to them why does she have to seat.

"Miss cairo" the principal called her name she nodded he bend onward to his drawer taking out a file, after he grabbed them he dropped the file on the table.

"Can you smile a little ever since you walk in here you have been frowning" Cairo smile a little he then ask her to open the file, Cairo read through the lines her heart beating so fast.

"How come I didn't even apply" Cairo smile for the first time reaching her eyes, so excited flipping it over as she continues to jumps the lines to the end part and it was good-news.

"You were recommended.....and you apply to Yale for law that's a great step as well"