
Bad Dream : A GAME

Manas discovers his inner intelligence. He had one of the worst academic performance ever but how did he became Intelligent or just a delusion. Is he a good human being ? Who is Mr. Wolf? Find out now!

AnirbanB17 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Great Game : Intro

Manas Kumar , a 17 years old boy going to his school on a fine morning in July just after the summer holidays. He is currently in 12th standard and academically he's one of the worst in the class.

His parents left the earth 10 years ago in an accident. He grew up with his grandparents and had no boundaries, strictness in his whole teenage life & thus probably the reason for his academic performance.

One and only thing that fascinated that boy was animals and their livelihood. He spent most of his day playing with animals. That doesn't justify him to be an animal lover rather he was passing his precious time with those creatures while he could have used it differently.

Back to that day, he rides his uncle's cycle to the school and suddenly the cycle got stuck in the middle of the mud . He was getting late & he knew the teacher ( Mrs. Chetna Tripathi ) will not tolerate him any further.

He saw a narrow road passing through the middle of forest. The crop fields , the village roads everything in sight was familiar as he lived there his whole life. He never saw that road . At first he thought it must be new , he might have never noticed or must a hallucination just because he is stressed . He rubbed his eyes , and gave it a try thinking after all the road must end to the back of the forest and which will be beneficial shortcut to the school. He remembers a English story of his own book that the teacher told him about few day earlier, it's about a person in delusion about a platform that never exists. While thinking he tried to step back . Pretty unfortunate that he can't even turn back as his shoulders stuck and the legs only going forward as if it got its own brain. He got insanely scared but calmed down when he saw he is nowhere but the classroom, being scolded by Mrs. Tripathi.

He took a deep breath and tried to sum up the whole incident but couldn't think of it despite being in it . Unrealistic thoughts came flourishing in his mind .

At the end of the day, he came back home and saw his grandpa got seriously injured after a bunch of nail scratches from a wild wolf. He kind of fainted in bed after all this drama. In the midnight he thought it's just a bad dream, he must be overreacting & should look after his grandpa rather than thinking about those " But why can't I remember anything, how I got ended up in school? " he asked himself. Slept again.