
Bad Dream : A GAME

Manas discovers his inner intelligence. He had one of the worst academic performance ever but how did he became Intelligent or just a delusion. Is he a good human being ? Who is Mr. Wolf? Find out now!

AnirbanB17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Game Starts

Manas woke up in an unpleasant clouds, instead of being scared he jokingly said himself, " When did I reach Heaven ? Ha! Ha! " . Then he realised he has been summoned by uncountable trees floating all around the sky . He looked closely and saw the clouds starting to vanish & all of a sudden he walks and just walks towards an unknown path which is the same road he traveled earlier yesterday.

This time he's fully conscious whatever happening everywhere and so focused. He believed that this time too , he will reach the classroom but little did he know what happens next.

He found himself on the top of a hill where he is being stood on a small wooden table & 3 other participants were cheering for him . He suddenly realised he is being live telecasted somewhere. All he could think of is that, he is a game show & a host must come also he is competing with 3 other guys looked like NPCs. He focused on the channel name and it was so unfamiliar to him although he watches TV shows basically most of the afternoons.

He is just trying to not get fainted after summing up the incidents , he questioned the other participants, " Where are we , do you guys also fell into a trap ? Hello , are you hearing me ? Hello ! " - no one replied, all they did is applauding for more than 5 minutes now. Manas is getting irritated. No one talks , no one shows up . He is convinced that it's some mind game or delusion.

Everything silenced ! Applause stopped, the cheering silenced, the lights moved towards the sky. Manas left the wooden table and by the time he put his step on the ground, he found himself outside his school and bunch of his friends are laughing at him , he don't know why.

He stopped his cycle while returning from school infront of the forest where he saw no road . He yelled at the trees, " Why are you doing this to me ? Who's there? Anyone? Am I being stupid to question non living trees ? What is happening with me , I can't understand. " almost cries.

He entered home and saw his grandpa being completely fine and there were no signs of scratches he saw yesterday.

His friends showed up for a football game, he denied and slept on the hot afternoon.

He desperately needs answers.

Before going to sleep he said , " Tomorrow is the day, either I'm gonna see the truth of all this drama & will end it or I will consult someone elder maybe my uncle" . He faded into dreams.