

"Time and tide wait for no men." I, Cui Xinyuan never like things uncertain. My life, it should be how I plan to be. "Xinyuan, you are going back to home right away? We are going to pc café, can't you come with us just one time?" Xinyuan look at her friends from packing the bag, "I don't like to play games. Sorry. Have fun, guys." As Xinyuan reject their offer, they can only go by themselves disappointedly. To Xinyuan, it's just another day, I go back home punctually as usual, greet my family, "Father, mother, I'm back." My voice with a hint of fatigue from walking a long way from school, it was calm as though it means nothing. I look up from tying her shoelaces, no one in the living room, peaceful and quiet like other days. What do I expect anyway, I find father still working and mother who is walking towards kitchen. "You are back. Come eat dinner." I nod at mother and starts to eat. Chewing and chewing, I suddenly find myself not enjoying the taste, maybe I got used to too much, it become just a routine. Once again as usual, I wash the dish and take a shower. Opening the closet, I don't think much choosing a pair of casual clothes and wear without hesitating. It was just as usual; I finish my homework and revise a bit. With my intelligence, there isn't a need to study hard at all. But I always learn about criminal psychology and forensic medicine. I always feel the most clear-headed when I am reading. Sitting in front of the study table full of books, it seems only the reading lamp accompany me. Books of various fields, medical books of my brothers', psychology, philosophy, history, law and science. I love history but I still set myself for finance major. Hobby is hobby, career is career, I told myself but exactly what was I avoiding? As I can't think of any reason, I finish my routine and went to bed. As soon as I lie in my bed, eyelids feel as heavy as mount Tai. I told myself again, it is another perfect day.

I wake up early running a few laps while listening to English comprehension. How efficient and perfect today as well. When I came downstairs, I found mother and father having breakfast. "Come have breakfast" My father is someone who don't talk a lot but he always clears about what he does and say, precise and respectable person. I sit beside mother. Looking at the table full of foods; little white buns and warm porridge, bland and soft just as I like. I had the breakfast in the room of silence that I am used to and then it was mother who broke the silence.