
Awakening: Lord Of The Unknown

Just another normal day in the labs, desperately seeking a way to avoid death or perhaps he was already ready to meet death... Until the game appeared, the Game Of Awakening, bringing with it not only opportunities but also death for the game is cruel beyond measure. What's the Game Of Awakening exactly? What's its goal? Will he survive? Will he avoid death forever as he always wanted? Or Will his goal change to something grander, so much grander? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ...........................

VQuintessence · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Doomsday II

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Chapter 4: Doomsday II


Endurance seems to be quite the strange stat as it seems to represent many things, such as resistances, regeneration, and even regeneration of energy.

Another plus is the fact that while energy can not be increased directly with awakening points, using those points on the other stats increases energy reflexively, so he ended up with a massive 75 in energy, the combination of his other stats.

Most important of all, however, is the fact that he has brain cancer and quite the invasive type of it, so it often leads to him having seizures, headaches, fatigue, and nausea among other things.

Such symptoms deeply interfered with his daily life, and they may even led to his death in Doomsday. Therefore, he chose to invest in endurance in the hope that he can resist them.

"I'm surprised you took such a risk," Natalia remarked with ample curiosity, "We don't know what's out here in the fog, yet we still went out. Quite reckless, no?"

She was quite curious for she knows Silver better than most. He isn't this kind, and he's usually very cautious, very much afraid of death despite being at peace with it, so she wanted to know what gave him such confidence.

"Hm?" Silver blinked, looking thoughtful, "Let's, if I am to measure my recklessness in this situation on a scale from 1 to 10, it'd be 2 just because I can't completely rule out other nigh impossible possibilities."

"Ah?" Natalia was surprised by such a confident answer, especially in such an uncertain scenario. She knows that Silver is even more of a genius than her in biology, so her eyes instantly lit up in wonder, "How so?"

"The fog, it should have some kind of strange properties, the most likely is awakening the undead or even turning some normal humans into zombies, although I'm unsure. However, I think that the danger Awakeners will face will be relatively minimal because we are the lifeline of this game," He paused for a moment before continuing.

"I'm sure things will get very dangerous even for awakeners but I'd say the first day is akin to filtering out the trash, and by that, I mean, those who didn't awaken abilities, or their abilities are useless."

Harsh words, they were, but the more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed and the more it made sense.

"However, I think the 'trash' will be much more useful than the awakeners... We are researchers after all, and what we seek is different," He didn't explain much, but Natalia understood and didn't question anymore.

The city wasn't far, so it only took them about 20 minutes to reach it as Silver wasn't driving too fast, but a problem soon came up, "Stop." He instructed and Natalia understood what he meant as she halted her manipulation of all her threads, a signal for the cars behind them to stop.

"As I thought, the highway is crowded," And while he sensed many cars while on the way, they were all stopped and still allowed for them to pass.

However, before him is a different situation as the highway was not only crowded but was packed in such a way as if hundreds of cars collided with each other.

The fog must've resulted in numerous accidents throughout the world, especially in cities as big as New York.

"Hm? There are a lot of people around, some of them are coming towards us," Silver narrowed his eyes, "They heard the sounds of our cars. None of them can see in the fog, and they're approaching slowly."

"What should we do? Can we afford to pick up deadweight right now?" Natalia wondered, "And should I make way for us? I think I can move the cars away with my threads but only a few, my energy will run out too quickly."

"No, we can't," Silver shook his head, "As for the cars, leave them to me. I have a better way."

He waited a while before the five or so people reached him, most only able to see about a meter or even half a meter around them.

"You..." They were first surprised upon seeing him in a hazmat suit, so they had to wonder, "A-are you from the government? Please help us!"

"Y-yeah, please open the door! It's freezing cold out here!!" That's another problem with the fog that's only getting worse, it's cold and it's getting colder.

"You guys have a lot of cars! Right? I heard them!" Another individual spoke before adding, "There are more people there, please help us!"

"No," Silver shook his head as he opened the car window slightly, "We're going into the city, not the safest of places. I'd advise you to go from the direction whence we came, as far away from the city as possible."

"What?? No!! Are you crazy!!?" One of them cried out.

"You want to just leave us out here you son of a bitch!?" Uncertainty, horror, and fear, they make people act irrationally sometimes as the man reached out to bring out a gun.

And what can Silver even say? This is America, the place where people lack guns the least, so he expected it but seemingly didn't react. Only, the irrational man fell to the ground, a bloody spherical hole in his head.

"Please leave, I don't want any trouble," As if he didn't just put down a man, Silver stated calmly.

They couldn't even see his face clearly under that hazmat suit but his eerie calm voice brought them endless horror as they ran for their life, screaming their way into the fog.

And only once they left did Silver lift his right hand as something came back through the slightly opened window, the Silver Effect.

"Is that your ability?" Natalia asked with wonder and surprise as she first thought his ability was something like clairvoyance, considering he can see everything in the fog.

The dead man was simply ignored even by Natalia as if it wasn't that strange of a thing, "Yeah."

Silver eyed the Silver Effect closely, injecting all of his energy into it with a specific purpose, slowly but surely enlarging the effect as it started to spin with unbelievable speed.

In fact, unbeknownst to Natalia besides him, he never stopped injecting his energy into the Silver Effect for the entirety of the past 20 to 30 minutes, yet he barely managed to enlarge it from the size of a pea to the size of a walnut, and that says a lot considering his energy level as well as his energy regeneration speed.

Natalia watched with wonder as Silver manipulated the effect to fly outside before simply vanishing from her sight, not only due to the fog but also due to its speed.

She remained confused for minutes, unsure of what was happening because nothing was really happening except some strange sounds in the distance.

It wasn't long before Silver restarted the car again, moving ahead, "Let's go."

She had doubts but she knew her priorities as she manipulated her threads to instruct the others to follow, and well, the cars that once were in their way are no longer there much to Natalia's dismay.

All the cars were simply evaporated from existence? Leaving no trace whatsoever, and that kept on being the case for the rest of the road until they reached their first stop.

The Silver Effect has great destructive nature which is why Silver didn't see a point in increasing his physique when his ability is so far beyond his imagination.

It's almost like it has an erasure effect, simply erasing things from existence, but in Silver's opinion, the Silver Effect's most interesting effect is its self efficiencies.

It can seemingly exist forever without the need for Silver to continuously supply it with energy, something that he knows he needs to study later. The only downside is that it requires a ridiculous amount of energy to create or enhance.

The team continued on their way, although at a very low speed but they didn't face many obstructions on the way since pretty much everyone but them are hiding in their houses or anywhere but within the fog.

And before long, they finally reached their first destination, a grocery store, or more like a street with several stores of various necessities.

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