
Awakened: Rise of the Blood Necromancer

From the depths of torment rises a Necromancer destined to reshape the Infinite Realms. Raven, a human lab rat subjected to cruel experiments, awakens to find himself the master of death and blood in a savage multiverse known as the Infinite Realms. ====== Chapters Every Day! === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ === A/N: Join me in Raven's journey toward the peak of power and the building of his necromantic army!

2Big2FitIn · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The First Realm

Raven stood at the edge of the Awakening Chamber, the enormity of his ranking on the 3 Realm Leaderboards sinking in. 124,374,295th place. The number felt both impossibly large and frustratingly small.

"Havar," Raven said, turning to his familiar, "do you know anything about this 3 Realm Leaderboard?"

Havar's eyes glowed faintly as he accessed the information. "I do, Master. The 3 Realm is track the progress of all Awakened across the mortal realms. While low, your current ranking is quite impressive for a newcomer."

Raven nodded, absorbing this information. As he did, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him. The world seemed to blur, and for a moment, he was back in the sterile lab, strapped to a cold metal table.

"Subject 237 is responding well to the latest treatment," a voice echoed in his mind. "Increase the dosage."

Raven gasped, stumbling backward. Havar caught him; concern etched on his face. "Master? Are you alright?"

Shaking his head to clear the vision, Raven straightened up. "I'm fine. Just... remembering."

[Memory Fragment Recovered]

[New Skill Unlocked: Pain Resistance (Beginner)]

Raven's eyes widened at the notification. It seemed his past trauma was manifesting in unexpected ways in this new world.

"We should move on," Raven said, his voice steady despite the lingering echoes of pain. "Where do we go from here?"

They stood in the same grassy plane they had appeared in before. The two men, one wearing the rags of a hospital gown and the other an undead general in armor, seemed out of place in the tranquil landscape.

"Master, since you've completed your Initial Cosmic Combat Trial, you should have a mark on the back of your left palm." Havar said, looking at the back of his left hand, where a tiny star was tattooed.

"Mark?" Raven asked. He hadn't realized anything like that had been given to him, but he saw a mark in the shape of a blood-red floating orb after looking at his left palm.

"It will allow you to teleport to your second Cosmic Combat trial when the cooldown is done. It also has the handy indication of identifying your rank to any who see it."

Raven studied the mark, the symbol that marked all he had experienced in the last 24 hours as real. Raven gave a glance at Havar and muttered, "Besides the walking corpse."

Raven looked around. He was still in the middle of a grassy plain and could see nothing to help him advance.

"Well, it's time to leave," Raven said, not wanting to stay in the same place for too long. He could see the sun setting and knew it was better to get moving.

"Any idea where we are, Havar?"

"We are in the first realm, part of the three mortal realms, Master."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "The first realm? What are the three mortal realms? In fact, what are the Infinite Realms?"

Havar smiled wryly, saying he didn't have the information his Master was asking for.

"I know about the different types of realms, Master. But as far as the Infinite Realms as a whole... that seems to be left out of the information the system gave me."

"What do you know then?"

"The Infinite Realms consist of the Three Mortal Realms, Three Ascended Realms, Three Celestial Realms, and the Eternal Realm. Altogether, there are ten main realms, each home to countless beings. Each realm is governed by its own rules and laws. And while the three mortal realms have the same physical laws as the Earth you are from, the upper realms have unique physical and spiritual laws."

Raven considered Havar's words and then felt something that was missing from the surrounding air that had been in the trial.

"Is there no mana in the Mortal Realms?"

Havar was startled a bit by the question and then nodded. "There is a very, very tiny amount of mana. The top sects mainly concentrate the mana that does exist in the Mortal Realms via formations."

Havar paused and frowned deeply. He stayed that way for almost five minutes.

Raven didn't interrupt him, as he had never seen Havar like this, and through his bond, he could tell that Havar was experiencing something odd.

"Sorry, Master," Havar said, coming out of the state he had been in. "That information about the sects wasn't from the system."

Raven only looked at Havar in confusion.

"The information was in my memories."

"You have memories?" Raven asked, shocked.

Havar nodded, and Raven couldn't help but think of the implications.

'Doesn't that mean that I somehow retrieved his soul? Or is it even the same soul that occupied his body previously? Or did the system do something because he was created before the system integrated with me?'

Questions. So many questions.

Those questions had to be put aside, however, as night was approaching, and if Raven knew anything about a fantasy world, it was that monsters were sure to be on the prowl at night.

The duo soon found their way, trekking through long grass that made its way up to their knees. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the grassy plain, Raven's instincts kicked in. He scanned the surroundings, looking for any sign of shelter or civilization.

"Havar, we need to find a safe place for the night. Any ideas?"

Havar closed his eyes momentarily, "Master, I sense a settlement about five miles to the east. It's small but should provide some basic amenities and shelter."

Raven was surprised but nodded, grateful for his familiar's abilities. As they set off towards the settlement, Raven couldn't help but ponder the implications of Havar's recovered memories.

"Havar," he began cautiously, "these memories of yours... how far back do they go?"

The undead general's face took on a thoughtful expression. "It's... unclear, Master. The memories are fragmented, like pieces of a shattered mirror. I see glimpses of scenes that appear but nothing concrete."

That information deepened the mystery surrounding Havar's nature. Raven made a mental note to investigate this further when they were in a safer position.

As they walked, the landscape gradually changed. The open plains gave way to rolling hills dotted with strange, luminescent plants that glowed softly in the gathering darkness. In the distance, Raven could make out the faint outline of what looked like a walled town.

Suddenly, a piercing howl cut through the night air. Raven froze, his body tensing instinctively.

"Master, behind us!" Havar warned, his body already shifting into a combat stance.

Raven spun around to see three wolf-like creatures emerging from the tall grass. But these were no ordinary wolves. Their fur seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy, and their eyes glowed with an unnatural intelligence.

[Mana Wolf]

[Level: 5]

Raven sensed he could handle the creatures easily, but he felt a surge of adrenaline. This would be his first real combat outside of the trial.

A real life or death battle.

"Havar, guard my back," Raven commanded, feeling the power of his newly acquired abilities coursing through his veins.

He could finally test his abilities and see if they were indeed as godly as they sounded. 

He reached out with his mind, tapping into the Blood Necromancer skills he had gained. To his surprise, he could sense the blood flowing through the Mana Wolves' bodies, pulsing with physical and magical energy.

With a thought, Raven exerted his will over the blood of the nearest wolf. The creature released a startled yelp as its body suddenly went rigid, its own blood turning against it.

His Blood Necromancer Class combined two powerful paths—blood and necromancy.

This was the power of blood.

[Skill used: Blood Manipulation (Beginner)]

Seizing the opportunity, Havar darted forward with inhuman speed, his claws raking across the paralyzed wolf's throat. The creature fell, its lifeblood spilling onto the grass.

The other two wolves, seeing their pack mate fall, hesitated. Raven didn't waste the moment. He reached out again, this time focusing on the blood that had been spilled.

He used [Blood Manipulation], making the blood rise from the ground, condensing the drops into crimson spikes that hovered in the air. With a mental command, Raven sent the spikes flying towards the remaining wolves.

One wolf was too slow to dodge, the blood spikes piercing its hide. The other, however, managed to leap aside, its eyes now filled with fear rather than hunger.

As Raven prepared for another attack, the wounded wolf let out a pitiful whine and turned tail, fleeing into the darkness. Its uninjured companion quickly followed suit.

Raven stood there, breathing heavily, the rush of combat still singing in his veins. He looked down at his hands, marveling at the power he now wielded.

"Well done, Master," Havar said, approval evident. "You're adapting to your abilities quickly."

Raven nodded, still processing what had just happened. Then, his gaze fell on the two fallen Mana Wolfs.

"Havar, help me with this," he said, approaching the corpse. "I want to try something."

Battle and the subsequent killing not only gave him experience to help him level, it also enhanced his strength in other ways.

He had two Classes. His primary, Blood Necromancer, could use the corpse and it's blood.

His secondary, Soul Alchemist, could use its soul. 

Focusing on his Soul Alchemist abilities, Raven touched the dead wolf's body. He could feel a faint remnant of the creature's life force, its soul having not yet entirely departed.

With careful concentration, Raven began to manipulate this lingering soul essence, infusing it with his mana and a touch of his blood.

[Skill used: Soul Manipulation (Beginner)]

[Skill used: Undead Resurrection (Beginner)]

The wolf's body twitched, then slowly rose to its feet. Once glowing with mana, its eyes now shimmered with a reddish hue that matched Raven's blood.

"Incredible, Master," Havar breathed. "You've created an undead familiar with a soul. This is unprecedented!"

Raven felt a connection to the reanimated wolf, similar to but distinct from his bond with Havar. He could sense its loyalty, its eagerness to serve.

"Let's call it... Fenrir," Raven decided, patting the undead wolf's head. "Come, Fenrir. We have a town to reach."

As they resumed their journey towards the distant settlement, now with Fenrir padding silently alongside them, Raven couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He was no longer the helpless test subject he had once been. With each passing moment, each discovery of his powers, he was becoming something more.

The town's walls loomed closer, with them, the promise of shelter, information, and perhaps new opportunities. Raven squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges this new world might throw at him.

After all, he was Raven, Earth's Progenitor, Blood Necromancer, and Soul Alchemist. And this was just the beginning of his journey in the Infinite Realms.