
Awakened: Rise of the Blood Necromancer

From the depths of torment rises a Necromancer destined to reshape the Infinite Realms. Raven, a human lab rat subjected to cruel experiments, awakens to find himself the master of death and blood in a savage multiverse known as the Infinite Realms. ====== 2/Chapters per day! === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ === A/N: Join me in Raven's journey toward the peak of power and the building of his necromantic army!

2Big2FitIn · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Blood Necromancer

Havar stared at Raven in disbelief, his mouth agape. "Master... how? You shouldn't be... I mean, you're supposed to be..."

Raven swam towards Havar, confusion evident on his face. "What's wrong? I feel incredible." He looked down at his body, glowing with a faint, pulsating light. "Is this not how it's supposed to go?"

Havar shook his head, still processing what he was seeing. "No, Master. You were supposed to choose your Class first. The mana bath is meant to attune your body to your chosen path. Without a Class, the mana should have... well, it should have torn you apart."

As Raven climbed out of the fountain, he noticed that his body felt different. Stronger, more flexible, and thrumming with an energy he'd never felt. "Well, it seems my bloodline had other ideas," he smirked.

Suddenly, a series of system notifications appeared:

[Warning: Unauthorized Mana Bath detected]


[Unique situation detected: Bloodline interference]


[Congratulations! Your bloodline has successfully absorbed and integrated raw mana]

[Bloodline Evolution: Initiated]

[All base stats increased by 100%]

[New Skill Unlocked: Mana Manipulation (Advanced)]

[New Skill Unlocked: Bloodline Awakening (Beginner)]

Raven's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be thankful that his instincts hadn't killed him if he had known that the mana bath might have killed him.

He shuddered and shook his head. 'Whatever the case, I made it out alive, and now know I can trust my instincts over the system."

Havar nodded, a mix of awe and concern on his face. "Indeed, Master. You've somehow managed to evolve your bloodline by directly absorbing raw mana. This is... unprecedented."

As they discussed the implications, the doorway of Classes began to pulse more intensely as if demanding attention.

[Class selection still required]

[Warning: Choosing a Class may now be influenced by your evolved bloodline]

Raven approached the doorway, feeling the pull of different energies. As he stepped through, he found himself in a space filled with swirling orbs of various colors and intensities.

[Choose your primary and secondary Class]

[Available options based on your trial performance, unique bloodline, and mana bath interference:]

1. Blood Necromancer

2. Soul Alchemist

3. Mana Weaver

4. Void Whisperer

5. Realm Shaper

Raven's mind raced as he considered his options. Each Class, just by its name alone, offered a unique and powerful path to power, and he found himself intrigued by the possibilities they presented.

"Havar," Raven said, turning to his familiar, "what can you tell me about these Classes?"

Havar's eyes glowed with an otherworldly knowledge as he began to explain:

"Blood Necromancer combines your affinity for blood manipulation with the dark arts of necromancy. This path would allow you to create more powerful undead minions, infuse them with your blood to grant them enhanced abilities, and even manipulate your enemies' life force. It's a path of domination and control over the forces of life and death."

Raven nodded, feeling a natural pull toward this Class. It aligned perfectly with the abilities he had already demonstrated.

And with his desire for total control.

Havar continued, "Soul Alchemist is a rare and complex Class. It focuses on the manipulation and transformation of souls. With this path, you could create artificial souls, merge souls to create unique entities, or even extract and purify soul essence for various purposes. It's a path of creation and transformation, delving into the very essence of the soul domain."

Raven's interest was piqued. He recalled how he had inadvertently given some of his undead minions a semblance of life and intelligence during the trial. The possibility of further exploring and refining this ability was enticing.

"Void Channeler," Havar explained, "taps into the power of the void between realms. This path grants abilities related to spatial manipulation, teleportation, and even the creation of pocket dimensions. It's a path of versatility and escape, but also one that can be used to trap and isolate enemies."

"Chaos Weaver," Havar continued, "harnesses the unpredictable forces of chaos. This Class allows for reality manipulation on a small scale, the ability to induce random effects in battle, and even the power to alter probability. It's a path of unpredictability and adaptability, but also one that carries risks."

"Finally, Dimensional Architect focuses on understanding and manipulating the structure of reality itself. This path grants the ability to create stable dimensional portals, alter local physics, and even, at higher levels, create realms of themselves. It's a path of support mostly. Those that desire it treat it as a job and usually take it as their secondary."

Raven absorbed this information, weighing each option carefully. Each path offered incredible potential: the power to control life and death, manipulate souls, harness chaos, or bend dimensions.

After several minutes of silent contemplation, Raven spoke. "Blood Necromancer feels like a natural choice for my primary Class. It builds on the abilities I've already developed and offers a clear path to power."

Havar nodded in agreement. "A wise choice, Master. And for your secondary Class?"

Raven paused, his brow furrowed in thought. "Soul Alchemist," he finally declared. "During the trial, I noticed that some of my undead seemed more... alive than others. I want to explore that further. Creating and manipulating souls could be invaluable, especially when combined with necromancy."

"An intriguing combination," Havar mused. "The potential synergies between blood necromancy and soul alchemy are vast. You could potentially create undead with true intelligence and autonomy or even craft unique soul-infused constructs."

"But before I confirm my choice, can you tell me the difference between primary and secondary Classes?" Raven asked.

"There is only one difference," Havar smiled. "The amount of experience required to level up in a secondary occupation is double that of the primary."

Raven nodded, his decision made. "Then it's settled. Blood Necromancer is my primary, and Soul Alchemist will be my secondary."

As soon as the words left his mouth, two orbs - one crimson, one shimmering silver - detached from the base of the doorframe and floated towards Raven. They circled him briefly before merging with his body in a flash of light.

[Classes chosen: Blood Necromancer (Primary), Soul Alchemist (Secondary)]

[Unlocked: Blood Necromancer skill tree, Soul Alchemist skill tree]

[New skills available for purchase with Skill Points]

Raven gasped as new knowledge flooded his mind. He could feel the power of his chosen paths coursing through his veins, intertwining with his unique bloodline. The runes on the chamber walls pulsed in response as if acknowledging the potency of his choice.

"A powerful and unique combination, Master," Havar commented, a hint of awe in his voice. "With these abilities, you'll be able to manipulate both the physical and spiritual aspects of life and death. The system tells me the potential for growth is... extraordinary."

"It seems even the system wasn't happy about the mana bath and didn't let us enter into the doorway of Classes," Havar murmured.

Raven grinned. He didn't hear Havar, but he was lost in his fantasies of ruling the Infinite Realms. The blue message that floated across his vision fiercely pulled him back to reality.

[Congratulations on passing the calibration trial. You are currently ranked 124,374,295th on the 3 Realm Leaderboards]