
Awakened: Rise of the Blood Necromancer

From the depths of torment rises a Necromancer destined to reshape the Infinite Realms. Raven, a human lab rat subjected to cruel experiments, awakens to find himself the master of death and blood in a savage multiverse known as the Infinite Realms. ====== Chapters Every Day! === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ === A/N: Join me in Raven's journey toward the peak of power and the building of his necromantic army!

2Big2FitIn · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Information on the Benefactor

The cool night air carried the scent of pine and damp earth as Raven, Havar, and Fenrir made their way through the dense forest surrounding Verdant Hollow. They had been traveling for the past few hours, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the chaos they'd left behind in the town. 

On the way, the several Undead Warriors Raven had raised had died, but in return, he had a whopping 14 Soul Points.

"Master," Havar's gravelly voice broke the silence, "we should consider our next move carefully. The Shadowhand definitely had alliances with other powerful people, and the authorities will search for us. Not even to mention that benefactor. We've made some powerful enemies."

Raven nodded, his eyes scanning the shadowy treeline. "Agreed. We need information, resources, and a place to lay low while we wait until the next trial countdown is done."

Raven turned to Havar. "When did you say the next Cosmic Combat trial will be again?"

Havar opened his mouth to answer, but a twig snapped in the darkness. Raven whirled, his hand outstretched, blood racing through his veins in anticipation of a fight. Fenrir growled, his mana-infused body glowing faintly in the moonlight.

From the shadows emerged a figure, hands raised in a gesture of peace. It was an unkempt man, his clothes tattered and face gaunt with hunger.

"Please," the man croaked, "I mean no harm. I... I recognized you from the tavern. You took out Shadowhand, right?"

Raven's eyes narrowed. "And if I did?"

The man fell to his knees, a crazed smile spread across his lips. "I can help you. I have information... about the mine."

"Mine?" Raven exchanged a glance with Havar. "What mine?"

"The old Whispering Depths mine, just beyond the Crimson Hills," the man explained hurriedly. "There's been strange happenings there. Folks disappearing, unnatural sounds echoing from the tunnels. And... and I saw them. The Shadowhand. They were always coming and going, always at night."

Raven's interest was piqued. The Shadowhand's involvement suggested a connection to the mysterious benefactor he'd heard about during the tavern ambush.

"Tell me everything you know," Raven commanded, his voice carrying an authority that made the man shudder.

Over the next hour, the man, who introduced himself as Gared, spilled every rumor and scrap of information he'd gathered about the Whispering Depths mine. He spoke of the town's legends about the mine, rumors that a treasure was buried deep within the heart of the mine, and a dark mist that seemed to be leaking from the cave.

As Gared talked, Raven's mind raced with possibilities. If the Shadowhand was involved, it was likely at the behest of their benefactor. And if there was indeed a treasure of great power hidden in the mine, it might be the reason the mysterious benefactor was here from a higher realm.

"This information is valuable," Raven said once Gared had finished. "But why come to me? Why take the risk?"

Gared's eyes darted nervously between Raven and his undead companions. "I... I've lost everything: my family, my home, everything was taken by the Shadowhand. Since you took revenge, I figured I would help you, seeing as you'll need all the help you can get."

The man's smile disappeared, and an icy look replaced the nervousness in his eyes. "I heard they even had dealings with the Crown."

Raven's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Crown. This was a new piece of information that could complicate matters even further. He studied Gared's face, searching for any sign of deception.

"The Crown, you say? That's quite an accusation. What evidence do you have of this?" Raven asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Gared swallowed hard, but his gaze remained steady. "I... I overheard a conversation. One of the Shadowhand members was bragging about their 'royal connections' in his cups. Said something about the mine being of 'national importance'."

Raven exchanged a meaningful look with Havar. If the Crown was involved, their actions in Verdant Hollow might have far-reaching consequences.

"Master," Havar interjected, "if this information is accurate, we must proceed with even greater caution. The Crown's involvement could mean we're dealing with forces far beyond what we initially anticipated."

Raven nodded, his mind racing. He turned back to Gared, his decision made. "Your information may prove useful. In return for your help, I'll give you this," Raven reached into his pocket and activated his system inventory, pulling out one Mana Crystal he had received from his first trial rewards.

He watched the man's eyes widen as he looked at the Mana Crystal that glowed brighter than any Crystal he had ever seen.

"But know this - if I discover you've led us astray, death will be a mercy compared to what I'll do to you."

Gared nodded frantically, relief and fear warring on his face. "I swear, every word is true. What... what will you do now?"

A cold smile played across Raven's lips. "Now? Now we prepare."

Over the next few days, Raven and his companions set up a hidden camp deep in the forest. Using his 14 Soul Points, Raven created more specialized undead to serve as scouts and guards. He raised two Undead Warriors and an Undead Legionary, leaving him with 3 Soul Points in reserve.

As his undead gathered information about the mine's surroundings and the Shadowhand's movements, Raven focused on honing his blood manipulation skills. He practiced for hours each day, pushing the boundaries of his control, learning to sense the blood flowing through living beings from greater distances and with more precision.

One evening, as Raven meditated at the edge of their camp, he felt a strange resonance in his blood. It was a faint echo, barely perceptible, but it tugged at the edges of his consciousness. Curious, he focused on the sensation, spreading his awareness through the forest.

Suddenly, he gasped, his eyes flying open. For a brief moment, he had sensed something familiar—a power that resonated with his own yet felt somehow older, more refined. It had come from the direction of the mine, a fleeting pulse of necromantic energy that sent shivers down his spine.

"Havar," Raven called, his voice urgent. I've sensed the mysterious benefactor.

The undead general appeared at his side, eyes glowing with curiosity. "What did you perceive, Master?"

Raven described the sensation, watching as Havar's expression grew grave. "This is troubling news," Havar said. "If the benefactor is indeed a necromancer of great power, we must approach with extreme caution."

Nodding, Raven began to formulate a plan. "We'll need to mask our presence," he mused. "My blood manipulation might be able to conceal our life signs, but against a skilled necromancer, it might not be enough."

An idea struck him, and Raven turned to the pile of bodies they'd accumulated from recent hunts and skirmishes. With a gesture, he drew the blood from the corpses, shaping it into a swirling crimson mist.

"Watch," he commanded Havar and Fenrir. Concentrating intensely, Raven began infusing the blood mist with his own essence, creating a false aura around himself and his companions.

"Fascinating," Havar breathed, watching the mist settle around them like a second skin. "Our aura's now are just any other undead."

Raven nodded, sweat beading on his brow from the effort. "It's not perfect, but it should confuse any undead he might have if their not too intelligent. We'll need every advantage we can get when we enter that mine."

As the sun set on their final day of preparation, Raven stood at the edge of their camp, gazing in the direction of the Whispering Depths mine. The weight of the challenge ahead pressed down on him, but he felt a thrill of excitement coursing through his veins.

"Tomorrow," he said to Havar and Fenrir, his voice filled with grim determination, "we descend into the Whispering Depths. We will face it head-on, whatever secrets it holds, whatever power this benefactor wields."

As night fell, Raven made his final preparations. He refined his blood mist technique, ensuring it would hold under pressure. It had to, or his freedom and plan for revenge would be over before it really began.