
Awakened: Rise of the Blood Necromancer

From the depths of torment rises a Necromancer destined to reshape the Infinite Realms. Raven, a human lab rat subjected to cruel experiments, awakens to find himself the master of death and blood in a savage multiverse known as the Infinite Realms. ====== 2/Chapters per day! === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ === A/N: Join me in Raven's journey toward the peak of power and the building of his necromantic army!

2Big2FitIn · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Human Necromancy

The following evening, Raven, Havar, and Fenrir made their way through the dimly lit streets of Verdant Hollow towards the Crimson Veil Tavern. Raven had procured some basic clothing and equipment, though he still needed to prepare for whatever awaited them.

Raven couldn't shake a feeling of unease as they approached the tavern. "Stay alert," he murmured to his companions. "Something doesn't feel right."

They entered the establishment, a smoky den filled with the low murmur of hushed conversations and the clink of glasses. The air was thick with the scent of cheap ale and desperation. Raven approached the bartender, a burly man with a scar on his left cheek.

"I'm here for the back room," Raven said, trying to project confidence.

The bartender's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but he jerked his thumb towards a door at the far end of the tavern. As they made their way through the crowded room, Raven could feel eyes following their every move.

The back room was dimly lit, with a single flickering lantern casting long shadows across the walls. As they entered, Raven's instincts screamed danger. Before he could react, the door slammed shut behind them, and figures emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn.

"Well, well," a silky voice drawled from the corner. "The new C ranker in town in town. I must say, you've had quite the entrance to our little town."

A tall, elegant woman stepped into the light, her eyes gleaming maliciously. She wore a form-fitting black leather outfit adorned with various daggers and vials of mysterious liquids. "Did you think the Shadowhand would roll over so easily? We've been... advised... to deal with any potential threats swiftly."

Raven's mind raced. This was an ambush, and the mention of being "advised" confirmed his suspicions about a higher power at play. He quickly scanned the room, counting at least a dozen armed thugs, not including the woman who seemed to be their leader.

"I came here to talk," Raven said, his voice steady despite the danger. "But if it's a fight you want..."

The woman's laugh was cold and mirthless. "Oh, it's far too late for talk. You see, our new benefactor doesn't appreciate competition. Take them!"

Chaos erupted in the small room. Shadowhand thugs lunged forward from all directions, while Havar and Fenrir moved to protect their master. Raven reached out with his blood manipulation, feeling the pulse of life in each of his attackers.

What followed was a brutal, chaotic melee. Raven's newfound powers surged through him as he fought for his life. Blood danced through the air, responding to his will. He seized control of one thug's blood, forcing him to explode from within. Another attacker found his blood solidifying in his veins, dropping him to the ground in agony.

Havar's undead strength proved invaluable and vast combat experience was evident in every precise movement. He moved with inhuman speed, his armored form a blur as he engaged multiple opponents simultaneously. Fenrir, too, was a force to be reckoned with. The mana-infused undead wolf's eyes glowed with an eerie light as it tore through their assailants with savage efficiency.

But as the battle raged, Raven felt something unexpected – a surge of energy with each fallen foe, accompanied by system notifications.

[Human Rank F6 defeated] [Experience gained: 50] [Trial Points gained: 4]

[Human Rank F9 defeated] [Experience gained: 50] [Trial Points gained: 19]

[Human Rank E4 defeated] [Experience gained: 100] [Trial Points gained: 58]

The realization that he was gaining power from these deaths sent a chill down Raven's spine, even as he continued to fight. It was a stark reminder of the brutal nature of this new world he found himself in. Was this how he would grow stronger? Through the deaths of others?

The elegant woman proved to be a formidable opponent. She moved gracefully and precisely, her daggers flashing in the dim light. Raven found himself hard-pressed to keep up with her swift attacks.

"You're better than I expected," she hissed, a grudging respect in her voice. "But it won't be enough. Our benefactor's power is beyond your comprehension."

Raven gritted his teeth, focusing his blood manipulation on her. He could feel her heartbeat, the rush of blood through her veins. With a mental push, he caused a sudden spike in her blood pressure.

The woman gasped, her eyes widening in shock. It was only a momentary distraction, but it was enough. Raven seized the opportunity, using his blood control to guide one of her own daggers into a vital spot.

[Human Rank C6 defeated] [Experience gained: 400] [Trial Points gained: 521]

As the last of the Shadowhand thugs fell, Raven stood panting, surrounded by carnage. The elegant woman lay dead at his feet, her eyes wide with shock and fear. The room was silent save for Raven's heavy breathing and the occasional groan from a dying enemy.

"Master," Havar said softly, "are you alright?"

Raven nodded, unable to speak for a moment. He looked around at the bodies strewn across the room, feeling a mix of horror and exhilaration. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, a grim reminder of the violence that had just transpired.

"We... we should search them," he finally managed. "They might have information or resources we can use."

As they began to go through the belongings of the fallen, Raven's mind turned to his necromancy abilities. With so many fresh corpses available, it seemed like an opportunity to bolster his undead forces.

Raven concentrated and reached out with his necromantic powers, attempting to raise the fallen Shadowhand members. The next second, his vision swam, and the world around him faded.

When his vision cleared, he was floating in a vast blank expanse except for one brown and fourteen white orbs.

Raven stared at the floating orbs, momentarily forgetting the carnage he had just caused. The brown orb pulsed with a fierce energy, and he instantly recognized it as the soul that had originally inhabited Fenrir's body. The fourteen white orbs varied in size and luminosity, each representing one of the Shadowhand members he had just slain.

[Welcome to your Soul Realm]

[You have activated the hidden requirement: Attempt to cast Necromancy on a human]

[You have unlocked the Soul Realm of your primary Class: Blood Necromancer]

[14 human and 1 beast souls available for manipulation]

[Would you like to proceed with soul extraction?]

Raven hesitated, the weight of his actions suddenly hitting him. He had just killed over a dozen people, and now he was considering manipulating their very souls.

"Yes," he said, his voice echoing in the empty expanse.

As he focused on the souls, Raven noticed that they varied greatly in strength. The largest, brightest orb must have belonged to the elegant woman who led the Shadowhand group. It pulsed with a potent energy that far outshone the others.

[Soul Extracted: Human Rank C6] [[Soul Points gained: 1.6]]

[Soul Extracted: Human Rank E4] [Soul Points gained: 0.4]

[Soul Extracted: Human Rank F6] [Soul Points gained: 0.06]

[Soul Extracted: Human Rank F9] [[Soul Points gained: 0.09]

[Soul Extracted: Mana Wolf Level 5] [Soul Points gained: 0] [Note: Soul already used]

Raven watched in fascination as the souls were extracted and converted into soul points. He quickly realized the value of higher-ranked individuals, noting how the C6-ranked woman's soul provided significantly more points than the others.

[Total Soul Points Gained: 2.15]

A new interface appeared before him, detailing his [Necromancy] creation ability:

[Available Undead Creation Options:

1. Undead Fodder (No cost)

 •Basic undead with limited abilities and no growth potential

 •Follows simple commands

2. Undead Warrior (0.5 Soul Points)

 •More capable undead with basic skills

 •Limited potential for growth

3. Undead Legionary (10 Soul Points)

 •Skilled undead with tactical awareness

 •Moderate potential for growth

4. Undead Lieutenant (500 Soul Points)

 •Highly skilled undead with leadership abilities

 •Good potential for growth

5. Undead Warlord (5,000 Soul Points)

 •Expert undead with strategic thinking

 •High potential for growth

6. Undead Assassin (25,000 Soul Points)

 •Specialized undead with unique abilities

 •Very high potential for growth

7. Undead Lord (50,000 Soul Points)

 •Elite undead with exceptional skills and leadership

 •Excellent potential for growth

8. Undead Sovereign (100,000 Soul Points)

 •Supreme undead with unparalleled abilities

 •Highest potential for growth

9. System-Recognized Individual (500,000 Soul Points)

 •Appears as a living being to the system

 •Unlimited potential for growth]

[Note: All of these creations require your blood]

Raven's mind raced with the possibilities presented by his newfound abilities. He could create several Undead Warriors or even an Undead Legionary with his current soul points. The higher-tier options were tempting but far out of reach for now.

Deciding to experiment, Raven focused on creating an Undead Warrior using 0.5 soul points and his blood. He felt a drain on his energy as his blood flowed into the corpse of one of the fallen Shadowhand members, mixing with the extracted soul essence.

[Undead Warrior Created]

[0.5 Soul Points Deducted]

[Remaining Soul Points: 1.65]

The body twitched and then rose, its eyes glowing with a dim intelligence. Raven could feel a connection to it, sensing its loyalty and the new soul that inhabited its body.

Emboldened by his success, Raven considered creating an Undead Legionary using the soul of the C6-ranked woman. However, he quickly realized that he didn't have enough soul points for such a powerful creation.

"I need to be more strategic with these soul points," Raven muttered. Instead, he created two more Undead Warriors, using the bodies of the highest-ranked individuals.

[2 Undead Warriors Created]

[1 Soul Point Deducted]

[Remaining Soul Points: 0.65]

Raven's vision swam again, and he found himself back in the blood-soaked room of the Crimson Veil Tavern. Havar and Fenrir stood guard while he looked at the newly created undead from the corner of his eye.

As the two new Undead Warriors rose, Raven could sense the difference in their capabilities compared to the first. They moved with more grace and seemed to possess a higher level of awareness.

"Master," Havar said, a note of concern in his voice, "what have you done? These undead... they're unlike anything I've been given information on."

Raven took a deep breath. "It seems I've unlocked more of my class, Havar. Something called a Soul Realm. Have you heard of it?"

He quickly explained the soul point system and the different types of undead he could now create. Havar listened intently, his glowing eyes widening with each revelation.

"This is unexpected. Very few awaken their Soul Realm in the first hundred levels," Havar said when Raven finished. His eyes gleamed as he rubbed his hands together. "But this is great news. It will immensely help our Undead Legions take over the Infinite Realms. Our slaughter shall soon commence, the skies shall be tainted red and-"

Raven cut him off. "Okay, Havar, let's focus on the here and now. Let's focus on getting out of here safely. There will surely be a force in this world that won't take kindly to me raising undead. It's best to avoid them until we grow strong enough."