
Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

One day, spatial tunnels opened in the very fabric of reality, connecting Earth to a planet that came to be known as Xavier, a planet that has a lot of deserted settlements belonging to the civilization that lived on this planet before we started exploring it. Each settlement not only hides a secret of its own but also treasures, knowledge, and unthinkable technologies. In this new world, magicians rule the world and make the rules. They are those who can contain magic energy, an energy source present in Xavier, in their bodies. This energy is used to mainly empower supernatural cells. One can get them by consuming evolution materials. These supernatural cells suck magic energy to manifest one's superpower in the real world. Elliot, once the son of magicians in the channel opening stage, now lives the life of an orphaned and poor boy. Elliot is the weakest magician to ever exist in the world, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are disdained. With the death of his parents, the ones who used to look down on his has no reason to control their feeling. With a dim fate ahead of him, he grits his teeth and silently moves on to the day the light of glory shines on him, setting him apart from others in a single day, letting him taste what it means to be God! What does it mean to be a God? Read on and Find Out! 1000 Power Stones = 14+1 extra chapters per week. 1500 Power Stones = 14 +2 extra chapters per week 1700 Power Stones = 14 +3 extra chapters per week 2500+ Power Stones = 14 +4 extra chapters per week The chapters will be published at the end of each week based on the power stones earned that week. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/Cm9ZymDUN2

Crimson_ink · Fantaisie
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354 Chs

Ending the Rogues

"Kill them!!" Thomas shouted at the top of his lungs, venomous rage seeping out of his eyes. If looks could kill, Elliot and Theo would've already been dead.

"You damned Brats! Die!!"

With that as a signal, the rogue magicians around him rushed towards Elliot and Theo at once.

"You can take them out by yourself, right?" Theo asked in a calm voice, sparing just a glance at Elliot.

"Yeah," Elliot said, feeling he could take down whatever comes his way.

"Good! I'll go and take care of their leader then." Theo's voice sounded in Elliot's ears before he noticed that Theo has vanished from his side.

Theo reappeared right next to Thomas, punching him in the gut with such strength that he got blasted backwards by several meters, coming to a halt only after his back slammed onto a tree. Thomas dropped to the ground with a dull head and tried to stand up.

Thomas dropped to the ground with a dull thud, his vision blurring and clearing right after as he tried to stand up, knowing full well that he needed to move or else he would die.

Just as such thoughts popped up in his mind, a calm voice sounded in his ears.

"Don't even think of running away as you can never escape me."

Thomas looked up and saw Theo walking up to him.

"Damn dog of the association." Thomas cursed under his breath as he stood up with shaky legs.

"Said a piece of trash who kills others for a living." Theo taunted with a sly smile on his face.

"You don't know shit about what made me this way, you damned--"

He stopped in the middle of his words as Theo vanished from his sight and appeared behind him. He was standing right behind Thomas, looking at him with murderous intent. Thomas didn't even notice that he was behind him before Theo shoved his dagger through the back of his chest, impaling his heart from the inside.

"Whatever happens to you, no matter how much wrong, it still doesn't give you the right to kill hundreds of magicians In the early levels of the magical realm in the name of revenge." Those were the last words Thomas heard before the light of life left his eyes.

Theo pulled back his dagger, letting Thomas drop to the ground with a dull thud. After noticing that there were no signs of life in his eyes, Theo chopped off his head, storing it into his spatial device. Then, he rummaged through Thomas' stuff and found out a spatial ring and a quantum, both of which he stored in his spatial ring before stepping towards the clearing.

Meanwhile, Elliot smirked as he ran towards several magicians without an ounce of fear in his heart. His eyes glistened in a profound light as the image of dozens of swords popped up in his mind. In that very instant, golden energy burst out of his body, stretching outwards and permeating into his surroundings before splitting into dozens of parts, each shaping into a golden sword.

"It's time you pay for your crimes," Elliot said, snapping his finger.

Sweep across the battlefield like a hurricane and bring an end to my enemies, Divine swords of Reina.

The divine swords burst forth with incredible speed and strength, sweeping across the battlefield, killing one rogue magician after another.

The eyes of the rogue magicians became incredibly large in horror as they saw how easily their companions met their ends, and their hearts palpitate in absolute fear as they saw the divine swords charging towards them.

'H-how can a young magicians use such a powerful attack like this?!'

'It's too fast!!'

'I can't dodge it at all!'

The movement of the golden swords was so absurdly fast that they couldn't even keep up with it, even though they were all magicians in the magical realm. The swords reached them easily penetrated their vital spots before branching out of the other side, killing many criminals in the blink of an eye. 


"I don't want to die!"

"Please let me live."

Screams resounded out without a break from here and there as rogue magicians crumpled down to the ground, one after another.


"Run for your lives!"

The complexions of the magicians became ashen as they realized that the demon isn't going to show mercy to any of them and mercilessly reap their lives. Fearing for their lives and hoping to survive this ordeal to live to see another day, they turned tails and made a run for it, giving their all to somehow get out of this situation alive.

However, there was no escape left for them!

The ones that tried to run away from Elliot met their ends in the hand of John Crimson and Lisa Charlotte, after all.

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