
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

The Demonstration festival

For the past 13 years the 'Demonstration festival' was cancelled due to the absence of the Empress Eunoia . As the new soldiers were directly chosen from the outcomes of the match. Which helps commoners to elect for the soldier position without any deposits or free of charges , just like a scholarship agong the citizens .Only the one with greatest ability and skills can be considered and fix his/her position among the new recruits of every field.

As for Iannae, her responsibility is to prepare Ryan for the Competition. Ryan's original ability is Divinity .He is a master in using his ability as long as the necrosis energy wouldn't affect him which is why Iannae needs to be especially cautious for Ryan to grabs Achilles' attention. Any so? If Achilles acknowledges Ryaniar's existence then there is no way. He will let him live anymore. Though Iannae's presence has increased Ryan's survival rate still ,there is no benefit in capturing a wolf. Because a wolf can accept his death fairly but he will never accept losing his freedom.

Further more, Achilles got his suspicions over Temple Lavender from his spy and now Lavender Temple needs to prove its worth for the Emperor to avoid any misconception regarding Ryan's secret protection of being the legitimate child along with the direct heir to the throne .Ryainer darn needs to hide and become stronger in the meantime ,until his energies fully stabilise.

Although Iannae said that there's a way to cure Ryan but right now, there is no need to force him more than this. Ryan has shown a lot of improvement since the recent years. If the processor is interrupted with any more bustle then It will only going to bring Ryan's harm.

All these thoughts were inside Iris mind while he moves his steps towards the plaza which was installed inside the Temple to hold important conversations with the former Emperor Johan .This place was chosen due to its calming green atmosphere and low stream voice of the ponds water ,which entirely encircled around the plaza but after his death this place was abandoned by the temple because of the zero visits of the new Emperor Achilles. Now this place is used by the nuns on weekends for occasionally drinking tea purpose . otherwise Iannae is the only one who uses this place for resting purpose.

As soon as Iris set his foot on the plaza floor. Iannae responded to him with a welcome greeting.

"Welcome prist Iris, What brought you here?" Iannae said while stretching her arms "I hope your visit is worthy enough to interrupt my nap in the middle."

To be precise Emperor Achilles is not entirely aware about Ryanair's existence but it's just a matter of time for him to know.

'Avoiding his presence in the imperial palace and bringing Baron's downfall important documents from mistress Rubina ,unharmed is something that is out of Iris reach but this blind person, who is sitting here can do a reckless act like that?' Iris murmured to himself. "I wish father Patricia is here to talk with Iannae himself but he is on a purification errands to visit several other local cities and villages". Iris just wants to say all this to Iannae but for him it's just like losing his dignity against her.

Furthermore Iris has no time to debate with Iannae due to the recent uproar of the festival preparations in absence of father Patricia is already hard enough for him, just when he musters the courage to ask Iannae .He gets intruded by a regular pristine .Who is here with gueridon trolley in which a full pot of nicely hot chamomile tea along with some simple matching cups to the pot and fresh refreshments are arranged as per Iris's instructions just a while ago before arriving here.

Iannae gets off the busy pristine and takes the hot teapot and pours Iris and herself some hot Chamomile tea in a cup. She took some of the light cookies and cakes from the refreshments and put them alongside each cup ,so that they both can enjoy the fresh desserts with some nicely brewed tea. After taking her first sip . Iannae notices Iris' awkwardness. It's not like the usual self-estimated Iris for sure. She wondered why? Iris is behaving really dull then usual .She jumps to a conclusion that it must be due to the recent courses of action

A week ago father Patricia agreed on his request to let Iris take full control over the investigation regarding the former Barron matter. After some quick pauses in her drinking habit out of Courtesy .She gulped her third sip within the gap of sips .She understands entirely What Iris is here for?

As She closed the distance between the cup's lip (which is the rim of the cup) and her mouth ,a pleasant smirk came to her lips thanks to the broad rim of the cup .It was hidden perfectly .putting it back on her tea saucer and supporting her chin through the back of her hand on the table .She asked "Is the tea not to your liking? But the one who ordered this tea is you .Is it not? Mr. Iris.

"Huh??" It made Iris leap out of his imagination with a patient gesture he said " Ahm.. no actually I was deep into my thoughts" after that he put his fingers onto the cup holder and lifted it up but before the cup's lip reached towards his mouth .He got immediately stopped by Iannae. It makes him wonder why?

"Wait! Mr.Iris" Iannae took the cup from Iris' hand and said " This tea is not warm enough ,so please let me warm it up again . Although l know, I must have startled you for snatching your cup like this and Now it seems like it is my hobby to seize what in others gasp"

It makes Iris stiff. Iannae lit off the ignite and held the pot handle and poured the tea inside the cup for Iris.

Putting the filled cup back in front of the table .She saw, how Iris gasps his cup handle and laughs coldly. Iannae thought that he is insane. Unexpectedly Iris put the brown envelope on the table which he grabbed out of his cloak just a while ago and said "If you already know, then there's no point in wasting our time in further discussion".

"Listen you have to. . . ." Iris is in a rush to explain everything to Iannae. But even before he starts . Iannae took the envelope from the desk and said " At Least first drink your tea, I heat it up twice"

Iris made a sullen look like he wants to say ' lady Is this a Joke to you' at Iannae's stubborn behaviour but Iannae doesn't bulge. At last he was sipping down the hot Chamomile tea heated up by Iannae twice while staring at the brown envelope closer to Iannae's chair. Iannae is also staring at the envelope while eating her strawberry frosting cupcake. It's like they both were thinking the same thing.

Iris glubbed down his last sip and tried to continue his description regarding the Baron case but with a sudden hand warning gestures .He got immediately stopped by Iannae. She put her Index finger on her lips which means 'don't make a noise' as she turned her head towards the brazen bushes near the pond edges.

Iris and Iannae both get up from their seats sneaky and go near towards the bushes .After yanking the bushes they find no one even though they checked some distanced bushes that are closer to their position there is still nothing. Iannae wondered why she felt that someone was watching them. Iris suggests that "It's an open field, no wonder if any new recruits who are training his/her spells got lost around or near us. We should leave this place and go to the secure hall to discuss this matter."

Iannae didn't reply and kept her silence while standing unmoved, staring at the pond stagnant water.

In a gap of three seconds .She unexpectedly turns her head and moves her steps near to the plaza .She rolls her eyes on its roof and smirks.

Iannae behaviour troubled Iris .He followed her and lifted up his head just like her and see. . .

To be continued.