
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Baron

Two hours later inside the secret hall of the Lavender's temple.

"There and here are the secret rooms and hidden doors and the other way must be a restricted area. If you could get a chance to sneak in then you must be cherished by God himself as you know visiting the palace it's like the confirmation for your death, " Iris said while pointing his fingers on the blueprint of the palace." And if you are. . ."

" If I will be acknowledged as an intruder for assassinating the royals then lavender will be unable to help me and to be precise Lavender will abandoned me and the end of my life will be the Guillotine itself " Iannae said uninterestedly " You have already make my ears swelled repeatedly fifty times now by saying all those unfortunate stuff. Even now I am wondering if you even want me to come back alive. Get straight to the point, Iris."

Iannae stunde tone and dull behaviour makes Iris twitch his brows but he has no time to care for that .He only have these few hours to explain everything to Iannae about the palace because today is the only day through which lavender provides some excellent Pristine and nuns inside the palace for purification purpose that's include divine treatment of the Royal prince and princess.

In the meantime Iris arranges some tea along with Iannae disguised as a nun for the sudden visit to the palace that is already a week prior from the festival day.

"There are three spies in total. We planted inside the palace in case of misery." Placing down the nuns' outfit Iris said " They will help you but you should be very cautious. As you know the Emperor already got suspicious of us. If this matter comes into light or might be pressed harder by the officials .It will be really dangerous for Ryanair".

"I know, all I need to do .Is just get my hold on the information and evidence regarding the Baron case which is swiftly hidden under one of the wings of the palace .Whose direct influencer is the eight mistress ,Rubina. Right " Iannae picked the outfit and placed it aside and started dropping sugar cubes inside the teacup Iannae asks interestingly " However, Is it true that there are only three spies of ours inside the palace".

Iannae's question made Iris flinch but he replied 'yes' instantly. It makes Iannae release a sigh internally .Putting down two more sugar cubes inside the tea cup .She decided not to press this matter furthermore because she already knew about the uncovered two spies of lavender. Rather than that there is one more important matter on her hand to deal with.

Instead of arguing Iannae decided to offer Iris a deal. Placing one more sugar cube into his cup.

"Would you like to accomplish this task in your name" Iannae said " I would not bulge. Even if you take everything including from a single praise to the evidence. I don't mind".

Iris' judgement could gasp Iannae's words .He didn't help himself by replying 'pardon lady'.

"Wouldn't it's a pity .If the task assigned to you would be accomplished by someone else. It might make the other members of the Lavender's council disappoint" Iannae said unmoved by pouring hot tea inside the cup and placed down in front of Iris and said scornful " How unfortunate".

Iris sees five sugar cubes tugged onto one another tightly inside his cup which make the tea pour a little from its rip on the soccer. He asked clearly, " What do you want Iannae?".

"Do not worry. It's like a deal , I will accomplish this task in your instead as a result, you can take its fame and owned by others as you please." Iannae's lips lifted up a bit as she said " But in return you need to forget about the lake incident that happened this morning. Easy right!. It's not like you will lose anything in this while in comparison .I have to put my life on line."

After silently listening to Iannae's deal in the middle of which Iris was constantly glaring at the five cubes placed down in the tea. He doesn't know why but these five cubes remind him of an old story he used to occasionally listen to his grandma as a kid.

In her Grandma's story "The five sugar cubes. There was a 16 year old boy whose name is Siri .He didn't have enough food for him and his family. He worked hard to earn food for his family despite working every day of the week ,his wages were not sufficient enough for his family members but he still tried his hardest to earn. One day he was instructed to visit the town palace for an errand by the elders of the village. Where he saw the town prince. Who was healthy and beautiful unlike him who is famine and dull in complexion.

Later the prince began to drink tea but he didn't find it sweet enough, so he poured a sugar cube in it. After sipping it down again the third time it's unsweat for him . Every time he dipped a cube in his tea and drank it afterwards, Siri tongue lingered for its taste. When the prince dropped the fifth sugar cube and dragged the sip of the cup towards his lips to enjoy it. A guard gets Siri and throws him out of the palace.

Inside Siri's mind he wonders 'Is the tea after five sugar cubes sweet enough for him?'

It was almost evening on the way back home from the palace. He saw the abandoned well which is rumoured to be the living hell of the village . There is a saying 'if you shout your wish inside the well .It will be granted by the devil who lives inside this well but in return he will take something precious to you. Siri doesn't believe that and mumble " I don't have anything precious. Even if the devil comes later .There is nothing he will get anyway". He shouted five times in a row inside the Well " Oh dear devil please give me five sugar cubes".

Five days later Siri got news from his neighbours that his father was breathing his last breath. He rushed to visit him. rather than starvation .He died due to the freezing cold weather. When his father asked Siri to put his hand forward. Siri so so without questioning. His father had a sugar cube on his hand and said " This is all that I have son" after that his body became numb. Remaining family members were crying terribly but Siri had no words to say like he lost his sanity. Suddenly he went outside his house and analysed that it's the same evening time in which he made that cursed wish. One by one every member of his family died exactly the same way and left only Siri behind that drains his joy for life to live anymore. He got all five sugar cubes as he wished in exchange for his family. In this the devil's win and took the most precious beings dear to him and he was pathetically watching him. Siri hates himself more than anything else in this world. At last due to his guilt he killed himself and left behind the five sugar cubes without drinking the sweet tea.

"Ir. ..Iris . ..Iris are you alright .I have called you 5 times in a row but you didn't bulge by any of them. Is everything alright with you? . If you don't like my brew tea then it's fine you don't have to think about its taste and fall into an abyss afterwards `` At Iannae's swift response. Iris said ' I am fine . It's Just some minor stress'.

"Oh God do not work up too much. You should rest for a while" said Iannae, securing her nuns' outfit from the tea stains " You almost slipped your tea on your robe. If you don't like sweet tea then don't force yourself.

" No' actually who you truly are? Iannae" Said Iris glued his eyes on to her." I wonder if you are even human".

To be continued. . .