
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

In The Beginning

"In the begin the Gods as they are called, came to Nibiru from a distant place beyond the Kobol star, running from an enemy their parents could not defeat. The evil could not follow them to Nibiru, once they arrived, the War in Heaven was fought against the old Gods of Nibiru who had unleashed an unspeakable evil upon the world, the War was won by the new Gods. What we today call the five. The Father, The First Light, Provider, Protector, The Undefeated Spear. The Mother, Destroyer of evil, Devourer of souls, Death Bringer, The Unbroken Golden Shield. The Brother, Most loyal, Most Honored, Most faithful Hand, Unmissed and Unseen, The Bow. The Sisters, The Unity, The Trinity, The Fates...together they won the War in heaven, brought peace to the twelve Realms of Man(inclusive of beastfolk).

The Brother and The Three Sisters ruled over all the Realms, while being overseen by The Mother And The Father and they have ruled ever since. This is known as the first age said to have lasted longer than the birth of a Star. In that time all people only knew peace and battled only as a measure of ones gifts from the heavens. That is until they left for their home star beyond Kobol, however they did not abandon us their children still live on and have become the stewards."...

"This is the story that most people and believe it, the extra details you have is what our family know which is more descriptive than most." said Liza however there is more, "the our Seven(now six) families are the children of the Gods that is spoken about in the verse however we haven't done that since the dark age,when the main family was destroyed, the strongest and the most revered was the main branch of family known as Isaac. I believe you belong to this family because of the ring on your finger. At first I couldn't place it as it wasn't quite right the symbol was there however the shape and every thing was different was it transformed it me like a brick and i'm sure some one from the family will also make the connect to the Isaacs. As a Chestnut it is our scared duty if we ever find a hint of the main family to help them, however it has been a very long and i don't think any of the other families will submit. That is why Wendy made sure that I brought you here to let you know who you really are, we would have waited longer however after your last stunt you attracted the attention of grandpa and most of the high brass and us going off to Kings college you have made very powerful enemies." She continued

"If i'm right you should be able to least get your hands on something that will help you in the future besides us you also have your friends. Who you have train even more so that your enemies will keep losing, as you are kids they will constantly underestimate you and send people who they think should be able to defeat you easily, make sure to kill every single one, or else you might find yourself in an even bigger pickle. I don't know about the Prince either but it would not hurt to try be his friend too. Now about why we are here specifically it more for you since we cant give any information about your parents, i was..we were hoping showing you, your ancestor will at least allow you to know who you are in the grand scheme of things, giving you an identify that no one can ever take from you. I just want the best for you and this is the only way i could think of." She had reached a point where she wanted to hear from him. Kwanda gave her a hug "Thank you Liza, My Sister..."