
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

The portal

She pointed to a statues in the garden each without a face only bearing the various icons of each god.

Like the others The Father had no face only, his Lyon clothe, his spear, gauntlets and necklace. This Kwanda had always seen in every depiction of The Father since being born in this world. This one however was incredibly detailed as if the face was left out on purpose on all the statues.

"Look closely at his hand baby bro." Kwanda looked for a while at the hands of the statue, and saw the ring that The Father was wearing not only was it an exact match for the one on his hand, it even started to glow in a similar way when Kwanda brought his ring hand closer to the statue. Kwanda look at Liza who only nodded for him to proceed. She had also walked over to the statue of The Mother and taken out Wendy's ring. Kwanda recognized it as she always wore it on her right hand and he seen many times. The statues moved towards each other, a small portal opened when the two statues touched. Kwanda asked " What is this about why are the statues acting weird?"

"I don't know myself lets go in and find out," She held his hand as they both walked into the portal. The arms glowed a bright yellow, a gentle soothing hum coming from the portal.

Inside Kwanda was floating in an empty space, a double helix was floating in front of him it glowed at a particular section, a voice similar to the golem in the book shop cried out "Full match detected initiating ascension protocol." Then moved Kwanda moved into a different space on that had a sky with stars. Looking around he was all alone, the grass smelled fresh and as a gentle breeze swept across the land. In the distance the figure of a man walking closer to him.

It was the same man from his ring vision only much older, his clothing had also aged only having a faint glow from its former glory, He wore an armor that Kwanda could only say reminded him of a movie about Helen of Troy, Its was fully black from head to toe. Even thou the man's frame could barely support the impressive armor, the man still looked like an imposing undetectable giant, his mana seemed to flowed through everything in this space even the plants had responds to his presence.

The man created a seating area for the pair with a simple wave of his fingers. "Sit please we have a few things to discuss descendant." Kwanda took the chair next to the man. He started to orate the ancient his of the clan. The first founders of the clan had lived a lifetime longer than two stars. In that time only peace ruled through all the lands. "I am Tutu, your ancestor, the young lady over there is a descendant of my cousin's family. We have been tasked with making sure peace stays in the world when the founders leave." The man was speaking but most of it was actually memory beamed directly into his brain.