
Auror's Work

Auror Davy, An Auror that somehow got involved with worldly matters. "Sigh, This is way above my paygrade".

supremelder · Films
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Davy was watching the interaction between Bron and The mysterious man from the otherside of the coffeehouse, he had entered just on time to see bron sitting.

He had planted a listening devices all over bron's body, they were micro devices, unable to be seen by the naked eye. The plan was going as discussed, bron would tell the mystery man that a detective was on him and from there he would observe what the mystery man would do.

Would he remain seated and not take it serious? or would he walk out as soon he hears it.

Soon enough the man stood up and walked outside the coffeehouse, as soon as he stepped outside the anti-apparition barrier, he apparated away with haste, not controlling himself or his surroundings. Had he done that then he would have found 3 devices planted on him by bron when he was walking away from the table.

Davy came outside and leisurely apparated into the same direction. after a few hops, the man stopped in a dark alley on the other side of New york, Which was quite confusing to Davy,He had thought that the man would immediately leave the city and go to wherever he came from or is it that he was going to use portkey soon.

With that thought Davy immediately snapped to the front of the man.

"My my the little snake was right after all". Said the man impressed. "You must be the detective who was tailing me?".

"hmm maybe i am, maybe i am not, who knows? do you?, mr..?". Said Davy

"a riddler? that's new Ohh please call me moriarity,all my friends do too". replied the man.

"And i am sherlock Holmes, how funny right haha?". Davy smirked feeling proud about his joke.

"Are you mocking me?". The man took out his wand,

it seems he had fast anger issues noticed Davy.

"Listen mr.Mori, There are two ways this thing can go, either we fight and i arrest you or you give and you come with me for some questioning, chose". Davy took out his wand.

"Hahahah, you are very arrogant you know that, i'll take my chances, let's see wether you can back said arrogance too". The man shot out a spell.

Davy reflected it and shot out a spell too, He then proceeded to make a double stacked shield and continued firing spells with speed and extreme ease.

The man was on defence as soon as the duel started, every time he thought he reflected an attack another would arrive, he burst out a flame in an arc and deflected all the attacks, he then increased the fire in density making it a large wall and shot it at Davy.

Davy casted a water spell and spread it around the fire, effectively dousing it. With the fire and water clashing, steam formed.

Davy condensed it into ten balls and added a green spell, he fired it one by one into all the vulnerable sides of the man.

The man sensed danger and instead of deflecting it, he created a magic wall and dodged out of the way, The balls made contact with the wall and a sizzling sound was produced, the man looked with horror as the wall melted, had he hesitated and his body would be sizzling right now.

A few blocks a way, a man wearing a spandex red and blue suit was slinging in the air, he felt a tingling sense and looked into the direction of the battle between davy and the mysterious man. Immediately he changed course and slung his way to the fight, there when he areived he saw what seemed to be two men with sticks shooting light against each other.

He saw that the man in cloak was the one that was mainly defending so he went out to help him. He shot out two webs at Davy, one of the webs stuck davys hand with the wand to the wall and the missed trying to hit his feet as he jumped.

Davy immediately looked at the newcomer and saw that it was the man he saw the other day fighting some goons and saving civilians, he heard them shouting spiderman before he got hit.

"You know shooting light at each other isn't good for your eyes man, at least were glasses if you are going to fight with light next time". Spiderman came up to davy and give a small lecture while taking his wand from him.

He felt his senses tingle with extreme danger and without hesitation jumped out the way, unluckily he was hit on his hand and immediately fell to the ground convulsing with extreme pain. He wanted to shout but the pain disallowed him.

"Hahaha aren't i lucky, i am going to kill a hero and a detective today hahahaha". The man laughed maniacally and shot the same spell at the davy.

Davy forced out his raw power and deflected and at the same time removed his bindings, he waved his hand and his wand came flying to him,

immediately after the wand touched his fingers he shot out multiple spells in quick successions and it seemed he wasn't about to stop any time soon but the small painful groans of spiderman made him stop, he paced to spiderman and apparated away with him.

The man stood there dumbfounded and disheveled before shrugging his shoulders and apparating.