

Tenshi Himura, being an elder child of the king and queen of the kingdom of Celestia, always wants adventure. One day, while she training with her sister Tia and her childhood friend Seth Shadowwalker and Altair Raven, they were attacked by a group of an assassin but luckily was saved by her mother who told her she was adopted and was found as a baby. Tenshi wants to know more about her origin. She told Tenshi that she can travel to find her answer.

AtaraxiaFate94 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


The Terra Empire, a tranquil realm ruled by the Oracle, was brimming with anticipation as the king and queen's daughter's celebration approached. Everyone was actively engaged in preparing and setting up for the event that was soon to take place. "Today is going great," reported one of the royal guards.

"Their Majesties, the king and queen, will soon bring their daughter into this world." Other guard said

As the preparations were underway inside the castle for the upcoming event, a young woman with short black hair, dressed in a maid outfit, made her way to the master bedroom and gently knocked on the door before speaking, "Excuse me, my lord, may I have permission to enter?"

The room echoed with a male voice shouting "Yes!" as the maid entered, and she was met with the sight of a young man with short blonde hair, sporting a black dress shirt and jacket, black dress pants, and brown shoes, looking at her with his brown eyes. "Lila, have you made sure that everything is arranged properly?"

"Yes, Lord Lewis," Lila responds, bowing respectfully and conveying her pleasure with a gentle smile.

"I see," Lewis said with a smile as he walked out of the room. "May I inquire about the status of my wife, Lila, and whether she is still receiving care in the infirmary?"

"Yes, but she comes back home within a minute." Lila spoke as she heard people cheering and look out the window. "Her Majesty, the queen, has arrived."

As the limousine arrived at the castle, the door opened to reveal a young woman with long brown hair. She was dressed in a white long dress and silver high heels and held a baby girl in her arms. With her blue eyes, she looked at everyone and smiled. "Hello everyone!" She smiled at everyone as she sees Lewis and Lila walk to her. "Hello Lewis and Lila."

"Welcome home, Mina!" Lewis said with a smile that lit up his face as he saw his daughter standing in front of him. "It's hard not to notice how beautiful she is."

"Yes, she is?!" Mina exclaimed joyfully, flashing a smile at Lewis before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"Milady, may I ask what her name?" Lila asked as she turns away.

With a chuckle, Mina responded to Lila's inquiry and stated, "Okay, her name is Stella."

With a smile on her face, Stella opened her brown eyes and looked up at her mother and father. Lewis, her father, reached down to hold her tiny hand and turned to face the crowd. "Ladies and Gentleman of the Terra Empire," he announced, "I am proud to introduce you to my daughter, Stella Terra, who has just entered into this world. Let's the celebration being!"

As the celebration continued, unbeknownst to everyone, a shadowy figure lingered in the darkness, while a woman's voice could be heard saying "It seems that their daughter has finally made her appearance. Everyone gets ready we going end all Oracle."

-later at night-

Following the conclusion of the celebration, Lewis and Mina retired to the master bedroom to sleep. Meanwhile, Lila made her way to the nursery to check on Stella, who was still sound asleep. Suddenly, she was jolted awake by noises emanating from outside. Upon opening the window, she was horrified to see flames engulfing the surroundings, and the sight of everyone lying in a pool of their blood only added to her terror. As the door of the castle burst open, a guard rushed in, his body covered in blood and exclaimed, "Lord Lewis!"

As soon as Lewis woke up, he hurriedly got out of the master bedroom and asked, "What's the matter?"

"We're under attack," he exclaimed before shooting his arrow and hitting the enemy in the head. Lewis was horrified and quickly grabbed his sword. "Lila!" Lewis called out, and Lila emerged from inside the house, holding Stella in her arms. However, Lewis's serious look suggested that something was bothering him. "Take my wife and daughter out of here now." Mina walks out of the room with worry as Lila grabs Mina's hand and rushes out of the castle with Stella in her arms. As Lewis rushes into battle to aid his army, his heart sinks at the sight of the flag with a demon skull on it. "No! The Specter of Void! What are they doing here?"

"Oh my, it's Lewis Terra!" exclaimed a young woman with short white hair. She was wearing a black dress paired with black boots, and as she looked at Lewis, her striking red eyes sparkled with excitement. "It's quite unexpected to see you here, I must say that I'm surprised."

Callista's actions had enraged Lewis to the point where he couldn't contain his anger anymore and he growled out "Damn you Callista!" before charging towards her. As the battle between Lewis and Callista ensued, Lewis yelled, "I'll kill you!" and Callista responded by pulling out her knife. As Lila and Mina hurried to the port, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of assassins who sprang out of nowhere. However, with quick reflexes, Lila managed to cast a spell to thwart their attackers and protect herself and Mina from harm. "My Heart! My Life! My Soul! Please hear my call and protect us!" Light shine around them. "Shield of Fate" A crystal ball surrounds them as assassins try to break it. "Let's move." Mina nods at her as they rushed to the dock.

The castle emitted a loud "BOOOMM!" sound that was so powerful that it caused Lewis to suffer from severe injuries, with blood and cuts all over his body. Lewis casts a questioning glance towards Callista and asks, "What is the reason behind your actions?"

"The order I received is from my master." Callista sighed as she holds her knife. "His order is to kill the oracle."

"Kill the oracle" was the command that stunned Lewis, causing him to hastily retrieve his sword. "The action of killing everyone in this location would be classified as genocide!" 

With a hint of sarcasm in her voice and a smirk on her face, Callista said "So what!?" in response. "The story that has been told has compelled my master to instruct us to eliminate the oracle.

"What story?" Lewis asked.

"This story is about the sealing away of a dark lord after the war of the gods, which was made possible by the oracle's intervention." Callista sighed as she spin her knife around. "The oracle chosen by the gods is endowed with their power and armed with their weapon."

"Is that the reason for your desire to kill the oracle?" Lewis yelled, as he lifted his sword and the white light began to shine around him. "My Faith, My Life! My Light! hear my call and strike down my enemy!" His sword glows.

"Since you want to play this game, I'll join you," Callista says as she holds her knives and dark light shines around her. "Blood! Death! I give you everything in the name of my dark lord!"

"Heaven Phantasia,"

"Impure Hell Dive,"

Charging towards each other with ferocity, Callista and Lewis scream in unison as they prepare to clash.

-At the dock-

The shattering of the crystal ball did not release Lila and Mina from their imprisonment inside, and they remained stuck. "My lady, we must hurry and get on the boat!" Lila's tone is urgent. "The safety of both you and Stella depends on it being the only way." The crystal ball breaks as she got hit pretty badly as blood runs down. Mina gently passed Stella to Lila and helped them onto the boat. Lila's eyes widened in shock as she exclaimed, "My lady!"

"Lila!" Mina's face lit up, and her angel wings burst out of her back. "Please promise me you'll take care of my baby girl," she said, her voice trembling. As she pushed the boat towards the castle, she noticed Lewis in the distance. Without hesitation, she flew down to join him, calling out "My love!" to her husband.

"Mina!" Lewis exclaimed as his eyes widened with delight and he hurried towards her to greet her. "You shouldn't be here! Where Lila?"

"She's in good hands with Stella," Mina said, turning to smile at him. "I would choose death with you over our daughter being killed."


"Your cursed love disgusts me!" Callista charges at them with all her might. The attack "Impure Hell Dive" was launched, but it was stopped in its tracks by Mina's shield, leaving the attacker to exclaim, "What the hell?"

"Lewis" She holds his hand and his sword. "Please accept my apologies, but this was necessary," Lewis holds Mina's hand as her aura shines brightly. Tears stream down Mina's face as she gazes at Lewis.. "Lewis!"

Callista was aware of their intentions, causing her eyes to widen in alarm. She quickly used her shield magic to protect herself, muttering "Shit!" under her breath.

Lewis and Mina both closed their eyes and smiled simultaneously, savoring the moment. "Nova Star!" As huge light shines bigger as it causes huge exploitation, killing half of the assassins and killing both Mina and Lewis. Holding Stella in her arms, Lila is overcome with emotion as she witnesses the exploitation and directs her question to Lady Mina and Lord Lewis, asking them why it is happening.

Callista removed her shield and looked around, only to realize that the Terra Empire had disappeared. She expressed her annoyance, muttering, "How stupid, they're gone."

"Callista!" A voice of unknown origin materializes. "Have you taken care of the oracle yet?"

"Yes, but there is still one oracle that managed to escape." Callista sighed.


"Master, please calm down!" Callista pleaded, covering her ears. "We will put an end to her once we discover her whereabouts."

"Let hope so, Callista!" The voice disappears as Callista start leave and yawning.

As hours passed, Lila let out a sigh and wondered to herself, "Why would they do that?" She wiped away her tears, and covered the baby with a hoodie and a blanket as the boat docked at the Kingdom of Celestia. Lila clutches the baby near and begins her trek towards the Kingdom of Celestia. She trudges towards the castle, gasping for air and on the verge of collapsing. With a sense of relief, she reaches the castle and walks towards the door. She knocks on the door and, with trembling hands, she gently sets the baby down before collapsing onto the ground in exhaustion.

The door was ajar and a young woman with long blonde hair was standing there. She was wearing a white nightgown and peered down at Lila, who was badly hurt, and a baby girl who was crying with her green eyes. "Oh my god, Bennet!" She yelled as she picks up the baby as an adolescent male with short black hair wearing a black tank top and red sweat pants as he walks to his wife and sees her holding a baby girl and Lila pass out on the ground with brown eyes. Slowly and steadily, he walks towards Lila and extends his hand to help her get back on her feet.

"Ayumu," Bennet said seriously, "who was responsible for doing this to her?"

"I don't know," Ayumu sighed, as they made their way back inside while Bennet showed Lila to the guest room.


Lila finally awoke from her slumber, sat up in bed, and gazed out the window. It was already morning, and as she looked around, she noticed that the door was open. Suddenly, she saw Ayumu standing there, holding the baby in her arms. "Oh, you're finally awake?" Ayumu smiled at Lila but she panicked, Ayumu sat on side of the bed. "Don't worry I'm going to hurt you." Lila looks at Ayumu and sees the baby was awake and smiling at Ayumu. "May I ask your name?"

"It is Lila Barns!" exclaimed Ayumu as Lila gracefully bows in her direction.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Ayumu Himura, and as the queen of the kingdom of Celestia, I'm delighted to meet you." Ayumu smiles softly at Lila. "It was just yesterday that I found both you and the child at my doorstep and I am curious to find out what will happen to you."

Lila's face was stained with tears that flowed down her cheeks, and with a heavy sigh, she admitted, "I hail from the Terra Empire."

"The Empire of Oracle?" Ayumu was taken aback and filled with surprise upon hearing Lila's words. The child caught her attention and as she gazed at him, she sighed and remarked, "This child is an Oracle, it seems."

Although she is the daughter of the king and queen of Terra Empire, Lila started tearing up as she continued speaking. "Tragically, The Specter of Void appeared and proceeded to kill everyone in sight." Lila covers her face and crying.

"The Specter of Void!?" Ayumu was shocked to the name The Specter of Void. "Let me see if I understand correctly, you and this child managed to escape." Lila nods as she sighed. "I suppose I could lend my assistance if you need it."

""It brings me joy to know that you are aware of the child's true identity, but it's imperative that you maintain the utmost discretion. Under no circumstances can anyone else know that the child is an Oracle, as this knowledge could prove to be lethal."" Lila sighed as Ayumu pinch her cheek and Lila yelp. "What was that for?"

Ayumu let out a small chuckle and a gentle smile appeared on his face. As she hugs the baby tightly, she reassures them, "You don't have to worry, as long as you two are under my care, nothing bad will happen to you. Do you understand what I'm saying?" 

"That's great!" Ayumu said happily as Lila nodded her head in agreement and smiled. "You should take some rest now while I head out to the store to buy some stuff for Tenshi."

"Tenshi?" Lila looks at Ayumu confused.

Ayumu agrees with a nod and says, "Yes! Tenshi Himura will be her name."

"It appears that I cannot continue with my current name and identity, therefore obtaining a new one is necessary." Lila smiled at Ayumu and Tenshi. "As of now, I would like to be referred to as Rue Crow."

"It's an absolute pleasure to have you both here in the Kingdom of Celestia" Ayumu said with a smile as she greeted Rue Crow and Tenshi Himura.