
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Prove your worth

For a moment I thought it was the student from the stables, it could have been better since the people standing now in front of us were already pulling out their weapons.

"I will only say this once. Leave our academy!"

They were 5. A blonde guy with a shiny sword of gold seemed to be the leader. His shouts were so loud that a multitude of students surrounded us in no time.

Some of them were openly supporting the blonde student. "Leave! You demons!" "Filthy commoners!" "You belong to the streets!"

Whatever insult that may come to their minds was being spilled into our faces with the fervor of a million-prize winner.

Stepping in front of Jasmine and Isabella I spoke to the student.

"Didn´t you hear the prince? We are also students from Xerxes, which means we can also ask for his help"

My words touched a fiber. It was obvious considering the red now glowing from his face.

"Nonsense! I don´t know what trickery fooled the prince, but once he sees your true nature I´m going to be given the greatest gratitude for cleaning Xerxes from your cursed blood!"

"Trickery? Have you even talked to him to be so sure about that?"

The blonde student held his sword with both hands. His posture changed into a battle stance. "I don´t have to explain anything to a demon!"

He was going to charge with his legion following. But before he could do that I leaned into Isabella´s ear. "Isabella, make a light. A very bright one and shoot it to the sky"

"What? How do you-"

"Later. Just do it. Trust me"

After a second of doubt, she nodded and immediately filled her palms with a star brighter than any of the surrounding lights. Everyone had to cover their eyes to save themselves from blindness. I took advantage of that moment to take both Jasmine and Isabella out of that place.

"Clever move, master"

"Oh, I´m not done yet"

When I reached a place where I could blend with the shadows I used my magic to take us somewhere safe.

"Oh man, I never imagined that I would be running for my life so quickly..."

"It´s just how things are around here. Better get used to it quickly, Isabella"

"I can´t believe how pissed they are at us. We haven´t done anything!"

Her expression got darker as the students began to look for us as an enraged crowd. I couldn´t blame her. I was also quite mad about that.

Thankfully for us, I was not going to let this encounter pass as nothing.

"Yhea, we should teach them a lesson"

"But... They are too many... How are going to fight all of them?"

"You don´t have to" Jasmine joined the conversation and pointed her finger to a specific student.

"As long as you make an example out of the leader. The other will get the message"

"You´re right. And we already have the best scenario to do so. Look"

Following my arm, Isabella noticed that the principal, teachers, and student council were arriving at the place of the commotion.

"Tell me, Isabella. Are you prepared to fight for your school life?" My hand opened to her as shadows began to change around us. This was an invitation. An invitation to fight.

She peeled her eyes at my statement, however, a big grin appeared soon afterward with the words "I sure am!" She held my palm with great strength and light embraced us from her silhouette.

And as those two smiled at each other, Jasmine felt a shiver of excitement at the image in front of her.

Both darkness and light were repelling each other, but in that same rejection, their power grew stronger while the shadows multiplied as the light shone brighter.

Is this... The beginning of a new era?...

With heavy palpitations striking her chest, she asked herself with a tear running down her face.

"Very well, let us go then"


"Come, Jasmine. I will give you a first-class seat in our resistance to this madness"

Jasmine was pulled out of her trance when she heard her name. And before her feelings could vanish, she sprinted forward and held the hand of her master.


With both women by my side, we traveled through the shadows back to where everyone was.

"Miss principal, I´m telling you! One was already bad, but two?! This school can´t possibly agree to that!"

"Mister Opherio, have you not heard the speech? Anyone with magic and a noble family can join our school. Miss Isabella is a rare exception that the king himself allowed due to her talent and academic performance. And regarding mister Dominique, he-"

"You don´t need to give more explanation, principal. I can handle it from here"

The restless crowd turned at us when my voice reached their rumbling ears.

A wave of insults and disgusted stares met us as soon as they confirmed our presence.

"You! Have you finally decided to end this nonsense and ask the principal for your expelling?"

"Not quite, Opherio. As a member of the Yatra household, I can´t ignore your transgressions to my honor"

"Honor?! A filthy demon like you can´t talk about honor!"

Drowned in his hatred, the student whose name was Opherio Al Dominus didn´t hear the name Yatra come out of my mouth. The people from the nearby area did, nevertheless.

"The Yatra? Isn´t that the weakest branch of the Fotiadis?" "He is related to the duke?" "Impossible, an irregular like him?"

The students retrieved a bit of their cool while some others began to gossip.

Taking advantage of the sudden confusion I took off my left glove and threw it to Opherio´s chest.

"Opherio Al Dominus. I reclaim my right as noble to challenge you into a fight! Isabella and me against your crew!"

Everyone got stunned. Nobody seemed to believe what was happening right before their eyes. No one, except a couple of people.

"First day and he´s already making a ruckus. Your servant is quite the character, Verónica"

Nicholas was hiding his grin behind a cold palm. The woman beside him chuckled a little at the sight of the irregular grinning at the face of discrimination.

"... Yhea... He is... That´s why he is part of that family. The Yatra family of anarchists"

Among all the noble households. Only the Yatra was known to be openly against the treatment of irregulars that the kingdom of Asphyxia provided to them. If it wasn´t for their rebellious attitude to the kingdom, they would be considered a strong and respectful household.

"After all... They have survived this long by themselves..."

Many have been the people that tried to bury their existence throughout the years. But none have managed to land a definitive hit against them. Only paper and ink have presented to be an effective way to stop them, but with the arrival of a new member, that obstacle could no longer be a burden.

Opherio was taken aback by the challenge of the man showing a wide smile on his particular face. He was the son of a respected general in the army. His family was part of an honorable branch related to the lord of water. He has never known defeat, for his abilities with the sword and vast source of magic were the key to his success.

The Academy of Xerxes should be his springboard to a post in the army as one of the best soldiers of his generation. The path was already there, calling for his name from a pedestal of gold and greatness.

Then why?

Why a plague like you is opposing me?!!!!

Opherio clenched his teeth so hard that a crack was heard from his mouth. A small river of blood slipped down as his hand grabbed the glove on the ground.

"A member of the Yatra huh... Haha, that explains a lot"

His hatred was leaking from his eyes as he looked at me.

"You want a challenge? Then you shall get it. Right now, at the stadium, with everyone watching"

He threw back my glove and gave me his back. "Don´t make me wait. Yatra"

Then he began his walk toward the stadium, his underlings following up close.

"I´ll see you there, Dominus"

It was now settled. And we both had a place to be.

"Very well... As established, the match will begin as soon as the fighters are in the arena... We will take the students there while you prepare..."

As soon as the principal said that, all the teachers and students standing near started to move to the arena.

We got some curses and bad words from them, but surprisingly enough, some of them stayed silent or seemed to be just curious about us.

"Well... We should also go there, Isabella"

"You´re right, let´s move! I´m all fired up already!"

"Hehe, that´s fine, just remember to stay cool when the fight starts. I can´t have you going berserk if we want to win"

"R-Right. I need to stay focused!"

She breathed in and out to do so. It seemed oddly cute when she did that, I couldn´t stop my hand from searching her head to pat her.

"Y-You´re starting to like this, don´t you?"

"Haha. Maybe"

"Master, please don´t make people wait" Jasmine appeared out of nowhere and trapped my arm. Then I was pulled forward.

"H-Hey! I was talking to him!"

Isabella rushed to catch up with us, and with both women discussing with each other, we headed to the arena.

"Hey, isn´t it getting hotter in here?"

"Yhea, I was also thinking that..."

"Hm... The source seems to be..."

The student council looked for the sudden temperature change and found a smiling Verónica. Her shape was covered by tiny explosions of fire that resembled her annoyance.

"M-Miss Verónica?! Are you mad?!"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? The students are following the procedure as they should... Maybe I am a little unpleased with the fact that only one WOMAN is the backup of that irregular... But I guess I don´t need to worry since there is that other WOMAN on his arm ready to give them support"

"W-Why are you outstanding so much the word-"

"Hm? I´m not doing anything out of the ordinary"

"No, you are-"

"I´m not, doing anything strange"



"... Let´s see the fight..."

"Yes, let´s"

Nicholas could only sigh mockingly at the view of his vice president being jealous.

"Dominique. What other good shows will you give me?"

His mood greatly improved since the morning that he saw that the irregular he faced treated him as any other person instead of the prince. Now that he got to see him challenge an important student on the first day of school there was nothing but joy dancing inside his chest.

"Hehehe... Hehe..."

So much that it was a bit creepy to see. Even for the members of the student council.

"These years are going to be full of surprises, aren´t they?"

"You bet"