
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Entrance ceremony

We managed to steal some seats from a group of students arriving late. We got some nasty glances from our surroundings, but nothing I wasn´t able to ignore.

"I guess we´re gonna need to get used to this, huh"

"Y-You might be right"

I was able to hear some mean whispering from the students in the front rows. They were saying things like: "Demonic filth" "Usseless monsters" and so on...

It was very awkward, and I wanted to have a couple of words with them. However, this was not the moment to be a delinquent.

"Haaaaah... So fucking stupid..."

Just as that thought escaped from my mind, the lights in the building focused on the person suddenly standing on the podium.

"Welcome, proud students of Xerxes. I have the honor to present to you the people who will be tutoring you on your path to greatness"

It was an old woman. Around her late 50´s. She was covered in a snow-white dress with golden ornaments hagging from her hips and shoulders. She seemed extremely healthy despite her age, almost as if she could fake her aging without the need for makeup.

"My name is Medin Opherius Rodes. Principal of the magic academy of Herxes. I promise you I will fulfill my duties to the fullest of my capabilities, just like all the teachers and staff members of this prestigious institution"

The earth changed its shape from behind her, creating a series of pillars where people were standing on top of each of them. They were 5 in total.

"From the Arena of fire. The former knight that once withstood the title of strongest man of our kingdom. Sir Siegfreid Voe Dragni"

All the lights focused on the shadow of the person standing on the pillar on the left.

The audience went mad when they saw him. An old man wearing a red coat that matched his long crimson hair and beard. He had the constitution of a true gladiator and the eyes of a veteran of a thousand battles. Not only his presence was menacing, but also the massive sword resting on his back.

"A pleasure"

Short words for a man of action. I couldn´t help remembering the shape of Herion for a moment there.

Still. He is not the one I´m looking for. At least not yet...

"Now, the person that arranged this space and the splendid control of magic that you are now witnessing. The man is known as the greatest architect of our times. Please give a round of applause to William Oath Rocketman. Manager of the earth auditorium also known as the builder of god!"

Going to the next shadow. An adult male wearing long clothes reminiscent of a noble from the 16th century appeared. His slim figure was bowing at us as his hand was holding an extravagant hat filled with colorful feathers.

"Be prepared! For I! The GREAT William! Will shape you all into fine pieces of art!"

For a moment I felt his gaze land upon me.


On all of us three.

"Not even demons will be able to escape..."

I involuntarily frowned. The memories of when I read how was this character returned at once to my mind as a chill ran down my spine.

Out of all the people ruling this school. This man is probably the craziest of them all.

Doesn´t matter... His tricks won´t work on me...

"This person is a new addition to our academy. The brightest scientific that the kingdom of Asphyxia could have ever created!"

"There you are..."

My body got stiff. An intense hatred arose from within me as the light fell on the third shadow.

"The chief of magical research and director of the water lab. Madely Wicker Craz!"

Her hair was long, dark, and messy; just like the dirty clothes covering her pale body. A pair of slim glasses were resting on her nose, protecting a pair of blue and green gemstones. The lab coat resembles her position as a woman of science just as much as her pipe resembles her constant desire to smoke.

"The future of mankind resides in science and evolution. If you´re not prepared to push forward into that future, then you´re not ready to be part of it"

Somehow, those words caused a tremendous hit on the people watching her. Most stayed silent with an expression of respect and curiosity painted on their faces.

"Master? Are you angry?"

"... Not at all..."

"Allow me to differ. You are mad. My question is, why?"

"... Maybe later..."

Jasmine sighed tiredly at my response.

"As you wish"

Noticing my expression, I took a couple of seconds to stare at the ceiling and calm myself down. It was soon when I felt a finger pocking my arm from my left side.

Turning to the source of that pocking. I saw Isabella making a worried face.

"Are you not feeling well? I can take you to the hospital if you´re not feeling good"

Her words and willingness to help were a nice change of scenario. I quickly felt a lot better and gave her a warm smile.

"It´s nothing to worry about, Isabella. I just... I was just wondering how things would go for us with a person that says those things..."

Her face got brighter as she heard me. An unexpected ray of energy emanated from her smile.

"Is that so?! Well in that case you don´t have to worry! Because I will stay beside you to share those worries!"

To be someone capable of saying those embarrassing things so confidently... She really is someone fit for the role of heroine...

"I see... I´m looking forward to it"


After that short exchange, my attention returned to the front, where the final teacher was being introduced.

"And finally, but not less importantly. The lady called 'the spirit of party' by many in the kingdom of Asphyxia. The always free-spirited ruler of the public areas of wind. Sylphiete Wid Areus!"

The final shape was lightened, and a woman with the looks of a carnival dancer appeared waving at the audience with a bright smile on her young face.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Are you ready to have some fuuuuuuuuun~?"

The males screamed at the sight of such a friendly and attractive lady. Out of all the teachers, she gained the most praise from the students.

And there she is... The only sane teacher in this school is also the weirdest... Just great...

Sylphiete was honestly just an extra for the original story. A convenient element to add scholarly events to the plot. Unless I join the club she is in charge of, I don´t have any need to be around her.

"All of you will be able to take classes with these spectacular people at its due time. But let´s not forget about the teachers that will stay with you for most of the course... Please give a round of applause to..."

And so the introductions for the academy´s staff lasted for about 30 minutes.

Once the principal was done with them, the next step in the agenda popped out.

"I am sure this has been a shocking experience for many of you, that is why we want to finish this first reunion with the body of students that will become an example of how a noble of this academy should strive to be"

The teachers moved to the sides of the podium, leaving the center alone for the people arriving from the back.

"This year, the student council has a very special person leading them"

Here they come...

An ironic grin emerged from my lips.

"Leading the council as president in his second year. The next promising ruler of our kingdom!"

He was in the center of a formation of 5. The others were at his sides guarding him against all danger. A set of colors resembling a noble rainbow could be perceived from their appearance.

Stepping into the front, beside the principal, the prince, and my promised enemy raised his hand in greeting as the flag of the kingdom hugged his shoulder.

"The first prince, Nicholas Winright Asphyxia!"

Everyone vowed and clapped at the sight of that man. We did the same since we were in the same boat as all the other students.


Doesn´t he look more... Lively?...

Nicholas was smiling, but it wasn´t the robotic smile of a trained prince, he was showing true happiness.

I didn´t know how to feel about this. I had already expected such changes, but now that I´m seeing them firsthand, I can´t help but feel uneasy.

That same unpleasant feeling rose as his eyes landed on mine and gained a strange bright complemented by a smile.

... The fuck?...

The females went mad when they saw the beautiful prince show some more expressiveness. I glanced at the women at my sides to see if they had also fallen in love with him.

To my surprise, none of them seemed very interested in the prince. I expected that from Jasmine since she tried to murder his reputation, but Isabella was an odd eventuality that I was not pleased to see.

"Umm... The prince is quite handsome, don´t you think, Isabella?"

"Hm? Oh. Yhea, he is"

"... Yhea?"

"?? Umm. Yes"

"... Alright..."

She is not interested at all!!!!!

A huge wave of panic was born within me as the prince spoke to the audience.

"Good morning, fellow students. As you might already know, I am the first prince Nicholas, and I will be your student council president until I graduate. I know this could sound problematic, but I would thank you if you could treat me as another student instead of the prince. At least here in the academy, WE ARE ALL equals"

I don´t know if it was just me. No. It couldn´t have been just me. I´m sure everyone noticed the change of tune in his last phrase. I know it because there is a strange menacing aura emanating from him.

"As the president, my duty is to protect and assist ALL the students. No matter the household or origin. EVERYONE is an important student"

He looked at me when he said that, and I raised my middle finger in response.

He chuckled a little and kept going forward with his speech.

"What the hell is he doing?"

"I´m not sure... But isn´t this good for us? I´m sure the harassment will decrease significantly now that the prince has made clear his willingness to support you"

"You may be right..."

Feeling a pull from my left side, I turned to Isabella, who was looking at me shocked.

"You know the prince?!"

"I mean... I have talked with him before..."

"That´s amazing! If he´s saying all that must be because of something you told him! Right?!"

"No... Well... I don´t think so..."

"C´mon! Don´t be like that! I know it must have been that way!"

With increasing awkwardness from the memory of me punching his perfect face, I ventured to ask Isabella why she thought that.

She said: "I just know it!"

And with that short response, I felt all my mental fatigue fade as my hand stroke her head.

"You are very strange Isabella... But I don´t hate that part of you"

Her face changed into a bright red while her face fell to look at the floor. It was then that I noticed what I was doing.

"Oh, sorry, you surely don´t want a stranger to touch you so casually, right? I won´t do it again"

As my hand abandoned her head, she rose his face with a short "Ah" following my limb.

"I-I don´t mind if it´s you..."

"Hm? What was that?"

She had spoken so softly that I couldn´t hear her words.

"I-I said... I! Um..."

She was having a lot of trouble, it was obvious that whatever she said, it wasn´t easy to repeat it.

I should give her time...

"Well, don´t push yourself, you can tell me later anytime"

"Huh? No, well, yhea but... Haaah... Sure, thanks"

I instinctively patted her head. She seemed somewhat pleased with that, so this time I didn´t say anything.

"And for our final member, and as the representative of the first years. Lady Verónica Sideris Fotiadis!"

When I heard that name, my head was forced to look in her direction.

"Thank you, your majesty. As you already heard from prince Nicholas, we, the student council are supposed to be role models for all students. That´s why it is our duty to show you how to be respectful and tolerable to everyone in this academy"

My heart began to pound out of my chest, my face felt hot and my lips formed a smile without my consent.

It was her. The ruler of my dreams and reality. The reason for my arrival in this school.

The woman I love.

"That is why I will ask you that if you have any problem with a student, come to us or follow the pre-established procedure. Here we are the next generation of leaders and unpolished gems. Do not act in a way that puts shame in the name of the nobles and..."

Her ruby eyes left the general audience and fell on me. Even at this distance, where at least 8 lines of students were separating us. I was able to see her brief pleasure emanating from our encounter.

"Strive to become the best version of yourself so that no one has the right to complain"

The fire I felt the day I made her a promise lit up once more. This time stronger than ever.

"Just watch me, my lady. This academy will be mine sooner or later"

And with a gesture of thanks from Verónica, the entrance ceremony reached its end and we were allowed to explore the academy´s land before the first class started.

I left the place with Isabella and Jasmine at my sides. We were planning to visit the wind area to catch something to eat.


"Hey! You useless demons!"

An unpleasant burden appeared blocking our path.