
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


The class grew quiet hearing the announcement. The end of term mission for first years was normally a mission where the students would take part with the teacher directly overseeing it.

The difficulty curve for the mission wasn't much to speak of but it certainly helped to distinguish the future assassins from the cowards.

The mission was to help get the students more comfortable in understanding what was required of them while on missions. The problem was that they were extremely dangerous and most times depending on the supervising teacher.

But the main issue wasn't the mission itself but the fact that at the moment there was currently a ban on all missions for everyone below the third year for a reason.

The risks of getting separated on a mission now or simply being too far from a teacher was practically deadly especially now with the "Ghost killers" running around.

Riku realized the grim expressions of the class and calculated as much.

Miss Debeers broke the awkward atmosphere and continued,

"The team for the end of term mission will be..

Riku Saito, Natasha Lane, Nathan Blake and Lana Barracks.

You will get your packages by the end of tomorrow."

Natasha was the first to look around trying to see the faces of her future team mates. The moment her eyes made contact with Lana and Nathan's you could see the look of disappointment and distress cover her.

But when she turned around and looked at Riku her eyes were gleaming like looking at a million dollar gem.

Riku waved at her with a weary smile trying to break her awkward stare, afterall he had seen this expression before.. it was the look Nakita gave him before sending him to his death.


The bell that signaled the end of the class went off and unexpectedly the first person to leave the class was actually Miss Debeer, based on the expression on her face it was pretty obvious she was livid.



"How could you let this happen?"

Miss Debeers stepped into the principal's office furious.

"Huh? What are you on about?"

Principal Victor looked up, taking his head off the stacks of paperwork on his desk.

Miss Debeers was a little taken aback, she had come here ready to be furious at the principal but looking at the state of his office and the bags under his eyes she was a little stunned to say the least.

The principal had a tired look despite his building muscles. His eyes looked like they were ready to shut down at any moment.

The stacks of documents looked to be without end and even the half opened books lying about showed he was doing some deep research.

Miss Debeers pulled back a little, controlling herself and reconsidering her approach.

"When last have you had a good night's sleep?"

Victor looked at her with a melancholy expression,

"It's only been a few days. I just need to find who is behind these killings and then I'll take a break."

Miss Debeers gulped realizing that Victor most likely hasn't slept since the ban was initiated last week. If this continued for an old fellow like him it might really be the nail in the coffin.

Debeers had known Victor almost her entire adult life and despite their usual tit for tat arguments she looked at him like a father figure. But the man that he was right now was a shell of what she was used to.

It had to be said that as a senior teacher at the school she was already aware of the raids and bases that Victor had already destroyed in the span of only a week by himself so far.

If anyone else heard what this man had done in only a week then they would truly understand the true heaven defying nature a mature assassin holds.

Just one man against an entire organization is more than enough to bring them deep into hiding.

Debeers gulped just imagining how much more deadly Victor would have been if he was still in his prime.

Debeers looked around the room and shook her head. She looked at the door behind her and dragged Victor by the ear then threw him on the couch.

"Veronica, I have work to do. I can't waste time resting right now."

Victor was about to get up only to hear the cocking of an AK47.

"You move an inch without sleeping first and I will make sure your brain stays here with or without you."

Victor gulped and peeked up only to see into the barrel of a gun.

Victor layed back down quickly trying to find the sleep, but seeing the state that he was in it wasn't much of a task. Only a few seconds passed before Victor was already snoring.

Miss Debeers nodded seeing the sleeping principal. She went around tidying up his office and organizing the loose papers all about.

Only a few minutes had passed when she heard a knock on the door.

"Oii! Come back tomorrow, the principal is busy today."

Miss Debeers sat down on the principal's desk listening to the voice behind the door.

"But we need some feedback on this right now!"


A shot flew through the wooden door and grazed the hand and ears of an individual behind the door.

"That's the only warning you'll be getting. Anything else and I'm taking the family jewels!"

The person behind the door quickly ran away feeling a moist sensation in his nether regions.

"Wow, It took over fifteen hours for you to wake up…

Good now let's talk."