
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantasy
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49 Chs


The next day the school was buzzing. A few days ago everyone was worried about the possibility of a traitor and now a new fab had taken over the tongue of all the students.

"The students in this school have the attention span of a squirrel."

Dante was the one to speak while he followed Riku to his class.

"I know right, one little victory and they are all crazy.

Imagine what they'd do after I beat the next guy in a few days."

Dante gave Riku an awkward expression,

"Don't let this get to your head Riku.

You barely managed to beat him and the next guy is ranked even higher.

I don't have any more favors to call in for you so I would advise you to actually do your research this time."

"Sureee, just trust me I have this locked."

Riku pushed Dante away as he entered his class feeling good as though he was walking on clouds.

Dante shook his head in pity as he continued to his own class.

The moment Riku entered his class all eyes were on him. But there was something different about his classmates. When Riku made eye contact they flinched and looked away.

This was way different than the respect he had expected to garner, was what he did really that bad?

Afterall, it was all just some digital injuries right? It's not like he would ever do that to someone in real life ever again…

Riku felt the awkward stares and gulped as he took his seat. The class was supposed to start five minutes ago but Riku had never felt this uncomfortable. The side eyes kept piercing through him. He would do anything for the teacher to walk him and start the class.

'What was this class anyways?'

Riku looked at his class schedule trying to read the crumpled up paper,

'Basic TradeCraft'?

'What is that supposed to be?'

"Good Morning class.

I am Professor Billy and I will be your Basic TradeCraft' teacher this semester."

The entire class's hairs stood on end. The problem wasn't the fact that the teacher spoke, the problem was that his voice came from the back of class.

This could only mean that he was inside the classroom from the start and they never saw him. The problem was, some of those students had been in that class waiting for over an hour which meant that some students had over an hour to notice him and didn't even have a clue.

An eerie silence filled the class as Mr Billy walked up to the chalkboard in front.

"First, what is tradecraft?


Riku had a slight stroke, the problem was the teacher just looked too plain. He wore glasses and a black and white suite that made him almost look like a student.

But the biggest issue was his presence. Riku was looking directly at the teacher and felt like the man was falling out of focus. Everything about him was just … too ordinary.

"I think It's those fancy things spy's use"

A female student was the one to answer first.

"Very good."

The professor smiled as he clapped and sat at the edge of the desk kicking his foot.

"I need you all to understand this one line.

"Every assassin is a spy at heart but not every spy is an assassin at heart.""

Billy wrote this line on the board and continued to explain,

"In this semester of TradeCraft you will all have to learn to blend in and gather information.

This is the bread and butter of assassins and spies alike.

As assassin Academy students you are very spoiled, never having to deal with police nor having an identity.

Truth be told it is better to be someone than no one.

Up until you leave this school you are very well protected. The police don't know that you exist. Countries are fighting for your good graces and even organizations want you as a tactical tool.

But the moment you leave this school you will be you. And as such you will have to learn to cover your tracks and operate in the world in which you live."

Billy paused, giving the class a serious expression as though trying to drive home the point.

As sudden as the silence came Billy broke it by continuing to speak,

So for this week I will be teaching you firstly how to case a client/target or location."

The class went on for an hour and half and Riku was hooked.

Riku had enjoyed learning the classroom theory on gathering information and manipulating people, when the bell rang he was a little disappointed.

He had to admit that only now did he feel like he was attending a real academy for assassins.

Unfortunately as quickly as the feeling came it went when Riku looked at his class schedule again.

'Ugh! history with Miss Debeers, again.'

Riku cried inward knowing she always gave him a difficult time in class.


"On time as always"

Riku rolled his eyes as Miss Debeers walked in in her usual haughty demeanor and started writing on the board.

"The year is 1914 and a young assassin, only nineteen by the name Gavilo Princip has been tasked to kill an archduke…"

Miss Debeers spoke as though she was reminiscing about the events herself.

Even Riku had to admit she had a way of making even the most bloody of historical events seem like a theatrical play.

"And that's how one bullet lit the world on fire-"

Her speech was cut short when another student stepped in the class.

Riku sat up realizing the break in the flow of events and studied the student from head to toe. The first and most obvious thing was the fact that he had two stripes on his shoulder which meant he was a second year student but he even had a golden star above the two stripes.

"Miss Debeers… I would like to speak to you outside."

The moment the teacher left the class erupted in low whispers.

Riku turned to the class rep who sat beside him,

"Who was that guy just now?"

The class rep gave Riku a sharp gaze mixed with a look of annoyance.

"I keep telling you that you need to catch up on the basics of this place."

She shook her head out of pity before continuing,

"That was President Marek, he is the president for the student body of the second year students."

Riku nodded in understanding, realizing why he could speak so casually to Miss Debeers.

Before Riku could ask another question Miss Debeers came in with a grave look on her face.

"There has been a change of plans."

She paused before looking directly at Riku.

"It has been brought to light that a few students in this class did not take part in the end of term mission last semester and as such will have to do the end of term mission at the end of this week instead."