

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

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Chapter 22: Year In A Half Later

A man stood on top of a small mountain looking down on a group of six assassins. He had one arm and a large claymore that rested on his shoulder. He watched as the assassin's set up a campsite, ate, talked, and laughed until they all went to sleep.

He waited a while more for the people to sleep even deeper then made his move. He jumped down the small mountain and skid down it in a clean motion. The small mountain was serperated by a large stream. The man then tightened his legs and launched of the mountain using his feet and jumped over the large stream of water.

He landed on the ground with his handmade shoes that where made out of twisted and blinded together twigs and sticks, they also had bear skin with hardened mud on the soles of his feet.

This man was naturally Marshal Rogers, the skinny and frail man who could not longer hold the hunk of metal was no more.

He walked up to camp site of the assassin's in the woodlands. He watched as they slept soundly and walked towards the assassin that was the furthest in the group and stabbed the claymore inside of the assassin's head.

There was no screaming and only the sound of the cracking fire and cicadas was heard. He walked over to the one who was near the fire and snapped his neck before he woke up and could fully grasp the situation before him. All he needed was four assassin's there was no need for more.

His soles mashed against the ground as he walked over to the remaining four. He punched one in the back of the of the head with great force, once again no sound was heard only the sound of the wind swifting and changing could be properly idenified. Three remained. He walked over to third to last one and slamed his fist into their gut, this punch awoke him but before he could scream a heavy punch made his vision instantly blacken out like a old light. Next was the duo of two that slept next to each other. Marshal slamed his entire leg's weight against the first victim's stomach. His eyes shot out at the breathe in his lungs became exhausted like a old and unrepairable car. His eyes rolled back and he fell out. The person nereby was awoken by the noise but was knocked out by a quick fist that destroyed her face like wet makeup.

Currently every assassin that resided in this area was either dead or put in a foreful slumber by Marshal.

Marshal grabbed each one and tied their hands and feet up with handmade tighted treebark rope. One by one he carried them to a sercure cave that her cleared out a couple of months back. The place was lit by wooden torches that had to often be replaced. He placed them in the already ready set of chairs and placed them in the shape of a square. He threw rocks and each of their heads and busted open wounds on their foreheads.

They woke up to the sight off three of their friends sitting parallel and to their left and right. They were frighted because of the unknown situation, the female assassin remembered what happened and quicky explained what happened to them. One tried to reasure the two who panicked and the remaining one looked as if he lacked fear but that was only a tough facade he played.

Marshall walked out from the distance with tools and hand. He wanted information about the assassin's and he was going to get it if it was the second to last thing he was going to do in this life.

He gave then a chance to soicalize and know that each other is now safe.

He then seperated them and placed them in four different corners of the cave and blinded them and plugged their ears with scaps of three branches. He made sure not to go to far and only plugged them far enough to touch the inside, just enough.

He took out a map of four and started on his first victim.

He beat and bruised the face of the man, stabbed open his skin with sharp wooden shaken snd twisted in a circular motion, and dumped his head in a puddle of water that got bigger when it rained die to a medium sized opening at the top of the cave.

He sighed and told the man he didn't want to kill him and they he wouldn't if the pointed out the location of their hideout on a map. He put the stake in the man's mouth and told him to use the blood on the stake to properly point of the location on the map. The man shakely markerd the location to which Marshall nodded at. He garbbed the man by the throat from behind and strangled him to life completely life his eyes.

He moved on to the second person and asked them to point out there location on the second map, to which they refused and put on a tough expression. Marshal didn't mind he had time, he skinned the man's skin and placed in a wooden carved bowl. He gave them anothor chance to mark the map the will they agreed and marked a different location than the first. Marshal went off to the side and grabbed a wooved together wooden tomahawk wrapped in tree bark to hold in together. He then slamed the tomahawk against the man's head until he died.

He moved a went to the second to last person. Marshal asked if her was hungry so he fed the women who was sleeping next to her, he assumed it was her husband. She ate it like it was he last meal and licked the bowl clean. Marshal told her she could get more. She agreed and marked the same as the first. Marshal nodded then dragged the body if her husband and threw it in front of her and pointed at the bowl and the carved skin. She tried to throw up but Marshall stopped her by choking her until she choked on her own puke.

This last one could either give him two locations or one. He showed him the map and the man with heistation gave up everything he snitched like there was no tommorow, there wasn't buts still. He gave him the same location as the first and third gave him. Marshal knocked him out off the chair and dragged him near the pond and drowned him until water became his lungs.

Marshal dusted off his hand and went to the location that he was given.