The Basilisk fang destroys the Horcrux in Harry's scar, resulting in Dumbledore taking a proactive role in Harry's development. Fast forward a year and the Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts, bringing many challenges and opportunities. How will a capable Harry Potter mentored by Albus Dumbledore fare in the face of everything to come? Powerful!Harry. Harry/Multi. Smut.
A few days had passed since the first task, and Harry had noticed a few peculiarities around the school. Firstly, the students looked wary of him, and he often found them whispering in hushed tones whenever he was in the vicinity. The younger students often gave him a wide berth, with some even fleeing at the mere sight of him. Although exasperating, he didn't let any of it bother him, knowing the reason.
A rumor had spread throughout Hogwarts that he had used blood magic to deal with his dragon. Harry was not an idiot, and he was not ignorant either. He knew the connotations associated with blood magic, with people decrying it as one of the darkest aspects of magic. Blood magic was often involved in rituals, and the ministry had adopted a no-tolerance policy for any obscure art. Consequently, there was fear among the wizarding populace regarding ritualistic magic. For him to employ blood magic, as they thought, meant he had quickly become a pariah.
It didn't help that the Prophet had gone on and printed speculative articles about his choice of magic in the first task, never being explicit but very much alluding to the dark arts. Rita Skeeter had been particularly vocal on parchment, openly speculating on how he might be a dark wizard in training and questioning how he had managed to overcome the Dark Lord as a child. Without accusing him directly, she accused him of being someone the Dark Lord saw as being potentially much more dangerous and evil than he was and fearing for his future, he had decided to kill him.
It was an interesting hypothesis, and it had certainly earned a chuckle from him, much to the shock of a few students sitting near him at the Gryffindor table.
Not even Malfoy and his cronies bothered him after that display. Harry still remembered how the idiot ponce had taunted him before the first task, proudly proclaiming for all to hear that he would not last even five minutes into the task. It did not take long for their confrontation to escalate, and it came to an end only when Professor Moody got involved. The memory of the Defense professor bouncing a ferret amidst peals of laughter from all those in attendance was a hilarious one.
However, since the first task, the boy behaved as if he didn't even exist, which was perfectly fine with him. It was one less headache he had to deal with. The same could not be said about his lackey Pansy Parkinson though, who still gave him disdainful looks now and then. Looks that were always ignored, much to the brunette's ire.
Another change he observed was in the behavior of Ron and Hermione. Ron used to glare at him before the first task while he was subjected to disapproving stares from the brunette. Since the first task, however, those looks had transformed into either deliberate ignorance or conflicted ones, as if they wanted to say something. He had no clue what was going on in their minds, but he hoped they simply came out and said outright whatever they wanted to say. If they were waiting for him to make the first move, they would be waiting forever.
He was currently sitting in the Defense classroom with fellow fourth-year students awaiting the arrival of Mad-Eye Moody for the final class of the day.
Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody was formerly an auror. Although calling him a dark wizard hunter would be more appropriate considering his ruthlessness in the field. He was a no-nonsense man with little to no diplomatic bone in his body. He was overly blunt, and that made him like the man.
He shared the class with Slytherins, as usual, but what was different was the girls he found himself sitting with.
"So, what was that spell, Potter?" asked the brunette, earning a slap to her arm from the blonde sitting between them.
"At least introduce yourself before interrogating the man, Trace."
Turning toward Harry, she gave him an admittedly lovely smile.
"Hello, Potter. We've never talked before, so let me introduce us. I'm Daphne Greengrass and this is Tracey Davis."
Harry nodded his head in greeting.
"You know who I am," he replied, not bothering to introduce himself. There was no need to.
"I like him," said Tracey with a grin, making Daphne chuckle. Harry rolled his eyes amusedly.
"So my choice of spell in the first task was enough to warrant you two approaching me for the first time ever, huh?" asked Harry, earning a prompt nod from the pair of witches. At least they were honest enough.
"You have to admit, Potter, what you did was in no way simple. I'm pretty sure there are professors who had never seen something like that before. There are talks of blood magic, sacrifices, and evil rituals," said Daphne, looking at him.
"You can call me by my name. I don't mind," said Harry, earning twin nods from the girls who reciprocated the gesture.
"And? What do you think it was?" asked Harry, curious to hear what she would say.
Daphne turned to exchange a look with Tracey, who snorted.
"Don't look at me. I know when I'm out of my depth. I've no bloody clue what that was. Looked pretty fancy though, that's for sure," replied with brunette, making Harry chuckle. Daphne shook her head in amusement and turned back toward Harry, staring at him keenly.
"I think it was some obscure spell that you found in the Restricted Section to protect yourself from dragonfire," replied Daphne. "And considering you had to use a shield in the end, that spell would've saved you from the fire only. Am I right?"
Harry nodded with a smile, and the blonde gave him a smug grin.
"Not entirely, but very close," replied Harry, and Daphne's smug grin vanished. Inquisitively, she tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows curiously.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I don't see any harm in telling you. That was indeed a spell that uses dragon blood to create a magical protection. Any spell short of unforgivables would've been stopped, and considering dragonfire is magically enhanced, the shield was enough to stop it as well."
"What's the difference between it and so many varieties of shields we know? I've read about one called the Aegis, and the book said even a weak one could easily stop a few blasting curses," asked Tracey, curious. Harry chuckled.
"There are different levels of shields, and yeah, a few could've indeed kept the dragonfire at bay," said Harry with a nod. "However, those are more draining on your magic. The biggest advantage to what I chose to do is that it didn't affect me magically at all. Dragon blood is a very powerful magical substance, more than enough to sustain the shield. It's only drawback is that it cannot stop any physical attacks."
"That is why you had to use a shield for the dragon's claws," nodded Daphne in understanding. "Got it."
Harry smiled.
"Glad I could clear that up."
They sat in relative silence for a few seconds, and Harry saw the two girls looking at each other, casting occasional glances toward him every so often. It didn't take too much brain power for him to realize that they seemed intrigued by him after that display.
"You're very different from what we thought, Pot- uh… Harry," remarked Daphne after a few moments, earning a raised eyebrow from him.
"How so?" asked Harry, looking at the blonde before his eyes fell on the brunette.
"Well," said Tracey hesitantly, taking over from her friend. "There is this belief in Slytherin that you hate all members of the house, that you are an arrogant person who chases fame and clout, desperate to make everything about yourself. Also that you consider yourself superior to everyone else because you defeated the Dark Lord."
Daphne looked at him with a frown, apprehensive of his response as she saw the look on his face.
However, instead of getting affronted as they expected, they were surprised when he chuckled good-naturedly.
"Don't worry, I'm not offended," replied Harry, chuckling. "I'm just amused at the lack of creativity behind those notions. I mean, that is what you expect of any notorious celebrity, right? Arrogant, fame-hungry, believing oneself to be magic's ultimate gift to wizardkind? Throw in the allegiance to Gryffindor and the hate boner for Slytherin becomes an obvious addition. I must say, a very cliché depiction of me from the Slytherin perspective."
Frowning, Daphne and Tracey exchanged a look with each other.
"I'd let you form your judgment of me," continued Harry, making them look at him. "However, let me clear up one thing which I think I should. Contrary to what your house seems to believe, I do not hate Slytherin or its students. I mean, how can you hate someone you don't even know about? I admit that I don't have a very high opinion of most of the people I've met from your house, but that is all warranted. You can easily guess who I'm talking about."
The girls looked at him in understanding and Harry smiled when they glanced over to where Malfoy and his cronies were sitting.
"Believe it or not, but he is the reason why I'm not in Slytherin myself," said Harry with a chuckle.
"Wait what?!" exclaimed Daphne in surprise. "You mean you could've been in our house?"
Harry nodded, earning wide-eyed looks from the pair.
"The Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin. Something about helping me achieve my true potential. But I met that idiot before the sorting and when I saw he had gone to Slytherin, I asked the Hat to put me anywhere but Slytherin," replied Harry.
"That utter ponce," seethed Daphne, glaring at the back of the blonde wizard's head. Harry chuckled.
"Now don't go on killing that idiot over such a trivial affair."
"I can't believe we could've gotten to know each other back in our first year," said Tracey, still reeling.
"Well," said Harry with a small smile as he looked at them. "We can get to know each other now. We've got almost four years left at Hogwarts, after all."
Surprised, the girls looked at him before they smiled.
"You were right, Trace," said Daphne, not taking her eyes off Harry. "I think I like him as well."
Harry chuckled, and with a nod, he turned around and opened one of the books he had picked out of the Restricted Section. This one described Transfiguration and was more focused on finesse than spellwork. Although a few people chasing power would discard this book, Harry belonged to the other category. This book detailed the intricacies involved in Transfiguration, including but not limited to how the structure of an object changed and how much energy to push through to ensure the object itself didn't combust or wither.
Basic Transfiguration did not involve too many intricacies, but as one progressed into the advanced domain, these details became more and more important.
Daphne and Tracey mirrored his action, each pulling out their Defense texts and starting to read. This year's books dealt with dark curses, hexes, and jinxes more than their previous ones, but no one was complaining. The syllabus was educational, and it was interesting, which helped them learn more about the subject.
It was a few minutes later when the double doors to the classroom shut with a bang and Moody emerged from his office. He stared them down from on top of the small spiral staircase, standing right at the door to his office before he slowly walked down, the prosthetic leg clanking every time it struck the concrete. His enchanted magical eye zoomed around the classroom, staring at the students.
"Stand up and move over to the side, backs to the walls, quick now!"
Students immediately shot up to their feet, scrambling toward the walls on their respective sides. Harry found himself standing oddly between the two Slytherin girls, all with their backs against the wall to the left side of the classroom. He saw Ron, Hermione, and a few other students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin standing by the opposite wall. His two former best friends still acted apathetic, pointedly avoiding looking at him. Meanwhile, Malfoy glanced at him with a frown and quickly averted his eyes when he happened to look in his direction.
Can't lie. I like this fear of his, thought Harry to himself amusedly.
Moody whipped his wand and flicked it, folding the desks neatly and arranging them in stacks against the door.
"A few weeks ago, you were shown what the Unforgivables look like," grunted Moody as he looked around. "Today, you will know how it feels."
Immediately, a wave of terror coursed through every student as they stared at Moody as if he had grown a second head. No one spoke for a long moment.
"Now I know I cannot use the Cruciatus or the Killing curse on you. I'm not a moron," muttered the former auror, rolling his eyes before smirking. "However, there is one Unforgivable curse I believe I can cast without fear of harming you… too much."
"B-But t-that's illegal!" cried out Hermione Granger in shock, looking wide-eyed at the suggestion.
"Nothing's illegal if permission is obtained," replied Moody immediately, flicking his wand and suspending a parchment in front of him. Another flick enlarged it enough so they could see what was written therein. The students' eyes bugged out even more.
"As you lot can see," smirked Moody. "Permission from the Ministry to administer the Imperius on Hogwarts students starting fourth year to the seventh for a period of no more than thirty seconds per student. Savvy?"
All the students shut up immediately, whispers ceasing as Moody flicked his wand and put the parchment away.
"You seem to believe the Imperius cannot be fought. Well, I disagree! It takes a real strength of character, an urge to never succumb. I will be teaching you how, even though not everyone will manage. My advice? Better avoid getting hit altogether. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he barked, and almost everyone jumped.
"Now then, who wants to go first?" asked Moody, looking around. No one stepped forward. "Well, that won't do. You, girl, come over."
Alarmed, Hermione looked around at the students who were pointedly looking away. Her eyes, filled with fright, darted around frantically before she finally looked at Harry who only frowned.
Defeated, she walked forward, stopping right in the middle of the classroom. Her eyes remained trained on the floor.
"I'm not going to hurt you, girl," grunted Moody as he held his wand aloft. "I'll be casting the curse at the count of three. One. Two. Three. Imperio!"
Unbreakable chains wrapped around Hermione, mentally more than physically. Outwardly, there was no change in her expression. However, her eyes glassed over, the pupil vanishing.
"Go and stand in front of all the students one by one," instructed Moody, and Hermione immediately followed his command.
"Take a closer look at her eyes," said Moody, and the students stared into the girl's eyes as she walked around the classroom, stopping for a second in front of each student before moving ahead. Harry watched her vacant eyes with a stoic look on his face.
Hermione made a full circle and assumed her place in the middle of the classroom once she was done. Moody canceled the spell. At once, she blinked and looked around.
"Go on. Stand where you were," instructed Moody once again. Hermione gave a shaky nod and walked over to stand beside Ron who gave her a look of concern, only to be ignored. Her mind was no longer present in the classroom.
"The eyes are a dead giveaway. See someone with eyes glazed over? Assume the worst," informed Moody. "Next."
One by one, all the students were subjected to the Imperius, and all were forced to do several acts that, although harmless, were not consensual. He watched on as Neville was made to jump like a kangaroo, and he saw Ron imitate a spider's walk. A few students found it funny now, but Harry failed to see what amused them so much. Even Malfoy's twirl like a ballerina failed to inspire any smile in him.
"These lot are pathetic," muttered Daphne from beside him. Harry listened. "They find this funny. They should be ashamed."
"These are immature minds, Daphne," replied Harry quietly. "They can't fathom the gravity of what is unfolding right in front of us. All they can see is the funny movement of their fellow students. Nothing else."
Daphne nodded distastefully before she grimaced when the girl beside her went ahead. She was staring at the girl who was doing a nice imitation of McGonagall when she felt someone lean close. She froze when she felt his hot breath against her ear and almost missed what he whispered. The girl in the middle of the classroom regained her senses and mortified, she walked back to assume her place.
"Next," called out Moody, staring keenly at her. Daphne steeled herself and nodded before walking forward. She recalled what Harry had just whispered to her, and the moment she saw Moody point his wand at her, she whipped her wand forward.
She was cut off when she was disarmed instead, and she watched in surprise as her wand clattered to the floor.
"Aye, good idea, girl," praised Moody with an approving nod. "But too slow. Improve your speed and learn to cast non-verbally and you will manage next time. But now though, Imperio!"
Harry sighed. It was worth a try. He watched as Moody asked Daphne to go over and pick her wand up. Once she did, he disarmed her and told her to pick it up again. Thrice more he repeated the same action before he called it off. Her lips set in a thin line, Daphne walked over and took her place beside Harry.
"Potter, up here."
Harry nodded and immediately, everyone turned to look at him keenly. He felt eyes on himself and nodded toward Moody.
"Gonna try and disarm me as well, Potter?" smirked Moody as he brandished his wand. Harry didn't reply, and Moody nodded before starting the countdown.
"One. Two. Three. Imp—"
The entire class stared, and so did Moody as Harry remained standing there in the middle of the classroom with a wand in either hand. No one had seen him move, nor had he uttered any spell.
"Sorry Professor, couldn't resist," chuckled Harry as he levitated Moody's wand back over to him before he walked back to assume his place against the wall.
"Aye, that's the spirit, Potter," praised Moody with an approving nod. "That's the spirit. Never let yourself get hit by the curse and you'll be just fine. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"
The class jumped once again.
"Next," called out Moody, and the spectacle continued.
The students filed out of the classroom, lost in thoughts. Those who had been laughing or finding amusement mere minutes ago had gotten a well-deserved reality check when they were subjected to the curse and had their freedom of choice taken away.
Classes had ended for the day, and Harry walked out of the classroom. He watched as Hermione strode away at a brisk pace, with Ron following behind more sedately.
"Can I talk to you for a bit, Harry?"
Harry looked over and saw Daphne staring at him with a frown, and he gave her a small nod. They started walking through the corridor with Tracey following alongside.
"How are you so advanced, if you don't mind me asking?" asked the blonde softly, staring straight ahead. Harry wondered for a moment what to tell her.
"I have a few reasons why I need to," replied Harry with a sigh. There was no way he was going to tell her just why he was training so hard.
"Is it true that you've been trained by Dumbledore?"
Harry looked over at Tracey who had asked, and he saw Daphne looking inquisitive as well.
"I can neither confirm nor deny."
The girls sighed.
"Alright," nodded Daphne before she stepped in front of him. Harry looked at her with a frown. "I want to ask you something."
Harry nodded for her to go ahead.
"Will you please train me?"
Harry's eyes widened slightly and she looked to the side, biting her lower lip.
"I never want to feel like that ever again," whispered Daphne. "So helpless, as if I had no control over myself. All I could do was follow his instructions. I'd never be able to live with myself if someone used that curse on me for evil."
Harry understood where she was coming from, and he sighed.
"You can resist the Imperius too, right?" asked Daphne before he could reply. "I mean, given what we've already seen of you, I wouldn't put it past you to be able to do it as well."
"I've never been subjected to it," replied Harry slowly. Daphne sighed.
"Listen, Harry, I like to believe I'm a fairly capable witch, but what happened there is enough to show me that I'm nothing. If something like that happens, I'd be overcome before I could do anything," said Daphne before looking him firmly in the eyes. "I have a proposal for you. You train me in improving my spellcasting and developing my Imperius resistance, and I will help you practice against me and Tracey while we both will help you with your Imperius resistance as well."
Harry looked at the blonde keenly before he looked over at Tracey who gave a firm nod.
"Same for me as well," replied the brunette, coaxing a sigh from Harry. He had to admit that the idea was tempting. Dumbledore always said that the best way to learn was by teaching, and here he had two students eager to learn advanced spellcasting. Imperius resistance was just a bonus. It would also help him discover where he stood in terms of his mental strength and whether he could withstand mind control or mind-altering spells.
"There is one little problem though," replied Harry. "Unforgivables are illegal to cast on another human. We would be facing life sentences in Azkaban if we're found."
"I'll get magically enforced contracts drafted which will contain our consent," replied Daphne immediately, to Harry's surprise.
"Well then, if that's the case then I guess there is no issue in doing this," muttered Harry, earning genuine smiles from the two girls. "However, I would like an unbreakable vow from the two of you. You will never use what I teach you to harm an innocent or to harm me."
They stared at Harry in surprise as he nodded and turned around to walk away.
"Tell me when you have those contracts drafted and we'll take care of the formalities before we get started."
They remained standing in the middle of the corridor and stared at his back as he walked off.
"Definitely not what we thought," muttered Daphne, watching as Harry turned the corner in the distance. The brunette nodded. Together, the two Slytherin girls walked away.
It was post-curfew when Harry, under his invisibility cloak, walked out into Hogwarts grounds with his smell and the sounds of his footsteps concealed toward a certain carriage. The letter in his palm still smelled as exquisite as it did hours before, and Harry brought it to his nose once again, sniffing.
It was after dinner when he walked out of the Great Hall that he felt someone quickly push something in the pocket of his school robe, and as he looked, he saw the retreating Beauxbatons contingent. It didn't take long for him to realize who the missive was from, and when he read it, there was no stopping the anticipatory smile that grew on his face.
As such, here he was, walking toward the carriage that was a few yards in front of him, and he smiled when he saw the witch standing at the door. It was clear who she was waiting for.
Harry smiled to himself and walked closer. She had still not realized that he was already here, and the expectant look on her face as she stared into the distance almost made him chuckle.
"I'm here," whispered Harry in her ear, and Fleur jolted back in surprise. He had to give it to her for not making a sound. Chuckling, he parted the cloak slightly so that his head was visible and Fleur's eyes widened when she saw him. Looking around to make sure no one had seen anything, she gestured for him to follow.
The carriage was more like a miniature house on the inside, with corridors leading to various segments. Fleur led him to the far right.
Harry walked behind her, and he had no shame in admitting that he made full use of the opportunity he was given to stare at her swaying behind. Almost as if she could feel his eyes, she exaggerated her steps, looking to the side with a playful smirk. Harry shook his head amusedly.
He saw her open the door at the far end of the corridor and he noted that she left it slightly ajar as she entered. He wasted no time and entered the room, shutting it behind him. The door glowed as it locked and Harry felt the silencing and privacy charms go up.
Turning around, he saw Fleur standing in the middle of the room with a lovely smile adorning her face and he took off the cloak. Her smile widened.
"Come," said the lovely veela, taking his hand and leading him over to the bed. She made him sit before leaning forward and gently pushing him back.
"Not wasting any time, are you?" asked Harry, amused as he pushed himself back until his head was on a pillow. Fleur's response was to quickly unbuckle and unbutton his pants before patting his thigh. With a chuckle, Harry lifted his hips and the blonde quickly pulled his pants and boxers down his legs and threw them on the floor.
"Ugh, Fleur," whispered Harry as she wrapped her pouty, pink lips around his rigid, throbbing shaft. The blonde sucked hard, taking half of his cock inside her mouth in one go and swirling her sinful tongue around it, lathering it up with her sticky saliva.
His hand gently stroked her scalp, caressing her silky tresses, and the beautiful veela preened. She started to bob her head back and forth, feeding his now glistening manhood into her mouth, trying to take as much of him inside her oral cavity as she could.
Her full lips were wrapped around the crown of his manhood as she stared up at him, swirling her tongue around the head before pulling back. She began stroking his slick shaft and smiled.
"I want to have as much of you as I can. You've no problem with that, right?"
Harry let out a chuckle.
"I'd be the biggest idiot on the planet to refuse that."
"Good answer."
Her eyes remained locked with his as she lowered her mouth on his cock once again, and she began bobbing her head up and down his length, trying to take him deeper and deeper inside her mouth until her lips were pressed against his groin. Harry clenched his teeth, feeling his manhood throbbing against the back of her throat as his hand caressed her scalp.
"Fucking hell, you're awesome."
Eyes sparkling, she slowly dragged her lips back up his cock, lathering it with her saliva before she swirled the tip of her tongue over the head.
"I've never been with anyone before," said the blonde veela. "But I can already say with absolute confidence that this is the most magnificent cock ever. I can't wait to have you inside me, mon cher."
Fleur smiled and dove back down, taking his entire length in her mouth. Harry felt how her throat accommodated his thick length as she buried him to the hilt over and over again, and he saw her full, pouty lips stretched wide around his thickness. He could only grunt or groan in pleasure as she stared up at him with those lust-filled eyes that burned with intensity, promising him nothing short of eternal pleasure.
Her tight throat welcomed him like it was tailor-made for him, as if it were his personal cocksleeve. Her sinful tongue slithered all over his length, her cheeks hollowed out with each fierce suck, and her throat spasmed around him as she chased her reward which was admittedly very close.
Harry grabbed her hair in a fist, much to the beautiful veela's approval, and he began to move his hips. Fleur let him take charge, and she went still, keeping her lips wrapped around his length as it slid in and out of her mouth, never leaving entirely but always plunging as deep as possible. Thick strands of saliva dripped out of her mouth, slithering down his cock and over his balls as they swung gently. Moaning, Fleur held him by his thighs, caressing gently.
The tightening of his fist on her hair signaled Fleur that he was close, and she immediately took hold of his shaft, stroking furiously while keeping her lips wrapped around it. Harry kept a firm hold of her as the head of his cock expanded, shooting rope after rope of his thick, sticky seed inside her mouth. Panting, he watched as Fleur sucked until he was utterly spent, and he finally dropped onto the bed.
She pulled back and with a smirk, she made a show of swallowing it all and licked her lips. Her hand was still wrapped around his softening length which gave a twitch at the sight, and she chuckled.
"You know," began Fleur as she caressed his length gently. "Veela are sensual creatures. We have this innate ability to greatly prolong sex. Wanna know how?"
Harry stared at her hand that was still stroking his shaft and he watched as it glowed a shade of ethereal gold. A huge burst of allure wafted over him, and his cock was hard and throbbing once more.
"Merlin's tits," he whispered.
"Not Merlin," said Fleur as she looked at him, and Harry watched as she tapped her wand on her uniform, vanishing it. "Fleur. Fleur's tits."
Harry had fantasized about them so many times since their first tryst, but seeing them was an entirely different experience. Her breasts were luscious and perfect, just like everything about her. He watched as she dropped to her hands and knees in front of him, crawling over his body. Her lips left a burning trail of kisses over his front until she reached his face and kissed him passionately.
As their lips locked together, their tongues began playing without any delay. Harry's hands reached up and grabbed hold of her heavenly globes, caressing and squeezing her teardrop mounds. His fingers brushed her puffy pink nipples and Fleur moaned into the kiss. Understanding dawned on him and he gently pinched her nipples, making Fleur cry out in pleasure.
"Ah mon cher, that feels so good," groaned Fleur before Harry locked their lips together once again. Her lower lips were glistening with her love juices, and his slick shaft easily slid against it. She rolled her hips over his length, teasing and stimulating him in equal measure before he felt her grab his length and raise her hips higher.
"You are my first, Harry, and it's a good thing that we veela have a special constitution," whispered Fleur against his lips. "There is no pain. Only pleasure. For both of us."
She lined the head of his cock up against herself and slowly sank onto it. They groaned together as he speared into her depths. Fleur's incredibly tight, hot depths hugged him like a lover, for that was who he was now.
"Ah 'Arry," she moaned, and Harry throbbed inside her. Fleur smirked lustfully. "Oh? You love it when I call your name like that, don't you, mon cher?"
Harry didn't need to reply verbally. His manhood was doing a brilliant job. Smiling sensuously, she placed her palms on his chest and sat up straighter, gasping when he sank even more inside her. She raised herself higher until only the head remained inside her before she dropped once again, a loud cry of pleasure escaping her lips. In no time, Fleur was bouncing on top of him.
Harry could only stare at the heavenly sight of her delicious, gravity-defying globes bouncing in front of him, and his hands immediately reached up to grab the alluring orbs. Fleur smiled, bouncing eagerly on his cock, feeding his length as deeper inside her as she could.
Their skin slapped, the lewd sound echoing around the bedroom as Harry played with her nipples once again, relishing in her intensified moans and cries. Her movement was frenetic, desperate even, as she fucked herself raw on his large cock.
Leaving her large tits, Harry caressed her curvaceous body until he reached her supple behind. Her ass was as remarkable as her tits, and he cupped her rear, sinking his fingers into her pillowy flesh. Fleur dropped forward, her arms on either side of his head and her hair dropping around their faces like a blonde silken curtain. Her tits were resting on his chest, rubbing erotically against him as Harry began to thrust upward, giving her as much of him as he could. Fleur moaned and locked their lips together once again.
Keeping a firm hold of her ass, Harry started to furiously drill inside her, making her cry out in pleasure. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck, lips kissing and nibbling on his skin as his hands squeezed her ass. His cock plunged deeper and deeper inside her, and Harry could feel his orgasm approaching rapidly. The feeling of her tightening walls around his length clued him into her impending climax as well.
"I'm close, Fleur," grunted Harry amidst his thrusts.
"In me. I want to feel it, 'Arry!" cried out Fleur, tits bouncing and rolling over against his chest as her inner walls tightened furiously around his girth, making him grunt once again. She clutched him aggressively, body stiffening as she let out a guttural cry of ecstasy. Her orgasm crashed through her in waves of pure, unadulterated pleasure as the blonde beauty shuddered, trembled, and moaned her way through it.
Harry was not much behind either, and his hand grabbed Fleur's hair. Pulling her face off his neck, he kissed her fiercely as he drilled his length further and further into her. He could feel her large tits flattened against his chest and the feeling was indescribable.
With a grunt, Harry erupted for the second time. Fleur moaned out loud as she felt his thick seed shoot deep inside her for the first time. Harry panted, his breath coming out in gasps as his cock kept shooting his load inside her snatch until he was utterly spent.
Breathing heavily, the lovers remained locked in an embrace as they rested on their sides, their fronts flushed, their bodies a sweaty mess. Like a contented cat, Fleur nuzzled his neck and buried herself eagerly in his arms.
In no time, they were fast asleep, naked, and fully satiated.
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