
Chapter 14

Even though Harry had agreed with Fleur's idea, it didn't mean he had gotten over his disgust for Skeeter. He could see where the veela was coming from. Skeeter, beyond her hideous personality, was indeed a buxom blonde beauty who, if she fixed her hair, got rid of those ugly ass glasses, and replaced her repulsive attire with something more tasteful, would certainly be more appealing. Alas, her personality sucked, her taste sucked, and frankly, she overall sucked.

Harry had no interest in acting upon that component of the vow and he didn't know when, or if, that time would come. After he and Fleur emerged from the secret partition the room had created for them, Skeeter was still waiting for them, glaring but helpless and obedient. She had not moved an inch from the position they had left her in.

Exchanging a glance with Fleur who gave him a casual shrug, Harry dismissed Skeeter after reminding her once again that she was supposed to publish a retcon in the Prophet as well as apologize to Hagrid with utter sincerity for targeting him so undeservedly. It was apparent that the woman was not happy but she did not object and with a small nod, she left the room, leaving Harry with Fleur.

Already, they'd had a lot of fun with each other throughout the evening and they didn't do anything more than cuddle and make out for a bit as they went to sleep in the comfortable bedroom the room conjured for them. Fleur was so impressed with how versatile the room was that she kept wondering how else they could customize it to have as much fun with each other as they could. Harry merely watched her prattle on with amusement and desire, her ideas outlandish and appealing but none seemed impossible. One thing was for sure – there would never be a dull moment in his life as long as he had Fleur.

The next morning dawned and they remained in bed for a long while, simply soaking in the comfortable silence that stretched between them as a naked Fleur remained draped over an equally naked Harry, rubbing circles over his chest with her index finger. Harry softly caressed the curve of her supple rear, his eyes closed when he felt her stir.

Blinking his eyes open, he glanced down to find her staring at him with her beautiful blue eyes shining in the morning light.

"What?" He asked, smiling. Fleur shook her head with a chuckle.

"Nothing, just had a thought."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Well," she giggled. "I was just thinking about my sister. What her reaction would be if she knew about us."

"You have a sister as well?" Harry asked in slight surprise.

"Gabrielle," Fleur nodded. "She's in her fourth year at Beauxbatons right now."

Harry nodded absently, pulling her close. "What about her reaction?"

Fleur giggled once again, finding whatever it was a bit too funny. Harry merely gazed at her in amusement.

"She used to be a fan," she replied. "Of the great boy-who-lived."

The uncomfortable look that overtook his face forced another giggle out of her.

"Don't worry, she's out of that phase. But I still think she's got a soft spot for you. Just last evening, I got a letter from her asking if I'd met you properly," she continued. "I must say, she was pretty thorough in telling me how I should behave myself if I met you, how you should be treated with the utmost respect, how I should introduce you to her when she comes over to Hogwarts for the remaining tasks… you know, the usual prattle."

"Merlin…" Harry breathed. Fleur let out an unladylike snort before she quickly swung her leg over his waist and straddled him. She leaned over him, their faces mere inches apart as her mirthful blue orbs gazed deeply into his intense emeralds.

"Merlin indeed," she whispered. "If only she knew how well I've met you and how nicely I've been behaving around you."

Harry let out a soft groan as the veela began rocking her hips over his hardening member. His morning wood was prominent and she was on a pursuit to bring it to full mast as soon as she could. Her lower lips enveloped his prick as it rubbed along her slit.


"Oui, 'Arry?" She whispered teasingly.

"Stop teasing me already!"

"Oh?" The veela mock-gasped. "I'm teasing you? That's very disrespectful, right? I'm so sorry, 'Arry. As a good sister, I should listen to my sister and treat you with utmost respect."

Grinning, she reached behind herself and grabbed his length by the base, aligning him with her wet entrance.

"Ah… I'll never be tired of this feeling… fuck," Fleur moaned as she slowly slid down, feeling his girth parting her folds as he slowly slid inside her. She slammed her hips downwards, holding onto his shoulders and gazing deep into his eyes, as she bottomed out, burying him to the hilt inside her.

"Be sure to remind me to introduce that girl to her hero properly, okay, 'Arry?"

Harry reached up and pushed his hand through her lustrous silvery-blonde hair, and Fleur cried out in delight when he grabbed her firmly, fisting her hair as he gazed at her with a feral grin.

"I'd rather focus on the older sister right now," he growled as he pulled her down, smashing her large tits against his chest as he slammed his lips against hers.

Fleur moaned deeply into the kiss as Harry began thrusting upwards, slamming his rigid length hard and fast into her hot, gushing core. His hips slapped against hers erotically as they kissed with lust. Harry kept a firm grip on her hair with one hand while the other ventured lower to grab her by her plump rear and he began maneuvering her on his prick, pushing deeper and deeper inside her with each stroke.

The feeling of her large tits smashed up against his chest was as sublime as always, and so was the feeling of her hot, sweltering depths that hugged him tightly. He kept plunging deep inside her, making her bounce and jerk wildly on top of him as he fucked her.

Slowly, he let up and Fleur pulled back from the kiss, gazing him deeply into his emerald orbs. Harry allowed her to straddle him and take control, letting up as she began to bounce on his cock, riding him wildly.

He feasted on the vision that was Fleur Delacour in all her fucking glory, with her lustrous silvery blonde hair bouncing in tandem with her movements and her large, gravity-defying tits swaying hypnotically on her chest, beckoning him to reach up and grab them. He let himself, squeezing and fondling her jiggling tits, and Fleur moaned with a sultry grin when she felt him play with her hard, puffy nipples, rubbing and pinching them teasingly.

"I'm close," she whispered, feeling overly stimulated under his ministrations, and Harry grunted when she began gyrating her hips, trying to make him cum earlier as well.

"You cheating minx," he whispered back, earning a small throaty laugh from the veela. She dropped back on his chest, smashing her tits against his naked skin once again, and Harry grabbed her perky rear, sinking his fingers into the pillowy flesh as he gazed deeply into her blue orbs.

"Fuck me and cum with me," her voice was a throaty moan and Harry obliged eagerly. With her pussy still gyrating over his length, he planted his feet on the bed and began thrusting upward hard and fast inside her, drilling into her furiously and Fleur lurched on top of him, gasping and moaning loudly. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding onto him tightly as he drilled his length deep inside her fluttering core.

The feeling of her incredible tightness around him clued him into her impending orgasm and Harry held her tightly against himself as she began to jerk wildly, spasming around him and swiftly driving him closer to his climax. Their skin was slick with sweat and Harry could feel the bed was soaked underneath him, both of which the room quickly took care of, leaving them to think about nothing but their pleasure. Harry kept holding her shivering form tightly as she rode out her orgasm, still thrusting into her savagely as he fucked her throughout her climax.

Her hot moans and gasps were music to his ears and it didn't take long for him to tip over the edge. He slammed his lips against hers once again as he came, drowning out her loud moan as she felt his hot, potent seed splatter deep inside her quivering snatch. His hips jerked upward, pushing his pulsating length deeper into her hot, tight depths as he filled her.

Breathing heavily, they held each other tightly as Harry kept cumming inside her. Finally, their hold loosened but they kept kissing softly, basking in their closeness and intimacy.


The Great Hall was bustling with activity when Harry finally arrived for breakfast. He cast his gaze around, spotting Daphne and Tracey who gave him sultry grins which earned them a smirk, and he did not miss a certain Durmstrang beauty who was sitting right opposite the two Slytherins with her boyfriend. As if feeling his eyes on her, she turned towards the entrance and her lips quirked. Harry smiled politely at the girl and glanced away. He spotted Susan sitting with her usual circle, at least as far as he knew, and he did not linger much on her.

The feeling of distaste that always erupted deep within him at the prospect of manipulating someone's feelings was always prominent whenever he saw her and he hated to dwell upon it. Hopefully, with the stunt he had pulled in the Ministry, Madam Bones would see that memory and things would progress without him needing to play with Susan's emotions.

Unbeknownst to him, Susan had also spotted him and she kept sneaking glances at him as he slowly made his way over to the Gryffindor Table near the front where the Quidditch Team sat. She averted her eyes when he happened to glance up and focused intently on her breakfast, absently listening to whatever Hannah was saying. Her best friend had been persistent and although things had not gone back to normal between them, they had at least started talking normally.

Harry slid in beside Katie who smiled brightly at him. He gently nudged her shoulder as he started on his breakfast that appeared in front of him.

"What got everyone so chatty today?" He asked as he accepted a glass of juice from Katie with a smile.

"See for yourself," the brunette grinned and pushed the morning edition of the Daily Prophet.


By Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent

In a shocking turn of events, your trusty correspondent must issue a full and embarrassing retraction regarding information previously published in the pages of this esteemed newspaper.

I reported the scandalous allegations that Rubeus Hagrid, the Gamekeeper and Professor of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was of mixed human and giant lineage. I also alluded to Harry Potter being a dark wizard who might be after a giant army of his own. This "bombshell" story caused quite the uproar amongst concerned parents and citizens.

However, I must now confess that my exposé on Hagrid's roots was flawed, unsubstantiated codswallop based on little more than vicious rumors and my own misguided speculation. In my zeal to land a juicy scoop, I grossly mishandled the facts and failed to verify my sources with the diligence expected of a journalist.

The truth is, I have zero solid evidence that Hagrid is anything other than a fully human, if somewhat oversize, wizard. His enormous stature and penchant for dangerous magical beasts may seem unusual, but that hardly constitutes proof of mixed giantish ancestry as I so brazenly insinuated.

The same holds for my implied slander on the person of one Harry Potter, the Champion of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Triwizard Tournament, against whom I have zero evidence that would suggest he might be trying to follow in the footsteps of the dark wizard he succeeded in destroying when he was an infant.

Through my shoddy reporting, I brought unjustifiable scorn, scrutiny, and humiliation upon an innocent man who has dedicated his life to education and the welfare of magical creatures and a hero of our society who got rid of the darkest phase that stood to threaten our way of living as we knew it. For that, I am truly remorseful and regretful.

Harry Potter and Rubeus Hagrid deserve a full retraction and my sincerest apologies.

As revelations of unethical journalistic practices come to light in our field, I am committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in my work going forward. I will be more diligent in substantiating any claims with airtight facts before egregiously defaming private individuals in print.

The Daily Prophet prides itself on journalistic excellence. You have my solemn vow that such a flagrant lapse of ethics, bred from lazy sensationalism, will not be repeated. I have learned a hard lesson, and your faith in this news source will be preserved.

Harry smirked as he put the paper away. Skeeter was quick and to the point. He had not expected her to admit to being a sensationalist or one to make shoddy speculations but he was by no means unhappy. That woman deserved to have her reputation as a factual reporter tarnished, for she was anything but.

"Good," he said firmly. "She should apologize to Hagrid in person as well for this shitty reporting."

"Come on, Harry," Katie chuckled. "No one expected her to ever publish a retraction. Even this is totally uncharacteristic of her, or any journalist for the matter. Expecting her to apologize to Hagrid would be too unrealistic."

Harry did not reply and continued to eat, prompting everyone else to follow suit.

"So Harry, got the clue figured out? For the second task?"

Harry glanced at Alicia who had asked the question and nodded, chewing.

"It was easy enough," he replied and turned towards the twins. "Any progress, you two?"

"On it like on Malfoy's mommy, Harrykins," Fred grinned, wincing as he was swatted on the back of his head by Alicia. Harry snorted.

"Remember, you'll have my sincere gratitude," he replied in amusement.

"Aye aye, a favor for a future prank, we remember, Harrykins," George replied.

As one, the chasers turned to him and Harry's eyes widened. He leaned back and regarded them.

"Let me get this straight, Harry Potter," Angelina said menacingly, leaning forward from right opposite him. "You promised those two idiots you'll help them in their silly pranking if they did something for you?"

"Uh… yeah, but—"

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves, roping in your innocent junior into your shenanigans and corrupting him like this!" Alicia whirled on the twins who raised their hands in surrender.

"Not so innocent, I'll have you know," Katie muttered under her breath so that only they could hear and immediately, the other two chasers and the twins blinked at her. The brunette flushed and pointedly focused on her breakfast as Harry let out a snort. He winced when she kicked him under the table, glaring at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, well," Alicia stammered. "That's different. I was not talking about that."

"What even is it that they'll do for you to help them with their… pranks?" Angelina asked.

Seeing no point in keeping it a secret, Harry told them all about it. Their eyes widened in shock once he finished.

"Now, these two might be pranksters but you can't tell me they're not ingenious and frankly, brilliant at what they do. If anyone can come up with something that will solve all the issues I might face underwater, it's them two," Harry said confidently, chuckling when he saw the twins staring smugly at the girls.

"Hear that? At least there's someone who knows to appreciate our brains."

"Otherwise the others only appreciate something else."

Harry's hand paused, his spoon held right at his lips as Fred's words registered. At once, there were twin whacks followed by winces as a pair of blushing chasers, Angelina and Alicia, sat glaring at the twins who were furiously rubbing the backs of their heads in pain.

He quickly averted his eyes when they happened to glance at him, ignoring Katie's snort. Yeah, he didn't need to hear that.

He turned to glance along the Gryffindor table and spotted Neville who was sitting with the rest of the boys from their year. However, while the other three were talking animatedly amongst themselves, Neville seemed to be focused on the Ravenclaw table.

Curious, Harry followed his gaze to a certain Ginny Weasley who sat with a blonde-haired girl. He easily recognized her as Luna Lovegood. The girl was famously known around the castle as an oddball of sorts and in her initial months, she had been bullied by her fellow housemates before it had been discovered by Professor Flitwick who had put a quick end to it all. It was fortunate that the House Cup was canceled that year, otherwise the Ravens would've been surely in the red.

"Looking for your fuckbuddy from Beauxbatons?" He felt Katie's hot breath against his neck and shivered, making her smirk delightedly as she followed his line of sight. "Or not. Isn't that Luna Lovegood? She's pretty, even though people consider her odd, and from what I can see, developing very nicely. Not really surprised she caught your eye, lecher."

"You know, Kitty, I'm having this feeling that you think all I do is undress girls whenever I happen to look at one," he replied in a deadpan tone.

"Knowing you the way I do now, I'm perfectly familiar with your libido, Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes and pointed out what he'd seen, much to Katie's delight.

"Oh wow, so little Neville's interested in her? I would've never guessed that!" She said sarcastically. Everyone had seen the two on the night of the Yule Ball and it was an open secret that they fancied each other.

"Cut it already," Harry chuckled. "He's a good lad, just needs some confidence and he'd turn out a great wizard. I'm surprised he's still making those moony eyes at her though."

"Confidence is all he'll need to take things forward. You should help him a bit, give him some of those pointers you definitely have… you know, the ones you used to land me," Katie replied, patting his thigh. Harry exchanged a mirthful glance with her before he turned back to Neville who kept glancing at Ginny constantly.

"You know what, Kitty? I think I should."


"Hey, Nev," Harry clapped the boy on the back as he walked up to him. "What are you up to this fine evening?"

Neville jumped slightly, startled, before finally relaxing once he saw who it was.

"Oh, h-hey, Harry. N-nothing, just going to the library," he replied. Harry spotted a few Herbology texts held under his arm and nodded.

"Nice. I was going over there as well. Mind if I tag along?"

Neville shook his head and together, they made their way into the library. Madam Pince eyed them over the rim of her glasses like a hawk and Harry gave her a small nod.

"Come on, let's grab a seat at the back," he said and led the way through the massive rows of shelves. Neville followed behind him, glancing around.

Harry had a clear motive in his mind. While they read, he would try to motivate Neville into taking action on his part and the rest would follow, but his plans went down the drain when he spotted a certain pair of girls. A small smirk appeared on his face for the briefest of moments which Harry easily smothered and turned to Neville.

"Come on, let's sit over there with them. All other tables seem occupied," he proposed. Glancing at Neville out of the corner of his eye, he concealed a grin that threatened to overcome his features at the sight of his rapidly reddening face that could have easily rivaled the Weasley family hair. Teasingly, he added, "And I'm sure you'd love to spend some more time with Ginny."

"H-Harry, I d-don't think that's a g-good idea," Neville stammered, his nervousness kicking in full notch, and Harry chuckled.

"It's a perfect idea. I know it's a library, you guys won't be alone, and you'd prefer for it to be somewhere private, but I can easily cast a privacy ward," he replied, smiling. "Now come on already, mate. Where's that Gryffindor courage? Man up already!"

Neville made to stop him but Harry had already walked ahead. Left with no other choice, he followed behind, reaching Harry just as he addressed the occupants of the table.

"Hey Ginny, Miss Lovegood," Harry greeted with a smile. "Mind if we join you two?"

Ginny and Luna glanced up from their respective books and the redhead's eyes widened at the sight of him. She quickly shook her head before a furious blush overtook her features when she spotted who was behind him. She quickly averted her eyes, staring pointedly at her book. Meanwhile, Luna stared unblinkingly at Harry, her eyes firmly locked with his, and he couldn't deny that it was a bit overwhelming how intensely she was staring at him. Slowly, her gaze shifted over to Neville and she blinked.

"You are suffering from a very large infestation of Wrackspurts."

Both Harry and Neville stared at her, confused.

"Uh, what?" Harry asked.

"Wrackspurts," Luna said softly. "They are invisible. They float around your head and through your ears. They make your brain go all fuzzy."

Harry glanced at Neville who still looked confused before turning to Ginny who had still not looked up.

"Err, well. I'm sure Neville would like to hear more about these Whackspurts. Right, Nev?" He asked with a grin. Neville remained silent.

"Wrackspurts," Luna corrected in the same soft voice.

"Yeah, that," Harry smiled at the girl as he slid inside the seat followed by Neville who was looking anywhere but at Ginny. "So what are you two working on?"

"Potions homework," Luna replied, making Harry wince.

"I see," he replied. "Luckily for me, I don't have to bother with that dungeon bat and his silly antics this year. A fair exchange for putting up with those deadly tasks, I'd say."

It earned him a small smile from Ginny and the same curious look from Luna. Harry could not help but think that it was the default expression on the blonde girl's face and he wondered if she ever made another face.

Watching them reading, Harry pulled out a couple of thickly bound books from his bookbag and opened one, resuming his research on things that could help him out during the Second Task. He did not miss the curious looks directed towards him by all three of his companions and finally fixed Ginny with a stare.

"Alright. Out with it then," he said, making her eyes widen.

"N-Nothing," she replied, a tinge of pink on her cheeks. "I was just wondering where you learned all those spells."

"The spells I used in the First Task?"

Ginny nodded.

"Just picked them up from here and there," he replied. "A few were from the books I borrowed from Dumbledore. You already know he's been helping me out for a while now."

Ginny nodded. Harry had told them all how Dumbledore had offered to give him pointers on his magical knowledge and how it had been a significant point that had driven the wedge between him and his former best friends. Hermione's pride and Ron's negligence had slowly started to emerge after that school year. She knew the girl and her brother had been more in the wrong and that Harry had simply stopped caring more than he should have. A part of her wondered if they would ever become as close as they once were. She did not have too much hope about it if she was being honest with herself.

She was pulled out of her musings when she heard Harry and Luna conversing and she turned to her right.

"How did you know about that?" Harry asked in genuine surprise. He had not expected anyone to connect the dots so easily.

"It was easy to see. The dragon's blood changed in front of you. I'm sure everyone could see that," Luna replied, making Harry's eyes widen.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You saw the dragon's blood change?"

Luna nodded serenely, making Harry gape at her.

"That shield would have protected you against the dragon's magic. Like dragonfire. But it would not have worked against any other spell or physical object. Like the dragon's claws."

"Merlin…" Harry stared at Luna, his eyes wide in disbelief. She had hit the nail on the head and she had not even studied it. If he understood it correctly, this girl had a very intuitive connection with magical energies to the point where she could see it take form or change its properties, as evident in her admission mere moments ago.

Ginny could not help but crack a smile at the expression on Harry's face. He looked truly impressed with Luna's deduction and it pleased her to see her friend's abilities being recognized and appreciated by someone like him. Usually she was just derided by her housemates.

Feeling eyes on her once again, she glanced over and immediately looked away. Try as she might, she could not look at Neville without being reminded of what had happened on the night of the Yule Ball. It had been the best evening of her life that had ended up being the most embarrassing. She knew she was as much at fault as Neville was. They both were inexperienced. But it didn't diminish how uneasy she had been left feeling when their evening ended.

Since then, they had not exchanged a word or even a proper glance. She had noticed him sneaking looks at her, just as she had been doing since that night whenever she found an opportunity she could get away with, and she knew he must feel uncomfortable approaching her. However, he was sorely mistaken if he thought she would take the first step either, for she was as much embarrassed as he must be. She had seen the results of their inexperience once already and there was no way in hell she would be putting herself in that position again.

Right beside them, Harry was curiously quizzing Luna on whatever it was that had interested him, making it a very awkward dynamic as now she sat silently in front of Neville who was intently staring at his book. Following his cue, she busied herself with her homework as well, ignoring everyone around her.

Almost an hour passed with Ginny and Neville sitting silently in that awkward atmosphere. Harry had finally finished quizzing Luna on her perception of magic and what he had discovered fascinated him a lot. She had been blessed with an art which he very much wanted to learn himself, having been told about it by Dumbledore who could also do it, albeit with much less eccentricity. He could not judge them for it though. He did not hesitate and asked the girl if they could keep meeting so that she could teach him. She had looked surprised for a few seconds before telling him she didn't know what he was talking about. Harry knew it was an inherent ability that must seem as natural to her as seeing or breathing was to humans, but he wanted to learn it all the same. He did manage to get her to agree to teach him, even though she had no clue what exactly it was that he wanted her to teach him.

Once his chat with Luna was over, Harry busied himself with his research while taking occasional glances at Neville and Ginny. He did not miss the lingering tension between the pair and could not help but wonder what the issue between them was. During the Yule Ball, while they had been dancing, he had observed them looking comfortable in each other's presence and he was confident that they had a good time, which meant something must have happened afterward to make them so jittery around each other.

His curiosity got the better of him and he decided to just be upfront about it.

"All right, I'll bite. You two have any issues with each other?" He asked, taking both Ginny and Neville by surprise. They blinked as they gazed at him. "We've been here for over an hour and I've not seen you even look at each other, let alone talk. What gives?"

Harry knew he was being a bit unfair here and possibly interfering in matters which frankly should not concern him but he could not help it. He and his former friends might have drifted apart over time but he still thought of Ginny like a sister and although he and Neville had never been that close, he did consider him a friend.

The pair blinked owlishly at him and Harry kept staring at them expectantly.

"There are no issues, Harry. I've got no idea what you're talking about," Ginny tried, and Harry scoffed when she averted her eyes as she spoke.

"Yeah, pull another one, Ginny. I can feel the tension between you two. Look, I'm just concerned for my friends, okay? Ron and I might not talk much, if at all, but you're still the same younger sister who wished me luck when I was lost on that platform and would bolt away at the mere sight of me afterwards."

Ginny blushed at the reminder, her eyes firmly fixated on her book. Harry let out a small sigh and turned towards Neville who was also staring at his book, unmoving.

"Come on, Nev. What is it?"

"It's nothing, Harry," the boy replied, not meeting his eyes, and Harry sighed.

"Fine," he frowned. "Keep lying if you think that would help you. Trust me, it won't. I'll see you all around."

With a parting nod, Harry put his books away and stood up. He stepped out of the seat just as Luna spoke in her usual serene voice, "Ginny and Neville tried to play the penis in vagina game but they didn't know how to properly do it or even start. So they ran away."

Harry's leg froze mid-air and his bookbag slammed on the table just as both Ginny and Neville whirled around in shock.

"LUNA!" Ginny cried out, her face red in embarrassment, and it was only because of the privacy ward Harry had erected around their table that the shout did not reach Madam Pince. Meanwhile, Neville could only gape at the girl, his face equally red.

Disbelief was etched across Harry's face as he dragged his eyes from a serene Luna to the mortified pair and he slowly slid back in his seat, staring at them. Expectedly, they couldn't meet his eyes.

"I… uh… I see," he whispered. He had gotten the crux of the matter and didn't need to know any further details. Turning towards Luna, he saw her still staring at him with the same look and sighed. It was apparent that the girl didn't know shit about social propriety and although it was a refreshing experience, it was no less cumbersome to be put into such a situation, particularly when the girl didn't even know what she'd done wrong. That one was an oddball, for sure.

Pushing the girl out of his mind, he turned towards Ginny and Neville, both blushing furiously and wondered what he could do to help them out. He sat in silence, pondering on one plan of action before another before he suddenly furrowed his brows as he was struck with an idea. It was outlandish, but it could work. Ginny and Neville needed a helping hand, perhaps a lesson, on how to properly go about it, and his idea might be just what they needed.

He was not opposed to being so open about it, but he needed to talk to the other person as well. Both of them needed to agree to go ahead with it.

"Nev, Ginny," Harry started, making them jerk slightly. They still refrained from glancing up, prompting a sigh from him. "Listen, I've understood the problem and I get why you two feel so embarrassed with each other. I know this is uncomfortable but there's something I think I can do to help you two out here.

"Help out?" Ginny asked with a squeak, her face lit up with a fierce blush, and Harry quickly connected the dots. His eyes widened just as Neville jerked up, a shocked look on his face.

"No! I won't be doing… that with you! Merlin!"

He found them staring at him with wide eyes and breathed deeply, composing himself.

"Listen, I'll tell you more about it, say, in half an hour, okay?"

Without waiting for their reply, Harry stood up and walked away, leaving behind a blushing pair of teenagers. Neville didn't dare stay thereafter and he quickly packed his stuff before bolting away.

Meanwhile, Luna still had that serene look on her face as she regarded Ginny who had her hands holding her head.

"I hope you and Neville learn how to play the penis in vagina game," she said, smiling. All Ginny could do was groan loudly.


Check out patreon.com/TheBlackEarl if you'd like to read chapters from all my fics at least a month in advance. Chapters 15 to 20 are already up.

Thanks for reading.