
ASOIAF and GOT Compilation

If I ever come up with a got fanfic , I will post all of them here .

Webnovel_Addicted · Livres et littérature
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15 Chs


Some unknown objects floated on the water, occasionally rising and falling with the waves. Fragmented bones were visible at times, evoking the tragedy that had occurred here. Gavin knew that numerous dangers lurked within these ruins, and he had to remain extremely vigilant.

The sound of the boat's oars cutting through the water was particularly pronounced in the stillness. Each time the paddle entered the water, it seemed to disrupt an invisible barrier. Gavin stood at the bow, carefully surveying the surroundings. The Blood Dragon Guards behind him were also on alert, ready to face any imminent threats.

As the boat approached the shore, Gavin sensed an evil presence drawing near, and the corrosive energy grew stronger.

The land on the shore emitted a foul odor, and the stones beneath their feet seemed to radiate malice. As they stepped onto the shore, the ground beneath them appeared to tremble slightly, as if resisting their arrival.

After landing successfully, the Blood Dragon Guards immediately secured the area. It was challenging for the five small boats to transport all the horses and guards at once, so Gavin had to rely on multiple trips.

With each voyage, Gavin's anxiety grew. He knew that time was of the essence. The longer they remained in this perilous place, the greater the risks they faced.

After considerable effort, all the horses and Blood Dragon Guards were finally transported.

The direction of advance was set, and they mounted their horses and galloped towards their destination.

The sound of hoofbeats echoed rapidly across the open terrain, stirring up clouds of dust.

However, during their ride, the monster previously encountered emerged from the corrupted jungle along the roadside.

It attacked with ferocious speed. Before a junior Blood Dragon Guard leading the way could react, the monster tore him and his horse to shreds. The gruesome scene was horrifying.

Gavin swiftly drew his longbow, and with a single motion, released a flaming arrow.

The flaming arrow struck the monster accurately. The creature screeched as one of its front paws was blown off, its body charred and grievously injured. The other Blood Dragon Guards immediately engaged and successfully dispatched the monster.

Gavin did not pause and continued forward immediately.

Half a day later, the ruins of a small town came into view. Gavin reined in his horse and dismounted to investigate.

The town lay in ruins, with collapsed houses and weathered walls. Once-towering buildings were now mere remnants of their former selves. The intricate Valyrian carvings had faded under the ravages of time and disaster. The streets were covered in rubble, a stark contrast to their former grandeur.

Some pillars still stood, but they were precarious, as if ready to collapse at any moment. Broken doors and windows overlooked the desolate land. The wind moaned through the ruins, resembling the mournful wails of the town.

Gavin and his team, led by several Blood Dragon Guards, entered the town cautiously. Although it may have been vibrant in the past, it was now eerily silent.

Occasionally, blackened, dilapidated buildings along the road displayed the once-great Valyrian style. The stones, worn by time, looked frail, with some collapsing at the slightest touch. Among the ruins, many dry bones could be found—evidence of the Valyrians who had failed to escape.

Suddenly, a monster burst from a house, attacking a nearby Blood Dragon Guard with lightning speed. The guard responded swiftly, thrusting his sword, but the monster, seemingly impervious to pain, continued to attack. It inflicted a severe wound on the guard's chest before tearing him in half.

Despite the sword lodged in its chest, the monster pressed on towards Gavin. A senior Blood Dragon Guard swiftly intervened, slicing the monster to pieces and ending the battle.

However, the roars of other monsters could still be heard nearby, indicating that the recent battle had attracted more foes.

Gavin quickly led his team away, but they were soon confronted by two more monsters. The entire group was forced to halt and engage in combat.

The battle erupted instantly, with blood and conflict enveloping every corner.

Gavin's long sword blazed with flames as he struck down the monsters with decisive blows.

Yet, as the fighting continued, new monsters emerged.

The Blood Dragon Guards struggled to keep up, and three were torn apart in a short span of time.

Seeing the increasing number of monsters, Gavin left ten Blood Dragon Guards behind to fend off the creatures and cover their retreat, leading the remaining guards away from the battle and towards escape.

As Gavin and his team successfully escaped, he was consumed by questions: What manner of creatures were these? Why were they so ferocious and impervious to pain? What secrets did the Valyrian ruins conceal?

Surveying the ruins around him, Gavin felt a growing fear of the unknown. Nevertheless, he knew he could not retreat and needed to press on deeper into the ruins.

Gavin continued his journey, avoiding exploration of other ruins and facing constant attacks from similar monsters.

After enduring numerous hardships, Gavin finally reached the secret dragon cave recorded by Belleris.

At this point, thirty Blood Dragon Guards had been lost along the way. Fortunately, the remaining senior guards were unharmed.

Gavin gazed upon the ruins before him: a grand black temple nestled at the base of the volcano. It was seamlessly integrated into the mountain, as if it had naturally emerged from the volcanic rock.

The structure was immense, with towering stone pillars supporting a heavy dome. Though partially collapsed, it still conveyed a sense of its former grandeur.

The building's exterior was weathered, with black rock surfaces eroded and covered in strange mosses and vines.

The two massive stone doors at the entrance lay broken and partially buried, narrating a mournful tale of past splendor and present solitude.

According to the diary of his ancestor, this temple was a significant place of worship for the Valyrians.

The Belaerys family had secretly constructed an underground passage leading into the volcano behind the temple, cleverly utilizing the vast space within to build the dragon's lair.


Leaving some Blood Dragon Guards to watch over the horses, Gavin led the remaining guards into the vast building. Inside, the damage was severe; stones were strewn across the ground, and broken iron chains and weapons lay scattered. Despite the destruction, the general shape of the building remained intact, and its past layout and structure could still be vaguely distinguished.

As he explored, Gavin noticed some remaining murals. Although their colors had mostly faded, their general content was still discernible. The murals depicted fierce dragon battles, with colossal dragons soaring through the air and spewing fire. The scenes were thrilling and vividly captured the chaos of battle.

From these murals, Gavin gathered that this was a depiction of a dragon fight involving Belleris and other dragons, illustrating how the Belleris family had achieved absolute power during Valyria's internal struggles.

Gavin continued deeper into the building until he was obstructed by a massive pile of rubble blocking the way. He assessed the situation and, based on the records he had, determined a general direction. The Blood Dragon Guards began to clear the rubble, and after considerable effort, they uncovered a partially intact passage. Gavin and his party proceeded, though the passage was soon blocked again.

Undeterred, they resumed digging in the approximate direction. As they advanced, they encountered severe collapses, with rubble cascading down and dust billowing into the air.

Eventually, Gavin discovered a stone door adorned with the Belleris family emblem, matching the design on his dragon bone pendant. With the combined strength of the Blood Dragon Guards, the door was slowly pushed open, revealing a spiral staircase carved into the stone wall.

Gavin descended the stairs, which twisted like a winding serpent. The torchlight flickered across the cave walls, casting shifting shadows that danced mysteriously. Gavin moved cautiously, his footsteps and breathing echoing softly. As they reached the bottom, a faint light grew stronger, leading them into an enormous, empty cave. Above them, a vast volcanic fissure allowed a glimpse of the gray sky, indicating they had entered the volcano's interior. The fissure also served as the dragon's entry and exit point.

Continuing deeper into the dragon cave, Gavin felt the temperature rising and the corrosive energy diminishing. After traversing a winding path, they reached the cave's bottom. The heat was intense, but the corrosive energy that had plagued them had vanished.

According to the records, this was the base of the volcano. Beyond lay the magma, which housed the treasure hoard of the Belleris family. Gavin soon arrived at the magma lake, where molten lava bubbled and roared with heat. Numerous vast, bottomless caverns surrounded the lake.

In the center of the magma, a giant dragon skull, as large as a ship, lay across the lake. Its massive head was raised high, exuding a sense of majesty and mystery despite its lifelessness.

Several large stone tablets stood near the cave entrance. Gavin approached one of the tablets, which was aged and simple. Carved from a blood-red stone, it bore high Valyrian script that seemed to narrate the passage of time. Gavin carefully studied the inscriptions, which detailed the Belleris family's construction of the dragon cave and their methods of hatching and training dragons.

The tablet revealed that Belleris, the most powerful dragon in the family, had died here, spending his final years in the magma. His body merged with the magma, and his head remained floating on its surface. The family's fire mages discovered that the magma had changed, enhancing the vitality of dragon eggs placed there and even reviving dead eggs. Consequently, the Belleris family transformed this place into a secret dragon lair.

Nearby, a large stone door was set into a natural cave. Gavin surmised that this led to the treasure chamber. He pushed the door open and found numerous damaged wooden boxes, gold scattered among them, and boxes filled with various gleaming gems.

In the center of the treasure chamber, a collapsed bookshelf held some books that, when touched, turned to dust due to the high temperature and centuries of decay.

After a thorough search, Gavin found some Valyrian steel ornaments and a lone dagger. In a corner, he discovered a dragon bone bow. Although he had obtained many dragon bones over the years and knew the bow's frame could withstand the heat of flaming arrows, the bowstring had always been a challenge.

However, upon examining the dragon bone bow, Gavin noticed that the bowstring was made of animal tendons. He felt a glimmer of hope. Testing it, he found that the flaming arrow worked perfectly without damaging the bowstring. Elated, Gavin handed the bow to a Blood Dragon Guard and continued his search, but found no further notable discoveries.

He then looked at Belleris's skull in the magma and faced a dilemma. He needed to cross to the dragon bone island in the center but was unsure if he could withstand the magma's intense heat.

After much deliberation, Gavin decided to test the lava's heat by cautiously placing his hand into it. The warmth was intense but bearable.


Seeing that the magma did not harm him, Gavin quickly shed his clothes and moved toward the molten lake.

Once he submerged himself fully in the magma, he immediately felt an intense burning heat. However, the magma was not very deep, and its density allowed him to swim with relative ease.

The closer he got to the center, the more unbearable the heat became, as if an invisible hand of fire was gripping every inch of his skin.

Every step felt like he was struggling through a sea of fire, with the searing magma clinging to his legs and sending sharp, tingling sensations. Gavin gritted his teeth and endured the pain that almost overwhelmed him.

The burning sensation felt like countless sharp needles piercing his body, but he relied on his strong will to withstand the torture and continued moving forward.

After a long and painful journey, Gavin approached the massive dragon bone.

At this point, his body was at its limit, and the pain nearly caused him to lose consciousness. But just before he fainted, he saw more than ten dragon eggs nestled in the mouth of Belleris's skull.

The dragon eggs glowed with a mysterious and enchanting light, like beacons of hope in the darkness. A flicker of surprise crossed Gavin's eyes, and he momentarily forgot the pain. He pushed through the last of the burning discomfort and quickened his pace.

When he finally lay down in the dragon bone's mouth, a profound fatigue washed over him.

Gavin, now on the ground, gasped and trembled, yet his eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation. The magical energy from Belleris's dragon bone was siphoned by panel, gradually restoring his condition.

After a brief rest, Gavin began inspecting the dragon eggs. There were eleven eggs in total, and two broken shells lay on the ground.

He gently stroked the eggs, sensing their latent vitality. The surrounding heat seemed to soften, as if welcoming his presence.

Gavin felt a surge of excitement. He realized these dragon eggs held great potential for the future. But just as he was absorbed in his joy, a low roar came from a cave, causing Belleris's skull to tremble slightly. Gavin's heart tightened, and he turned warily towards the source of the sound.

His heart raced as if it would leap out of his throat.

He focused on a pair of vertical pupils that appeared in the cave. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead uncontrollably. Gavin, about to draw his sword, realized the dire situation he was in.

He was unarmed, naked, and isolated, with the Blood Dragon Guards far away. The magma lake now felt like an insurmountable chasm.

The vertical pupils in the cave glowed with a mysterious and dangerous light, each flash like a hammer striking Gavin's heart.

As the massive figure emerged, Gavin saw it was a dragon with golden scales.

Though thin and somewhat gaunt, its body stretched about 17 or 18 meters long, and its pink wing membranes shimmered in the dim light.

The golden dragon crawled out of the magma lake, each movement carrying a heavy sense of oppression, its scales reflecting a faint golden light.

Gavin swallowed nervously, his mind racing as he considered how to handle the situation.

The golden dragon lifted its head and gazed at Gavin with a mixture of emotions—caution, curiosity, and a hint of vulnerability.

Gavin took a deep breath, striving to calm himself. He knew that panicking could be fatal.

The golden dragon slowly moved into the magma lake, causing the hot magma to surge around it and splash dazzling sparks. Each step stirred the magma, creating a series of scorching vortices.

Gavin's eyes widened as the enormous beast approached. His heart felt gripped by an invisible hand, and his anxiety mounted.

His breathing quickened, and his heart raced, but he reminded himself to remain composed, forcing himself to control the rising tide of fear and tension.

The golden dragon climbed onto the dragon bone and approached Gavin. Its massive head moved closer, and Gavin saw its eyes flicker with a hunger and fire.

Pale with anxiety, Gavin's mind raced for a solution.

In a moment of clarity, he recalled a dragon taming technique from the stone tablet.

Without hesitation, Gavin bit his wrist deeply, allowing his blood to flow freely.

He smeared the blood over his palm, then stood up despite the pain, and faced the golden dragon with unwavering determination.

He extended his bloodied hand toward the dragon and chanted in High Valyrian: "Stop the dragon flame, feel my blood, and surrender to me!"

The golden dragon paused, its curiosity piqued by the scent of Gavin's blood. It halted the fire it was about to unleash, tilting its head as it regarded Gavin with intrigue.

Gavin's heart pounded. He could feel the dragon's hot breath. Even though the dragon had momentarily ceased its attack, the situation remained perilous.

Suppressing his fear, Gavin maintained eye contact with the golden dragon. His High Valyrian words continued, each syllable carrying an ancient and mysterious power, seeking to forge a connection with the dragon.

He took a steadying breath, advancing slowly toward the golden dragon. Throughout, he kept his gaze fixed and unwavering.

Finally, Gavin stood directly in front of the golden dragon and gently placed his blood-stained hand on its mouth.

The dragon shivered slightly and then seemed to sense a bond, nudging Gavin gently with its head.

At that moment, Gavin felt a wave of hunger and urgent need from the dragon, which made him understand the dragon's immediate plight.

Gavin quickly surveyed the surroundings and then noticed the Blood Dragon Guards in the distance. After making eye contact, they understood his silent command and swiftly made their way out.

Turning back to the golden dragon, Gavin placed his forehead against its head, trying to communicate his intentions. He continued speaking softly and firmly in High Valyrian: "Don't worry, listen to me, I won't let you starve." The golden dragon appeared confused at first, but gradually seemed to grasp Gavin's meaning.


Gavin took a deep breath and tentatively climbed onto the dragon's back.

The moment his feet touched the dragon's body, the golden dragon instinctively resisted. Its massive form shook slightly, and a low roar emerged from its throat, as if expressing its reluctance.

However, the extreme hunger left the dragon in a dilemma. Gavin seized the opportunity and continued to soothe the dragon with a gentle tone.

In the end, hunger overcame resistance. Though the golden dragon remained somewhat reluctant, it acquiesced to Gavin's presence on its back.

Gavin settled on the dragon's back and instructed it to crawl towards the other side of the magma lake. Initially, the dragon hesitated, its enormous body remaining still. With Gavin's persistent commands and firm tone, the dragon finally rose slowly and began to move toward the opposite shore.

Upon reaching the other side, Gavin quickly dressed, comforted the dragon, and waited.

After a short time, the Blood Dragon Guards returned, carrying three horses and placing them heavily in front of Gavin.

The golden dragon eyed the horses with curiosity, clearly unfamiliar with them, but its overwhelming hunger made it eager to approach the creatures.

Recalling the dragon-taming techniques from the stone tablet, Gavin loudly commanded the dragon to stop in High Valyrian.

The dragon looked at Gavin with confusion. Gavin pointed at the horses and shouted, "Dragon Flame."

The dragon hesitated but eventually complied, breathing dragon flames onto the war horses. As the intense flames engulfed the horses, a mysterious connection formed between Gavin and the dragon.

Gavin felt this connection's strange fluctuations and experienced a sense of surprise, as if he could sense the dragon's emotions and thoughts merging with his own.

After the golden dragon had burned the horses, its eyes reflected more obedience and trust.

Gavin gently stroked the dragon's scales and said, "Well done, my partner."

The dragon, clearly famished, devoured all three horses, and the fatigue in its eyes seemed to lessen.

Observing the dragon, Gavin recalled the massive figure he had glimpsed when he first saw it. Resting his head against the dragon, he said, "Let me name you – Zaldrīzharys( Golden Flame in high valayrian)the Blazing Shadow."

The dragon seemed to understand, raising its head slightly and emitting a low roar, as if acknowledging Gavin's gift. Gavin noticed the dragon's reaction and smiled.

Gavin then mounted Blazing Shadow, planning to return to the magma and retrieve the dragon egg.

This time, the dragon accepted Gavin's presence without resistance, lowering its head as if awaiting instructions.

Gavin directed Blazing Shadow to approach the dragon egg's location. The intense heat from the magma made the surrounding air almost unbearable.

Returning to the dragon's mouth, Gavin carefully wrapped the dragon egg and placed it into a specially made backpack. He noticed two broken eggshells and wondered if one of them had been hatching. With curiosity, Gavin communicated his questions to Zaldrīzharys.

Zaldrīzharys initially seemed confused but eventually conveyed feelings of sadness and fear. Gavin surmised that the other dragon had perished, possibly killed by a more formidable monster. Such a monster would have to be quite large to instill fear in a dragon.

Gavin was alarmed. A monster capable of killing a dragon would be enormous. He wondered if it was one of the creatures he had encountered before and if they continued to grow in size.

He then discussed the dragon's usual food sources with Zaldrīzharys.

After half a day of communication, Gavin learned that the golden dragon typically hunted monsters outside. However, going out was not only uncomfortable but also extremely dangerous. While some monsters might be easier to hunt, Gavin had not seen them, and Zaldrīzharys often lacked sufficient food. Gavin could not determine the dragon's age based on its size.

Blazing Shadow could not venture out frequently. Within the dragon's lair, the magic of the magma prevented the dragon from being corroded by the mysterious power in the ruins of Valyria. Prolonged exposure outside would be detrimental to the dragon.

Gavin understood why Zaldrīzharys was so thin. Malnutrition was evident, and facing monsters of about three meters in size was dangerous, especially if they were numerous or particularly fearsome.

With Zaldrīzharys's help, Gavin easily retrieved all the dragon eggs.

Once the eggs were securely packed in Gavin's special backpack, he patted Blazing Shadow's neck to show his gratitude.

The dragon eggs were fastened tightly to Zaldrīzharys's back.

The senior Blood Dragon Guards packed dragon bones and Valyrian steel items, preparing to evacuate.

Regarding the vast amounts of gold and gems, Gavin felt powerless. He would be satisfied if he could lead the Blood Dragon Guards back safely.

If the situation became critical, Gavin was prepared to abandon the Blood Dragon Guards and escape with only Blazing Shadow and the dragon eggs.

Ready to depart, Gavin mounted Blazing Shadow and began the arduous climb through the cave.

Zaldrīzharys moved adeptly through the winding passages, unaffected by the protruding rocks. Despite the hot air, Gavin's anticipation for their return was palpable.

Finally, they emerged from the long passage into the vast space beneath the volcanic fissure. Blazing Shadow kicked its hind legs, spread its wings, and with a powerful thrust, soared into the air, quickly exiting the volcano.

Flying on a dragon for the first time was exhilarating for Gavin. The wind roared in his ears, the scenery sped past, and he felt a tremendous sense of freedom and joy as he sensed the rhythm of the dragon's muscles.

While in the air, Gavin noticed several dark shapes rushing towards the Blood Dragon Guards. He swiftly drew his dragon bone bow and shot flaming arrows, accurately striking the monsters and causing powerful explosions that toppled them.

The Blood Dragon Guards quickly sprang into action, dispatching the fallen monsters with swift and precise movements. Their efficiency was remarkable.

With Gavin's support, the team continued their advance, nearing the coast.

Suddenly, a deafening roar filled the sky. A monstrous beast, much larger than Zaldrīzharys, emerged from the mist and charged at Gavin and the dragon. It resembled a giant bat and was terrifying.

Gavin immediately commanded Zaldrīzharys to descend and head towards the Blood Dragon Guards.


As he landed, Gavin took out the dragon bone bow again and shot at the monster. However, the beast seemed to have strong magic resistance. After several fire arrows were fired, the only effect was a shockwave from the explosions that forced it to slow down; the flames did not cause substantial damage.

As Zaldrīzharys landed, the monster also descended. Gavin seized the opportunity and fired a fire arrow, causing the monster to veer off course. He immediately ordered Zaldrīzharys to take off, but the monster was too late to react and fell straight to the ground. Upon landing, several Blood Dragon Guards, who had already rushed to the scene, moved in swiftly.

One of the Blood Dragon Guards leaped from his horse and plunged a sharp sword into the monster's body. The wounded monster let out a piercing scream and bit the Blood Dragon Guard fiercely, severing him in half instantly. Despite this, the Blood Dragon Guard, with only his upper body remaining, clung to the sword. As he swung it back and forth, the monster's wound grew larger, though no blood flowed—only a thick white liquid oozed out.

The monster bit again, but another Blood Dragon Guard took the chance to jump onto its back and cut at its wings. The beast was thrown into agony by the pain. Countless Blood Dragon Guards attacked the giant creature, desperately seeking to injure it. The monster tried to take off but was unable to due to its damaged wings. Simultaneously, the Blood Dragon Guards cut off large chunks of flesh from its hind limbs that were pressing against the ground.

The monstrous beast attacked the encircling Blood Dragon Guards with wild fury.

At this moment, Zaldrīzharys lunged down and bit the monster's neck tightly.

The monster roared and thrashed violently, attempting to break free, but the Blood Dragon Guards severed the joints of its wings with their sharp swords.

As time passed, the monster's movements grew sluggish. Gavin took the opportunity to unleash the Flame Blade. After a few agile jumps, he drove the flaming sword into the monster's head. The creature finally ceased its screaming and became completely still.

Gavin had not yet fully recovered from the fierce battle and had no chance to examine the fallen beast.

Nearby, roars from other monsters were audible, clearly drawn by the earlier commotion. At that moment, two monsters suddenly emerged from the bushes. The Blood Dragon Guards immediately engaged them. Fearing for Zaldrīzharys' safety, Gavin patted its neck, signaling it to ascend.

In the air, Gavin was horrified to see a swarm of monsters gathering around.

He quickly issued a loud command, directing a dozen Blood Dragon Guards who had not yet fought to rush towards the coastline while the others provided cover.

The Blood Dragon Guards formed a protective circle around several high-ranking members carrying dragon bones and Valyrian steel. Occasionally, monsters attacked the guards, causing them to fall from their horses or be killed outright.

Gavin continuously ordered the Blood Dragon Guards to attract monsters to provide rear support.

Eventually, from his vantage point in the sky, Gavin spotted the coastline and the Belleris. He instructed Zaldrīzharys to land on the ship's deck. As Gavin dismounted, he ordered the ship to set sail.

Soon, eight Blood Dragon Guards arrived at the shore, abandoning their horses. They quickly boarded the waiting boat and rowed towards the Belleris.

When they successfully returned to the ship, the sails were raised. Under Gavin's command, the Belleris quickly set sail and began the journey back.

The Belleris sped along, and since it was familiar with the route, the return trip was swift. After Gavin secured the dragon egg, he stayed with Zaldrīzharys, soothing it as it was unsettled by the lingering corrosive energy from the dragon lair. The remaining eight senior Blood Dragon Guards formed a protective circle around them.

Night fell as dark as ink, and the Belleris cut through the smoky sea. The bright moonlight illuminated the deck in silence. Gavin, exhausted from the past few days, leaned against Zaldrīzharys' warm body and dozed off.

Suddenly, a disturbance broke the calm water's surface, and a splash interrupted the night's stillness. Zaldrīzharys immediately raised its head, eyes wide, and scanned the side of the boat. Its nostrils flared slightly, and a low growl rumbled from its throat.

The commotion woke Gavin. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he barely had time to react before a large shadow leaped from the water and landed heavily on the deck.

The monster was enormous, with a grotesque face and gleaming fangs. Before Gavin could act, Zaldrīzharys opened its mouth, and a torrent of scorching dragon flames erupted, engulfing the beast. Within moments, the monster was reduced to ashes.

However, the intense dragon flames also ignited the ship's hull. The flames spread rapidly, lighting up the entire deck. The crew, roused from their slumber, panicked, running and shouting as they carried buckets of water to extinguish the fire.

Realizing its mistake, Zaldrīzharys lowered its head and gently nudged Gavin, emitting a low roar as an apology. Gavin was untroubled and approached the dragon, patting its neck and saying, "Don't worry, my partner."

Gavin then extended his hand, channeling his magic. The raging flames seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, gradually diminishing until they were completely extinguished. Only a mess and the crew's heavy breaths remained on the deck.

Two days later, the Belleris finally sighted the four waiting warships. The fleet reunited successfully and sailed into the Sunset Sea, heading towards the Stepstones Islands.

The Sunset Sea's scenery was breathtaking, with the setting sun casting a magnificent orange-red glow over the sky and sea. Gavin stood on the deck, gripping the railing, contemplating the world's reaction to Zaldrīzharys' return.

Suddenly, the sea near him surged violently, and waves splashed. Zaldrīzharys emerged from the water, wings spread and droplets sparkling like pearls. It leapt lightly onto the deck, carrying a massive fish in its mouth.

Seeing this, Gavin smiled and joined in. A stream of dragon flame from Zaldrīzharys roasted the fish to perfection without harming the ship.

Zaldrīzharys eagerly devoured its meal. It was in much better condition than when Gavin first met it; its body was fuller, its scales shinier, and its eyes vibrant with energy.

Gavin watched Zaldrīzharys feast, thinking to himself: It won't be long before it becomes extremely strong.

As he pondered, Gavin smiled with anticipation, envisioning Zaldrīzharys' impressive future.


As Gavin's fleet sailed towards the Stepstones, countless merchant ships passed by.

People observed the golden dragon soaring above the fleet with panic and astonishment.

Gavin noted their reactions but paid them little mind. He understood that the presence of Zaldrīzharys would stir significant reactions among various factions, particularly the Iron Throne and the Kingdom of the Three Daughters.

Zaldrīzharys's presence instilled Gavin with immense confidence. Initially, he sought the dragon egg to hatch a baby dragon, never expecting to acquire an adult Blazing Shadow with such formidable combat prowess.

Despite this, Gavin chose not to dwell on potential threats from the Iron Throne. Even if some viewed him as a threat, he was neither a pawn nor an inconsequential figure.

With his vast fleet and control over the Stepstones, Gavin knew that all factions would approach him with caution, even without Zaldrīzharys.

Gavin pondered where to establish Zaldrīzharys's home. After careful consideration, he chose Shipwreck Cove. The vast cave where the dead dragon egg had been discovered suited Zaldrīzharys's preference for living in caves, and the cove's single entry point made it defensible and challenging to attack, effectively preventing any plots against Zaldrīzharys.

The fleet continued its journey, with the sea breeze blowing steadily. After more than ten days at sea, Gavin sighted Bloodstone Island. He mounted Zaldrīzharys and soared towards the island.

Gavin, riding Zaldrīzharys, streaked across the sky like a bolt of golden lightning toward Bloodstone Island.

When the massive shadow of Zaldrīzharys loomed over Bloodstone Island, the island's inhabitants reacted with panic, gazing up at the sky in fear and confusion.

Their astonishment grew when they saw Gavin on the dragon's back. Their faces displayed sheer disbelief, with mouths agape as they struggled to grasp the sight before them.

When they realized it was their lord Gavin riding the dragon, their shock was indescribable. There were gasps, murmurs, and excited conversations among the crowd.

Gavin guided Zaldrīzharys to land in the open space in front of the City Lord's Mansion, causing a cloud of dust to rise from the impact.

Boris and Hassan, having heard the news, rushed over. They stared at Gavin on Zaldrīzharys's back, stunned and unable to hide their amazement.

Boris's eyes widened as he muttered to himself, "Silver hair and purple eyes. So, that's what silver hair and purple eyes look like."

Hassan was so taken aback that his jaw nearly dropped. After a moment, he stammered, as though awakening from a dream, "Lord, this... this is truly astonishing!"

Gavin dismounted Zaldrīzharys, maintaining a calm demeanor, and smiled at them. "Don't be so surprised; this is only the beginning. By the way, my partner's name is Zaldrīzharys."

Boris came to his senses and stepped forward to bow, saying, "Lord, your return with such astonishing power will undoubtedly honor Bloodstone Island."

Hassan quickly added, "Yes, Lord, with this magical dragon at your side, no one will dare challenge us!"

Gavin first summoned a soldier to prepare food for Zaldrīzharys. Then he addressed Hassan and Boris, "Come inside. I have matters to discuss with you."

The three entered the study room of the City Lord's Mansion. Gavin sat at the desk with a serious expression. "I plan to rename Shipwreck Cove to Dragon Flame Cove, build defensive structures near the waterway of Dragon Flame Cove, and construct a manor on the island where Zaldrīzharys will reside."

Boris frowned, considering the task. "Lord, these projects will take time, likely a few months."

Gavin responded, "Take your time. Additionally, our control over the archipelago is too dispersed. Due to issues with the paper business, the Maester who was supposed to be sent to me wasn't. We currently lack effective communication methods. Relying solely on messengers is impractical due to the delay."

The two agreed, and Hassan suggested, "My lord, we can invest in acquiring more Maesters and acquire the techniques for raising ravens."

Gavin then instructed Hassan, "Send a team to locate my uncle. If he finds Qyburn, have them bring him back. Also, we must remain vigilant of the royal fleet's movements. With Zaldrīzharys's presence, the Iron Throne may react strongly."

Hassan replied promptly, "Understood, Lord Gavin."

Boris then interjected, "My lord, a messenger from the Sea Lord has arrived and invites you to visit Braavos."

Hassan added, "Sir, I'm from Braavos. The Sea Lord routinely invites nobles, royalty, and wealthy merchants to visit. This is a standard practice."

Gavin leaned back in his seat and contemplated. "So, visiting Braavos won't put me in danger?"

Hassan assured him, "No, guests invited by the Sea Lord are always safe. Once on Braavos's land, they are protected by the Sea Lord, similar to the guest protection in Westeros."

Gavin smiled and said, "As my most loyal subordinates, I'll share some details with you. Aren't you curious about how I can ride a dragon?"

Boris and Hassan exchanged glances and replied in unison, "Sir, we are indeed curious, but we support your decisions."

Gavin smiled and explained, "The Belerys family is one of the 40 Dragon Lord families. My mother's ancestors were guests in Braavos and escaped the doom. During the Era of Blood, they fled from Braavos, leaving behind the clan sword."

Gavin looked at Boris again and said, "The sword I asked you to negotiate for is the Belerys family sword."

Boris's eyes widened in realization. "Ah, now I understand why you value that sword so highly."

Hassan nodded in agreement. "There is a profound connection. I previously thought you might be of Targaryen blood."

Gavin considered this and then said, "Boris, reply to the messenger. I will visit the Sea Lord in Braavos as planned. While I'm unsure what to expect, it is also an opportunity. I intend to reclaim the clan sword and fulfill my mother's wish."

Boris acknowledged, "I will handle it immediately."

Gavin turned to Hassan. "Hassan, we must enhance the island's defenses and remain vigilant. Zaldrīzharys's appearance will likely attract spies."

Hassan responded solemnly, "I will make the necessary arrangements."

The two left to carry out their tasks.


Blazing Shadow fluttered its wings, sending powerful air currents sweeping in all directions as its robust figure galloped towards the sea.

The people on Bloodstone Island looked up and watched the soaring dragon. Their screams echoed across the island.

Gavin's destination was Dragon Flame Bay. Previously, it would take a full day's sailing by boat to reach there, but with Zaldrīzharys, they arrived in less than half a day.

From high above, **Dragon Flame Bay** resembled a long claw, with the curved part serving as a vast natural deep-water port. Currently, five large shipyards were under construction at the port, with numerous ships being built.

Craftsmen moved busily among the shipyards, their hammering and the sound of saws creating a lively symphony of construction. The scene demonstrated the vitality of the land.

As the golden dragon descended slowly, its massive shadow covered **Dragon Flame Bay**. Although people had received prior notice, this was the first time they saw the giant dragon up close. Faces filled with surprise as they paused their activities to gaze upward. Children pointed excitedly, while adults looked on in awe.

Soon, Gavin landed in the open space behind the dock and saw **Vika**, who had come upon hearing the news.

Vika's eyes widened, and her mouth hung open. His was so astonished by the sight that she was speechless for a long time.

Vika had once been the steward among over 300 shipbuilding slaves. A year ago, due to his exceptional performance, Gavin had granted him freedom and appointed him as the island's governor.

Vikaapproached Gavin, bowing respectfully: "My lord, although I received notice from the messenger, I was still deeply shocked upon seeing Zaldrīzharys for the first time."

Gavin chuckled: "It's all right. You'll get used to it, and Zaldrīzharys will be staying here from now on."

Gavin inquired: "Vika, what is the current progress of the shipyard's sail warship construction?"

Vika thought for a moment before responding: "My lord, due to improved technology, each dock can now build a sail warship in eight months. With five docks working simultaneously, progress is rapid. We only lack large timber suitable for keels."

Gavin nodded: "I've asked Boris to announce the acquisition news."

Vika quickly added: "Sir, acquiring such large timber is quite challenging. I heard from a merchant that enormous trees grow beyond the Wall in the north. The timber from those trees is obtained through trade with the wildlings. We can purchase it there and pay in food, weapons, and thick clothing. After basic processing, we can tow it back with ships."

Gavin agreed: "That's a good plan. I will soon be visiting Braavos, so prepare the fleet to head north to trade for the giant trees."

Gavin then asked: "What is the current development status of Dragon Flame Bay?"

Vika responded earnestly: "Sir, the population of Dragon Flame Bay has exceeded 5,000, and about one-third of the island has been converted into farmland."

Gavin decided: "For now, cease further inward development. Have the Blood Dragon Guard departed?"

Vika answered promptly: "Yes, sir. The Blood Dragon Guard set out yesterday."

Gavin expressed satisfaction: "Good. You're doing well. Continue with the shipbuilding efforts."

Vika bowed: "Rest assured, sir, I will make the necessary arrangements."

Gavin then proceeded to place the dragon eggs in the dragon's lair.

Zaldrīzharys understood Gavin's intentions and lowered its body. Gavin mounted the specially made dragon saddle, and Zaldrīzharys took off and soared into the sky.

In the air, guided by Gavin, **Blazing Shadow** flew towards the dragon lair he had prepared. Twenty **Blood Dragon Guards** were already stationed there, with eleven steaming iron boxes nearby.

Gavin dismounted from **Zaldrīzharys** and approached the iron boxes. He opened one to reveal the precious dragon egg inside.

Following the method detailed on the stone tablet, Gavin spread dragon glass purchased in advance on the ground, placed the dragon egg on top, and slowly infused magic power into the crystals. The crystals began to heat up, and Gavin soon found himself sweating heavily.

This process aimed to create an optimal high-temperature environment for the dragon egg, though it required significant magic power, leaving Gavin feeling drained.

Weak and exhausted, Gavin sat aside and inspected the dragon eggs before checking his panel.

**Host:** Gavin Belleris

**Age:** 17


- Bloodfire Dragonborn (development 63%): The bloodline of the **Dragon Lord**, with the ability to control dragons and fire, and possesses fire resistance.


- 60/63 (Your slaves can be promoted via the panel)

- 40 junior **Blood Dragon Guards** (blood witch puppets made using the blood of the dragonborn, can be advanced twice)

- 8 senior **Blood Dragon Guards** (cannot be advanced further)

- 1 adult dragon (a magical creature of blood and fire, can be advanced once)

- 11 dragon eggs (unhatched baby dragons, ready to hatch)


- Mastery of Fire: Legend

- Sword Art: Legend

- Flame Blade: Legend

- Bow and Arrow: Master

- Spear: Mastery

**Energy Points:** 61 (obtained by absorbing ambient magic power or actively absorbing magic power)

Gavin contemplated the panel. He understood that **Blazing Shadow** could be controlled, but was surprised that the dragon egg could also be included.

During the return voyage from the **Stepstones**, Gavin had inadvertently infused magic into the dragon egg, which then appeared on the control panel.

Gavin found that hatching the dragon egg required 50 energy points, while upgrading **Blazing Shadow** needed 100 energy points, nearly surpassing his current energy capacity.

Fortunately, he had collected many **Belaerys** dragon bones, which he estimated could provide around 100 points upon absorption.

Gavin, facing a shortage of energy points, planned to attempt hatching the baby dragon using the method recorded on the stone tablet after his return from **Braavos** to conserve energy. He also needed to find a way to acquire more dragon bones.

He intended to use the dragon bones to upgrade **Blazing Shadow** first and see the results. Previously, upgrading **Blazing Shadow** had only granted a single dragon flame effect.

Gavin speculated that upgrading might grant him abilities similar to those of **Belaerys**.

Once his magic power had partially recovered, Gavin summoned **Blazing Shadow** in his mind and instructed the twenty **Blood Dragon Guards** to guard the dragon eggs.

With a roar, **Blazing Shadow** entered the dragon cave, and Gavin followed, ready for their departure.


Above the Narrow Sea, the vast blue ocean stretched endlessly to the sky, merging with the clear, cloudless expanse above. The sea breeze was strong, billowing the sails and creating a crackling sound. The waves rhythmically lapped against the sides of the ships, splashing white foam.

At this time, a large fleet was heading north through the waves. The fleet consisted of twenty mighty sail warships and more than thirty armed merchant ships loaded with cargo.

From the sails to the flags, everything depicted a blazing flame, resembling a surging sea of fire, dancing wildly under the influence of the sea breeze.

A golden dragon nearly twenty meters long circled and danced above the fleet, occasionally diving into the water to catch fish, sending up large splashes of crystal-clear water.

The golden dragon emitted deafening roars, not only demonstrating its inviolable majesty but also seemingly escorting the powerful fleet.

With such a massive fleet, merchant ships plying the Narrow Sea dared not approach and could only stay at a distance, yet they were still able to witness the soaring golden dragon.

The people on the merchant ships stared at the circling golden dragon with wide eyes, whispering to each other and pointing.

The news spread rapidly, carried by the merchants to both sides of the strait. Soon, the entire Narrow Sea was abuzz with discussions about the Dragon Lord and his fleet, with speculations and rumors flying fast.

King's Landing - Red Keep

Robert Baratheon made a rare visit to the royal council chamber, a place he had never before set foot in.

A few days earlier, while enjoying himself in a brothel, Robert had heard that several merchants visiting King's Landing had reported seeing dragons and claimed that the dragon's owner was Gavin Belaerys, the Lord of the Stepstones. Robert had dismissed these reports as mere exaggeration by a few merchants.

In his view, dragons had long been legends, lost to the annals of history. How could they possibly reappear so suddenly?

However, in the past two days, numerous merchant ships arriving in King's Landing had confirmed the news. The young man who had captured the Stepstones not only commanded a massive fleet but also possessed a dragon.

Robert strode into the council chamber, his heavy footsteps underscoring the importance he attached to the news.

"Robert Baratheon, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, and Warden of the Realm, arrives."

With the announcement, the members of the royal council stood up to welcome the king.

Robert took his seat on the throne and waved impatiently for everyone to sit down.

"Your Majesty," Lord Hand Jon Arryn spoke first, "this matter should not be taken lightly."

Robert waved his hand dismissively: "I just want to know if this Gavin is a remnant of the Targaryens?"

The ministers exchanged glances, and the hall fell into a brief silence.

Varys, the Master of Whisperers, was the first to break the silence, replying respectfully to Robert: "My informants report that Gavin Belaerys's mother was a Valyrian from Volantis. She was likely a remnant of the dragon blood from the Doom, but her lineage is not related to the Targaryens."

Archmaester Pycelle also interjected: "Indeed, Volantis is filled with silver-haired, purple-eyed Valyrians, and the dragon blood is mixed among them, making it hard to distinguish."

Robert then looked at Varys and asked, "Spider, tell me, where did his dragon come from and where is it now?"

Varys responded: "Rumor has it that after Gavin Belaerys returned from the ruins of Valyria over two months ago, he brought back a golden dragon. Currently, he is leading a fleet to Braavos. It is said that the dragon followed him after Sea Lord's invitation."

Robert's face darkened at this information, and he said, "Those two Targaryen remnants are also in Braavos now. We can't let them stay there any longer. Send someone to deal with them!"

Jon Arryn quickly advised: "Your Majesty, killing children is not something a king should do. It would damage the king's honor."

Robert roared in response: "To hell with honor! I want to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Honor won't make them obey. Fear and blood will. Those remnants must die."

The new Finance Minister Petyr Baelish interjected: "Those siblings are currently guests of the Sea Lord. Although they are said to be in a dire situation, the Sea Lord protects them in Braavos. It would be challenging for our agents to act."

Robert took a large gulp from his wine glass, some of it spilling down his beard. He set the glass down and said disdainfully: "Then find someone local. All we need is a brave man and a sharp dagger."

Jon Arryn frowned and said: "Your Majesty, our primary focus should be Gavin Belaerys and his dragon, not the exiled children. Whether or not Gavin is a Targaryen, we must remain vigilant. Remember Aegon three hundred years ago. Gavin may have only one dragon now, but his army is much larger than Aegon's."

Queen Cersei, seated beside him, added: "The presence of that dragon already poses a threat to the king. Why not prepare people in Braavos in advance? As long as the dragon rider is eliminated, the dragon will..."

Before Queen Cersei could finish, Robert cut her off: "Silence, woman! Don't make me throw you out." He then addressed the ministers: "If he dares to claim the throne, I will crush him. But for now, he is a lord under the Iron Throne. Killing him without cause will only stir turmoil in the Seven Kingdoms."

Jon Arryn, more urgent than before, said: "Robert, we cannot wait for him to claim the throne before reacting. The Stepstones are not like the Iron Islands. Once he claims the throne, we will lose our maritime advantage. A young man with a dragon and a huge fleet is bound to have ambitions. Aegon from three hundred years ago is a living example."

Robert glared at him, then turned to the ministers: "Then what do you suggest we do?"

Jon Arryn thought for a moment and said: "We need to closely monitor Gavin Belaerys's movements. We must understand the situation in the Stepstones thoroughly. While they remain under the Iron Throne's authority, we should use the Royal Decree to impose restrictions."

Robert replied reluctantly: "Very well. You decide on the methods of restriction and suppression."

Jon Arryn then addressed Petyr: "Petyr, you need to return to the Stepstones to integrate them into the port tax system." He then turned to Varys: "Varys, send your little birds there as well, and keep a close watch on every move."


Petyr looked uneasy when he heard this and said, "Gavin is not currently on the Stepstones. If we only engage with his officials, it may be challenging to achieve our goals."

Jon Arryn replied, "Just issue them the order from the Royal Council directly. Arrange for our personnel first. Most of Gavin's troops are Unsullied. According to the law, they are forbidden from purchasing an army of slaves."

Petyr said helplessly, "I will do my best, Lord Hand."

Willas, standing nearby, also expressed his agreement.

After Jon Arryn assigned the task, he turned to Robert and said, "Your Majesty, please remain on the Iron Throne in the near future. I need to visit Dragonstone to discuss matters with Stannis."

Robert responded, "What is there to discuss with Stannis? My brother rarely comes to King's Landing these days."

Jon Arryn explained, "No, no. Regardless, your brother is the Master of Ships and commands the royal fleet. If we need to suppress the rebellion, we must rely on him. After I return, we will discuss giving Gavin an official position. It would be best if he came to King's Landing. We need to meet this young man."

Robert said resignedly, "Fine, fine. It's up to you. You are the Lord Hand, and I will follow your guidance."

After the council meeting, Varys, the Eight-clawed Spider, quickly returned to his residence. He immediately took out pen and paper and began writing.

"My old friend Illyrio, there is an unexpected factor in our plan. You must have heard by now. Gavin Belaerys, the current Lord of the Stepstones, possesses a golden dragon. This undoubtedly indicates that he is a dragonrider, and he's heading toward Braavos.

Meanwhile, Robert the Usurper has given explicit orders to assassinate Viserys and Daenerys. We must advance our plans. I hope you will go to Braavos immediately, bring the siblings back to Pentos, and also make contact with Gavin Belaerys to see if he can be of use to us.

Your friend, Varys the Spider."

Then, Varys called his little bird, a boy of about seven or eight years old. After giving the child a silver coin, Varys handed the letter to him and instructed, "Go to the port and give this to Captain Yom." The boy nodded vigorously, clutched the letter tightly, and ran toward the door.

The Reach—Highgarden

In a beautiful garden, flowers bloomed and a gentle breeze blew.

Margaery had received a summons from her grandmother Olenna and hurried there, curious.

Upon arrival, she saw her grandmother Olenna sitting sternly, while her father, the Duke of Mace, appeared somewhat disheartened.

Margaery quickly approached and greeted them, "Father, Grandmother, what has happened?"

The Duke of Mace responded angrily, "The envoy sent to the Iron Throne has returned. Robert Baratheon rejected my marriage proposal to the Tyrell family. He plans for his heir Joffrey to marry Sansa Stark, daughter of Duke Ned Stark, citing an agreement made with Ned Stark."

Understanding immediately that their family's plan had failed, Margaery received a piece of paper from Olenna and read it solemnly. The note stated, "The exact news is that Gavin Belaerys has a dragon, but it is unclear whether he is related to the Targaryens." Margaery's eyes widened with shock as she recalled Gavin's silver hair and purple eyes from their first meeting, leaving her momentarily speechless.

The Duke of Mace suggested, "Since Robert Baratheon dismisses us Tyrells, why not consider Gavin Belaerys? With dragons and an army, he might become the second Aegon."

Olenna glared at her son with disdain and retorted, "Oh! My Lord, the Seven Gods, my inflatable fish, how can the Iron Throne tolerate the rise of a new Dragon Lord? Don't be so naive! This matter is not that simple."

Realizing his mother's insult, the Duke of Mace fell silent.

Olenna addressed Margaery, saying, "I have always wished for you to become queen. The best choice was Robert's heir Joffrey, but with Robert's rejection, we now have another option."

Initially excited but quickly regaining her composure, Margaery analyzed calmly, "Gavin, who possesses a dragon and the Stepstones, might become a king, but this would undoubtedly lead to conflict with the Iron Throne. We should wait and see how the Iron Throne reacts before making any moves."

Olenna nodded, "Yes, child, it is good to be so level-headed, but we cannot be idle. I heard you mention that Gavin will attend your sixteenth name day. If he comes, I will find a chance to speak with him. If he does not arrive, I need you to visit the Stepstones. I believe you can handle him."

The Duke of Mace interjected, "Why worry? Invite Gavin to Highgarden and ask him. Why concern ourselves with the Iron Throne when there are dragons!"

Olenna rolled her eyes at him, "Be quiet, you fool! Many dragons have been killed. The Tyrell family must not act prematurely!"

Margaery considered this and said, "Grandmother, I understand. I will write to Gavin and remind him to attend my name day in Highgarden."

After leaving the garden, Margaery returned to her room with a heavy heart. She wrote the letter, handed it to her maid, and recalled her past encounter with Gavin, looking forward to meeting him again.

Braavos - House of Black and White

Under the dock by the river, a group of people unloaded several heavy boxes and walked along the rock steps toward the entrance of the temple. The leader, wearing a dark black robe with silver threads that shimmered, approached the entrance of the legendary House of Black and White.

The temple's exterior was made of dark gray stone, built on a small rocky hill. The pointed roof was covered with black tiles, and there were no windows, only a pair of twelve-foot-high carved wooden doors. The left door was made of fishbeam wood, white as a skeleton, and the right one was slightly luminous ebony. A moon was carved between the two doors, with fishbeam wood inlaid in the ebony and vice versa.

The wooden door opened a crack, and a monk in black and white robes emerged. He looked at the man in black robes, bowed, and said, "All men must die." The black-robed man bowed in return and replied, "All men must serve."


Then, the acolyte stepped aside to open the door, made a gesture of invitation, and retreated behind it.

The man in the black robe immediately instructed his companions, "Wait here and don't move." He then stepped through the wooden door with a hint of nervousness.

As he entered the temple, the wooden door seemed to close on its own, as if it had sensed something.

The man in the black robe followed the acolyte through a maze-like passage until they reached a spacious room. In the center of the room was a pool about ten feet in diameter. Thirty statues of various deities stood along the walls. Red candles flickered at the base of the statues, which included the Weeping Woman, Night Lion, Hooded Walker, Bakkaron, Pale Moon Maiden, Stranger, and Mermaid King, among others. Numerous niches in the walls contained the remains of deceased individuals.

The acolyte motioned for the man in the black robe to wait by the pool and then left. The oppressive atmosphere in the room only heightened the man's anxiety. Suddenly, a voice spoke from behind him.

"All men are mortal."

He quickly turned around and replied, "All men must serve ."

Only then did he notice a figure in a gray linen robe standing behind him.

The voice of the man in the gray robe was calm and measured: "Someone has seen what you brought, and I fear the name you wish to give is of great importance. Provide me with the name, as well as the details of its whereabouts and circumstances."

The man in the black robe wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "Gavin Belaerys is expected to arrive in Braavos in a month, accompanied by a fleet of about two thousand soldiers and a dragon."

The man in the gray robe showed no emotion and said flatly, "The price is insufficient."

The man in the black robe responded quickly, "What is outside the door is just a part of it. After the task is completed, I will pay three times the amount."

The man in the gray robe nodded, "The deal is set. When you receive the black letter from the raven, it will signify that we have completed the commission, and you will need to deliver the remaining payment here."

The man in the black robe assured, "I will be waiting in Braavos during this time."

The man in the gray robe warned, "Remember, the Many-Faced God observes everything. If you dare to deceive or breach the agreement, the consequences will be dire." With that, his figure gradually faded into the darkness, as though he had never been there.


In the room aboard the Belerys, Gavin set aside the dragon bone he had been holding, eagerly rubbing his hands and stretching his stiff limbs.

His eyes gleamed with excitement. After two months, he had finally absorbed 100 energy points.

However, the remaining dragon bones containing magical power were scarce. Anticipating the opportunity, Gavin exited the room and made his way to the deck at the bow of the Belerys.

The crew, accustomed to Gavin frequently summoning Blazing Shadow, cleared the area in front of the bow deck and quietly dispersed.

With a powerful roar, Blazing Shadow descended from the sky, expertly maneuvering around the tall sails to land smoothly on the deck.

Blazing Shadow looked at Gavin with curiosity and nuzzled him. Gavin embraced it, pressing his forehead against the dragon's to convey his feelings, and said, "Blazing Shadow, let me help you advance now." Gavin then accessed the panel and allocated energy points for the dragon's upgrade.

Suddenly, Blazing Shadow seemed to sense a strange change. It writhed, stretched its neck, and released a stream of dragon fire into the sky.

Flames began to emerge from the gaps in its scales. It leapt, flapped its wings, and soared into the air. Flames continued to grow around Blazing Shadow until it formed a burning dragon-shaped inferno.

Gavin watched nervously as the dragon's form gradually turned to flame.

In a moment, Blazing Shadow's body melted entirely, transforming into a sphere of pure fire that soared through the sky. The flames expanded, then rapidly contracted.

From the fire emerged a much larger Blazing Shadow, its scales now radiating an even more brilliant light, exuding a powerful and majestic presence.

Gavin watched the transformation with joy and anticipation.

Blazing Shadow circled excitedly in the air before descending rapidly and landing solidly on the deck.

As the dragon landed, the entire ship shook violently, causing the bow to dip noticeably.

Gavin approached and gently stroked Blazing Shadow's scales.

The dragon, now measuring over 20 meters in length, appeared somewhat cramped on the deck of the Belerys.

Gavin opened the panel to review Blazing Shadow's new status.

Type: High Dragon

Rank: High level


- Dragon Flame: Breathing fire formed by magic, capable of disrupting other magic.

- Bathing in Fire: Transforms the body into flames, immune to fire and physical damage, injuries heal as the body restores, but consumes vast amounts of magic power.

- Possession: Compresses the elemental flame and integrates it into the host's body, enhancing the host's magic power and control over fire.

Excited to test Blazing Shadow's new abilities, Gavin observed as the dragon flew into the air. Flames appeared on its body, forming a dragon-shaped blaze that surged toward Gavin. The flames shrank as they approached, becoming a fist-sized fireball that merged into Gavin's palm.

As Blazing Shadow merged with him, Gavin felt a significant surge in his magical power, as though he could incinerate anything with ease.

He raised his right hand and waved it through the air, releasing a fire snake over 30 meters long from his palm.

Gavin marveled at the power and felt his excitement grow. He did not make any additional movements but silently gauged his enhanced magical capacity.

He noticed that the magic power was depleting steadily. It seemed that the possession had a time limit. Without using the magic, it might last for seven or eight days. He could also sense Blazing Shadow's thoughts, realizing that two consecutive uses of Bathing in Fire were already at the limit.

Suddenly, a massive wave surged toward the ship. Gavin's eyes narrowed, and he waved his right hand again. A ball of blazing flame instantly evaporated the wave, transforming it into mist.

With the thrill of his newfound power, Gavin eagerly anticipated the potential of the remaining dragon eggs. If he could bond with all of them, it might bring him close to divine power.

However, he quickly dismissed the thought, acknowledging the improbability of such an unrealistic fantasy.


Simply increasing the energy used by Blazing Shadow would consume all the dragon bones he obtained from one expedition. Unless he ventures to Valyria again, it may be difficult to achieve.

At this time, the wind and waves on the sea became increasingly turbulent, and the Belaerys rocked violently in the waves. Gavin held on tightly to the side of the ship, trying to maintain his balance. He then released Blazing Shadow, letting it soar in the air, and hurried back to his cabin.

A month later, at dusk, the fleet finally arrived in Braavos.

Braavos is located at the northwest tip of the Essos continent and consists of hundreds of islands. It sits at the intersection of the Narrow Sea and the Shivering Sea.

Behind the city is a continent full of swamps, surrounded by mountain-shaped islands. There is only one natural gorge that can accommodate the entry and exit of ocean-going merchant ships. The people of Braavos built a magnificent statue—the Titan—at this entrance.

As the fleet approached Braavos and the statue of the Titan became clearly visible, Gavin welcomed the envoy of the Sea Lord who had come to greet him. The envoy boarded the Belaerys in a small boat.

Upon seeing Gavin, the envoy bowed and said, "Welcome, Sir Gavin. I am Tyron Rayyan, and I have been sent by His Highness the Sea Lord to welcome you."

Looking at the rather stout envoy, Gavin smiled and replied, "Envoy Tyron, you are too kind. I should be grateful to His Highness the Sea Lord for his invitation, which has given me the opportunity to appreciate the scenery of Braavos."

Tyron Rayyan smiled slightly and said, "Sir Gavin, His Highness the Sea Lord has prepared a pleasant seaside mansion for you and will hold a banquet to welcome you tomorrow. The port has also been prepared for your fleet and soldiers, with berths, food, and accommodation arranged. When you disembark later, I will lead you to your villa to rest."

Gavin responded, "Thank you to His Highness the Sea Lord for the careful arrangements. I will send Special Envoy Laufr to you later."

Tyron Rayyan glanced around and then asked with a hint of curiosity, "Sir Gavin, I heard that you are bringing your dragon with you this time. Why haven't I seen it?"

Gavin immediately replied, "Blazing Shadow flew out to search for food. Furthermore, if it flew in the skies over Braavos, it would disturb the people in the city, so I kept it away."

Tyron Rayyan said, "On behalf of the people of Braavos, I thank you for your consideration. But there is no need to worry about disturbing the people. They have long been eager to see the true face of the dragon. Even His Highness the Sea Lord and I are very curious about the magical dragon."

Gavin smiled and politely declined, "I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment. Blazing Shadow won't be able to return for a while. I apologize for not being able to satisfy your curiosity immediately. Once it returns, I'll ensure you and His Highness the Sea Lord get to see it."

Gavin stood on the deck of the Belaerys, looking up at the towering statue and feeling awestruck. He couldn't help but wonder how this colossal figure was constructed.

Tyron Rayyan, who stood beside him, explained, "The Titan statue was built by the fugitive slaves who first came here. They arrived at this remote and rarely visited place under the guidance of the Moonsingers. It took considerable time and effort to construct this statue using local materials."

Gavin asked, "I heard that this statue can make sounds?"

Tyron Rayyan's face showed pride as he explained, "Indeed, it can make sounds. It is not just a statue but also a perfect defensive fortress. Located next to the battle fortress, it serves as both a warning and a protector of our city, repelling foreign enemies. Whenever an enemy ship approaches, the Titan roars to alert us of their approach."

Gavin nodded, acknowledging the explanation, but he secretly speculated that the statue's primary function might be to defend against dragons in the air. After all, Braavos was founded by slaves who escaped Valyria. They likely built these defenses with the threat of Valyrian dragons in mind.

The fleet slowly sailed beneath the Titan. As they entered the natural gorge, Gavin saw battle fortresses and large docks on either side. Numerous trebuchets and ballistae were positioned on the cliff tops, and countless purple warships were docked there.

Gavin had heard from Hassan that the slaves who escaped from Valyria discovered sea snails that could produce a dark purple dye. To alter the appearance of captured ships, they were dyed purple, a tradition that continued. Consequently, the Braavos fleet was known as the Purple Fleet.

As the Belaerys docked, Gavin stepped onto the bustling docks of Braavos. The city, being one of the most prosperous and powerful among the Free Trade City-states, had a vibrant and busy port.

The Old Clothes Dealer's Wharf to the west was crowded with ships from around the world, their colorful sails fluttering in the wind. Merchant ships from Qarth and the Summer Isles, voyagers from Asshai and the Jade Sea Isles, and vessels of various sizes were gathered here.

On the pier, a steady flow of people moved about, busy yet orderly. Sea Lord's customs officials carefully inspected the cargo holds of each ship at Wharf, meticulously recording the type and quantity of goods.

Under Tyron Rayyan's guidance, Gavin traveled in the Wheel Palace provided by the Sea Lord.

The Wheel Palace smoothly navigated the streets of Braavos, with Gavin's Blood Dragon Guard and nearly a hundred other guards trailing closely behind.

Through the carriage window, Gavin admired Braavos' unique urban landscape, observing many stone arch bridges connecting the islands and the sweetwater canals bringing fresh water from the mainland.

In the Wheel Palace, Tyron Rayyan broke the silence and respectfully informed Gavin, "Sir Gavin, two more members of your clan will be attending the banquet tomorrow."

Gavin looked puzzled. "Clansmen?"

Tyron Rayyan quickly clarified, "They are the exiled brother and sister of the Targaryen family."

Seeing Gavin's continued uncertainty, Tyron Rayyan tentatively added, "Isn't Sir Gavin's ability to control dragons derived from Targaryen blood?"

Gavin smiled slightly, realizing this was likely what the Sea Lord wanted to ascertain. He explained, "There were once 40 dragonlord families in Valyria. The Targaryens were not the only ones with dragon control abilities. My bloodline for controlling dragons comes from other dragonlord families."

Tyron Rayyan quickly responded, "I understand. I will ensure the brother and sister attend tomorrow's event."


"It doesn't matter." Gavin waved his hand and interrupted: "I also want to meet those brothers and sisters."

Gavin then shifted the topic, asking about who would be present at the following day's event. Tyron Rayyan, who had hoped to continue the conversation, had no choice but to provide the requested information.

Through the introduction, Gavin learned that the somewhat portly messenger in front of him was from the Leyan family, one of the keyholder families of the Iron Bank.

The Iron Bank is the most significant bank in Braavos, with operations spanning nearly the entire world. The Braavos people have a proverb: "The Iron Bank cannot be defaulted," reflecting its immense influence.

Gavin understood that with twenty-three keyholder families, it was reasonable not to remember every name.

About half an hour later, Gavin arrived at the seaside villa arranged by the Sea Lord. Dozens of maids and servants were already at the door, waiting for him.

The villa's architecture was distinctive, blending the sophistication and elegance of Braavos. The white walls shimmered softly in the sunlight, and the red roof stood out against the surrounding blue sea and sky, creating a particularly striking appearance.

Entering the courtyard revealed lush flowers and green trees. The gentle breeze made the flowers sway, releasing their fragrance. Walking along the bluestone path, Gavin reached a viewing platform in the courtyard.

From this vantage point, he had an unobstructed view of the vast sea and bustling docks. Braavos appeared vibrant and busy, with ships moving back and forth like fish in the sea. In the blue sky, seagulls soared freely, occasionally diving towards the sea or flapping their wings, their cheerful calls adding liveliness to the beautiful scene.

Gavin couldn't help but appreciate the Sea Lord's thoughtful and meticulous arrangements for his guests. He truly was a gracious host.

Suddenly, Gavin felt a surge of magical energy, as emotions from Zaldrīzharys reached him. He restrained the overwhelming magic and murmured, "Be patient for a while; I'll let you out later."

Nightfall gently enveloped Braavos, and the seaside villa where Gavin stayed was bathed in tranquility. Moonlight cast a faint silver glow on the stone courtyard.

A shadow appeared quietly at the courtyard door and knocked gently. The duty soldier carefully opened a gap, and upon recognizing the visitor, allowed him inside.

The man walked through the flower-surrounded courtyard, his footsteps echoing in the silent night. Soon, he reached Gavin, who had been waiting. The man bowed and said, "Sir Gavin, here you are."

Gavin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Are you the one sent by Boris?"

"Yes, sir," the man replied.

"Tell me about the situation before my arrival," Gavin demanded.

The man hurriedly reported, "As news of your dragon spread, Lord Gavin, the Purple Fleet personnel in Braavos have canceled their leave and returned to their ships. Sailors who were previously in taverns and brothels are now missing. The Purple Fleet is heavily guarded, and access to the dock is strictly controlled. Additionally, I observed many iron crossbow bolts being transported to various fortresses in the port. It seems they may be preparing for your dragon."

Gavin nodded calmly. "These actions are expected. It would be unusual if they weren't prepared. What about the brother and sister?"

The man continued, "After news of your dragon reached Braavos, the Sea Lord immediately sent people to locate and accommodate the brother and sister. Governor Leo of Pentos arrived in Braavos yesterday and attempted to visit them today but was turned away by the Sea Lord's guards. It is rumored that he might attend the welcome banquet tomorrow."

Gavin frowned slightly, contemplating. "This might be the butterfly effect of my arrival. The spread of news about my dragon could force Varys and Illyrio to advance their plans. Viserys might have wandered here for another year, but if Illyrio has not yet contacted the Horse Lord, how will he persuade Viserys to leave with him?"

Seeing Gavin deep in thought, the man waited quietly. Gavin suddenly stopped and asked, "Has anything else happened?"

The man thought for a moment and replied, "My lord, there are many comings and goings in Braavos. I'm not sure if this information is useful, but I heard that a Lysian warship arrived. The people disembarking carried many boxes to the House of Black and White. I wonder if this is of any significance to you."

Gavin was puzzled. Lysian officials visiting the House of Black and White—were they hiring Faceless Men? Who could Rhys be targeting? Gavin tried to figure out Reese's goal but couldn't. The area was relatively stable, and the alliance of the Three Daughters Kingdom remained intact.

Could it be me? Gavin dismissed the thought. With his current status and power, the cost of hiring the Faceless Men to assassinate him would likely be prohibitively high.

However, Gavin considered that the high cost did not necessarily mean Lys couldn't afford it. Lys was one of the nine major trading city-states, and its wealth was unknown. Given Lys's already strained relations with him and the withdrawal of Reese from the Stepstones, it was possible that Reese's desire to eliminate him had intensified.

Gavin decided to remain vigilant during his stay in Braavos, just in case Lys was willing to pay a high price to hire the Faceless Men, even if the chance was slim.

He then took out a bag of gold dragons and handed it to the man. "Find out if those Lysian individuals have left. If not, investigate their residence."

The man accepted the bag, quickly stowing it away, and bowed. "Don't worry, sir. I will find out."

After the man left, Gavin called his guard and instructed, "Enhance the security here. From today, implement a password system and change it daily. Anyone who cannot answer the password, including our own people, will be killed. The servants and maids left by the Sea Lord are not allowed to leave without reason. If they must go out, ensure they are accompanied and remain under surveillance. Also, check all food deliveries to prevent poisoning."

The guard replied, "Yes, sir. I will arrange it immediately."


In the early morning of the next day, as the first light of dawn appeared, Tyron Rayyan waited at the entrance of Gavin's villa with his splendid Wheel Palace and numerous guards.

Gavin emerged from the other courtyard, and upon seeing Tyron Rayyan, he smiled and said, "Good morning!" Tyron Rayyan promptly returned the greeting, saying, "Sir Gavin, good morning!"

Gavin apologized, "I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting." Tyron Rayyan waved his hand dismissively, "Sir Gavin, there is no need to be so polite. It is still early."

With that, the two of them boarded the Wheel Palace and slowly made their way towards the Sea Lord Palace, followed closely by the Blood Dragon Guard.

The procession moved smoothly along the broad and well-maintained streets, with a gentle breeze carrying a refreshing atmosphere. Before long, the Sea Lord Palace came into view. The palace stood majestically by the sea, its grandeur seemingly merging with the vast expanse of the ocean.

Entering the open-air courtyard of the Sea Lord Palace, they found a large, open space surrounded by a circle of exquisitely arranged tables laden with an array of fruits and sumptuous foods. The vibrant fruits emitted an enticing aroma, and the pastries were crafted like works of art.

People in elegant attire moved about, chatting and laughing, their clothes and jewels shimmering in the sunlight. The women's skirts resembled blooming flowers, while the men's garments exuded nobility and majesty.

The Sea Lord Hall was constructed of pristine white marble, with massive columns supporting the broad dome. When the sunlight struck it, the marble reflected a captivating brilliance.

Guided by Tyron Rayyan, Gavin met the Sea Lord of Braavos, Ferrego Antaryon.

As the Sea Lord saw Gavin approach, he immediately stood to greet him with a hearty laugh, "Sir Gavin, welcome. I have heard many stories about you, and you truly exceed expectations. I hope today's banquet brings you great joy!"

Gavin bowed and responded, "Your Highness, Sea Lord, it is a great honor to be invited here. I am grateful for your warm hospitality."

The Sea Lord, observing Gavin's silver hair and purple eyes with curiosity, asked, "Sir Gavin, I have heard that you possess a dragon. Is your dragon bloodline related to the Targaryens?"

Gavin remained composed and replied, "Your Highness, my dragon bloodline comes from the Belaerys family, to which my mother belongs, not the Targaryens. The Belaerys family is also one of the Dragon Lord families."

The Sea Lord nodded thoughtfully, "After the cataclysm, many Dragon Lord families were destroyed. Besides the Targaryens, many of these families disappeared without a trace. It is intriguing to learn that the Belaerys family still exists."

The Sea Lord then inquired, "May I ask where you discovered the dragon?"

Gavin sensed the Sea Lord's inquisitiveness and, although such questions might be deemed intrusive, he answered openly, "It's not a secret. I'm sure you'll hear the rumors soon. Recently, I went on an expedition to the ruins of Valyria and was fortunate enough to obtain the dragon."

The Sea Lord's expression turned to one of surprise, "You ventured to the ancient and mysterious Valyria? I had also sent an expedition there, but the treacherous waters and harsh environment led to significant casualties. I never expected dragons to be found there."

Observing the Sea Lord's reaction, Gavin guessed that he might consider another expedition. However, from his own experience, Gavin knew the dangers well. Despite having the aid of the pyromancy and the Blood Dragon Guard who are undead super soldiers capability of a level of regeneration, he had faced heavy losses and a harrowing escape. The Sea Lord was free to pursue it, but Gavin remained indifferent.

Suddenly, Gavin's thoughts shifted, and he asked, "Your Highness Sea Lord, I previously sent a messenger to inquire about purchasing a Valyrian steel sword from your treasury. Would you be willing to sell it to me at any price?"

The Sea Lord waved his hand gently, smiling, "I'm sorry, Sir Gavin, but I usually don't sell items from treasury. However, you are welcome to view them at your leisure, and I can arrange this for you."

Anticipating this response, Gavin calmly suggested, "What if I offered you a map of the channel through the Sea of Smoke in exchange? I have traversed that channel personally and can ensure its safety."

The Sea Lord pondered for a long moment before replying, "Please allow me to consider it, Sir Gavin. I will provide you with an answer before you leave Braavos. Alternatively, you may suggest a price for the sword."

Gavin, though slightly disappointed, maintained his composure and said, "Your Highness Sea Lord, the map of the waterway is extremely valuable. I am not looking to exchange it for mere money. I hope you will seriously consider trading it for the sword. In addition to the map, I am prepared to offer a substantial amount of gold."

Viserys, observing Gavin speaking with the Sea Lord from a distance, was displeased. He thought, "Why does he have a dragon? I am the true dragon, not him. I am the king of the Seven Kingdoms."

He pinched Daenerys's arm painfully, almost causing her to cry out. Yet, remembering the severity of her brother's anger, she bit her lip and endured.

"Do you remember the plan I told you last night? You need to perform well and ensure that Gavin likes you. Only then do we have a chance to return home."

Seeing Daenerys's silence, Viserys pinched her again and demanded, "Did you hear me? Do you want to experience the wrath of the sleeping dragon?"

Fearful of her brother's wrath, Daenerys hurriedly responded, "I understand, brother!"

At that moment, a middle-aged man in a red robe with a beard approached Viserys and Daenerys. Bowing, he introduced himself, "Hello, Your Majesty Viserys. I am Illyrio Mopatis, the Governor of Pentos." He then turned to Daenerys, "Hello, Princess Daenerys."

Upon hearing the title of "Your Majesty," Viserys puffed out his chest with pride and replied, "Hello, Governor Illyrio. What brings you here?"


Illyrio looked at the brother and sister in front of him. Both had silver hair and purple eyes, and both were exceptionally handsome, particularly Daenerys. She possessed breathtaking beauty with a graceful and tall figure.

Her skin was as delicate and had a silvery radiance, as if touched by moonlight. Her silver hair cascaded down her slender back like a waterfall, soft and shimmering. Her eyes, deep amethysts, were both mysterious and captivating, and her eyebrows arched like crescent moons, accentuating the sparkle in her eyes.

Illyrio was slightly moved but quickly controlled his emotions and addressed Viserys: "Your Majesty Viserys, I am deeply saddened by the fact that the usurper has taken your throne. Pentos has had frequent interactions with the Targaryens since the time of the Conqueror, and we have hosted many members of the Targaryen family. You are the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, and I would like to invite you to come with me to Pentos."

Upon hearing this, Viserys felt a mix of excitement and confusion. He asked, "Governor Illyrio, aren't you afraid of the usurper? Why do you wish to help me?"

Illyrio responded, "Your Majesty, you are a true Dragon Lord and the only legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. Many in the Seven Kingdoms await your return. Once you lead your army to Westeros, numerous lords will rally to your cause and fight the rebellion for you. Even though I am a Pentosian, I am willing to assist you in reclaiming your throne."

Viserys was thrilled by this and asked eagerly, "How many troops can you provide? Once I regain the Iron Throne, you may choose lands from the Seven Kingdoms, and I will make you a prince."

Illyrio hesitated, as he had not yet finalized arrangements with Khal Drogo due to the hastiness of the plan. He had only extended an invitation, but he was confident in the strategy.

So Illyrio continued, "Your Majesty, I regret to say that I may disappoint you. I only have a few guards and mercenaries, which might not be enough for your army. However, I do have funds to support you and have established a connection with the Dothraki. Gorka'ol has agreed that if you marry Princess Daenerys to him, he will commit 40,000 Dothraki cavalry to fight for you to reclaim the Iron Throne."

Viserys was pleased to hear this and thought of last night's plan. At that moment, nothing seemed more appealing than the dragon. Rumors said it was more than ten meters long and very powerful. If he had a dragon, an army would be unnecessary. He said dismissively, "Governor Illyrio, thank you for your kindness. Please allow me some time to consider this matter."

Illyrio, slightly disappointed, adjusted his demeanor and bowed, "Your Majesty, I look forward to your response."

Daenerys, listening to her brother negotiate with the unfamiliar governor, felt a mix of sadness and fear. She thought of Viserys's plan from the previous night and felt even more frightened.

She recalled their past life in a seaside house with a red door, where her brother would tell her stories, teach her Valyrian, and comfort her to sleep. Those days were filled with happiness.

After William Darry's death and their departure from the mansion, Viserys had been constantly on the move, selling off their belongings. His temper had worsened, and he frequently beat and scolded her. Despite this, she had no choice but to rely on him, feeling both scared and dependent.

Reflecting on Viserys's plan, she recalled his words: "Gavin Belerys owns a dragon. Tomorrow's banquet is an opportunity. You need to find a way to get close to him. If you can make him like you and confirm the dragon's existence, we can seize it and reclaim the throne."

She had protested against killing, only to be beaten and kicked by Viserys until he was tired. He said, "The bed is where a person is most relaxed. If he takes a liking to you, you'll have a chance."

Viserys abruptly grabbed her arm, interrupting her thoughts: "Don't dawdle. Now is the perfect opportunity; let's go."

After an unproductive conversation with the Sea Lord, Gavin ended it by claiming he wanted to sample Braavos's delicacies. He then moved to a table laden with food.

At that moment, Gavin saw two individuals with silver hair and purple eyes approaching and guessed they must be the Targaryen siblings.

When Viserys introduced Daenerys to Gavin, he said with arrogance, "Hello, Sir Gavin. I am Viserys Targaryen III, the legitimate king of the Iron Throne. This is my sister, Princess Daenerys Targaryen."

Gavin, upon hearing this introduction, thought, does this mean I should address you as Your Majesty?

He responded with a hint of sarcasm, "I have heard of you, the exiled Targaryen siblings."

Viserys's face turned red with anger, and he said through gritted teeth, "I am the legitimate heir to the Seven Kingdoms. I hear you have a fleet and a dragon. If you help me reclaim the Iron Throne, I will marry my sister to you, and the much lands of the Seven Kingdoms will be yours."

Gavin smiled slightly and replied, "Thank you for your respect, Viserys, but the price is too high. With just one dragon and a fleet, it is challenging to conquer Westeros. Even if I had the strength to do so, why wouldn't I sit on the Iron Throne myself?"

Viserys was left speechless with embarrassment. At this moment, Daenerys asked eagerly, "Sir Gavin, do you really have a dragon?"

Gavin replied softly, "It is true. The dragon has golden scales, and I named it Zaldrīzharys the Blazing Shadow."

Daenerys, excited, asked, "Can I see it?"

Viserys interjected, "Even if you conquer Westeros, you will never sit on the Iron Throne. The people of the Seven Kingdoms recognize only Targaryens."

Gavin looked at Viserys but remained silent, then turned to Daenerys and said, "Okay, if you want to see it, I will show it to you later." He then addressed Viserys, "Three hundred years ago, the people of the Seven Kingdoms did not recognize Targaryen. Rule depends on strength, not mere recognition. If you expect my help to reclaim the Iron Throne, remember I am also a descendant of the Valyrian Dragon Lords. I can assist, for instance, by providing funds to improve your current situation."
