
ASOIAF and GOT Compilation

If I ever come up with a got fanfic , I will post all of them here .

Webnovel_Addicted · Book&Literature
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15 Chs


"It's okay, Zaldrīzharys won't hurt you, touch it." At this moment, Gavin's voice came from behind, interrupting Daenerys's thoughts. She then gently stroked Zaldrīzharys's neck under Gavin's encouragement.

Zaldrīzharys looked back at the unfamiliar Daenerys, then turned his head and ignored her.

At this time, the servants had re-laid the overturned table and quickly cleaned up the food residue on the ground.

Many servants re-entered the venue with fresh and delicious food, and in just a moment, the venue was restored to its original state.

The only difference was the huge golden dragon lying in the center of the square. In the chaotic crowd, two men were staring at Viserys and Daenerys.

One of them said, "The chaos just now was a great opportunity."

Another person immediately retorted, "Why didn't you take action just now? Those two targets were too close to the dragon."

Soon, the Sea Lord also changed into a brand new dress and came to the banquet again.

He walked quickly to Gavin and said modestly, "Sir Gavin, let's go. I will take you to visit my menagerie." Gavin immediately responded respectfully, "Then I will trouble you, Your Highness the Sea Lord."

At this time, the Sea Lord cast his eyes on Viserys and Daenerys beside him and said, "Two distinguished guests of the Targaryen family, why don't you come and visit together?"

Viserys immediately replied, "Thank you, Your Highness the Sea Lord, for your kindness. I won't go. Let my sister accompany Sir Gavin."

Then he walked to Daenerys, patted her shoulder gently, and whispered in a low voice while no one was paying attention, "Be good." Then he walked towards the dining table that had just been filled with food.

Gavin also walked to Zaldrīzharys's side to comfort him and asked him to stay here.

Afterwards, Gavin and Daenerys, led by the Sea Lord, walked slowly towards the menagerie behind the Sea Lord's Palace.

The water dancers standing guard in the distance and Gavin's Dragon Blood guards immediately followed behind. The guards who had been watching the banquet closely before were greatly reduced in an instant.

The two men who had been staring at Viserys and Daenerys saw Viserys leave alone and walk to a table full of food.

One of them said, "He is far away from the dragon. This is a great opportunity, but there is one less target. Do you want to do it?"

The other replied, "One is one. The Iron Throne pays per head. One is worth two thousand gold dragons. This money is enough for our two families."

After that, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing a large piece of gray scaly skin on his arm, stared at Viserys in the distance, and said, "We don't have much time left."

The two looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds, and walked towards Viserys.

At this time, Gavin and others were strolling in the menagerie. The Sea Lord introduced these rare and exotic animals to Gavin from time to time, which really opened Gavin's eyes.

Gavin had already seen that the Sea Lord seemed to have an almost morbid hobby of collecting. Whether it was treasures or wild beasts, anything rare would be collected by him. He might even want to collect Zaldrīzharys.

There were many animals in the menagerie that Gavin had never seen before, such as hairy rat pigs the size of cows, stinging scorpion tails, tigers that put their young in bags, and terrifying lizards that walked upright and had sickle-like claws.

Just as Gavin and others were strolling leisurely, a servant suddenly rushed into the menagerie in a panic.

He was extremely nervous and stuttered when he narrated, but Gavin still understood.

Just now, Viserys, who was eating at the banquet, was stabbed in the heart from the back with a dagger. The two murderers wanted to leave, but were burned to ashes by Zaldrīzharys's dragon flame.

When Daenerys heard the news, her body trembled and her face turned pale in an instant. Her beautiful eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"How is this possible? How could this happen?" She murmured to herself, her voice trembling.

Gavin frowned tightly, and he comforted Daenerys, saying, "Daenerys, don't panic. Let's find out who is behind this first."

The Sea Lord also had a serious look on his face and immediately ordered to seal off the scene and investigate the murderer. Guard, who was beside him, took the order and went immediately.

Then the Sea Lord came to Daenerys, bowed deeply, and said with guilt on his face, "Princess Daenerys, I am deeply sorry for your brother's death. You are my guests, but you suffered such harm at the banquet I hosted. Please rest assured that I will give you an explanation for this matter. I will not give up until I find out the real culprit behind the scenes!"

Daenerys did not bother to answer. Her body trembled slightly, as if her body had lost the strength to support it and was about to fall. Her eyes were empty, and she murmured, "Viserys... He left me just like that..." Daenerys fainted in Gavin's arms.

The Sea Lord expressed his apologies again and then turned to arrange more people to strengthen the investigation. Gavin also picked up Daenerys and followed closely to comfort Zaldrīzharys.

At this time, everyone at the banquet fell into chaos and panic. People whispered and talked about the cause of the assassination and the mastermind behind it.

The Sea Lord is indeed the most powerful person in Braavos.

In less than an hour, the troublesome murderer's situation was clearly understood. Although the two people had been burned to ashes by Zaldrīzharys's dragon flames, with the powerful power and efficient methods of the Sea Lord, through detailed questioning and checking the guest list carefully, their identities soon came to light.

It turned out that these two people were the first mate and sailor on a merchant ship.

According to their captain's account, their merchant ship had just returned to Braavos from Volantis three days ago. While sailing on the ship, the two men had always looked extremely abnormal.

After arriving in Braavos, the captain also found that they had talked with several Westeros people, but he didn't pay much attention to them at the time. Who would have thought that they would catch up with this banquet hosted by the Sea Lord.

After hearing the results of the investigation, Daenerys, who had just woken up, murmured, "It turns out to be the Iron Throne. Why won't he let us go?" Her voice was full of pain and indignation, and her beautiful face was filled with anger and dissatisfaction. Her expression was slightly twisted. Tears rolled in her eyes, but she stubbornly refused to let them fall. Her clenched fists seemed to be venting the endless anger in her heart.

Gavin stood aside, his brows furrowed, and his heart could not calm down for a long time. Why did Viserys die? Gavin knew very well that after he came to this world, his existence has changed too many things in the future. Presumably, this time assassins were sent because of his presence.

After calming the turbulent thoughts in his heart, Gavin said to Daenerys: "It's alright, Daenerys. I promised your brother that I will not let you come to harm, and we will seek justice for Viserys in the future."

The Sea Lord also offered reassurance: "Do not worry, princess. Braavos stands with you."

Daenerys understood that avenging Viserys' death was beyond her alone. She silently looked at Gavin, the only person she could rely on now.

Gavin met her gaze. At this moment, she was not yet the formidable Mother of Dragons, nor had she experienced betrayal or loss. She was simply a frightened young girl. Gavin gently patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here."

He then addressed the Sea Lord: "Your Highness, I regret that I won't be able to stay for today's banquet. Please allow me to take Daenerys and leave now. Additionally, could you arrange for the recovery of Viserys's body? I wish to give him a funeral worthy of a Valyrian Dragon Lord tomorrow."

The Sea Lord immediately expressed his apologies: "Sir Gavin, please leave these matters to me. I am deeply sorry for the unfortunate events that have occurred. A celebration will be held at Moonsong Temple in Braavos in two days. You and Princess Daenerys are welcome to attend. I will make amends for today's incident and send a messenger with further details."

After bidding farewell to the Sea Lord, Gavin chose not to use the luxurious carriage but instead mounted Zaldrīzharys. He extended his hand to Daenerys, inviting her to join him.

Daenerys took a deep breath, bravely climbed onto Zaldrīzharys's back, and settled in Gavin's arms.

Following Gavin's command, Zaldrīzharys unfurled its massive wings and soared into the sky. The powerful gusts created a small whirlwind, lifting sand and dust from the ground.

As they ascended, Daenerys's silver hair whipped about in the wind, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The dragon flew over Braavos, its wings beating steadily, reducing the city to a collection of miniature models below.

The people of Braavos paused their activities to gaze at the dragon above, their faces a mix of awe and trepidation. Some admired the magnificent creature, others stood in stunned silence, and a few silently hoped this was not a bad omen.

In a corner of the Sea Lord's Palace Square, Illyrio watched anxiously as the dragon carried Daenerys away. His brow furrowed, veins showing on his forehead as he clenched his fists in frustration and fear that his plans might unravel.

Gavin and Daenerys flew towards the seaside, and soon Zaldrīzharys descended to hover just above the sea. The dragon's wings stirred up sparkling splashes of water, which glistened in the sunlight. Daenerys reveled in the sensation of the sea breeze and the spray of the waves, her worries momentarily forgotten.

Every beat of the dragon's wings and every interaction with the sea breeze filled her with an exhilarating sense of freedom and joy.

After what felt like a considerable time, Zaldrīzharys began its ascent again, leading them back towards Braavos.

The thrilling flight left Daenerys feeling much lighter.

Zaldrīzharys landed gracefully in the garden of the seaside villa, the breeze sending petals fluttering through the air.

Gavin helped Daenerys dismount, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, she looked up at him with gratitude and joy.

She understood that Gavin had orchestrated this wonderful experience to lift her spirits.

Blushing, she hugged Gavin and whispered, "Thank you, Sir Gavin." Gavin smiled, gently patting her hair, and replied, "It's nothing. It's my duty to be here for you. After all, you are be my betrothed now as it was Viserys last wish to me ?"

Daenerys's cheeks reddened further at Gavin's words, and she turned away shyly.

Gavin then led her towards the villa.

At that moment, the captain of the guard approached Gavin with an anxious expression, hesitating as he noticed Daenerys beside him.

Gavin, seeing this, said softly to Daenerys, "Go ahead and choose a room."

Excited by the beautiful surroundings, Daenerys eagerly thanked Gavin and rushed towards the villa like a joyful bird.

Gavin turned back to the captain of the guard. "What's the matter?"

The captain reported, "Sir, someone attempted to infiltrate the villa today. A man dressed as one of our soldiers couldn't follow orders, and despite being surrounded by five soldiers, he injured three and escaped."

Gavin instructed, "It seems we are being targeted. Increase vigilance and ensure that no servants leave the premises. We must prevent any further infiltration."

"Yes, sir. I will make the necessary arrangements immediately," the captain responded, turning to enhance the security measures.

Gavin watched him go, contemplating the possibility of being targeted by the faceless men. He hoped that his guards, trained using Unsullied methods but with additional skills and without castration, would be sufficient. Their training and motivation, combined with their superior combat effectiveness, provided some reassurance.


At night, Gavin lay on the soft bed, his thoughts tangled in a mess. His eyes flickered in the darkness as he contemplated the potential threat posed by the Faceless Men.

He hesitated, debating whether to arrest the envoy from Lys and interrogate him. Gavin had just learned the envoy's location. It would be easy to act, but this was Braavos, after all, the territory of the Sea Lord. Such actions would be unreasonable and somewhat disrespectful to the Sea Lord. Although the Sea Lord was not known for his kindness, Gavin found nothing wrong with the hospitality he had received.

Gavin's mind drifted to the family sword stored in the Sea Lord's treasury. He had pondered how to obtain it but had come up with no effective method. He couldn't simply let his dragon steal it.

At this moment, Daenerys appeared outside Gavin's room in a long white nightgown. The Blood Dragon Guards stationed there ignored Gavin's previous orders. Seeing that these silent, fire-eyed guards did not stop her, Daenerys's anxiety eased slightly, and she unconsciously sighed in relief.

Daenerys gently pushed open the door to Gavin's room. The sound of the door creaking startled Gavin, who turned to see her entering.

Moonlight bathed her silver-white hair, enhancing her ethereal beauty. The white gauze nightgown accentuated her graceful figure. Seeing the exceptionally beautiful Daenerys, Gavin couldn't help but swallow.

Blushing, Daenerys walked over to Gavin's bed. The two exchanged glances, and an unusual emotion spread between them.

"I'm a little scared to be alone," Daenerys said softly, then lay down and nestled into Gavin's arms without waiting for a response. Gavin didn't speak but held her close.

"I'm sorry, Gavin. Actually, my brother wanted to..."

"You mean he wanted you to help him capture my dragon?" Gavin interrupted. Daenerys's eyes widened in shock.

Gavin smiled reassuringly. "Don't be afraid. It's understandable. Your brother Viserys wants to reclaim the Iron Throne and is willing to pay any price for it. It's not surprising that he would have such ideas."

"Then why are you still willing to marry me?" Daenerys asked softly.

Gavin stroked her hair. "It's because of you. I believe your brother can't take my dragon. Don't take it too seriously, Daenerys. I won't hold it against you."

Daenerys snuggled closer in his arms and whispered, "Thank you, Gavin."

Gavin held Daenerys as they slept together.

Early the next morning, Tyron Rayyan arrived at Gavin's seaside house again, pacing the garden while waiting.

Upon hearing the news, Gavin took Daenerys's hand and walked with her to the garden to greet him.

In front of Tyron Rayyan, Gavin apologized, "I'm very sorry for making you wait so long."

Tyron Rayyan returned the courtesy. "No problem. I am here under the orders of the Sea Lord to inform you that the preparations for His Majesty Viserys's funeral are complete. It will be held by the seaside south of Braavos. Additionally, His Highness the Sea Lord sends his apologies for not being able to attend the funeral due to health reasons."

Gavin glanced at Daenerys, noting her pale face and sad expression.

"It's not a problem," Gavin said to Tyron Rayyan. "We appreciate the Sea Lord's assistance. Now that we're ready, let's head out."

With that, he led Daenerys to the opulent Wheel Palace outside the courtyard. The Wheel Palace traveled through the streets of Braavos. After more than an hour, they reached a cliff near the sea.

On the cliff, a large wooden pyre was prominently displayed, with Viserys, dressed in a splendid robe, lying quietly on it.

Seeing Viserys, Daenerys's eyes filled with tears as memories of her brother's care and companionship from her youth surfaced. Struggling to hold back her tears, she bit her lip, determined, and looked at Gavin with resolve, nodding slightly.

Gavin understood and called for Zaldrīzharys.

The dragon flew towards the cliff, its massive wings casting a shadow. As it neared the cliff, it spread its wings and landed smoothly, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Zaldrīzharys extended its neck, moving closer to the pyre as if examining something. Its nostrils flared, sensing the scent of the deceased Dragon Lord, and it let out a mournful cry that echoed across the cliffs.

Gavin pulled Daenerys away from the pyre and commanded, "Zaldrīzharys,dracarys ." Zaldrīzharys took a deep breath, its chest heaving, then unleashed a searing dragon flame that engulfed Viserys and the pyre.

In the raging fire, Viserys's form gradually faded. Daenerys watched her brother turn to ashes, her tears welling up but not falling. Her expression was a mix of sorrow and relief.

Turning to Gavin, she said with a trembling voice, "Thank you, Gavin. It has been more than a hundred years since a Targaryen has received a burial so befitting a Valyrian Dragon Lord."

Gavin nodded. "It's my duty. I hope you find some solace."

Daenerys took a deep breath and composed herself. "I will honor my brother's wishes." Gavin gently patted her shoulder to comfort her.

After the funeral, Gavin took Daenerys for a ride on Zaldrīzharys back to the seaside villa. The dragon flew gracefully, the wind whistling past them.

Upon landing, Gavin noticed a middle-aged man in a red robe and beard standing outside the courtyard, looking anxious, as if he had been waiting for some time.

Daenerys recognized him and said, "His name is Illyrio. He approached Viserys at the banquet and offered support for his bid to reclaim the Iron Throne, but in exchange for marrying me to the Dothraki horse lord for 40,000 cavalry."

Gavin understood the man's intentions. After dismounting the dragon, he said to Daenerys, "He is a guest. It's best to meet him." Daenerys nodded in agreement.

Illyrio, who had been invited into the other courtyard, approached Gavin and Daenerys with measured steps. His corpulent figure was draped in a lavish silk robe, adorned with intricate gold embroidery that gleamed brightly. Illyrio bowed deeply.

"Honorable Sir Gavin, beautiful Princess Daenerys, it is a great honor to meet you both," Illyrio said with a flattering smile.

His gaze shifted between Gavin and Daenerys before he addressed Daenerys directly. "Your Highness, I am deeply saddened by the death of His Majesty Viserys." He sighed softly, the sound filled with feigned sorrow. "I wonder if Her Royal Highness still harbors ambitions to reclaim the Iron Throne? The proposal I made yesterday remains very feasible."

Gavin's brow furrowed slightly as he interjected, "Governor Illyrio, Daenerys has already informed me of your proposal. However, Viserys had just betrothed Daenerys to me. If you propose again to marry my fiancée to Dothrakhi Khal in front of me, I will consider it a grave insult."

The Blood Dragon Guards stepped forward, unsheathing their gleaming swords. The tension in the air grew palpable.

Illyrio, visibly trembling, quickly stammered, "No, no, no, I... I wasn't aware of this. Please forgive my presumption!" As he spoke, he wiped the sweat from his brow and continued, "Sir Gavin, with such powerful support as the dragon and your imminent marriage to Princess Daenerys, you hold a strong position against the false king. If you wish to seize the Iron Throne, I will fully support you."

Gavin smirked inwardly, having already grasped Illyrio's intentions—to recruit his power for Aegon. He replied slowly, "Governor Illyrio, it is not a matter of what I think. The Iron Throne will never relent just because I married Daenerys, but they cannot cross the Narrow Sea, and I am currently confined to guarding the Stepstones. If the opportunity arises, I will certainly reclaim what belongs to my wife."

Daenerys observed the conversation with a thoughtful expression. Her face was solemn, and her purple eyes glinted with wisdom. She was aware of Illyrio's plans and Gavin's concerns. She spoke softly, "Governor Illyrio, thank you for your concern. But as Gavin said, the struggle for the Iron Throne involves many factors, and we must consider them carefully."

Illyrio's eyes brightened with hope. "Your Highness, you are wise! As long as you and Sir Gavin need it, I will use all my resources to assist you. It is my sincere wish to see the Targaryens regain the Iron Throne!"

Gavin glanced at Daenerys before addressing Illyrio, "We will discuss this further. But for now, please give us some time and space."

Illyrio nodded and bowed. "Of course, of course! I will not disturb you further. I look forward to hearing good news soon." He bowed once more and slowly retreated, his figure appearing somewhat forlorn in the setting sun.

Once Illyrio had departed, Gavin and Daenerys exchanged glances. Gavin spoke slowly, "There are things you might not know yet. Your father's former Lord Hand, Jon Connington, Master of Whispers Varys, and Illyrio, the governor of Pentos, conspired to nominate Aegon Targaryen, the eldest son of your brother Rhaegar, who was taken from the Red Keep by Varys, to reclaim the Iron Throne."

Daenerys's eyes widened in shock. "So, my nephew is still alive?"

Gavin shook his head. "Not exactly. The issue is that Varys did not bring out Aegon, but Illyrio's Lysian wife had a child with Valyrian characteristics at that time. They deceived Jon Connington, claiming this child was Aegon Targaryen, and had him raise the boy. Jon Connington then sought support from the Golden Company to rally forces for the Iron Thorne."

Daenerys's shock deepened. She clenched her teeth and said angrily, "How dare they?"

Gavin smiled faintly. "There is nothing too daring about it. With the former Lord Hand and intelligence director's capabilities, the child was given a semblance of legitimacy. Their plan was to place you and Viserys in the spotlight, draw attention from the Iron Throne, marry you to the Khal for troops to invade Westeros, and secretly support Aegon, hoping to seize the Iron Throne amidst the chaos."

Daenerys asked, "Why didn't you expose this earlier?"

Gavin replied, "They aim to use us to attract the Iron Throne's attention. Whether or not they push us, the Iron Throne will focus on us. I'm also using them; Varys still works for the Iron Throne and has the capacity to increase turmoil in Westeros."

Seeing Daenerys deep in thought and troubled, Gavin gently took her hand and asked with concern, "Do you want to reclaim the Iron Throne?"

Daenerys came back to her senses, her expression conflicted and pensive. "I... I don't know. I haven't even seen the Red Keep. I only know what my brother told me. I remember nothing of Dragonstone Island, only a house with a red gate by the sea."

She then looked at Gavin and asked softly, "What about you, Gavin? Do you desire the Iron Throne?"

Gavin leaned back in his chair and replied softly, "Fate has brought us together, and some matters are beyond my control. As someone once said, 'In the game of thrones, if you don't win, you die—there is no middle ground.' I suspect that the next assassin Robert sends might target me."

Gavin acknowledged that it might be premature for him to challenge the Iron Throne with his current strength, but he was undeterred by the prospect.


Illyrio left the seaside villa in a hurry, his large frame appearing somewhat clumsy under the quick pace.

He hurriedly took a carriage back to his residence. As soon as he entered the room, he hurried to the desk, picked up a quill, dipped it in ink, and began to write a letter.

"Varys, my old friend,

Our plan has gone terribly wrong. I failed to take Viserys and Daenerys away, and Viserys was killed by an assassin sent by Robert Baratheon. Before his death, he gave Daenerys to Gavin Belaerys.

I have confirmed that Gavin's golden dragon is over 20 meters long, immense in size, and extremely powerful.

Additionally, I have tested Gavin and found that he has some intention of seizing the Iron Throne. I wonder if we should revise our plan to see how we can use them.

We initially planned to use Daenerys to trade for the Khal's army, but now that we have a fleet, it's not impossible. However, with Viserys dead, the next steps are more complicated.

Your old friend, Illyrio. I look forward to your reply."

After writing the letter, Illyrio blew on the still-wet ink, carefully folded the letter, and then summoned his confidant to send it as quickly as possible. He sat in a chair, frowning, repeatedly contemplating the possible developments in his mind.

The morning sun illuminated the land of Braavos. Gavin took Daenerys to attend the Moonsinger's celebration and explore the bustling city. They slowly walked into the garden, where Zaldrīzharys was sleeping soundly. Gavin approached and gently stroked his scales.

Daenerys asked curiously, "Gavin, are we going to ride the dragon?" Gavin smiled and replied, "If we ride dragon, there won't be much to see."

Gavin then solemnly explained to Daenerys about the Faceless Men who might be present.

Hearing Gavin's explanation, Daenerys looked worried and said, "Gavin, why don't we just leave? It's too dangerous. I've lost everything. Now, I only have you."

Gavin touched her head and said, "Don't worry, trust in my strength. This is also an opportunity. Maybe we can lure out the Faceless Men. It's better than being on guard all the time. Plus, I want to show you Zaldrīzharys's abilities."

Daenerys remembered Zaldrīzharys emerging from Gavin's palm that day and asked curiously, "Gavin, are you talking about the magic that turns Zaldrīzharys into flames?" Gavin smiled and said, "This is not magic, this is Zaldrīzharys's ability."

As if sensing Gavin's intentions, the sleeping Zaldrīzharys woke up and turned his head to look at the two people beside him.

Gavin then gave an order: "Zaldrīzharys, rise into the fire!" At this command, Zaldrīzharys stood up, shook his head, stretched his wings, and took off, transforming into a ball of fire as he flew towards Gavin.

In Daenerys's admiring and awe-struck gaze, Zaldrīzharys successfully merged into Gavin's body.

Daenerys asked excitedly, "Gavin, can I learn this ability in the future?" After learning that Gavin had 11 dragon eggs the previous night, her longing for dragons could no longer be contained.

Gavin pondered for a moment. It seemed he would need the ability of a fire mage. Considering Daenerys's Unburned ability, he guessed it might work, but the dragon must be included in the rule to advance. Would the dragon remain loyal under these circumstances? Unsure, Gavin said, "I'm not certain, but I can try."

In the bustling streets of Braavos, Gavin walked with Daenerys and eight imposing senior Blood Dragon Guards.

Gavin was dressed in fine clothes and wore an exquisite sword at his waist. He appeared focused and alert, his eyes scanning the bustling crowd for any signs of trouble.

Daenerys wore a lavender dress, her beautiful face filled with curiosity and excitement as she stopped occasionally to look at the various sights.

The eight Blood Dragon Guards formed a protective circle around Gavin and Daenerys. They were tall, their armor gleaming coldly in the sun. Their red eyes, sharp as eagles, constantly surveyed the surroundings.

Merchants on the street shouted enthusiastically, offering all sorts of exquisite crafts and delicious food. Children ran by, laughing, while the cheerful music of musicians and the laughter of the people created a festive atmosphere.

Gavin whispered to Daenerys, "Stay close to me. The Faceless Men might be hiding in this crowd." Daenerys nodded slightly, her hand instinctively clutching Gavin's sleeve.

They proceeded slowly, and Gavin secretly hoped this trip might lead them to the mysterious Faceless Men lurking in the shadows.

Unbeknownst to them, Gavin and his companions arrived at the Isle of the Gods in Braavos, where numerous temples were arranged in an orderly fashion.

The most striking was the Temple of the Moonsingers. This temple was a magnificent snow-white marble palace with a large silver dome and milky white glass windows depicting various phases of the moon. Graceful marble statues of girls stood beside each door, supporting the crescent-shaped door beams.

The history of the Temple of the Moonsingers stretches back a long way.

In ancient times, a group of nomads called the Jogsnai inhabited Essos. In their tribe, there were Jaha responsible for combat and Moon Singers tasked with prayer, healing, judgment, and other internal affairs. The Moon Singers were typically women.

In the founding story of Braavos, the Moonsingers played a crucial role. A shipload of slaves, transported from Sothoryos to the Valyrian Freehold, revolted. Among them were slave girls from the Jogsnai Plains who took control of the ship and decided to sail north.

These slave girls were the Moonsingers. They foretold that behind the pine-covered hills and sea reefs lay a lagoon shrouded in fog year-round, obscuring it from the eyes of any dragon lord flying above, making it an ideal refuge.

Their prophecy proved true. The slaves successfully found this safe haven and established Braavos there.

To honor the Moonsingers' achievements, the largest temple in the city was built—the Temple of the Moonsingers.

It stands not only as a tribute and gratitude to the Moonsingers but also as a significant symbol of Braavos' history.

Surrounding the Temple of the Moonsingers were other temples of various styles.

For example, the red stone Temple of the Lord of Light stood on an island where the Canal of Heroes met the Long Channel, connected to the rest of Braavos by a grand bridge. Atop a massive square tower was a great iron brazier, twenty feet in diameter, with a roaring flame, and smaller fires burned on either side of the temple's bronze doors.

In addition to these two temples, there might have been others dedicated to different gods. Some of these temples were solemn, while others were mysterious and quiet, together forming the distinctive religious landscape of Braavos.

Gavin and Daenerys walked along the paths between the temples, feeling the strong religious atmosphere around them.

At that moment, a monk in a red robe with a low-hanging hood approached them with steady steps.

The monk stopped a few paces away, bowed slightly, folded his hands on his chest, and spoke with a tone of respect and reverence: "Dear Dragon Lord of Valyria, and noble ladies, the high priest of my temple has sent me with an invitation for you to enter the Red Temple."

Gavin and Daenerys exchanged glances, surprise and hesitation evident in their eyes.

Daenerys frowned slightly and looked at Gavin, as if waiting for his decision. Gavin thought for a moment, then nodded politely to the priest and said, "We appreciate the high priest's kind invitation and are willing to go."

A look of gratitude appeared on the priest's face. He stepped aside and gestured for them to follow: "Please follow me, distinguished guests."

They followed the priest into the Red Temple. As soon as they entered, a solemn and fiery atmosphere enveloped them. The walls of the temple were made of deep, bright red masonry, adorned with mysterious symbols of fire and light, telling ancient and sacred stories.

Tall stone pillars supported the grand dome, with the pillars wrapped in golden flame patterns that glowed with a mystical light.

Countless red candles were arranged in an orderly fashion, their flickering light creating a warm and hazy scene.

The red-robed monk introduced them: "This Red Temple is dedicated to the great Lord of Light, R'hllor. The Lord of Light possesses endless power, and his flames can dispel darkness, bringing hope and strength."

Daenerys, recalling the legends about the red-robed monks from outside the temple, asked, "It is said that the red-robed monks can control fire. Is that true?"

The monk nodded: "Fire is a symbol of the Lord of Light's power. Under certain circumstances, we can channel his power to control flames, not to show off, but to fulfill the will of the Lord of Light."

They walked slowly along the passage covered with luxurious red carpets, embroidered with the prominent emblem of the Lord of Light.

Eventually, they reached the main hall. In the center, a huge brazier blazed with intense flames, filling the space with an awe-inspiring heat.

In front of the brazier stood the high priest, tall and majestic, with his face partially illuminated by the flickering light, adding an air of mystery.

The high priest bowed deeply to Gavin and Daenerys to show respect, then straightened up, looked at Gavin intently, and said, "Dear Dragon Lord of Valyria, I am Benesos, the high priest of this temple. Have you heard of the prophecy concerning Azor Ahai?"

Gavin looked serious, nodded slightly, and replied, "I have heard something about it."

The high priest continued, "It is said that after the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and the cold, endless darkness will cover the world. At that time, a brave and fearless warrior will draw the burning sword from the fire. That sword is the 'Light Bringer,' the red sword of heroes, and the one who wields it will be the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, destined to drive away the darkness and save the world."

Gavin asked with doubt, "This is the prophecy I am familiar with. May I ask, High Priest, is there an issue with this?"

The high priest explained, "We seek guidance from the Lord of Light through prayers and rituals. At times, we gain prophetic visions. In this blazing fire, I see the power of the Cold God awakening, the undead legion moving south, and a spreading shadow of cold and death. At the same time, I see your figure in the north. Perhaps, you are the destined one."

The high priest continued, "The Lord of Light opposes the Cold God. Only by wholeheartedly believing in the Lord of Light and relying on his power can we hope to resist the Cold God's forces."

Gavin's eyes were wary as he responded cautiously, "Does the high priest want me to believe in R'hllor, the Lord of Light?"

The high priest nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, respected Dragon Lord. In this time of impending darkness, only the Lord of Light's power can protect you and your people."

Gavin was silent for a moment, his thoughts racing.

He was aware that gods existed in this world, but compared to the Seven Gods, their power seemed less apparent. The unknown and powerful nature of the Lord of Light filled him with both fear and caution. Dealing with such a powerful and unknown deity could have unpredictable consequences.

Thinking about the possibility of refusing, Gavin finally said, "This is a significant matter. I have always believed in the Seven Gods and will not change my faith lightly."

The high priest sighed and said solemnly, "Dear Dragon Lord, there are only two true gods in this world: R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and his enemy, the Cold God. The Seven Gods you believe in are mere falsehoods."

Gavin frowned and replied with a touch of irritation, "Your words show a lack of respect for the followers of the Seven Gods. I will not dwell on this further. Please allow us to leave."

Daenerys glanced at Gavin, then at the high priest, and said, "Thank you for the invitation and explanation. We will take our leave now."

The high priest quickly said, "Dragon Lord, please stay. I have something that might change your view of the Lord of Light's power." He produced a ruby emitting a strange light from his robes, saying, "This gem contains the power of R'hllor."

Gavin noticed that the gem was similar to the one worn by Melisandre. He recalled that Melisandre used the gem to maintain her youthful appearance and felt a surge of curiosity.

Gavin hesitated, touched the gem, and immediately felt its powerful magic. The gem promised a significant boost in energy.

However, he quickly restrained his impulse, concerned about potential hidden risks. He decided to focus on his own steady development and avoid unnecessary risks.

Gavin took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I need to consider matters of faith carefully. We will take our leave now."

The high priest, seeing Gavin's firm stance, said, "In that case, I will not press you further. Dragon Lord and Lady, please do as you wish."

Thus, Gavin and Daenerys turned and left the Red Temple with the red-robed monk guiding them.

After Gavin and Daenerys left the Red Temple, they rejoined the lively celebration in Braavos.

But Gavin's mind was elsewhere. He wondered why he had attracted the attention of the Red God. Why did the Lord of Light, R'hllor, want him to believe in Him? While he knew the White Walkers in the north existed, they were still years away from potentially moving south.

Originally, thirty armed merchant ships were set to travel north to purchase timber after leaving Braavos, but now he worried if this trip would proceed smoothly. Attracting the attention of the Lord of Light might also draw the attention of the God of Cold. He would have to deal with it.

Since arriving in this world, Gavin had altered many future events. If things continued this way, it seemed inevitable that he would confront the White Walkers.

It might be wise to visit the area beyond the Wall in the North to assess the situation in advance.

At that moment, Daenerys tugged at Gavin's arm, interrupting his thoughts. He turned to see her pointing excitedly. "Gavin, look over there!" she exclaimed. Actors were performing a drama on the high platform in front of the Temple of the Moon.

Daenerys eagerly rushed over, and Gavin hurried to catch up.

On the high platform, the actors delivered their performance with passion and emotion, drawing cheers and applause from the audience. Gavin and Daenerys were captivated by the performance, fully immersed in the spectacle.

As night fell, the celebration in Braavos grew even more vibrant.

The bright lights illuminated every corner, and the jubilant crowd, combined with the melodious music, made Braavos feel like a sea of joy.

Gavin and Daenerys enjoyed the festivities to their hearts' content and strolled tirelessly for a long time.

Eventually, Daenerys, panting slightly, said, "Gavin, I'm a little tired." Gavin realized he was also feeling weary, so they decided to head back.

Gavin reflected as they walked. He had been hoping to meet the Faceless Men but had not seen any sign of them, which left him feeling somewhat disappointed.

Soon, Gavin could see the seaside villa in the distance. The area was quiet, a stark contrast to the earlier bustle.

Just then, Gavin spotted a Blood Dragon Guard running towards him from the direction of the villa. He was puzzled, thinking something might have happened, and focused intently on the approaching figure.

He felt no magical connection with the Blood Dragon Guard

Suddenly, Gavin understood and laughed aloud. He hadn't expected the Faceless Men to approach him disguised as a Blood Dragon Guard.

He felt no magical connection with the Blood Dragon Guard

Before the Faceless Men could get close, two senior Blood Dragon Guards rushed out.

They moved like lightning. One stepped forward and struck the Faceless Man in the abdomen, causing him to bend over. The other quickly seized the Faceless Man's arm, twisted it, and kicked his knees, bringing him to the ground. The senior guards restrained him, forcing him to kneel.

Gavin and Daenerys walked slowly toward the restrained figure and stood in front of him.

Daenerys, surprised, asked Gavin, "Isn't this your guard?" Gavin replied, "If it were my Blood Dragon Guard, I would have known he was a Faceless Man." Then, one of the senior guards grabbed the Faceless Man by the hair, lifted his head, and removed the mask.

Underneath the mask was a strange face, but the eyes remained the same red as the Blood Dragon Guards. Gavin, curious, asked, "I know you can change your appearance, but how do you manage your eyes?"

The Faceless Man looked at Gavin coldly and said, "Gavin Belleris, you refused the gift of the Thousand-Faced God, and now you owe Him a life."

Gavin smiled slightly, remaining calm, and said firmly, "I don't owe anyone a life."

The Faceless Man responded coldly, "The will of the Thousand-Faced God cannot be disobeyed."

Gavin's gaze was sharp as he said decisively, "So what? I have my own destiny, and I will not let the so-called gods manipulate me."

The Faceless Man sneered but remained silent.

Gavin asked, "I want to know who hired you."

After a long pause, the Faceless Man remained silent.

One of his arms was then swiftly twisted off by the Blood Dragon Guard, but he gritted his teeth and continued to glare at Gavin.

Seeing the Faceless Man's stubbornness, the other arm was similarly twisted off.

Finally, the Faceless Man stopped sneering, sweat dripping from his forehead as he endured the pain. Gavin observed him and thought, "He is indeed a tough one."

Daenerys, worried, gently tugged on Gavin's sleeve. Gavin reassured her with a pat on her hand and said to the Faceless Man, "How about a deal? I will match whatever price was paid to have me killed if you stop this assassination."

The Faceless Man replied, "You already owe a debt to the Thousand-Faced God; it cannot be changed."

Gavin, no longer paying attention to the Faceless Man, took Daenerys's hand and walked towards the seaside villa. The Blood Dragon Guards followed, carrying the restrained Faceless Man.

Daenerys asked, "What are you going to do?"

Gavin answered, "This is Braavos. We are guests in the Sea Lord's territory. They promised to ensure our safety, so we must address this issue with them."

At the Sea Lord's Palace, the moonlight cast a silvery glow over the ancient building, creating a mysterious outline. The sea breeze carried a hint of salt and bitterness.

Tyron Reyen arrived hurriedly from the Sea Lord's Palace, his clothes fluttering in the wind. Upon seeing Gavin and Daenerys waiting, he approached them quickly and said, "I'm very sorry, Sir Gavin. I never expected this to happen."

Gavin replied politely, "It's alright. I don't think His Royal Highness the Sea Lord wanted this."

The messenger added, "His Royal Highness the Sea Lord is waiting for you in the palace. Please follow me." The messenger then turned and led the way.

Gavin and his party followed him toward the Sea Lord's Palace, which was brightly lit. Countless candles illuminated the carved windows, resembling bright stars.

Outside the palace, guards with torches flanked the steps, their flickering flames casting long shadows. Inside, the grand hall was magnificent, with vibrant murals coming to life under the candlelight, as if recounting ancient tales.

Walking along the red-carpeted passage, Gavin finally saw the Sea Lord, Rhaego Antarian, sitting on the throne.

The Sea Lord raised his eyes slightly, his gaze falling on Gavin, and then he prepared to stand up to greet him.

At this moment, the Blood Dragon Guard behind Gavin brought the Faceless Man forward and threw him heavily to the ground.

Gavin was the first to speak, his expression serious: "Your Highness, Sea Lord, I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, but what are your thoughts on this matter?"

The Sea Lord immediately apologized, saying sincerely: "Sir Gavin, as my guest, such a dangerous event occurring in Braavos is a serious oversight on my part. I offer my deepest apologies. As long as you remain in Braavos, I will do my utmost to ensure your safety."

Gavin did not respond immediately but walked up to the Faceless Man.

Seeing Gavin's silence, the Sea Lord hurriedly added: "Sir Gavin, I assure you that this will not happen again during your stay in Braavos. I will also provide appropriate compensation tomorrow." He then turned to Daenerys and said gently: "Princess Daenerys, I will also compensate you regarding your brother."

Gavin quickly thanked him: "Thank you for your consideration, Your Highness." He then asked with a puzzled expression: "Your Highness, Sea Lord, can you tell me who hired the Faceless Man?"

The Sea Lord responded helplessly: "Sir Gavin, while I can control the House of Black and White from acting against you while you are in Braavos, I cannot inquire about the specifics of their clients."

Gavin frowned and asked: "So, Your Highness, does this mean that while you can ensure my safety in Braavos, once I leave, the Faceless Men might still come after me?"

The Sea Lord sighed with regret and explained: "The House of Black and White must follow the laws of Braavos. While I am within the city, I can prevent them from harming my guests, but I cannot control their actions outside Braavos. Braavos respects the beliefs of all gods, which is the foundation of the city, but there is nothing I can do beyond its borders."

Tyron Reyen, who was standing nearby, explained to Gavin: "Once the Faceless Man accepts a mission, he will complete it. If an assassination attempt fails, another Faceless Man will be sent until the mission is accomplished."

Gavin thought for a moment and said, "It seems like this is indeed a significant problem."

The Sea Lord said solemnly: "Sir Gavin, during your stay in Braavos, I will allocate additional resources to ensure your safety. You need not worry about the Faceless Men."

Gavin nodded slightly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, but there is no need to trouble yourself." He then pointed at the Faceless Man on the ground, and a fiery tongue of flame burst from his hand.

The Faceless Man screamed, the sound echoing desperately through the empty hall. Moments later, the Faceless Man was reduced to ashes.

The Sea Lord and Tyron Reyen were stunned by Gavin's display, their eyes wide with disbelief. The water dancers in the Sea Lord's palace nervously drew their weapons, becoming alert.

After dispatching the Faceless Man, Gavin ignored the tense water dancers and took Daenerys's hand, saying to the Sea Lord: "I apologize for disturbing your rest, Your Highness."

The Sea Lord was about to respond when Gavin bowed and saluted before turning to lead Daenerys away.

As they reached the square in front of the Sea Lord's palace, Gavin instructed the Blood Dragon Guard to return to the Belaerys immediately and then released Zaldrīzharys. Zaldrīzharys soared out of the flames, sensing Gavin's intent and roaring excitedly. Gavin mounted Zaldrīzharys with Daenerys.

Zaldrīzharys's powerful legs kicked off, propelling its massive body into the night sky. Its broad wings flapped vigorously, creating a howling wind.

The dragon's tense muscles and glistening scales shone in the moonlight, presenting a formidable figure.

In an instant, Zaldrīzharys vanished into the vast night, leaving only a shadow behind.

In the air, Daenerys, nestled in Gavin's arms, asked: "Gavin, what are you planning to do?"

Gavin replied calmly: "Of course, I will use the Dragon Lord's method to deal with this issue. I prefer not to provoke the Faceless Men, who are masters of disguise. But since we have already stirred them up, there is no reason to remain on constant guard."

As they spoke, Zaldrīzharys landed on the deck of the Belaerys at the port. The Blood Dragon Guards and soldiers there quickly came to greet them. Gavin helped Daenerys off the dragon and said: "Braavos is a bit unsafe at the moment, so please wait for me on the ship. I will return for you later."

Daenerys wanted to say something but chose not to distract Gavin, simply nodding and saying, "Gavin, be safe."

Gavin smiled at her, patted Zaldrīzharys, and ordered: "Zaldrīzharys, take off!"

Zaldrīzharys unfolded its immense wings, creating a powerful gust of wind. It crouched slightly, its leg muscles tensed, and then leaped into the sky. The strong winds whipped around, and the sails of the ship flapped wildly as Zaldrīzharys soared into the night sky over Braavos.

From above, Braavos was a bustling spectacle. Colorful lights interwove, illuminating the streets and alleys. The crowds were lively, with laughter echoing everywhere. Fireworks bloomed in the sky, creating a vibrant display. The ships in the port were brightly lit, reflecting the city's light and forming a beautiful scene.

In the Sea Lord's palace, the Sea Lord gazed at the direction Gavin had departed, remaining silent for a long time.

Tyron Reyen asked: "Your Highness, this Sir Gavin possesses such mysterious abilities beyond dragons. Might he take action against the House of Black and White?"

The Sea Lord replied slowly: "I hope he does not. As long as he does not cause too much trouble in Braavos, I wish to avoid provoking him. However, I am concerned. I hope he will not act impulsively."

Tyron Reyen nodded and said: "Your Highness, should we increase our defenses?"

The Sea Lord thought for a moment: "Yes, enhance our vigilance immediately. If Gavin displays any radical behavior, deploy a fleet to block the canyon. The other side has also brought many soldiers. We should also station troops to block the docks and prevent Gavin's soldiers from entering the city."


Gavin rode Zaldrīzharys, flying high over Braavos. The whistling wind roared in his ears, and his clothes fluttered. Gavin observed the terrain with keen eyes, soon identifying the Isle of the Gods. After confirming the direction, Gavin gently pulled the reins, and Zaldrīzharys flew towards the Isle of the Gods.

As the altitude continued to drop, the Isle of the Gods below gradually became clearer. At this time, the people of Braavos attending the Moon Song Festival on the Isle of the Gods saw the giant dragon rushing toward them, and screams rose and fell instantly. Some collapsed to the ground in fear, some fled in panic, and some stared at the sky blankly, their faces filled with terror and despair.

Gavin located the House of Black and White and, with a fierce look in his eyes, lightly pulled the reins. Understanding his intent, Zaldrīzharys folded its wings and swooped toward the Black and White Courtyard like a bolt of lightning.

Zaldrīzharys descended upon the Black and White Courtyard like a blazing flame. As it neared the dark gray stone temple, it began to hover, then opened its massive dragon mouth, unleashing a torrent of fire.

The dragon's flame struck the pointed black tile roof of the Black and White Courtyard with the force of an enraged beast. The intense heat turned the black tiles red almost instantly, and the impact shattered them. The flames poured into the temple through the broken roof.

Inside the temple, the thirty statues of various shapes along the walls and the red candles that once flickered at their feet were immediately engulfed in flames. The statues, tall and imposing, now appeared grotesque under the roaring fire. The flames licked the statues, quickly consuming the cloth decorations. The fire spread up the statues, as if determined to devour these enigmatic figures completely.

The ten-foot-diameter pool in the temple's center boiled violently under the extreme heat, with steam rising rapidly. The once serene main room transformed into a hellish inferno, with flames running wild and thick smoke billowing.

The flames did not confine themselves to the main room but also flowed through the winding passages to the monks' dormitories. The dormitories were quickly engulfed by the fire, igniting beds and clothing. The panicked monks screamed desperately as they fled through the inferno, their cries endless.

The flames ravaged their bodies mercilessly, charring skin and turning hair and eyebrows to ash in moments. Some tried to extinguish the flames with quilts, but their efforts were in vain, and they collapsed in excruciating pain.

The fire continued to spread into the numerous caves within the temple. Items inside the caves were reduced to ashes instantly, and those hiding within faced searing heat waves, struggling in agony. They crawled deeper into the caves, hoping for a slim chance of survival, but the relentless flames pursued them, extinguishing their hopes one by one.

Zaldrīzharys continued to spew dragon flames from the air as Gavin watched closely from its back. He noticed that the carved wooden door seemed to open slightly. Zaldrīzharys landed in front and directed even hotter flames at the door.

Under the scorching dragon flames, the wooden door quickly blackened. The intricate carvings blurred, and the wood began to crack. The fire spread from the edges to consume the entire door. Soon, the entire wooden door was reduced to burning ruins, enveloped completely by the flames.

The acolytes who had planned to open the door and escape were caught in the inferno before they could even scream. The intense heat seared their bodies, their clothes and hair burning almost instantly. Their skin blackened and cracked as they writhed in pain, unable to escape the unrelenting fire.

The flames continued to advance along the temple's corridor, spreading further into the depths. Everything in their path—walls, floors, and other objects—was ravaged by the high temperatures. The rooms hidden in the depths were not spared, and everything within was consumed by the disaster.

The entire Black and White Courtyard was engulfed in flames. The once solemn and mysterious atmosphere was utterly destroyed, leaving only the raging fire and thick smoke as evidence of the catastrophe that had unfolded.

On the Isle of the Gods, spectators watched in stunned silence as the dragon attacked the Black and White Courtyard. Their expressions were frozen in shock, eyes wide and mouths agape, unable to believe the spectacle before them.

Fear spread rapidly among the crowd like a plague, and the once joyful Isle of the Gods descended into chaos. People pushed and shoved, desperately trying to escape. The cries of children and the shouts of adults created a cacophony of noise.

Some individuals were trampled under the frenzied crowd, groaning in pain; some lost their way and stumbled around aimlessly; others stood in stunned silence, paralyzed by the terrifying scene.

Brave soldiers attempted to restore order, shouting and waving their weapons to guide the evacuation. However, their efforts seemed trivial in the face of overwhelming panic.

Women clutched their children tightly, their faces streaked with tears and fear, as they fled from the Black and White Courtyard. Merchants abandoned their goods in their haste to save their lives.

The Isle of the Gods was transformed into a hellish nightmare, with chaos reigning supreme. The roar of the dragon and the relentless fire consuming the Black and White Courtyard provided the most terrifying backdrop to this disaster.

As dragon flames continued to pour from the Black and White Courtyard, the building trembled from the powerful impact and heat. Stones from the walls loosened, occasionally crashing down with a dull thud.

The once-solid stone beams became fragile under the intense heat, creaking ominously as if on the brink of collapse. Decorative stone carvings began to melt, their once-exquisite designs becoming blurred and distorted, dripping with molten liquid.

The wooden door had long since been reduced to ash under the relentless dragon flames. The fire spread inward, consuming everything that could burn.

The statues within gradually crumbled under the heat, turning to piles of burning debris. The stone slabs on the floor turned red, and cracks began to appear, as though the earth itself was groaning in agony under this devastating force.

Thick smoke billowed from the Black and White Courtyard, rising into the sky and darkening the surrounding heavens. The roar of the fire and the sounds of the collapsing building intertwined, serving as the Black and White Courtyard's mournful wail.

The chaos on the Isle of the Gods reached its zenith. People fled in a frenzy, trampling one another, with the screams and cries reaching deafening levels. Some knelt in despair, praying for divine intervention, while others frantically raced to the shore, desperate to escape by boat.

At this time, in the depths of the Black and White Courtyard, it seemed that a mysterious power was struggling to support the structure, preventing it from completely collapsing under the violent assault of the dragon flame. Initially, this power fought against the flames, but as time passed, it became evident that it could not withstand the intense heat and began to rapidly diminish.

As the mysterious power waned, the already unstable Black and White Courtyard could no longer hold itself up, and the entire building began to collapse. The walls fell, sending dust into the sky; the roof crashed down with a deafening noise. What was once a grand and enigmatic structure had now become a ruin under the dragon flame's onslaught.

However, the dragon flame emitted by Zaldrīzharys showed no signs of stopping and continued to pour into the ruins. The fierce flames raged, reducing everything that had not yet burned into ash.

At this moment, a shadowy energy burst from the ruins. This ball of energy was dark and ominous, seemingly carrying boundless resentment and fury. Zaldrīzharys immediately directed its flames at it, and the shadow swirled and twisted in the air, trying to escape the encircling dragon fire.

Gavin, riding on Zaldrīzharys's back, drew his sword and kept a vigilant eye on the shadow. The shadow quickly noticed Gavin and attempted to bypass the dragon flame and Zaldrīzharys, heading directly toward him.

Gavin activated the flame blade, igniting his sword with intense flames, and struck at the shadow, cleaving it in two. The split shadows rejoined but were reduced in size.

Realizing Gavin was a formidable opponent, the shadow began to flee. Gavin pursued it with Zaldrīzharys, who followed the shadow into the sky. Despite the shadow's attempts to hide in the night, Gavin maintained a tight lock on it.

As Gavin and the shadow departed, the people on the Island of the Gods experienced a complex range of emotions. Witnesses of the dragon's attack on the Black and White Courtyard felt a mix of relief and shock. Some, weakened by fear, sat on the ground gasping for breath; others embraced each other, weeping tears of joy; and some stood dazed, still reeling from the dramatic events.

Among the crowd, an elderly man trembled, his hands clasped in prayer, giving thanks to the gods. Young people discussed the harrowing scene, their voices trembling. Women clutched their children, kissing their foreheads, grateful for their safety. The once lively Moon Song Festival had turned into a scene of subdued peace following the chaos. While grateful, the people were also uncertain about the future. For now, surviving was their greatest fortune.

Gavin continued to chase the shadow, while Zaldrīzharys flapped its massive wings, the wind howling in Gavin's ears. The shadow's pace slowed, and Gavin seized the moment to strike again with the flame blade, unleashing a powerful wave of fire that left the shadow with no escape.

Under the intense heat, the shadow dove into the sea, vanishing beneath the water's surface.

Gavin frowned and commanded Zaldrīzharys to hover over the sea, carefully searching for any sign of the shadow.

As they focused on the search, several tentacles formed from the sea water surged upwards with fierce momentum, attacking Zaldrīzharys. The dragon reacted swiftly, spewing flames that evaporated the sea water tentacles into steam.

Just as Gavin began to relax, countless more tentacles emerged, sweeping toward Zaldrīzharys. Gavin's face hardened, and he shouted, "Zaldrīzharys, take off!" Zaldrīzharys ascended, successfully evading the tentacles.

Gavin, now high above, watched with growing apprehension as the turbulent sea below was disrupted by the emergence of a colossal, hideous sea monster covered in tentacles.

Countless black shadows within the monster seemed to swirl like ghosts. Gavin's heart raced; it was clear that the mysterious shadow had used the sea water to create this massive creature.

In an instant, the enormous tentacle monster leaped with thunderous force, charging at Zaldrīzharys in the air.

Zaldrīzharys did not hesitate and unleashed a torrent of dragon flame. The intense heat evaporated a significant amount of seawater, creating a terrifying "hissing" sound, with billowing steam filling the air.

However, the monster's vast size made Zaldrīzharys's flames appear insignificant. Despite the dragon's best efforts, powerful tentacles continued to constrict around Zaldrīzharys, and Gavin found himself caught in the monster's relentless assault.

Gavin swung his flaming sword desperately, but a cold, slippery tentacle wrapped around his ankle like a snake, pulling him off Zaldrīzharys's back.

Gavin plummeted toward the water. Despairing, he looked up to see Zaldrīzharys entangled in tentacles, struggling to maintain flight. Despite its efforts, it could not prevent its fall.

Gavin shouted, "Zaldrīzharys, ignite!" At his command, Zaldrīzharys burst into fierce flames. The tentacles sizzling from the intense heat loosened their grip.

The monster, however, did not retreat but tightened its remaining tentacles in a frenzied effort to subdue Zaldrīzharys. As the dragon's fiery body blazed, it began to disintegrate the monster.

Soon, Zaldrīzharys regained control and the ability to move.

At that moment, Gavin continued his rapid descent but felt some relief as Zaldrīzharys broke free from its constraints.

At this time, Gavin saw the black figure in the seawater rushing towards him while he was still falling.

Moments later, the black shadow and Gavin plunged into the sea. In the water, the black shadow quickly took on a human form, its hands tightening around Gavin's neck.

Gavin struggled to breathe, his lungs feeling as though they might burst.

Fortunately, his sword remained in hand. Even underwater, he desperately used the flaming blade to pierce the black shadow. The sword's intense flames began to sear the shadow's form.

The black figure slowly revealed a featureless, strange face. Despite the intense heat, the shadow continued to strangle Gavin.

"You owe me a life, Gavin Belleris," a voice full of hatred echoed in Gavin's mind. The black shadow began to succumb to the flames and started to dissipate.

Gavin managed to free himself and swam towards the surface. As he broke through the water, he gasped for air, trying to fill his lungs with as much oxygen as possible.

Zaldrīzharys spread its broad, powerful wings and descended. Its strong hind paws grasped Gavin, who was limp and soaked, and then lifted him out of the water, flying towards Belaerys.

Gavin lay weakly in Zaldrīzharys's grasp, the sea breeze blowing over his wet body. His gaze remained fixed on the sea where the battle had just occurred, his mind racing with thoughts.

Was this black shadow a manifestation of the Many-Faced God, or merely a fragment of its will and power?

If it was a god, it seemed too weak to be destroyed by me. However, if it was only part of the Many-Faced God's essence, future trouble might be inevitable.

Gavin's expression grew more serious. "Are there any temples of the Many-Faced God elsewhere besides Braavos? I must investigate when I return. I'll destroy every one I find. Since I've made an enemy, I intend to make it thorough."

Soon after, Zaldrīzharys landed on the deck of Belaerys. Daenerys, who had been waiting anxiously, rushed over when she saw Gavin in the dragon's claws.

"Gavin!" Daenerys's voice was filled with concern.

Gavin forced a smile, his voice hoarse. "I'm fine. Don't worry, everything is under control."

Daenerys looked at his drenched and disheveled state, tears welling up. "How can it be okay? You're in such a state..."

Gavin gently patted Daenerys's hand and reassured her. "I'm really fine. I just need to change clothes. Wait here for a moment."

He then walked towards the cabin, with Daenerys watching him with a worried expression.

Meanwhile, in the Sea Lord's Palace, Rego Antaryon received news that the Black and White Courtyard had been destroyed by Gavin Belleris.

His face flushed with anger, his eyes wide with fury. He clenched his fists, his whole body trembling. "How dare he unleash a dragon in Braavos! This is an insult to me and to the dignity of Braavos. It's a grave provocation!" The roar of the Sea Lord left the entire palace in stunned silence.

Rego Antaryon's face reddened with rage, his chest heaving. He turned to Tyron Rayian and commanded, "Send a fleet immediately to block the mouth of the canyon. Ensure they don't escape. Seal the entire dock."

"Yes, Your Highness," Tyron Rayian replied, accepting the order.

With Tyron Rayian's departure, Rego Antaryon began to calm down. He paced the palace, deeply troubled.

The Sea Lord weighed his options: It would be easier if Gavin's fleet were still in the port. But with Gavin possessing a dragon, if he leaves, he might seek vengeance on Braavos. The wrath of a Dragon Lord could spell disaster for the city. Can Braavos withstand such a threat?

Yet, if Gavin isn't dealt with now, Braavos's honor will be compromised. This city was founded by those who fled from the Dragon Lord's tyranny. Now, if a Dragon Lord wreaks havoc here without consequence, the Sea Lord's position could be at risk.

Rego Antaryon was torn, his mind racing with possible outcomes.

Suddenly, he stopped, took a deep breath, and looked at the chief water dancer. In a low, urgent voice, he asked, "If Gavin comes here, can you summon the dragon and kill it before he arrives?"

The water dancer looked troubled, sweat beading on his forehead. He replied, "Your Highness, Gavin's flame attack was beyond my comprehension. I can't guarantee that I can replicate it."

Rego Antaryon nodded, his expression grim. "Forget it, don't take unnecessary risks. Inform Tyron Rayian that he is only to besiege the area; no attack without my explicit orders. Also, have him invite the Mage to the Sea Lord's Palace."

After changing clothes, Gavin walked steadily to the deck.

Daenerys hurried over, her concern still evident. Gavin embraced her and said softly, "Don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you."

At that moment, the captain approached with a worried expression. "Sir, the situation is deteriorating. It seems we are surrounded by the Sea Lord's fleet. The port area is eerily quiet, and soldiers are stationed at all key points. The canyon leading out has been tightly blockaded by Braavos warships. Our escape route is blocked. Should we attempt to force our way out?"

Gavin stood on the deck, lost in thought. Daenerys approached him and said softly, "Gavin, could this be a trap?"

Gavin took her hand and reassured her, "Don't worry too much. Even if it is a trap, I can handle it."

At this moment, Gavin was exhausted after a night of fighting, with little magic left in him. Even Zaldrīzharys lay tiredly on the bow of the boat and fell asleep. Choosing to meet the next morning was a reluctant decision.

That night, everyone on the Belaerys was restless. Moonlight sparkled on the sea, but it did nothing to lift the gloom that hung over their hearts.

Outside the port, the Sea Lord's warships remained tightly blockading the mouth of the canyon, showing no signs of retreat. The soldiers of Braavos stood motionless on the dock, like silent statues.

The morning sun bathed the Belaerys in light. Gavin stepped out of the cabin and saw the alert Zaldrīzharys. He felt reassured.

Despite this, a trace of worry lingered in his mind about whether the Sea Lord might take drastic measures. Gavin ordered Zaldrīzharys to stay in the fire.

He then turned and re-entered the cabin. Daenerys came up to him with a worried expression and said, "Gavin, do you really have to go? It's too dangerous."

Gavin gently embraced her shoulders and comforted her, "My dear, don't worry. Since the Sea Lord has invited me, not going would make it seem like we're cowardly. Besides, Zaldrīzharys has recovered, and I'm prepared for any situation."

Daenerys bit her lip, her concern still evident. "I'll come with you..."

Gavin interrupted with a smile, "Don't worry. Even if something happens, I can escape at any time with Zaldrīzharys. Since the invitation came from the Sea Lord, there's a good chance he won't act against me."

Daenerys realized she couldn't change Gavin's mind, so she nodded, "Just be careful."

Gavin agreed and stepped off the ship with only two Dragon Blood Guards.

As Gavin set foot on the dock, the soldiers became tense and instinctively gripped their weapons. However, none of them acted rashly and quietly made way for him. Gavin remained calm and proceeded directly towards the Sea Lord's Palace.

Entering the Sea Lord's Palace once more, Gavin saw the brooding Sea Lord Rhaegal Antaryon seated on the throne. He bowed slightly and said, "Your Highness, Sea Lord, thank you for the invitation."

The Sea Lord snorted heavily from his throne. "Gavin Belaerys, I invited you as my guest, but you let dragons wreak havoc in Braavos and burned down the House of Black and White!"

Gavin stood upright, meeting the Sea Lord's gaze calmly. "Your Highness, I have always fulfilled my duties in Braavos. However, I was attacked in Braavos as a guest, so I had no choice but to defend myself."

The Sea Lord frowned and raised his voice, "I have promised to compensate you and ensure your safety here!"

Gavin nodded and replied, "I appreciate the Sea Lord's generosity. But what if I am attacked by the Faceless Men again after leaving Braavos? You can't guarantee that the House of Black and White will cease their attempts on my life. I must address this issue myself. Until the problem is resolved, what happened last night might happen again."

The Sea Lord was momentarily speechless before retorting, "The House of Black and White..."

Gavin interrupted firmly, "The House of Black and White has its rules, but when my life is at risk, I must act to protect myself."

The Sea Lord's brow furrowed further as he said, "I have promised compensation! You may choose from my treasury and take what you wish as compensation for yourself and Princess Daenerys. However, due to what happened in Braavos, after you select your gifts, you and your fleet must leave immediately. From now on, you are forbidden from setting foot in Braavos!"

Gavin remained calm and responded, "Your Highness, I had no intention of causing trouble here. Now that the issue is resolved, I will leave as agreed."

The Sea Lord glared sharply at Gavin. "I hope you keep your word; otherwise, the wrath of Braavos will be something you cannot endure."

Gavin bowed respectfully. "Do not worry, Your Highness. I will certainly keep my promise."

The Sea Lord waved his hand, signaling the end of their conversation.

Guided by a water dancer, Gavin proceeded along a deep corridor. Every few steps, armed guards stood like statues, gripping their spears tightly.

As he approached the treasury, the atmosphere grew increasingly solemn. At the entrance, two squads of elite soldiers, clad in heavy armor and wielding shields and swords, stood ready.

The treasury's entrance featured two massive stone doors, intricately carved with ancient patterns.

The water dancer spoke to the soldiers, who then pushed open the heavy stone doors. With a deep rumble, the interior of the treasury was revealed.

"Sir Gavin, please follow me. According to His Highness's order, you have one hour and may take only two items, one for yourself and one for Princess Daenerys," the water dancer said solemnly.

Gavin nodded and followed the water dancer into the mysterious and alluring treasury.

As he stepped inside, Gavin was awestruck by the sight before him.

Rows of tall display shelves were filled with rare treasures.

On one shelf lay several Valyrian steel swords, their unique patterns gleaming, alongside daggers made of the same metal in a brocade box.

Nearby was a set of splendid armor crafted from refined gold, its surface still shining in the dim light. The armor was adorned with various gems, showcasing its extraordinary value.

In a corner of the treasury, precious furs were displayed, including white wolf pelts from the Far North and rare spotted bear skins.

At the center of the treasury was a massive crystal ball, its surface swirling with clouds and emitting a faint glow. Next to it were several dragon egg fossils, their shells etched with ancient patterns.

Further in, Gavin saw a collection of dragon bone artifacts and a row of mysterious books bound in metal and adorned with gems. Exquisite Valyrian steel handicrafts, including small sculptures and ornate decorations, completed the display.

Gavin narrowed his eyes and surveyed the port. After a moment's thought, he said, "Don't rush. Given the circumstances, a forced breakout may not be feasible. Order the crew to stay vigilant. The fleet should be ready for battle at any moment. I don't think the Sea Lord will act without further provocation. Let's see what their next move is."

As night deepened, the sea breeze gently blew, and both sides waited in tense silence. Just when it seemed time had stopped, a wheel carriage approached Belaerys at the port.

Tyron Rayian, sent by the Sea Lord, disembarked and boarded Belaerys. With a respectful demeanor, he said, "Sir Gavin, His Highness the Sea Lord requests your presence at the Sea Lord's Palace for a discussion."

Gavin fixed a sharp gaze on Tyron Rayian and said after a pause, "Tell the Sea Lord I will visit tomorrow morning."

Tyron Rayian bowed slightly and departed in his carriage without further comment.

Gavin stood on the deck, lost in thought. Daenerys approached him and said softly, "Gavin, could this be a trap?"

Gavin took her hand and reassured her, "Don't worry too much. Even if it is a trap, I can handle it."

At this moment, Gavin was exhausted after a night of fighting, with little magic left in him. Even Zaldrīzharys lay tiredly on the bow of the boat and fell asleep. Choosing to meet the next morning was a reluctant decision.

That night, everyone on the Belaerys was restless. Moonlight sparkled on the sea, but it did nothing to lift the gloom that hung over their hearts.

Outside the port, the Sea Lord's warships remained tightly blockading the mouth of the canyon, showing no signs of retreat. The soldiers of Braavos stood motionless on the dock, like silent statues.

The morning sun bathed the Belaerys in light. Gavin stepped out of the cabin and saw the alert Zaldrīzharys. He felt reassured.

Despite this, a trace of worry lingered in his mind about whether the Sea Lord might take drastic measures. Gavin ordered Zaldrīzharys to stay in the fire.

He then turned and re-entered the cabin. Daenerys came up to him with a worried expression and said, "Gavin, do you really have to go? It's too dangerous."

Gavin gently embraced her shoulders and comforted her, "My dear, don't worry. Since the Sea Lord has invited me, not going would make it seem like we're cowardly. Besides, Zaldrīzharys has recovered, and I'm prepared for any situation."

Daenerys bit her lip, her concern still evident. "I'll come with you..."

Gavin interrupted with a smile, "Don't worry. Even if something happens, I can escape at any time with Zaldrīzharys. Since the invitation came from the Sea Lord, there's a good chance he won't act against me."

Daenerys realized she couldn't change Gavin's mind, so she nodded, "Just be careful."

Gavin agreed and stepped off the ship with only two advanced Dragon Blood Guards.

As Gavin set foot on the dock, the soldiers became tense and instinctively gripped their weapons. However, none of them acted rashly and quietly made way for him. Gavin remained calm and proceeded directly towards the Sea Lord's Palace.

Entering the Sea Lord's Palace once more, Gavin saw the brooding Sea Lord Rhaegal Antaryon seated on the throne. He bowed slightly and said, "Your Highness, Sea Lord, thank you for the invitation."

The Sea Lord snorted heavily from his throne. "Gavin Belaerys, I invited you as my guest, but you let dragons wreak havoc in Braavos and burned down the House of Black and White!"

Gavin stood upright, meeting the Sea Lord's gaze calmly. "Your Highness, I have always fulfilled my duties in Braavos. However, I was attacked in Braavos as a guest, so I had no choice but to defend myself."

The Sea Lord frowned and raised his voice, "I have promised to compensate you and ensure your safety here!"

Gavin nodded and replied, "I appreciate the Sea Lord's generosity. But what if I am attacked by the Faceless Men again after leaving Braavos? You can't guarantee that the House of Black and White will cease their attempts on my life. I must address this issue myself. Until the problem is resolved, what happened last night might happen again."

The Sea Lord was momentarily speechless before retorting, "The House of Black and White..."

Gavin interrupted firmly, "The House of Black and White has its rules, but when my life is at risk, I must act to protect myself."

The Sea Lord's brow furrowed further as he said, "I have promised compensation! You may choose from my treasury and take what you wish as compensation for yourself and Princess Daenerys. However, due to what happened in Braavos, after you select your gifts, you and your fleet must leave immediately. From now on, you are forbidden from setting foot in Braavos!"

Gavin remained calm and responded, "Your Highness, I had no intention of causing trouble here. Now that the issue is resolved, I will leave as agreed."

The Sea Lord glared sharply at Gavin. "I hope you keep your word; otherwise, the wrath of Braavos will be something you cannot endure."

Gavin bowed respectfully. "Do not worry, Your Highness. I will certainly keep my promise."

The Sea Lord waved his hand, signaling the end of their conversation.

Guided by a water dancer, Gavin proceeded along a deep corridor. Every few steps, armed guards stood like statues, gripping their spears tightly.

As he approached the treasury, the atmosphere grew increasingly solemn. At the entrance, two squads of elite soldiers, clad in heavy armor and wielding shields and swords, stood ready.

The treasury's entrance featured two massive stone doors, intricately carved with ancient patterns.

The water dancer spoke to the soldiers, who then pushed open the heavy stone doors. With a deep rumble, the interior of the treasury was revealed.

"Sir Gavin, please follow me. According to His Highness's order, you have one hour and may take only two items, one for yourself and one for Princess Daenerys," the water dancer said solemnly.

Gavin nodded and followed the water dancer into the mysterious and alluring treasury.

As he stepped inside, Gavin was awestruck by the sight before him.

Rows of tall display shelves were filled with rare treasures.

On one shelf lay several Valyrian steel swords, their unique patterns gleaming, alongside daggers made of the same metal in a brocade box.

Nearby was a set of splendid armor crafted from refined gold, its surface still shining in the dim light. The armor was adorned with various gems, showcasing its extraordinary value.

In a corner of the treasury, precious furs were displayed, including white wolf pelts from the Far North and rare spotted bear skins.

At the center of the treasury was a massive crystal ball, its surface swirling with clouds and emitting a faint glow. Next to it were several dragon egg fossils, their shells etched with ancient patterns.

Further in, Gavin saw a collection of dragon bone artifacts and a row of mysterious books bound in metal and adorned with gems. Exquisite Valyrian steel handicrafts, including small sculptures and ornate decorations, completed the display.

Gavin's eyes slowly swept over the various treasures in the treasury before walking straight to the shelf where the weapons were placed.

He examined the Valyrian steel swords on the shelf with great care. Finally, he discovered the emblem of the Belaerys family on the hilt of a sword. It was the family sword that the ancestor of the Belaerys family had lost—Aërizaldrīz.( Dawnfire)

Gavin's eyes showed a trace of surprise and emotion. He carefully picked up the sword. The blade was slender and straight, gleaming with a silver-white cold light. It was so thin that its thickness was nearly imperceptible, yet it had the sharpness to cut through anything. The hilt was made of dragon bone, with a simple yet elegant design. The guard was slightly curved, perfectly crafted to protect the hand.

Feeling the surge of magic from the sword Aërizaldrīz, Gavin was filled with deep thoughts. At that moment, he felt he had finally made up for his mother's regret.

After properly securing Aërizaldrīz, Gavin continued to explore the treasury. He moved towards the center of the treasure house where the dragon egg fossils were displayed. There were six dragon egg fossils neatly arranged there. Gavin picked up one and used his magic to examine it closely. He was surprised to find that this dragon egg had a faint trace of vitality.

Excited, Gavin quickly checked the other dragon eggs. Unfortunately, only the one in his hand exhibited vitality.

He chose this dragon egg and Aërizaldrīz without hesitation as compensation for himself and the Targaryen princess.

Gavin called out to the water dancer in the distance: "I have made my choice."

The water dancer nodded slightly and replied, "Sir Gavin, please follow me." He then led Gavin out.

Soon, Gavin realized that he was not being taken to see the Sea Lord but was instead led directly outside the Sea Lord's Palace.

However, Gavin, satisfied with his selections, didn't mind. After handing the dragon egg to the Blood Dragon Guards waiting outside, he walked slowly towards the port.

The water dancer entered the Sea Lord's Palace. The Sea Lord, seated on his opulent throne, asked authoritatively, "What did he choose?" The water dancer responded respectfully, "A Valyrian steel sword and a dragon egg fossil."

Upon hearing this, the Sea Lord fell into deep thought. He was not surprised that Gavin had chosen the Valyrian steel sword, but he wondered why Gavin had chosen a dragon egg fossil that could not hatch a dragon.

The Sea Lord frowned and muttered to himself, "Could the dragon egg be intact?" Realizing this possibility, his expression darkened, and his concern grew.

But he quickly reassured himself, "It should be impossible; the chances are very slim."

He then considered the trouble he was facing. Although giving away these items was somewhat painful, it was preferable to having Gavin, a troublesome guest, remain.

The Sea Lord was reluctant to take action against Gavin, and explaining it to the people of Braavos would be challenging. Thus, he resolved to balance the situation by expelling Gavin.

With a sigh of resignation, the Sea Lord accepted this solution.

Gavin returned to the Belaerys with the treasures he had selected and was immediately greeted by Daenerys, who had been anxiously waiting. Seeing him return safely, she rushed to him and embraced him tightly.

Gavin gently stroked her hair and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'm fine. The Sea Lord isn't likely to attack us."

Daenerys looked up, her eyes slightly red and her voice trembling, "I was just worried about you. I'm so relieved you're back." She then asked, "Where are we going now?"

Gavin smiled and replied, "The Sea Lord has allowed us to leave."

Daenerys asked further, "Gavin, are we heading back to the Stepstones?"

Gavin shook his head and said, "Not yet. I need to go to the land beyond the Wall. There are vast woods there that can be used to make the keel of warships. I need these resources urgently."

Daenerys nestled into his embrace and said, "I will follow you wherever you go."

Gavin patted her shoulder gently and then instructed everyone on the Belaerys, "Notify the fleet to set sail immediately."

At Gavin's command, the entire fleet sprang into action. Sailors jumped off the dock, untied the ropes, and quickly raised the sails. The sea breeze billowed the sails, creating a loud sound. The Belaerys led the way and sailed steadily towards the canyon's mouth.

Gavin held Daenerys's hand, stood at the bow, and looked at the port of Braavos growing smaller in the distance. Daenerys felt a mix of emotions as the city she grew up in gradually faded from view. The familiar streets, bustling markets, and friendly faces receded further away. She pursed her lips, her eyes showing a hint of reluctance and attachment. She glanced back at Gavin, who was also looking at her, and they shared a smile.

The fleet approached the canyon's mouth, and the purple fleet blocking the passage had already cleared the way.

The Belaerys sailed through first, and soon, the entire fleet passed through the Titans, bidding a final farewell to Braavos.

Now back on the open sea, Gavin couldn't help but think of the instigator of all this—the envoy from Lys. He made new arrangements for the fleet.

Under his orders, ten sailing ships left the fleet and headed south.

Had it not been for the Sea Lord, Gavin would have dealt with the Lysian envoy while still in Braavos. Now that they had departed, Gavin felt free of worry.

He instructed the ten warships to patrol routes that the envoy might use to return, planning to intercept him on the Stepstone Islands.

After finalizing the arrangements, Gavin took Daenerys back to the cabin.

He took out a small box and placed it on the table. Smiling at Daenerys, he said, "The Sea Lord asked me to choose something to compensate you. I think you'll like it."

Daenerys looked on with curiosity.

Gavin opened the box with a smile, revealing a red dragon egg. "I discovered that it still has some life in it." Daenerys's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing this.

Gavin opened the box, and a red dragon egg appeared before Daenerys.

She couldn't help but hold her breath, feeling the powerful energy within the egg.

Eagerly, she reached out to touch the dragon egg, her eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. "Is it really a dragon egg? This is unbelievable. I've only heard Viserys describe dragon eggs. I know there are many dragon egg fossils on Dragonstone, but I've never seen one up close!"

Gavin suddenly asked, "Daenerys, did Viserys ever tell you how the Targaryens hatched their baby dragons?"