
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 47

"Well me and my pokemon have been working really hard," you replied with a shrug, "We've hardly taken any breaks at all, we're constantly on the road and training."

"It seems to be doing wonders for you," Norman praised, and smiled at you, "But try to cut down a little, you have plenty of time before the Indigo Conference, and you've not even been a trainer an entire month yet, you don't want to end up burning out quickly."

"I know," you agreed, "It's just that because I'm still so new to it, the excitement and all I want to achieve haven't calmed down at all in my head."

Norman laughed, "Well, I can't deny I was anything different I suppose," he conceded with a nod, "Not quite as amazing as you seem to be by the looks of it, but if I were capable of it, I would probably have been the same way back then." he said, continuing to pet the large Munchlax standing beside his sitting form.

"That's a pretty impressive Munchlax, nearly half again bigger than the average one by the looks of it," you noted, "Is it yours?"

"Hmm?" Norman hummed before shaking his head, "No no, this affectionate little fellow is one of the wild pokemon that stays up here, I already captured a Snorlax of my own once I arrived in Kanto a few months back with my daughter."

Your eyes widened. Both because the Munchlax was wild, and from him apparently being from out of region. The borders had been closed off to everyone, even Johto for the most part for the last five years after a war nearly broke out.

The borders had to be closed with Johto just to ease tensions because of its close alliance with Kanto through Lance.

There was some kind of group operating out of the Orre Region, and they almost caused a world war. You remember the girl you met back at one of Oak's training camps just before it, Serena you think her name was, had to be called back home early before the camp even finished because of the rising tensions.

There were rumours that said the fools had led the regions along, making others believe they were from another of the main regions, and then messed around with legendary pokemon. You don't know the specifics, but you know Lance was gearing up for battle alongside the Elite Four with Johto backing him up with their own Elite Four, since he was the joint Champion of both regions.

Nobody really wanted to mess with Kanto. Not when they had Johto and the Orange Archipelago backing them up.

As quick as hostilities rose, they abated just as quick in the course of a few weeks when some agent of Lance's apparently took down Team Cipher as they called themselves, and put an end to their madness.

The borders weren't due to be opened until after the next Indigo Conference, so the fact that Norman actually came from out of Region must mean he was a pretty important person.

"So you're from out of Region huh?" you hummed in interest, reaching forward yourself to pet Munchlax,the pokemon leaning into your touch happily, "What was it like when you were my age?"

Norman laughed again, "Not much really, I'm not that old, I'm only in my early 30's," he responded, "Though I dare say it's much cooler over here, Hoenn is more of a tropical Region, and you kids have better technology than we did even back then, like the Pokedex."

Huh, now you're curious, "How old's your daughter then?" you asked.

"About the same age as you, maybe even a year or so older," Norman shrugged, and your eyes widened, which he caught drawing another laugh from the man, "Yes I married my wife quite early, and May was born when I was just 18."

Wow, that wasn't much older than you are now. You mean, you know you become a legal adult as soon as you get your trainer license, and the coming of age time was averaged at around sixteen between the regions. But it was still kind of heavy. A mere four years older, and he was already married, with a child.

..You should probably wrap it if you wanna tap it from now on. You are definitely not ready for a child. Maybe you should get a Kangaskhan? There had been reports of them raising human infants that they took in at times, so with one of them, alongside possibly a Blissey and a Wigglytuff, you could cut out a lot of work in the future if you ever end up with a mini you, Mew forbid.

You shook your head, ridding yourself of such terrifying thoughts, "So what's May like then?" you asked, "What pokemon does she have?"

Norman sighed, losing his cheerful demeanor, "She's a cheerful, high spirited girl, and a bit of a glutton too," he replied, "But, she doesn't have any pokemon, despite me getting her a pass for it when she came here with me. She had a bad run in with some Tentacool when she was younger and she hasn't liked pokemon ever since."

He sighed again, and lifted a pokeball from his belt, staring at it, "I caught a pokemon to give her just in case, since she really wants to travel," he continued, "And I've been training it up since, but she rejected the little guy outright when I showed him to her and he's been dejected ever since."

Ouch. Quick, you need to change the subject of discussion.

Norman's Pokemon

Slaking - Level 125

Blissey - Level 92

Vigoroth - Level 95

Raticate - Level 65

Slakoth - Level 75

Tauros - Level 55

Linoone - Level 92

Snorlax - Level 52

Kecleon - Level 80

Wigglytuff - Level 56

Castform - Level 84

Lickitung - Level 50

Spinda - Level 87

Vibrava - Level 41

Exploud - Level 90

Zangoose - Level 88

Swellow - Level 83

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