
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Lord Greengrass and summer on Avalon

Platform 9¾.

"Alfred usually waits away from everyone."  said Daphne and began to look around.

"We can just apparate if he's not here. Barriers against apparition are no longer a obstruction."  said Ray.

"There he is."  Daphne pointed to a house elf dressed in a classic black butler costume.

Approaching the elf, Daphne asked to be picked up at the Greengrass Manor.

"As you wish, young Miss Greengrass. Alfred will obey the order."  With a bow, the house elf answered.

With the sound of * pop * they faced a rich mansion.

The Manor was completely white.  Ray did not understand architecture.  But he suggested that it was either limestone cladding or marble.

Of course it was not as huge as Peverell Castle.  But it was much better than Black's house on Grimmauld 12.

The entire estate was surrounded by a high granite fence.  Ray also felt many barriers.

Grabbing Daphne and Bella, he teleported directly to the courtyard.

"Greengrasses are quite rich, if I'm not mistaken they adhere to neutral factions in the Wizengamot," Bella said looking around.

"Yes, while the war was going on, the neutrals earned gold and stayed away."  said Daphne.

"Well. Girls, follow Astoria. I'll talk to Lord Greengrass for now.  "said Ray.

"Be careful, there are a lot of traps in his office. He is on the second floor, right next to the stairs. The largest door."  said Daphne.

"We will be waiting for you at the entrance to this office after we meet Astoria. I really want to see her."  said Bella.


Going up to the large double doors, Ray put on many different shields.  Then he pushed the door and went inside.

"Who dares to enter my office without permission!?" Shouted a man aged about 40 years.

Lord Greengrass was a typical aristocrat.  He wore the Lord's expensive clothes, decorations on his fingers.  A scornful look and long gray hair.

"So it means you." Ray spoke coldly at him.

"Who are you? And how did you get here? Are you looking for death by invading someone else's Manor!?"  Lord Greengrass began to scream.

A wave of magic spread in all directions from Ray, destroying protective runes and eliminating traps.

Lord Greengrass saw this scared, not every wizard is capable of such a feat.

Ray began to walk slowly to the table of Lord Greengrass.  Without taking his eyes off his eyes.

"I do not know you. Tell me how I offended you, I will compensate you for this." Lord Greengrass began to say, losing his calm.

"I ... I ... I have two beautiful daughters. Although I already promised the eldest to my business partner, the youngest is still free. We could unite our families. With your strength and my money, we will achieve great power."  Lord Greengrass began to speak.

With every word spoken, Ray was getting angrier and angrier.  How dare that bastard say that.

"In the beginning, I just wanted to kill you painlessly. But now I will give you fate worse than death."  Ray said in an icy voice.

* Avada K ... * Lord Greengrass tried to attack Ray.  But Ray expected this and used * Seko * to cut off Lord Greengrass's hand holding the wand.

"Ahhhh. I will kill you, I will kill you!" He began to shout.

"Oh no. I don't think so."  Ray answered.

Pointing his right hand at Lord Greengrass, he used * Silencio * and began to torture him using * crucio*.

After 30 seconds of continuous use of the spell, he used * finite * on the twitching Lord Greengrass.

"Well now you can talk."  Ray said calmly.

"Yyyyooouu mmmadman, maniac."  stuttered said Lord Greengrass.

"Madman? Maniac? Ohh, you're wrong. You just said words that you should never have said in my presence. And now, I want you to completely expel Daphne and Astoria from the Greengrass family."  Ray spoke softly.

"What!? But, but, but I've already agreed on Daphne's engagement. I won't do it!"

* Crucio *



60 seconds later

"Good ,good, good. I'll do this for you !!!"  said Lord Greengrass.

"Take the wand and begin the ritual of renunciation. If you try to do something stupid. Hmmm, I will kill you and put your soul in dog shit, where you have the right place."  said Ray.

Lord Greengrass, wanted to try to escape, but after hearing Ray's words, he changed his mind abruptly.

"I, Lambert Elliot Greengrass, with my name, my magic, like Lord Greengrass. I am banishing Astoria and Daphne from the Greengrass family, and they will not go back. So be it!" The magic spun, accepting the words of Lord Greengrass.

Going up to him, Ray patted his cheek like a dog.

"Well, you see, everything was very simple."

Then he moved away by 2 steps and began to draw runes right in the air.

"I..I I I I did as you asked. What are you doing. Have mercy on me, pray !!"  Shouted Lord Greengrass.

When Ray finished plotting the last rune, a ball glowing blue rose from the body of Lord Greengrass.  Black chains began to surround the ball and shackle it. After the last chain wrapped the ball, he returned to the body of Lord Greengrass.

"What have you done !? What have you done to me?"  asked Lord Greengrass.

"Nothing of the kind. Just sealed your core with ancient magic. Now you will become a squib. But you will be alive," Ray said, starting to leave.

"No! No, no, no !!! Bring everything back. I fulfilled your request!" Prayed Lord Greengrass.

Ray stopped and turned.  Looking at Lord Greengrass, he considered something.  With a nod, he directed his hand toward Lord Greengrass's crotch and used *bombarda* and immediately *Incendio*.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" a furious cry was heard throughout the estate.

"People like you should not breed," Ray said coldly as he left the office.

There were already three girls waiting for him: Bella, Daphne and Astoria.

Astoria was a miniature copy of her sister, but it was clear that, unlike her sister, she was not sitting still and more active.

"Ray, Ray, Ray !! It's you, I'm so glad to finally see you!" Hailing, shouting Astoria jumped at Ray.

Ray caught her and hugged her.

"I'm happy too, baby Astoria." Ray said smiling and stroking her head.

"Mou, I'm not little! I will be your wife!"  blowing her cheeks like a hamster said Astoria.

Ray could not resist and began to pull her cheeks.

"First you have to grow up."

"But I already have a dragon tattoo."  Astoria said without giving up.

Ray looked at Bella and Daphne, but they nodded to him, confirming.

"Fine, let's go home and talk there."  answered Ray.

The girls grabbed Ray and they disappeared in a flash of flame, leaving Greengrass Manor filled with screams full of agony.


Before entering the territory of Peverell Castle.

"I could move us right inside, but then the barriers will not block your arrival. And you cannot apparate on site."  said Ray, with Astoria hanging on his back.

"Wow, what an amazing place." Said Daphne reverently.

"You haven't seen Avalon yet. Now we need to enter the castle, and after that we will immediately move to the palace of Avalon."  said Bella.

"What is Avalon?" Asked Astoria.

"This is your new home. A place where only members of our family can get, or those to whom I will give permission." Ray answered.

"So are we on Avalon now?" Asked Astoria.

"No, we are now on an island near Scotland. And this is the Castle of the Peverell family."  answered Ray.

"I like it here."  said Astoria.

"Okay, let's get inside quickly, and then go to Avalon. You have to go through the transformation into dragons. It's good that I have become stronger and I can turn three people."  said Ray.

"Yes! I will become a fire dragon and I will burn everything in my path!" Astoria cried joyfully.

Daphne, Bella and Ray smiled at this.  Thanks to Astoria, they obviously will not be bored.


10 hours later.

After Ray and Bella showed Daphne and Astoria their new home, they went into their bedroom so that Ray could mark Astoria.

"Good, Astoria, get undressed." Said Ray.

Bella covered her face with her hand.  Daphne just shook her head.

"What. Pervert. Fool !! Do you want to rob me of my virginity before Sister Daphne and Bella!?" Astoria shouted, pointing her finger at Ray and blaming him for all his sins.

"What!? Of course not, where did you learn all these words? I just want to see a tattoo and mark you."  Ray made excuses.

"Wait, you are only embarrassed by the presence of Daphne and Bella? Oh, you little pervert. You are only 11 years old, what are you thinking?"  said Ray smiling.

Bella and Daphne were already laughing at the bed.

"What !!! No. I, I, I, it's all Daphne !!!! It's her fault."  She blamed Daphne.

"Heeheeh ... uh ... uh .... What do I mean here?"  asked Daphne, still laughing.

"This is all your stupid book! <1000 ways to please your man>" Astoria said.

"Astoria !!!!! I asked you not to say this !!!!!" All red Daphne jumped out of bed and started to run after Astoria.

"Hahahhahahaha" was dying of Bellas laughter.

Ray simply turned away, but his shoulders trembled.

"Well, wait! Let your older sister punish you !!"  Daphne screamed, trying to catch Astoria.

"Hahaha, you won't catch, won't catch. Ray, save your little wife." Astoria ran away and jumped into Ray's arms.

Ray grabbed Astoria and kissed her forehead.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to tease Daphne. Look, she'll get steam from her ears soon. Let's mark you and we will begin to turn you and Daphne into a dragon."  Ray said.

"Well."  Astoria said gravely and jumping off Ray's embrace, she began to undress.

Approaching the bed, all four lay down.

Daphne took Ray's right shoulder, Astoria left.

Bella hugged Astoria from the back, she needs more support.

"Girls, I warn you, the pain will be hellish. It is much more painful than * cruciatus * or something like that. Bella and I will share your pain, but you will still experience it. Astoria, I want you to get together and concentrate. Daphne  had a lot of training with us, and she will stand it, but you, you will feel it fully. " Ray spoke uneasily.

"Everything will be fine, Ray, I can handle it." Astoria answered.

"Yes, Ray. We can handle it, don't worry. Astoria is strong and can handle it easily."  Said Daphne.

"Well." said Ray, and leaned toward Astoria's mark.  Having bitten her, the heart changed color to pink.

"Started."  Ray said and hugged Daphne and Astoria tightly.

Two drops of blood flew from Ray's forehead.  But this time they were on Avalon. Avalon was stable and blood did not affect his condition.

Emitting terrifying energy, the drops flew towards Astoria and Daphne.

Entering the girls' forehead, Ray immediately used the connection to share the pain.  The pain was stronger than with Bella's transformation.

Ray felt his shoulders bite to blood.  He began to stroke Astoria and Daphne over the heads and whispered through gritted teeth: "You can do it, my girls. You are great. My wives can easily withstand this slight pain."

As if hearing him, they began to calm down, but continued to bite Ray and drink his blood.  Most likely, she helped them, after the absorption of the Phoenix, his blood has tremendous vitality.

All four plunged into unconsciousness.


After 20 hours.

Ray felt someone licking his shoulders.  Opening his eyes, he saw unfamiliar girls.  But he felt that it was Daphne and Astoria.

They have changed a lot.

Both grew by 2-3 years, and became more mature.  Daphne looked 15-16 years old. Astoria looked 13-14.

Daphne's hair color turned blue and they grew to the lower back.  She was insanely beautiful before, but having turned into a dragon, her beauty became even greater.  The eyes remained the same, blue, but they seemed to have become more saturated. Looking at them, you could feel the ice chained your soul.

Astoria's hair also grew to the lower back, but unlike her sister, they were fiery red, not like blood, but like the hottest flame.  Her eyes changed color to red and gold.

Ray was stunned by their new appearance and stupidly examined them for 5 minutes.

"Darling, do you like the new look of your wives?" Bella asked cheerfully.

"You are all so beautiful. I am the happiest man in the entire multiverse."  Ray answered with a smile full of happiness.

Bella heard these words was happy and kissed Ray on the lips.  Daphne also did not lag behind, even Astoria kissed Ray.

"Darling, now we can relax in Onsen. I have long wanted to try it. Astoria will surely like it too."  said Daphne.

"What is Onsen?" Astoria asked.

"This is an open hot spring. It looks like a large bathroom. After cleaning the body, you need to go to Onsen and just relax there. This is a divine feeling. The greatest invention of mankind!" Said Bella aspirated.

"Ray can come with us?" Astoria asked.

"Of course, we always take a bath together. Onsen strengthens the relationship between husband and wife!" Said Daphne, looking up from Ray's shoulder.

"Oooh, Ray should rob me of virginity in Onsen. Go!"  Astoria screamed.

"* Sigh * Astoria, what are you talking about?" Ray was covering his face with his hand.

"Hehehehe" laughed Daphne and Bella at the unfortunate Ray.


A month after the start of the vacation. In Onsen.

"You will not catch me! Ice Queen."  Naked Astoria ran across Onsen and threw wooden basins at Daphne.

Ray and Bella enjoyed the performance.

"Haa. When I catch you, I will turn you into a snowman." Daphne screamed, trying to catch Astoria.

"Ho ho ho ho ho, you will never defeat this Empress of Flame."  covering her mouth with her palm, Astoria began to laugh. Like those himedere from anime.

"I already regret that I bought all this manga when we visited Japan."  Ray said.

"You're really happy, am I right?" Bella whispered, laying her head on Ray's shoulder.

"As long as you are happy, I am happy." Ray said kissing Bella.

"It's not fair. I also want Ray to kiss me." Astoria ran toward them, about to jump.

Ray opened his arms and caught Astoria, after which he sat on his lap.

"Be careful, you might get hurt."  Ray kissed Astoria on the cheek.

Daphne sat down on the other side of Ray and laid her head on his shoulder.  Turning, he kissed her.

"Astoria, do you like the new home?" Ray asked.

Astoria turned on his lap and sat face to face with Ray, after which he hugged and kissed him.

"I really like it. You and Sister Bella gave me and Daphne what we always dreamed about ... family ... at first, when Daphne was leaving for school, I was very lonely. I was scared to live in that house,  I missed Daphne. After she talked about her new friends, I was happy for her. When you gave us your first Christmas presents, I began to think that maybe I could make friends with you too. When I read your letters,  it was very warm, I felt love, my dream was to meet you, but one day I heard how our "father" spoke of an engagement for Daphne, with some old man from France. My heart broke at that moment, I did not know what to do. But when Daphne said that you would take us from Greengrass Manor, I had hope. Hope  for a happy life in a loving family. And here we are. "Astoria said smiling happily and dropping tears of joy.

Daphne cried, listening to the words of Astoria.  Bella also shed tears and smiled sadly, thinking [Who would I be if it weren't for Ray.]

Feeling the atmosphere, he hugged his girls and teleported directly to the bedroom.

"You don't need to remember the past. Now you have a new life, a new family and a new future. All that we have now is the present and the future. So let's build it together as a family."  kissing each of his wives, Ray said.

"You're right, now we have a new life," Daphne said smiling, when she lay on Ray's left shoulder and fell asleep.

"Good night."  Said Bell and lay on her right shoulder.

"Thank you Ray."  whispered Astoria and lay on his chest.

This night was very calm.


"Excellent, Astoria. Now imagine how the aura around your body is completely drawn in."  Ray said, standing on the training ground and looking at Astoria.

Astoria concentrated and tried to clear her dragon aura.

"I did it!" Astoria shouted, running up to Ray.

"You learn fast. Now we will train your flame. I would never have thought that after absorbing the phoenix, you and Daphne would have ice fire. As far as I know, this is a very powerful flame. It certainly is not as strong as the flame of the sun or a golden crow, but it has a huge  potential for growth. " stroking her head, Ray said.

"Ray, we are ready." Said Bella, going to them with Daphne.

"This will be a great place to train your new flame." Ray said and teleported everyone to the north of Avalon, where there is always winter.

"It's good that we don't feel the cold."  Bella said looking around.

"What a beauty." Said Daphne.

It was very beautiful .  The whole space is covered with a white blanket.  Northern lights and light snow complemented the picture.

Ray looked at Daphne and said: "I hope you will not run through these expanses while building an ice palace while singing: <Let it go. Let it go.>"

Bella and Astoria looked at him questioningly, and Ray passed them the memory of the cartoon <Frozen>.

"Hehehehe." They began to laugh introducing Daphne.

Daphne puffed out her cheeks and turned away.

"I didn't want to build a palace here, we already have one."  said Daphne.

Ray went up to her and pointed a finger at her cheek.

"Alright, let's get down to training."


Astoria had a hard time controlling the ice fire.  Ray advised her not to use it until she could control the usual flame.

Daphne's affairs were much better.  But using this flame was consuming too much power.

Daphne tried to combine the flame with her ice spells.

For example, make sure that in every ice needle, or ice spear, there is an ice flame.

Then with one hit, she can burn her opponent.

But it was extremely difficult.

Ray also warned them all not becoming arrogant.  He said that there are worlds where people, with the help of the same power of their body, can destroy islands.

He decided to show them a demonstration of the power of Whitebeard, Mihawk, and the admirals from One Piece.

The girls were shocked.

When Daphne saw Aokiji freeze the sea, she was speechless.

Astoria saw the possibilities of Ace and Akainu.  She began to mull over new attacks.

Bella was surprised at the power of the swordsman.

Ray told them: "All these people are monsters. They are able to fight for many days without stopping. After their battle, they change the landscape of the battle site. During the battle of Akainu and Aokiji, they completely changed the climate of the vast island."

"Ray, can we absorb these devil fruits?" Asked Bella.

"I'm not sure, I don't even know the principle of their work. I think that if it's a logia, it gives its owner a little understanding of elemental law. Zoan gives him the spirit of the beast, as in the case of werewolves, but they control the transformation. But I don't understand how Paramecia fruit works. As far as I know, they change the body. And I also do not know how they will affect us. Will the balance in our bodies be disturbed if we absorb the devil fruit. "Ray answered.

"Are you saying that it may be more difficult for us to train in the use of new elements, or we will not be able to do this at all?"  asked Daphne.

"It is. I need to use <predator> on the one who ate the devil's fruit in order to understand the principle of its action. But it will be in the future. We still have a lot of time, but remember. A power that was obtained easily is not without consequences  That's probably why in that world there are no people able to eat 2 fruits. Besides Teach, but I think this is thanks to Yami Yami. " stroking a nonexistent beard, Ray said.

"Let's get back to training. Astoria, did you choose your weapon?" Said Bella.

"I'm not sure, but I choose between a two-handed axe and a halberd," Astoria said.

"Hooo, it's not for nothing that I chose the outfit of spirit Ifrit for you," said Ray.

"Who is Ifrit?" Asked Astoria.

"She is a girl. Is this a person with a strength of spirit. Or is a spirit a body of a person? It was her astral dress that I used as a prototype for your battle dress. She used a two-handed axe of fire - Kamael." Ray answered.

"Ohhh, show me what she looks like."  asked Astoria.

Ray sent her a memory.

"How awesome! I want Kamael for myself !!"  Astoria said with stars in her eyes.

"Hahaha, I have one more potential weapon for you. Look not at its owner."  Ray said, sending a memory of Rory Mercury from the anime <Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri>

"How cool she is! What is the name of this weapon !?" Astoria asked.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure what to call him ... The axe? PoleAxe? Halberd? So what do you like more?" Said Ray.

"I like Rory's weapon, but I want it to be a color like Kamael. So it will fit my clothes." Astoria replied.

* Sigh * "Girls with their fashion." Ray said with a sigh.

"We must be both dangerous and beautiful." Said Bella.

"Bella is right, we are your battle maidens and your Queens."  waving her sword, Daphne said.

"Since we are talking about weapons. Bella, have you already chosen the daggers?"  asked Ray

"Of all that you showed me. Most of all I liked the Shards of Azzinoth, but I want them to be completely black and emit darkness."  answered Bella.

"Mmm, we will make them in the next world, don't worry." Ray said.

"Daphne?"  asked Ray.

"I like Esdeath's weapons. Simple and deadly."  answered Daphne.

"In my free time, I will prepare drawings for all this. Let's go back to training. Astoria needs to be ready for school. I already asked Pinky to go for school supplies. If you want, you can make clothes for yourself. Acromantulas gave silk and you have all  our treasury. " said Ray, than earned joyful looks from the girls.


About two weeks left before school.  Magical Britain discussed the news: Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban.

Ray remembered the Dementors.  They belong to the Peverells, but to control them you need to take the artifact of managing dementors from the ministry.  He decided not to waste time on this, the Patronus charm will cope with this.


The evening of the same day.  Returning to the bedroom, Ray did not see anyone.

"Where are the girls?"  in a rumor said Ray looking around.

Suddenly he felt softness on his back.

Ray immediately knew who it was.

"Daphne ... are you sure?"  Ray asked in a whisper.

"Absolutely."  hugging Daphne answered harder.

Ray turned and saw Daphne in a transparent white shirt reaching the middle of her hips.

She was incredibly sexy.  Droplets of water flowed down her neck into a cleavage between the breasts.  Most likely she just left the shower.

Feeling the heat, Ray raised Daphne like a bride and carried him to bed.

Putting Daphne on the bed, he clicked his fingers and they were in a snowy meadow.

"Since you are my Ice Queen. I thought our first time should be in this place. Do you like it?"  kissing her neck said Ray.

"I like, make me yours, my King."  Hugging him by the neck and kissing, said Daphne.

"As you wish, my love."  gently stroking Daphne's cheek, Ray said.

That night, the tattoo on Daphne's chest finally changed its color to red.


In the north of Avalon.  Snow was falling and covering with a new layer the whole district.

Amid the white landscape, one could see a large bed.  But as if covered with an invisible field, it remained protected from snow.

The girl with blue hair was sleeping in the arms of a young man with white hair.

Opening her eyes, the girl looked at her husband and woke up with a kiss.

"It's time to get up, the girls must have been waiting. They won't have breakfast without us." Daphne said gently.

"How are you feeling? Nothing hurts you?" Ray said hugging Daphne.

"I feel great. Now I understand what Bella was talking about. I really liked it." Daphne answered kissing Ray on the neck.

"So Bella told you?" Ray asked, breathing in the smell of Daphne's hair.

[Lilac.] He thought.

"Of course, the older sister should give advice to the younger." Daphne said cheerfully.

"I'm glad you treat each other well," Ray said.

"I love Bella and Astoria."  answered Daphne.

"Come back?"  Ray asked.

"Yeah."  Daphne answered.

Fingers clicked and they were back in their bedroom.


Changing clothes and taking a shower.  Ray and Bella went down for breakfast.

"Good morning ."  Said happy Daphne entering the dining room.

"Good morning, how was your first time?" Asked Bella, walking up to Daphne and hugging her kissing her cheek.

After that she turned to Ray and kissed him.

"Good morning dear."  said Bella.

"It was magical, as you said." Answered Bella happy.

"You look very happy and beautiful." Said Bella.

"Of course, it's not for nothing that the phrase <Beloved woman after sex, always becomes prettier.> Ray said.

Daphne and Bella blushed a little.

"I also want to become more beautiful! Take responsibility!" Astoria shouted as she ran to Daphne.

"Good morning older sister. You must tell me everything."  Astoria said kissing on the cheek.

"Astoria, I will take responsibility. No need to rush." Coming up to Astoria and hugging her, Ray said.


After breakfast, they sat in the living room and just relaxed.

"The school will begin soon. Will something happen this year too?"  asked Bella.

"Yes, after Sirius escaped, idiots from the ministry of magic sent dementors to Hogwarts. It's very stupid to send these creatures to a school full of children." Ray answered.

"Do you think it's true, everything that is written in the newspaper?" Asked Daphne.

"No. It's a lie. Sirius did not betray the Potters. He is Harry Potter's magical godfather. If he betrayed the Potters, magic would kill him." Ray answered

"But he is the reason Harry Potter lived with Muggle relatives. If he thought with his head, then after the attack of the dark lord, he would take the child and take him to Grimmauld 12. But he went to catch a real traitor, and then got to Azkaban.",  Ray added.

"Then he is a fool. Who cannot think rationally and control his emotions. Revenge is a dish that is served cold."  answered Astoria.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's take a break and get back to Astoria training. This year will be eventful."  Ray said.

A new chapter is here. Damn it, I can’t wait for mc to go to One Piece world. With the last chapters of the manga, a lot of information has been revealed. And now we know that Garp is one of the most OP characters in One Piece.

Haaa, but before that there will be Overlord. This will be useful for Mc, a world in which there are no strong enemies, but in which you can gain experience as a leader.

Happy Holidays !!!

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