
Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core

In a tragic turn of events, Fable's life, once filled with hopes and dreams, is cut short when he and his friends fall victim to the whims of cosmic forces. However, death is not the end for Fable, as he finds himself transported to a mysterious otherworld. There, he encounters a mystical boy with purple hair who bestows upon him the power of a Dungeon Master system, tasking Fable with the creation and management of his own dungeon. The boy glanced up at Fable, his expression a mix of solemnity and mischief "Fable, take a look. the story, has already begun..." *** Thanks to _DogWater_ for helping me Improve the Web Novels Cover Art. -NOTE: This work will resume July 1st, 2024

Perishable_Heaven · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 2 (Part 1/3): Creation of the First Floor

Fable's attention turned towards the floating dungeon core as he wondered to himself how he was supposed to go about creating his first floor.

He had a ton of questions, like what it meant to be a dungeon spirit or how to gain levels, but none of that would matter if someone just walked in and destroyed or took away the core. After all, if the core was destroyed, he would die, but what if it was taken away?

Fable called out, "System..." before cutting himself off.

'No, I need to focus. Questions can come later; I need to prioritize my safety first,' he thought to himself.

Turning his attention away from the dungeon core, Fable asked the system, "System, how do I begin the process of creating the first floor?"

Yet the system remained silent.

He was genuinely curious. The system only provided him with a status window and an answer to his questions. There weren't any extra tabs, and there wasn't a system store, so how was he supposed to create the first floor of his dungeon? Was he just supposed to imagine it?

Fable turned his attention back to the dungeon core as he thought to himself, 'It would be great if I had an appraisal-type skill.'

He reached up and touched the floating core, his ethereal fingers grazing it's smooth surface.

In the next moment he found himself suddenly transported to a vast, open space filled with an enchanting array of chromatic clouds. Hues of vibrant purple, deep blue, and shimmering gold swirled together in a mesmerizing dance, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that left Fable momentarily breathless. The clouds seemed to pulse with an inner light, casting a soft glow across the entire expanse.

Lost in the captivating beauty of the scene, Fable almost missed the crisp ding sound that emanated from behind him. Turning around, he discovered the Dungeon Master System floating nearby. To his surprise, the system began to speak.

[The host has entered the Core Space. Connecting...]



[The system has successfully integrated into the Core Space.]

Fable raised an eyebrow, slightly perplexed by this new development. However, he quickly dismissed his confusion, realizing that after less than a day with the system, being shocked by every minor occurrence would be pointless. If he were to be startled by every little thing, he might as well be reborn as a baby.

As the system finished speaking, a highly detailed 3D tabletop model of Fabled Lake materialized before Fable. The model was incredibly intricate, capturing every nuance of the landscape. The clear, shimmering waters of the lake reflected the surrounding verdant grasslands and dense forest with stunning accuracy. Fable could even zoom in close enough to witness a fly laying its eggs inside the eye socket of a deceased rabbit. He couldn't help but make a slightly disgusted face at the morbid detail.

Experimenting with the interface, Fable swiped to the side, attempting to center Fabled Altar within the image. To his satisfaction, the model responded smoothly to his gestures, much like a tablet or smartphone.

The Dungeon Master System interrupted Fable's exploration, stating, [Host, please shift the view to the bottom of the altar stairway. The system will guide the host and provide an explanation about the Core Space.]

Fable took one last look around before swiping up, switching the view to the base of the altar's steps. All he could see was a floating core, the surrounding walls, and a stairway leading to the surface. The system then began to explain.

[The Core Space is a location within the Dungeon Master's true body that Dungeon Masters use to expand, grow, and create their dungeon. While the host has access to a 3D tabletop model of his existing dungeon structure, normal Dungeon Masters do not have this benefit. As such, most dungeons typically turn into winding underground labyrinths with many pitfalls due to overlaps in floor design and dead ends.]

The system continued, [It is important for the host to note that changes to the dungeon are not instant. Instead, it is a gradual change that occurs over the course of many months or even years. However, with the system's assistance, all changes and additions will happen instantly.]

Fable nodded in understanding. "But why tell me this? Is it really that important for me to know that information right now?"

The system replied coldly in a warning tone, [Affirmative, host. The Admin was clear when he created the system. If the host wishes to be indistinguishable from the common, then the system will allow the host to become common.]

Fable frowned. "So this is a test?"

The system replied as usual, [No, this is just a reminder to the host not to be lazy.]

Fable nodded his head as he understood what the system meant. If you were a sentient toothbrush created to brush your master's teeth but instead was used to clean the crap off the bottom of their shoes, wouldn't you be p*ssed?

The system's explanation of creating floors and monsters within the dungeon was straightforward. Fable needed to focus and imagine the desired changes or additions. Once the changes were made, the system would verify with Fable to ensure his satisfaction before implementing them. It seemed simple enough, but there was a catch.

The process required the use of soul points.

Creating a 1000 square mile area would cost 1 soul point

Adding pre-existing creatures to the dungeon floor would require 5 soul points.

If Fable wanted to create a new creature for his dungeon, it would cost him 100 soul points; while, the most expensive option was creating a floor guardian, which would set him back by 1000 soul points.

The system elaborated on the importance of floor guardians, describing them as powerful creatures or beings responsible for all aspects of the floors they were assigned to, including prosperity, combat readiness, and development.

Fable looked down at the 3D tabletop model, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "So they are like my generals, ministers, governors, and companions," he mused, drawing parallels to the roles he was familiar with from his Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

He pondered the implications of the soul point system and the responsibilities of floor guardians. It was a lot to take in, but Fable knew he had to make careful decisions to ensure the success and growth of his dungeon.

Fable looked back up to the system windows while still stroking his chin. "Is there anything else I should know before I get started?"

The system replied with an affirmative.

It continued, [After the creation of a floor has been completed, the host will be given a one-time option to accelerate the time flow of the floor for 1 soul point per year.]

[Host, please note that the accelerated time flow, no matter the length, will end after 24 hours of dungeon time or 3 hours in the outside world.]

Fable was stunned. "So, are you saying that the time flow in the dungeon is 7 times as fast as the outside world?"


Fable couldn't help but crack a smile at this as he clapped his hands together, saying, "I guess being stuck here won't be too boring." Fable was getting excited.

I have to work late today part 2 will be released tomorrow


Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm E.S.T

Bonus Chapters will be released in random intervals and on holidays to help keep the chapter count up


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