
Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core

In a tragic turn of events, Fable's life, once filled with hopes and dreams, is cut short when he and his friends fall victim to the whims of cosmic forces. However, death is not the end for Fable, as he finds himself transported to a mysterious otherworld. There, he encounters a mystical boy with purple hair who bestows upon him the power of a Dungeon Master system, tasking Fable with the creation and management of his own dungeon. The boy glanced up at Fable, his expression a mix of solemnity and mischief "Fable, take a look. the story, has already begun..." *** Thanks to _DogWater_ for helping me Improve the Web Novels Cover Art. -NOTE: This work will resume July 1st, 2024

Perishable_Heaven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 2 (Part 2/3): Creation of the First Floor

Fable's smile slowly turned into a stern expression as his mood shifted to a more serious one. He turned his attention to the 3D model of his dungeon, focusing intently on the floating dungeon core.

Lost in thought, Fable contemplated what he should create, how he should express himself, and what creatures he wanted to inhabit his dungeon's first floor.

This was his canvas, and he pondered how he would paint it.

Placing his finger on the core, Fable slowly entered a trance. His mind filled with memories from his inception, starting with the joyful moments he had experienced with his friends and family. He recalled the laughter-filled afternoons spent playing Dungeons and Dragons in William's basement, the sense of camaraderie and belonging he felt among his closest companions. He remembered the pride and satisfaction of achieving his goals, both in the game and in his personal life.

As the memories shifted, Fable's mind delved into the sorrows he had endured. The pain of losing loved ones, the disappointment of failing to reach certain aspirations, and the heartache of witnessing the suffering of others. These emotions washed over him, reminding him of the challenges and hardships that had shaped himself as a person.

Anger surged through Fable as he thought about the Minor Reality he found himself in. The frustration of being trapped in a world that seemed to limit his potential, the resentment towards the forces that had brought him to this point, and the determination to break free from the constraints that bound him.

Just as the anger threatened to consume him, a smile crept onto Fable's face. The image of Nirvana's otherworldly smile filled his mind, pushing aside the negative emotions. Her presence, even in his thoughts, brought a sense of calm and purpose. It was in that moment that Fable realized the perfect design for his dungeon's first floor.

Exiting the trance, Fable's eyes opened, and he found himself back in the Core Space. The memories and emotions that had flooded his mind now served as the foundation for his creation, a reflection of his experiences and the driving force behind his newfound role as a Dungeon Master.

Fable's mind raced with memories of his past, cherishing every moment he had spent with his family and friends.

His finger traced a long, winding outline, a large landmass began to take shape, forming a complete circle. With a determined voice, Fable declared, "I will dedicate the First Floor to my past. Even though I'll no longer be able to see my family and friends, by bringing aspects of them into this world, I will have a reason to protect." At the same time, a darker thought crept into his mind, whispering, 'I will have a reason to destroy.'

The Core Space hummed with energy as Fable's words echoed through the ethereal realm. The chromatic clouds swirled faster, as if responding to his declaration. Fable's eyes sparkled with excitement, his heart pounding with anticipation as he watched the landmass slowly materialize before him.

"System," Fable called out, his voice steady and clear, "The first floor will be 50,000 square miles, and the biome that inhabits this floor will be a rainforest." As he spoke, his thoughts drifted to Nirvana, the girl who had captured his heart. He realized that the largest part of the floor would be dedicated to her, as the pain of their missed opportunities weighed heavily on his soul.

For more than two years, Fable had treated Nirvana as just a friend, struggling to express his true feelings for her. Little did he know that she had felt the same way, waiting patiently for him to take the first step. The realization of the time they had lost, the moments they could have shared, filled Fable with a deep sense of melancholy. His heart ached with the knowledge that he had made her wait for so long, only to have their chance at happiness snatched away.

Fable's emotions surged, his frustration and anger boiling over. He gritted his teeth hard, his fist snapping shut as he watched the land and trees spring up in the 3D model. The Core Space began to darken, an ominous and dangerous air settling over the realm.

In a fit of rage, Fable reached out towards the center of the newly forming floor and pulled up, creating a towering mountain that pierced the sky. With a swift motion, he flung his hand to the side, and a mountain range erupted from the earth, jagged peaks stretching as far as the eye could see.

As quickly as the darkness had descended, Fable took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. He couldn't allow his emotions to flare up, not now, not here.

The Core Space slowly returned to its normal state, the chromatic clouds once again swirling in a mesmerizing dance. Fable knew that he had to maintain control, to channel his emotions into something productive, something that would honor the memories of his past and the people he held dear.

Fable's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he continued to shape the first floor of his dungeon.

The memories of his loved ones, both the joyful and the painful, fueled his creative process. He channeled his frustration and anger into the creation of a massive, circular lake at the base of the mountain he had raised in a fit of rage. The lake, spanning an impressive 1,000 square miles, was ridged and rugged, mirroring the turmoil within Fable's soul.

He pondered the impact his friend Jin had on his life and the lives of others, Fable began to trace deep ravines across the 3D model with his fingers. Jin's ability to connect people, to bring them together in times of need, inspired the gentle rivers that now flowed from the lake, filling the ravines with crystal-clear water. The rivers snaked through the landscape, linking the various regions of the floor in a beautiful and intricate network.

Fable marveled at the sight, his heart swelling with pride and gratitude for the friend who had always been there to support him.

With a wave of his hand, Fable turned his attention to the area near the entrance of the dungeon. The trees in this region collapsed and faded from existence, making way for a new creation. Fable's thoughts drifted to his mother, the unwavering pillar of strength and comfort in his life.

Despite the loss of his father mere days after his birth, his mother had remained steadfast, like a lone rose in the midst of a winter storm. Cupping his hands, Fable blew gently, causing a shower of flower petals to descend from the sky. Wherever a petal landed, a beautiful flower would rise, transforming the once-forested area into a vast, open field filled with a vibrant array of blooms. The ground disappeared beneath a sea of colors, a testament to the love and resilience of Fable's mother.

As Fable turned his gaze to the skies of his newly created world, his thoughts shifted to his friend William and the incredible music he composed. Placing both hands on the 3D model, Fable spread them outward, remembering one of his favorite pieces that William had written for his mother, Sarah, on her birthday.

The soft, soothing notes of the guitar echoed in Fable's mind, each one a gentle reminder of the love and dedication William poured into his music. In response to Fable's gestures, a light rain began to fall upon the dungeon's first floor. If one listened closely, they would hear that each raindrop, as it landed on the ground, trees, grass, or any other surface, produced a unique musical note. Together, these notes created a smooth, delicate song that permeated the atmosphere, a tribute to William's musical genius and the bond of friendship that had always connected them.

Fable's creation of the first floor of his dungeon was a deeply personal and emotional journey, as he poured his memories, feelings, and experiences into every detail. The vast rainforest, with its towering mountains, rugged lake, and intricate network of rivers, was a testament to the impact his friends and family had on his life.

As he marveled at the sight before him, Fable couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The 135 Soul Points he had spent on crafting this world seemed like a small price to pay for the opportunity to honor those he held dear.

However, as he looked down at the floor he had built, Fable couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow lifeless. The lush vegetation and stunning landscapes were breathtaking, but they lacked the vibrancy and energy of a true ecosystem.

Determined to rectify this, Fable spent an additional 65 Soul Points on populating the rainforest with existing creatures. Deer, birds, rabbits, wolves, bears, and other animals now roamed the land, each playing a vital role in the delicate balance of nature. As he zoomed in on the view, Fable couldn't help but smile as he spotted a large ocelot climbing a tree, attempting to reach the bird's nest above.

Fable chuckled to himself, feeling a twinge of embarrassment as he realized that his love for ocelots had influenced his decision to create a rainforest in the first place. He knew he didn't need to include them, but the thought of adding a piece of himself to this world, alongside the memories of his friends, was too tempting to resist.

With 300 Soul Points remaining, Fable scrolled around the map, a satisfied smile on his face. The first floor of his dungeon was coming together beautifully, but there was still one important element missing.

"Now for Christopher," Fable mused, his thoughts turning to his friend's younger brother. At just 10 years old, Christopher was a bright and serious child, wise beyond his years. His short stature and curly hair reminded Fable of the mischievous creatures he had often encountered in his Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

Inspiration struck, and Fable decided to create the main monster of this floor in Christopher's image, goblins. Despite the stark contrast between Christopher's personality and the typical goblin's nature, Fable couldn't help but draw a connection between the two, if only because of their similar size.

Excited by the idea, Fable called out to the system, "System, can you add in a small tribe of 20 goblins around the lake?"

The system replied, [Affirmative, Host. This action will cost 195 Soul Points. Is this acceptable?]

Fable's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "System, didn't you say that preexisting creatures would only cost 5 Soul Points? I was under the impression that because of the dungeon and levels, this was a fantasy-type world."

[Affirmative Host, this is indeed a fantasy base world; however, the system would like to remind The Host that this world exists in a Minor Reality and Minor Realities do not have the concept of Extraordinary Energies or creatures. The world that the host is currently in is only the way it is because…]

Sorry for the late release; This part and part 3 will be counted as wendsday chapter

I will be releasing a bonus chapter to make up for Monday during the weekend.


Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm E.S.T

Bonus Chapters will be released in random intervals and on holidays to help keep the chapter count up


Because last chapter was late I will release this chapter at 8:45am E.S.T


Thanks a ton for reading! If you enjoyed what you read, consider dropping a powerstone or leaving a review. Your support means the world to me!

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