
Ascending To Infinity

Ever wondered how it'd feel to be a being above or beyond our three dimensional plane or existence? A being that has evolved or transcended our three dimensional space-time to the fourth, fifth, even the sixth dimension? A lifeform, powerful and untethered to any limitations?.... If so, sit back, relax, and join Xander in his journey as he gradually sheds off his mortality to become Infinite or Infinity... 《A Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, DC comics, Ben 10, and Rick & Morty novel》 《Note》 This novel is going to long, as in, the minimum number of chapters it'll have is like two hundred. So it's going to kinda slow in the beginning. Keep that in mind as or before you read. So please don't complain. 《Disclaimer》 I do not own any of the Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, Ben 10, DC comics, and Rick&Morty characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators. All images used are also credited to their artists or owners.

KingSeyer · TV
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68 Chs


"Sure, bud, I'll set it up for you tomorrow!"

"Thanks, Dad!" I yelled back gratefully and walked towards my room, a towel wrapped around. my waist, my hair wet.

I asked my father if there was any chance he could get me some barbells or anything I can use as gym equipment and imagine my surprise when he told me he had a full home gym set packed up in a box in the basement.

Opening the door, I entered my room and moved to the wardrobes. I took out dark blue pajamas and new boxers and after drying myself again with the towel, I slipped into them.

It has been a few hours since I came home after the whole Claire fiasco. I ended up escorting her to her house before I realized we lived in the same neighborhood, just different extremes.

While my house was on the North side, her's was on the West side. From there, I just flew back and headed straight for the bath to cool myself.

Claire wanted me to come into her home to rest for a while before she'd then escort me to mine, but I refused politely and flew off after assuring her I was fine.

Didn't want anyone in her family asking too many questions, especially not by her overprotective, morally gray, Illuminati-like agent of an adoptive father...

I went to the balcony door and opened it, allowing the cold fresh air to burst into the room, giving me an unadulterated view of the sky blanketed by darkness with bright stars spread all over it, acting as heavenly beacons.

The cold wind washed all over and filled my lungs, refreshing my mind and making me feel at peace as I looked beyond the backyard tree to behold the brightly lit houses sprawling as far as the eye could see...

As I enjoyed the view, my phone buzzed violently on my well-laid bed covered with cotton blue sheets. Already knowing who had sent me a message, I walked back to my bed and grabbed it.

Then, I navigated the phone and went to the messaging app to see a message from Claire just as I had suspected....

Claire: Hey.

I sighed at this since I knew why she sent the text. She was still guilty about what happened and wanted to see if I was truly okay or not pissed. Fortunately, for her, I wasn't...

Me: Hi, what's up?

Claire: Nothing, just wanted to check on you.

Me: Don't worry, I'm as fit as a fiddle. Excuse my corniness...

Claire: You've been excused. Am I going to see you at school tomorrow?

Me: Of course.

Claire: Great, then I'll see you tomorrow.

Me: Yeah. Bye Claire, when you sleep dream of me.

Claire: Haha, in your dreams.

Me: Aww, you want me to dream of you? That's so touching. I'll do just that.

Claire: "..."

Chuckling, I closed the messaging app and moved to the bookshelves to take some textbooks. I had a series of tests and quizzes the next day so I had to study.

If there was one thing I hated in my life, then it was failing so as much I didn't care about my new Highschool life, I at least cared about my grades....

In front of the bookshelf closest to the desk, I took a Chemistry and Biology textbook and moved to the other to take History and Mathematics from the other bookcase closest to the door.

I took out the History book from the middle horizontal shelf and as I grabbed it and bent to look at the bottom shelf, I noticed something. The edge of the shelf I was holding felt loose like I could pull it out.

I straightened myself and eyed it curiously. The edge was thicker than all the other edges above, below, and even on the other bookcase.

I tightened my grip on it and tried pulling and it extended outwards like a drawer. So it was a hidden compartment huh? Why wasn't I surprised...

There were three books in the compartment; One thick blue textbook titled 'Activating Evolution' and the other books were just ordinary thick notebooks.

"This is Suresh's book," I murmured in surprise as I took out the thick book with the nicely designed front cover and turned it to look at the back.

The name of the Author, Chandra Suresh, and his picture was at the back together with some scientific quotes. This was the book I was looking for, I actually planned to order it online that evening but it looked like that wasn't needed.

The problem was, why did the original have this book? Was he just reading it for fun? Or was he searching for something also?

I placed the book back into the compartment and went to my desk to gently place the textbooks on it, then I stepped back to the bookcase and took out one of the other notebooks.

I flipped it open and started skimming through the pages. It was filled with a bunch of unrecognizable advanced mathematical equations that almost made my brain hurt.

There were also three-dimensional sketches of a vortex-like portal with labeled dimensions that made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

The handwriting wasn't the original's and it was written by a left-handed person, the original was right-handed.

This wasn't his and that meant that he probably wasn't the owner of the copy of Suresh's book so the question was, who owned them? There wasn't a mention of a name anywhere inside the book.

I took out the second book and repeated what I did to the second book and instantly, I noticed some differences. If the first notebook was a jotter meant for calculations, this one was meant for recording observations.

The person was talking about the quantum superposition of particles and how, theoretically speaking, one could link up or connect two particles in such a way that the state of one particular was dependent on the other's state, regardless of the distance and that by manipulating the entangled particles, it might be possible to create a bridge between two different points in space, effectively creating a hole or a breech that could allow for instantaneous movement.

It sounded like something straight out of a science fiction script but knowing the universe I was in and how people fucked with the space-time continuum on a near-daily basis, I knew that whatever the person was trying to say wasn't straight-up bullshit.

There was something going on...

Flipping through the pages to the back and last page, my eyes fixed on a name. It was Angela, Angela Andersen...

My eyes widened in shock as something clicked inside my head and placing the book into the compartment, I took out Suresh's book and quickly flipped through the pages to confirm something.

"...This is it." I skipped a page but I quickly went back to it and I found what I was looking for, a bookmarked chapter. The chapter's title was 'Teleportation and Bending Space-Time'.

My eyes started scanning the page, taking in all the info, till it stopped on a highlighted paragraph.

"...In the vast and incalculable number of combinations of the human genome, there's a chance that one gene may be produced that might grant the individual the ability to either manipulate quantum entanglement to open holes in the curvature of space or create an intense gravitational field that would allow the individual to create a wormhole.

"Allowing the individual to travel from one point to another instantaneously without the expenditure of large amounts of energy."

I read aloud slowly, and almost immediately understanding dawned on me, allowing me to make sense of everything.

The power system of this world was based on genes. Meaning, if someone had superpowers, it was because one of his parents was a carrier of the supergene, and that it was simply transferred to the offspring and at some point in he or her life became active.

This applied to me, or rather this body. The power I had was because one of my parents had the gene. And now, I knew who. It was my dead mother and from what I could tell, she could create wormholes or portals for teleportation...

But if she had a power as versatile and dangerous as this, how did she die? Was it an accident or did the organization get to her or was it just straight-up murder?

It was highly unlikely she was murdered and if the organization got to her, she wouldn't be dead, just a captive or they'd convince her to work for them.

Besides, if it was them, I wouldn't be here right now, I would be in their custody to be molded into an agent. So by process of elimination, that left death by accident, an accident that probably involved the original.

The particular type of accident, I had no idea but it must've been one where there could only be one survivor. So maybe a car or something?

That would explain my father's words and the original's obsession with Maths and Physics.

He was probably trying to either unlock his powers or saw his mother use her's so he wanted to understand it better. And that is what possibly drove him to overdose on Adderall and die.

The whole situation I had predicted or guessed was complex and probably filled with inaccuracies, nothing was truly certain.

But, now I at least had some answers or something to explain some of the questions that had been bugging me ever since I reincarnated. I understood my circumstances now...

So what was my next step with all this information? Nothing. If my mother had powers that meant, they would be able to locate her with a genetic marker, if they hadn't already.

Now that she was dead, anyone with her information would start pointing fingers at me and maybe I would even get a call from Mohinder if he'd found his father's genetic map.

So I was back to square one. I already suspected I was under the radar but now I was sure of it.

So all I could do was follow my original plan and get stronger before they decide to come over for a 'chat'. Also, I had to get another source of power that would affect the world around me and provide me with another shield of protection. The power called Money.

I was in the past and that meant if I was smart and calculating enough, I could become rich and influential in no time.

There were a lot of ways I could think of to get rich and influential enough to fight the organization on my own terms if it came to that but there was the problem of initial capital.

If I wanted to get enough money to start up my plans quickly, there was only one thing to do, and that was stealing.

And I knew the best person to steal from without getting a large amount of heat or targets behind my back. Nikki Sanders and by extension, Linderman...

"... It's going to be a very long week..."

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