
As Yami Sukehiro in MHA

A normal guy reincarnated as yami from Black clover in MHA world I am a new guy so please review and say what upgrades I need to do.

Hacker_God_8503 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Katsuki and KI


Today I am going to show my quirk to my classmates as the doctor said that with my quirk I can become a hero and I have decided to surpass All Might with my quirk.

I am also going to see what quirks Alex and Izuku got at school.


When Katsuki arrived at school he saw his childhood friends and close to them.

Katsuki : Hey what quirks did you two get ? Mine is explosion * small explosions in his hands *

Izuku : Kacchan, Alex got an unregistered quirk while I am quirkless ( mumbled the last statement )

Katsuki : Hey Alex show me.

Alex : * Showed only basic low control level power * This is how much I can do.

Katsuki : * feeling proud * Hah a quirkless and a very weak quirk, you two can never be a hero.

Izuku : Kacchan don't say that * feeling sad *

Alex : Ya like a 'weak' quirk will let me hold back to become a hero.

Katsuki : Quirks are everything that matter, now I will show you when I become the No. 1 hero and surpass All Might.

Alex : * getting angry *

[ New skill : Aura learned ]

Alex : * ignored the message * I will show you that even we can become heroes, let's go Izuku.

Katsuki : * feeling intimidated * Tch ya we'll see


At school they made fun of us for wanting to become heroes and we were just listening but Izuku was glancing at me with a confused expression. When we reached home he asked

Izuku : Brother what was that when we were talking to Kacchan about our quirks.

Alex : * eyes widened and opened his status and then started laughing *

What he saw was

[Name : Alex Midoriya

Age : 4 Years

Quirk : Darkness

Control : Basic (L)

Power level : Low Noble


Aura : Basic (L) ]

Izuku : Brother what happened?

Alex : Nothing Izu but you see I found out a way to make my quirk strong.

Izuku : How!!!! * excited that his big brother's quirk can become strong.

Alex : Let's see, first I found out that my quirk requires my stamina to emit so I can say my quirk is emitter type, so to increase the density of darkness along with quantity I will require stamina.

Izuku : Ya that makes sense.

Alex : Then I think if I can control it better I coat it on something like a sword or something to make my moves more deadly.

Izuku : Yes that can be done. I am happy for you brother. * feeling happy but at the same time sad as he cannot figure out how can he become a hero *

Alex : * saw this * Thank you Izu, but I have even more interesting news.

Izuku : * looking sad * Ya what is it.

Alex : I found a way for you to become a hero { ' I will make him learn ki with me ' }

Izuku : How!!! * now feeling excited *

Alex : You asked me what happened to me when we talking to Katsuki

Izuku : Yes

Alex : Well, let's say that at that time I had an enlightenment.

Izuku : What kind of enlightenment?

Alex : I could feel everything that was within a 5 meter radius of me, be it a rock or a living being.

Izuku : WHAT!!!! But that's not your quirk. Isitsomekindofmutationorsomething *mumbling* < Is it some kind of mutation or something >

Alex : HEY! Stop mumbling and listen *annoyed*

Izuku : *stunned* Sorry *scratching his head*

Alex : I don't think it was a mutation as I told you my quirk takes my stamina but that was taking me mentally exhausted.

Izuku : So you are saying that it is a technique rather than a mutation of your quirk.

Alex : Yes. { ' Finally, now I can start learning ki then I will teach Izuku ' }

Izuku : So you think I can learn that Technique

Alex : Yes but first I need to learn it myself as it was an instinct rather than my desire to do it.

Izuku : Ok but you have to teach me. I think the more we get used to it the more we can feel our surroundings.

Alex : Not only that I think we can even predict their movements.

Izuku : Let's see what we can find from the internet about this technique.

Alex : { 'Has anybody learned this technique before quirks?' }

Izuku : Hey look I found it, it says that this technique is called ki and it was famous in the pre-quirk era but there were no one who could teach it as all the masters were said to be samurias and it is said that this technique is lost in the histories because of apperance of quirks.

Alex : So we will make it possible by re-creating it our own way and become the first heroes who know ki.

Izuku : Yes and you know we can save so many lives with it. It's a waste as we can't find a master for it.

Alex : We will learn this on our own but we will need masters for our other trainings such as martial arts and swordsmanship.

Izuku : Ya but I will learn martials arts only I don't think swordsmanship is my style.

Alex : Ok then we will start our ki training tomorrow. { ' This guy is born for One For All ' }

Izuku : Ok then let's eat dinner and then sleep tomorrow is saturday so its a holiday.

Alex : Fine by me.

Then both of them ate dinner and got to sleep.