
As Buddha in MHA

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One. ~ A guy who only read Chinese Cultivation Novels is reincarnated into MHA looking like Buddha from Records of Ragnarok, what could go wrong? ~ (Weekly Upload at the moment) ~ Another idea I had for a novel, this one really will be sporadic, or whenever I feel like uploading. Might do harem with this one, but two girls only, not sure yet. Also, hope no one takes any offense to this, I have nothing but appreciation for Buddhism. Just always liked the Buddhist Practitioners in Chinese Cultivation Novels. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/246535/fictions https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15132842/ https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97664/rubberpeen Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.

RubberPeen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

The Truth

"Oh's right." said Kiyomi as she moved to pour herself a glass of scotch before downing it all in one go.

"What happened?" asked Yuuichi, noticing that, while the news was certainly bad and unexpected, it wouldn't warrant their reaction unless something else happened in addition to the murder. And the glance they gave each other after he asked his question only served to further his suspicion.

Thankfully, Yuuichi wouldn't have to wait much longer to know the reason for their grave faces.

"Before we get into that, your mother and I have something to tell you." said Ren, similarly downing a glass of scotch in one go.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with the President's murder?"

"No. Yes. Probably. Sigh, we don't know for sure." said Ren.

"What is it?"

"Sigh. Do you remember how your father and I talked to the President of the Commission two years ago, back when we were helping Kaina?" asked Kiyomi.


"And do you remember how he was very interested in you and asked Kaina to keep an eye on you as a potential replacement for her role in the Commission?" she added.

"So you found out why?"

"Yes." said Ren before falling silent.

"So, don't leave me hanging. Why was he so interested in me?" asked Yuuichi, very curious to hear the answer to a question that had been bugging him for the past two years.

"Before we tell you, we want you to know that I was the one that decided to not tell you this information and I hope you can see that I was only doing it to protect you." said Kiyomi, grabbing Yuuichi's hands and clasping them to convey her love for him while tearing up a little.

"No, we both decided to not tell you. We love you, son." said Ren, putting a hand on Yuuichi's shoulder.

"I love you both too, but now I'm a little less curious and more worried." said Yuuichi.

"The reason that he was so interested in you was because of your biological parents." said Kiyomi.

"My biological parents? What about them?"

"They were part of the President's plan to create stronger heroes." said Ren.

"Create stronger heroes?"

"Yes. Through selective breeding."

"Selective breeding? You mean he was choosing people with strong Quirks and forcing them to have babies?" asked Yuuichi who was feeling nothing but disgust at the President's plan.

"Yes, except since he needed to keep the whole thing very secret, he used whoever he could get by enticing/offering poor and/or desperate people the promise of a better life. And your biological parents were both people who accepted his deal." said Ren.

"So, how'd I end up at your doorstep if my biological mother was part of his experiment? Did she escape?"

"Yes, she did. She managed to escape with the help of your biological father, but the stress from escaping and the fear of getting caught caused her to go into labor sooner than she expected. She was forced to give birth and give you up." explained Kiyomi while wiping away her tears.

"Are they alive?" asked Yuuichi who was baffled but not completely in shock, as one might expect him to be.

"Your biological mother was tracked down soon after she left you at our doorstep and she was taken back to the lab. But before they could force her to talk or do anything else, she...she took her own life." said Ren.

"Oh." said Yuuichi, unable to say anything else after hearing his biological mother had killed herself to save him.

And even though he didn't know her, except for the very brief moment he spent with her after being born, he felt sad knowing she was gone because of him.

"What about my biological father? Is he dead too?" asked Yuuichi after a few moments of silence.

"No. He's alive. After hearing that your mother killed herself, your father went into a rage and escaped the lab along with a few other people. After that, the President shut down the whole thing and got rid of anyone who knew about it." said Kiyomi causing Yuuichi to connect the dots.

"So, he killed the President."

"That is what we think, yes." agreed Kiyomi.

"After your father escaped the lab, he and the escapees grouped up together with the goal of taking down the President and exposing the Commission. The President knew about the group but he didn't see it as a threat since it was so small and he thought the Quirks of the members were weak. Still, as a precaution, he placed some manner of observation on them that bore no fruit." explained Ren.

"Until now." said Yuuichi.

"Seems like it. The President's body was found showing signs of all manner of torture before he bled to death which suggests the killer had a personal vendetta/grudge against him. And along with the fact that he got off scot-free two years ago for things that should have landed him in prison, we suspect it to be him and/or his group." said Kiyomi.

"But there's no concrete proof."

"No. The police believe he was targeted but they don't have any leads as to who it might be." explained Ren causing the room to fall silent while Yuuichi was lost in thought.

"Are you okay?" asked Kiyomi.

"Besides finding out that I'm a product of eugenics, my biological mother is dead, and my biological father is hell-bent on taking down the Commission and with it, Heroes and the society built on that foundation, I'd say I'm okay." said Yuuichi.

"We're sorry for not telling you sooner. We thought it would be best to wait until you were older before dumping something so big on you. We hope you can forgive us." said Ren.

"I get it. That's a massive bomb to drop on anyone much less a kid. I'm glad you guys waited to tell me. Thank you." said Yuuichi, hugging both his parents.

"We understand if you need some time to yourself, but just know that we are always here for you. You are our son. No matter what." said Kiyomi, hugging him extra tight.

"Thank you."


Under the lone tree in the Yaoyorozu Estate, lay Yuuichi, staring up at the night sky while deep in meditation.

After being told the truth about his biological parents and his father's potential involvement in the former President's murder, Yuuichi had a lot to think about. So he went to clear his mind at his favorite spot.

"Sigh." said Yuuichi, done with his meditation.

'So it turns out my biological mother is dead, by suicide no less, my biological father is a Villain and one who wants to take down the Commission, and I'm a product of eugenics. Heavy stuff.' he thought.

'But before I go any further, a prayer to my biological mother.' he thought as he put his hands together and closed his eyes.

'I thank you for the sacrifice you made to bring me into this world. I pray you have reincarnated into a better life, one not filled with suffering or one filled with little. I will strive to make this life you gave yours up for, worth it. Amituofo, Mother.' prayed Yuuichi, as a single tear fell from his eye, and unbeknownst to him, in the night sky, one of the stars seemed to shine brighter in response to his prayer.

'Now onto the problem that is my biological father and his vendetta against the Commission. An understandable vendetta when you take into account everything he went through, but still it's not something that I can let happen.

If he did murder the President, it means he's getting serious, and the fact that he waited two years to kill him instead of killing him right off the bat when he got off scot-free means he has a plan.

Hopefully he has a plan because that way it means he's following steps but if he doesn't have a plan, who knows what he'll do? After all, no one panics when things go according to plan, even if that plan is horrifying.

The big problem is that the only people who know about him, are Mom, Dad, and I which means I'll have to secretly investigate so as to not get Mom and Dad even more involved. I don't want the police to bother my family. Solo investigation it is.'

As Yuuichi thought about how he would go about doing things, he got the feeling that someone was standing behind him.

So, he constructed a barrier around himself while simultaneously pushing himself off the ground, turning in midair, and constructing a platform in midair for himself to stand on.

A short distance from his previous location was a person wearing a hannya mask and a black robe looking at Yuuichi.

And as much as Yuuichi wished to know who the person was, the fact that the masked intruder was in his family's estate in the middle of the night meant he wasn't there with good intentions.

Yuuichi constructed Solar Chains and shot them out to wrap around the masked intruder, but as they reached them, the chains passed through their body.

Seeing how the intruder's physical form reacted when the chains passed through them, Yuuichi noticed that it looked like their form was blurring, similar to one of his classmates who had an illusion Quirk.

"Who are you?" asked Yuuichi.

"The spark that will ignite the flame of tomorrow." said the intruder, who Yuuichi realized was a man and most likely, his biological father.

"You killed the President." said Yuuichi.

"I'm not surprised the Yaoyorozu's, Japan's wealthiest family, know about the President's death before it's been made public. And for you to link that to me with just a few words...interesting. And yes, it was me." said the man.

"Why?" asked Yuuichi, acting as if he didn't know who the man was or what group he was a part of.

"His atrocities are far too many for him to live without punishment and seeing as he was let go scot-free two years ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands."

"What atrocities? He was influenced by a Villain's Quirk."

"Hahaha!" laughed the man, "A lie to preserve the foundation."

"Even if he is guilty, one rotten apple does not spoil the bunch." said Yuuichi.

"Certainly not, and while it may be true that not all the apples are rotten, the tree from which they come, is. And it must be cut down for the good of everyone." said the man.

"Why are you here telling me this? Who are you?"

"The truth shall come to light, in due time." he said as his form blurred before disappearing.

'Chances are the Illusion Quirk user is nearby.' thought Yuuichi as he constructed wings and flew up into the sky to get a better view of the surroundings.

Luckily the area where the Yaoyorozu Estate was located did not have many trees or tall obstacles to obstruct Yuuichi's view. And with him using his Lotus Eyes, he was able to spot a robed figure making its escape.

Flapping his wings, Yuuichi quickly gained on the robed figure who had noticed they were being chased.

The robed figure then blurred for a moment before splitting up into four different figures that all went in different directions but before they could make any ground, Yuuichi slammed all four with Solar Palms.

The figure that was going back in the direction it came from was the real one and was struggling to escape but to no avail.

As he landed next to the figure, he changed the Solar Palm into chains that wrapped around the figure, revealing that the figure was also wearing a hannya mask.

"Where is your leader?" asked Yuuichi.

"The spark shall consume all." said the figure before they seemed to bite down on something, and slump over.

"Shit." said Yuuichi, quickly checking the figure's pulse and feeling nothing.

Twenty-fifth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts