
As a ghoul in My Hero Academia/MHA/BNHA

MC dies and is reincarnated in the unique world of MHA as Sasuke Uchiha as a ghoul, how will our flesh eating friend live in this sick and twisted quirk based society where the so called heros who abuse their title's authority in the shadows are idolized while the the quirkless are looked down on and seen as second class citizens and those with the so called 'villainous' quirks are discriminated against even if they are meer children so how will the society look at his 'monstrous' quirk that makes him the natural predator of humans. What does the Uchiha Ghoul think of all this well he absolutely LOVES IT!!!.....after all he knew full well what he had wished for.....how ever thought of those sheltered racists watching his cute child self devour humans like it is the most delicious thing in this world fills him with joy, just imagining the reactions on their faces as they gaze at his exquisite spotless seemingly innocent face stained with blood and his seemingly fragile child body covered completely in the insides and outsides of of their destroyed and mangled corpses makes him so excited a long lost feeling of interest in humans coming back.

Lustful_Death · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


hello and welcome, I'm writing this to tell you that I'm planning on writing a new fanfic, the reason for this is that I've run into a writers block in this current story, you see I've realized that I've made the MC too powerful to the point that the story building wouldn't be all that interesting and so I'm writing a new story to take a break, of course the MC will be a ghoul but the problem is that I don't know what world to put him in, so I've decided to leave that to you, so go ahead and vote on the options below.

Harry Potter: if you vote for this do not expect perfect lore as I would be basically winging it since I haven't read any of the books and have only watched a few movies around three years back, plus most my knowledge on the HP world is from fanfics I have read.

Arifureta: as many of you might know the world of arifureta is a shitty one since the characters in that world are so fucking bland, plus it doesn't have much content to really use, although I might be able to pull off a few good chapters at the start but I don't think I can pull the entire story off.

Kumo Desu ga, nani ka?/so I'm a spider so what?: one of my favorite books of all time I know everything about the story up until the latest web novel chapter, the story and main character are already very good so if I was to put a new character then I might make him have his own adventure while wandering around and then later on meet miss spider.

Naruto: I know I know this idea has been used at least a thousand times already, so if I were to do this one I would make the MC part of no village and instead just a wonderer, and he won't be fighting jonin and unbu or god forbid kage level ninja when he's like five, as for my knowledge on the Naruto world I know everything about it except for Boruto that I only watched 50 episodes of, and the movies with the only one that I remember being Naruto the last, but I think that I would be able to do a very good job at it.

if you want to suggest another world then feel free to comment, I make sure to read all comments I get