
Arya's Mire

In a realm where the mystical Luna Pack revered Amaris Lun, a distinguished wolf of unmatched valor, an unexpected twist unfolds. Amaris, the epitome of lupine nobility, finds himself isekai-ed to a strange world, Earth. Yet, the question lingers – Was it an accident or a meticulously crafted conspiracy? In his new world, where the moon's luster pales compared to the moons of Luna, Amaris encounters a human girl who's as far from extraordinary as one can be. Arya Jenkin embodies simplicity, so deeply embedded in her being that if you searched her DNA, you'd surely find 'SIMPLE' etched in every strand. Yet, Fate has its own brand of humor, thrusting Arya into a whirlwind of unexpected twists. Their paths cross on the rollercoaster of life, as Amaris, the enigmatic wolf, and Arya, the embodiment of simplicity, begin to realize that their meeting was not a chance occurrence but rather a predestined event unraveling a destiny that defied the boundaries of their worlds, transcending species and realms which was etched among the stars themselves. EXCERPT: Arya couldn't hide her astonishment and stammered, "W..why are you suddenly like...this?" Amaris, with his captivating wolfish charm, toyed with her locks while holding her captive between his muscular arms. "What do you mean, Arya?" Her voice quivered as she tried to express the change she saw in him. "You are so..." "Different?" He finished her sentence, his mesmerizing gaze locked on hers. A sigh escaped his lips as he let his arms fall from the wall, encircling her waist to draw her nearer. Gazing into the eyes he had fallen in love with from day one, he leaned in and planted a searing kiss on her lips, leaving her breathless. "I've always been like this. You were just too silly to see it," he confessed, his eyes never leaving her face. "I'm a possessive wolf, Arya, and I really don't like seeing you with anyone else. Are we clear?" His words hung in the air, his actions speaking louder than any response. Arya's playful smile emerged as she teased, "Possessive wolf, huh? Does this mean you'll be howling at the moon when I'm not around?" Amaris chuckled, his voice a velvet purr. "Only if you promise to be my moon, my love." Follow Arya as her seemingly simple life takes an exhilarating turn following the arrival of Amaris. Will Amaris ever find his way back to the mystical realm of Luna? And who, in the name of the moon, is this heavily adorned figure claiming to be Amaris's betrothed? Unravel the threads of destiny and love in this enchanting reverse isekai tale where the wolf is in human form but the passion is still wild, and the stars themselves have a story to tell. ********************* You can try my other novel too if you like: *Penny: Who Are You? Instagram: @d.a.i.s.y_t The cover art isn't mine, all credits go to the artist. It will be pulled down immediately upon request.

Daisy_T · Fantaisie
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65 Chs

Couldn't Bear To Leave You Alone

Arya's heart skipped a beat. Laura Jenkins. Her Nana's name. It couldn't be a coincidence. She didn't hear wrong.

Unless there was another granny in the world named Laura Jenkins, then these people were definitely talking about her Nana.

Her grandmother had been missing for days, her strange behavior on the phone, and Greg's agitation—all pieces of a puzzling and alarming jigsaw. The possibility that these people were talking about her Nana was disconcertingly high.

'But if it is truly Nana, what could have made her cross paths with people like this?'

'And why would they want her to pay dearly?' Arya thought in confusion till she heard a piercing scream.

"Why?! You had a whole night and that is all you could come up with?! A worthless name?!" Mrs. Herresse sounded like she stubbed her toe against a hard rock, her screeching voice clawing at Arya's ears like a relentless banshee.