
Art of the flame

Derek_McElhenney · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 1

Chapter 1 Part 1: The calm before the storm

Hikaru, a young boy who had spent his entire life within the confines of the monastery, felt a whirlwind of emotions on this momentous day—the day he would step out into the world and embark on a new chapter of his life. As he stood in his room, carefully packing his belongings, he couldn't shake the mixture of excitement and uncertainty that coursed through him. The monastery had been his home, his sanctuary, and now he was about to venture into the unknown.

A soft knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, and when Hikaru opened it, there stood Abbot, a figure of authority with his dark hair and piercing eyes. Hikaru's gaze met the Abbot's, and a warm smile spread across his lips. "It's time, Hikaru. The cart is ready to take you to school," Abbot announced gently.

Hikaru's heart raced as he nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. He had dreamt of this day, but now that it was here, the reality felt almost surreal. Stepping away from the safety of the monastery meant leaving behind everything he had ever known. "I'm ready," he replied, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a hint of nervousness.

As Hikaru followed Abbot to the waiting cart, he noticed two other boys already seated inside. One was shorter than him, his face adorned with small scars, his hair casting shadows over his eyes. His hands, rough and weathered, spoke of experiences Hikaru couldn't fathom. The other boy, tall and lanky, exuded a sense of confidence with his sharp jawline and spiky hair.

The journey began with the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves against the dirt road, and the landscape unfolded before them like a canvas of wonder. Towering trees swayed in the breeze, their leaves whispering secrets to the sky. Lush farms stretched out like patchwork quilts, and villagers exchanged friendly waves as the cart passed by. Hikaru's eyes widened at the sight of a world that was both enchanting and foreign.

Breaking the silence that enveloped them, the tall boy finally spoke up, his voice cutting through the air. "Do either of you two have any idea what chakra arts even are?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The scarred boy shrugged, his lips curling into a faint smile. "Not a clue," he confessed with a wry grin.

Hikaru, grateful for the opportunity to engage, chimed in. "I'm in the same boat. It's all new to me."

Inquisitively, Hikaru turned to the others. "By the way, what are your names?"

The tall boy was about to answer when a sudden jolt interrupted their conversation. Laughter erupted as the cart rode over a bump in the road, and Hikaru exchanged amused glances with the tall boy, who introduced himself as Yuma Horvat. Hikaru couldn't help but think, *So he has a name.*

Returning the introduction, Hikaru offered his own name with a friendly smile, "I'm Hikaru."

All eyes turned to the remaining boy, whose long hair hid much of his expression. Hesitating only briefly, he muttered, "Ezra Rossi," without even looking up.

The journey continued in companionable silence until the driver's voice cut through the air, announcing their arrival with a burst of excitement. "THERE IT IS, THE GREATEST CHAKRA SCHOOL OF THE REPUBLIC THERE EVER WAS...GINSHINRO ACADEMY!"

As the cart came to a halt, the three boys peered out and were met with a breathtaking sight. Ginshinro Academy stood tall and majestic, its castle-like structure exuding an aura of knowledge and power. Hikaru's heart swelled with a mix of anticipation and awe as he took in the grandeur of the place that would become his new home, his new world.

Hikaru waved to the driver, his heart fluttering with a mix of anticipation and nervousness as he looked back at the monastery fading into the distance. Beside him, Yuma and Ezra gazed at the towering structure before them, their expressions a mix of awe and excitement. Hikaru shifted his attention to Yuma as he spoke, relaying the driver's instructions about finding their way. "Well," Yuma stated, "the driver said we need to go down the main hall, and we should find our way."

As the trio entered the imposing main hall, Hikaru was immediately struck by its grandeur. The hall was adorned with medieval-style decorations, and its walls were lined with an impressive array of knight armor, each set accompanied by a name written on a plaque on the steps below them. The armors represented a diverse range of styles and histories, giving the hall an air of timelessness and legacy.

Hikaru marveled at the intricate details of the armor, his steps echoing softly against the polished stone floor. The sound seemed to blend with the hushed voices of the other students who had gathered in a group further down the hall. About twenty people stood around two individuals dressed in grey vests adorned with silver badges bearing the insignia of Ginshinro Academy. The man's badge displayed the number 4, while the woman's bore the number 5. The woman, who seemed to exude authority, meticulously counted the assembled students before addressing them.

"Well, that seems like that's everybody!" she declared with a confident tone. "Welcome all new students of Ginshinro. My name is Master Akane, and this is my brother Master Akio. We are the 4th and 5th highest ranking teachers in this academy. We will be teaching you in this school and accompanying you on missions!"

Hikaru's curiosity was piqued by the mention of missions, but before he could fully grasp the implications, Master Akane continued, assuring them that they weren't yet prepared for such endeavors. She directed the students to follow Master Akio to their respective rooms, and with that, the group began to disperse.

Hikaru trailed behind the others, eventually choosing a room situated between Ezra's and Yuma's. The room itself was a blend of medieval and modern aesthetics, with a king-sized bed adorned with richly embroidered covers and a desk with a quill and parchment.

After unloading his belongings, which amounted to just a few essentials, Hikaru felt a restlessness tugging at him. The corridor outside his room buzzed with the chatter of fellow students settling in, but Hikaru's concern deepened when he discovered that Ezra was nowhere to be found. He quickly made his way to Yuma's room, finding his friend deeply engrossed in a thick book.

"Hey, Yuma," Hikaru began, his worry evident. "Have you seen Ezra?"

Yuma looked up, his brow furrowed in thought. "Yeah, a few minutes ago. He walked by my room."

Hikaru's confusion deepened, and Yuma offered a potential explanation. "That's the direction of the student library. It's open all day and night."

Hikaru's determination was unwavering. He wasn't about to leave Ezra wandering the vast academy alone. "Want to come with me to see where Ezra is?"

Yuma shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips. "Nah, I'm good here. Gotta get some rest for tomorrow's lessons."

With a nod, Hikaru set out on his own, making his way down the corridor toward the library. The library doors, weathered and imposing, creaked open under Hikaru's touch, revealing a vast expanse of tall bookcases and ancient tomes. His steps were muffled by the plush carpeting that lined the aisle between the shelves.

As he wandered deeper into the library, Hikaru's attention was captured by an unusual sight. A faint purple light seemed to emanate from a hidden corridor between two bookcases. His curiosity piqued, Hikaru approached the source of the light. With each step, the purple glow intensified, casting an ethereal ambiance around him.

Soon, another light joined the purple hue this one resembling the flicker of fire. Despite the mesmerizing allure of the fire-like light, Hikaru remained fixated on the mysterious purple illumination. As he ventured further, he found himself on the brink of a revelation, his heart racing with anticipation.

In an instant, his world was transformed. The corridor seemed to dissolve, leaving him tumbling forward. He landed with a soft thud on the ground, and as his vision cleared, he was met with an unexpected sight. The radiant light revealed a face he had been desperately searching for.

"Ezra!" Hikaru exclaimed, his voice a mix of relief and surprise.

The flame that had once danced in the corridor had vanished, but the lingering fire-like light continued to illuminate the scene. Hikaru's curiosity drove him closer, his eyes widening as he realized the source a hole in the wall that revealed a hidden courtyard beyond. His gaze swept over the courtyard, where other students from the academy were engaged in what seemed like controlled manipulation of fire. The flames they conjured were unlike any Hikaru had ever seen. Their colors varied from vivid blues and yellows to enigmatic purples, fiery oranges, and even serene greens.

Ezra rose to his feet beside Hikaru, the two friends sharing a mutual astonishment. Hikaru turned to Ezra, his voice tinged with awe and confusion, "How are they doing that?"

Ezra met Hikaru's gaze with a knowing smile, his tone carrying an air of revelation, "Even you can do it, Hikaru. That's what this whole school is about."

Hikaru's bewilderment deepened. He couldn't fathom why he hadn't witnessed anyone wielding these remarkable flames before. Why had this power remained hidden from him until now? The questions swirled in his mind, echoing the breakfast concern that seemed oddly trivial at this moment. "Why... why have I never seen anyone use these flames before? Why me?" Hikaru wondered aloud.

Ezra motioned toward the corridor, his expression filled with urgency, "We should go back to our rooms before someone else discovers us here."

Hikaru nodded, the weight of the newfound knowledge settling in. As they returned to their respective rooms, Hikaru's thoughts were in turmoil. It took some time, but eventually, exhaustion overcame his racing mind, and he drifted into sleep.

The next morning, Hikaru was roused from his slumber by the resonant tolling of bells outside his room. He quickly deduced that the bells signaled the start of the day and the necessity for the students to awaken. Hikaru dressed himself and opened his door, only to be met with a sight that left him momentarily speechless Yuma stood at his door, clad in nothing but a towel. Hikaru's surprise was palpable as he let out a startled cry, "AHH! Yuma, why are you naked?"

Yuma's casual response caught Hikaru off guard, "Time for showers!" As Yuma stepped aside, more students in towels appeared, clearly on their way to the communal bathing area.

Realization struck Hikaru like a sudden gust of wind. He hadn't taken a proper shower since leaving the monastery, and the realization hit him with a wave of embarrassment. "Damn, I smell like ass," he muttered to himself, swiftly shedding his clothes and wrapping a towel around his waist.

In the midst of the morning ritual, Yuma's attention turned to Hikaru. "Did you find Ezra?" Yuma asked, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

Hikaru's mind raced back to the events of the previous night, the mysterious corridor, the flames, and Ezra's explanation. He turned to Yuma, his voice lowered, "Yeah, I did, but not in the library. I'll explain later."

After a refreshing shower, Hikaru set out for the same spot where Master Akio and Master Akane had addressed the students before. The morning light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the gathered students. Master Akio's voice broke the silence, "Good morning, everyone."

A chorus of "good mornings" filled the air, a blend of anticipation and curiosity tangible among the students.

Master Akio continued, his voice projecting authority, "Today, I will call out your names, and you will be assigned your respective teachers."

Hikaru's heart raced as his name was called. He exchanged glances with Ezra and Yuma, their camaraderie providing a sense of comfort. However, as Hikaru approached his friends, he noticed Yuma's expression had shifted from curiosity to shock. Yuma's voice trembled slightly as he questioned, "Is this true?"

Hikaru met Yuma's gaze, his own resolve unwavering. "Yeah, it is," he affirmed, ready to embark on a journey that would unravel the mysteries of the flames and the secrets of Ginshinro Academy.

Yuma's voice broke the momentary silence as he asked, "Well, are we going tonight then?"

Ezra's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Really?"

Yuma's determination shone through his response, "Well, I want to learn more about this school too, and maybe we can get ahead of the rest of the class."

Hikaru's excitement was palpable, and he exclaimed, "Then it's agreed... tonight!"

The day's classes seemed to pass in a blur for Hikaru. His mind was consumed by thoughts of the hidden courtyard, the enigmatic flames, and the secrets that lay within the academy's walls. He found it challenging to focus on the lessons at hand, especially with an instructor who seemed to prioritize weight training like a religious devotion. The instructor bore the badge number "23," leaving Hikaru to wonder just how many teachers were part of the academy's ranks.

Surprisingly, Hikaru learned that Yuma and Ezra were enrolled in different classes from him. While Hikaru's class delved into psychology, he was puzzled by this divergence. After all, Ginshinro Academy was supposed to be a place of chakra learning. Why was his class focused on psychology instead?

Once classes ended, Hikaru quickly reunited with Yuma and Ezra. They shared that they were in the same subject area, prompting the trio to head straight for the library. Ezra took the lead, guiding his friends to the concealed passage. With a simple push of a frame between two bookcases, the floor seemed to give way, revealing the hidden corridor below.

Curiosity piqued, Hikaru turned to Yuma, his question eager, "How did you find out about this passage?"

Yuma's grin was infectious as he replied, "I overheard two of the teachers talking about this place. I was curious."

"Masters," Yuma corrected with a hint of emphasis.

Ezra interjected playfully, "Yeah, whatever. Masters of what?"

Yuma's silence spoke volumes, leaving a sense of anticipation in the air. Hikaru's resolve remained unshaken as he declared, "Only one way to find out."

Just like before, Hikaru made his way down the corridor, each step plunging them deeper into the darkness.

Abruptly, the corridor seemed to grow darker and the air cooler, a sensation that Hikaru had come to associate with the manifestation of the hidden flames. And then, as if from nowhere, the purple flame reappeared, this time held at the tip of Yuma's finger. Hikaru's startled exclamation filled the air, "What the..."

Yuma's own astonishment was evident, and he looked just as bewildered as Hikaru. "How did you..." Hikaru began, his question trailing off.

Ezra's mischievous grin widened, and he revealed his secret with a touch of dramatic flair, "Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you what I learned while I was down here by myself."

In a burst of brilliance, an even brighter flame erupted behind Ezra, its hue a captivating teal that danced with a captivating allure. The flame seemed to embody a new level of mastery, unlike anything Hikaru had seen before.

The trio's attention was abruptly shattered by a commanding voice that echoed through the corridor, "What are you three doing in here?!"

Hikaru's gaze snapped towards the source of the voice, revealing a tall figure with blonde hair and a master's robe. The badge on his robe bore the number "2," marking him as a prominent figure within Ginshinro Academy. The flames that wreathed his arms added an air of authority, leaving no doubt about his status.

In that moment, Hikaru felt an unshakeable determination ignite within him. He looked at the master before him, his resolve unwavering. He thought to himself, "I want to master this power," his thought carrying a fierce determination, "and become the very best."

If your name is Gabe then u suck

Derek_McElhenneycreators' thoughts