
Arslan in Game of Thrones

Arslan in GOT, Not actually Arslan tho.

Makh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

chapter 6

it's been 3 days since I sent an Azreal with a message to my father, and today he sent me a reply, I just got it from the maester, and I'm going to my room.

after I got to my room and opened the message, it had two letters, the first is the permission in case someone questions me, the other is him checking on me and my mother.

this is good, I can finally start my plans.

I get up and leave the room.

after finding Lord Yohn training with some soldiers.

me: Yohn!

he then notices me and comes to me.

Yohn: yes my lord?

me: make an announcement that Arslan the heir of the vale is recruiting 200 hundred men for his personal army.

he looks at me with a questioning gaze, well it is weird that a 4 years old is trying to recruit men, maybe it's just a kid's whim.

Yohn: my lord, not doubting your commands or anything, but did you get your father's permission for this? because an army requires money to maintain, even if its small.

I then hand him my father's permission.

after reading through it.

Yohn: are there any requirements for the recruitment?

me: yes they should be around 18 to 25 of age.

Yohn: the pay?

me: it's written in the letter.

he read it again then looked at me.

Yohn: are you sure about this my lord.

me: yes just get it done.

Yohn: as you wish.

and then he leaves.

well, since I'm on the training grounds I better start training, I call a guard and start training with him.

after I charge at him he tries to parry my attack but I quickly change the direction of my strike and land it to his side, he goes out of the arena, and another one enters, we keep going at for all day long


it was announced that Arslan, heir of the vale, was recruiting men for his personal army, and the pay was three times what normal soldiers earn, it was a great chance for the normal folk, as the money they earn in five years will be earned in one.



after training with Yohn, which by the way I started landing hits on even with him using his full strength, tho I still lose.

I was told that the recruitment is done, and the 200 hundred men are ready.

I then went to the main training grounds(the place where the army trains), and I found 200 men waiting for me, I turned to Yohn.

me: leave us, and take everyone with you, servants and guards.

Yohn: but my lord you need protection.

me: just do what I say

Yohn: I cannot my lord, I can't leave the only heir without protection.

this is going nowhere.

I turn to him, I use Lelouch's Geass.

me: leave us.

Yohn: yes, my lord.

and then he told every guard and servant to leave, before he left.

after they all left I turn to the men, and notice they are looking at me with respect, I guess being known as a genius plus being the son of the lord of the vale. and its heir is no small thing.

I summoned 200 loyalty contracts and put them off the ground.

the men looked between me and the contracts with shock before I said.

Me: take these contracts and put a drop of blood on it then we will talk.

they looked at me with a questioning gaze, before they did as I said since its just a drop of blood.

after they are done the contracts burn away.

and then I give them the immortality/regeneration serum and told them to inject it, they did it without questioning me again. after they are done. the looked at me with a gaze that says 'what now?'.

me: look at the wound that you opened to sign the contract.

after the did they had a shocked look on themselves as they saw that there was no wound.

after I explained to them what they injected themselves with, they all had an amazed look on their faces.

I then told them that they can take an immortality/regeneration to their partners, parents, and their children after they sign the contracts themselves.

they were happy, and after knowing they can get one for their siblings too they exited.

I then told them how they will be training all day long, they will train in swordsmanship, archery, spearsmanship, and will train in horseback and ground, and that if someone tries to give away my secrets to someone I didn't permit they will not be able to, and I will know.

after that is done, I gave them the contracts to give to their families and then the serums, and called Yohn back in.

I told him to settle the men in, and start their training after they are back from visiting their families one last time in a while tomorrow.

then request for a blacksmith, and after he comes and meets me.

me: I have a request for you,

the blacksmith: yes, my lord?

me: I want you to create this for me...

I then give him a design of the armor I want my knights to wear.


A/N: it looks something like this: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F236x%2Fb7%2Fc2%2F87%2Fb7c287e596efd6243c93a2b3dae4b96f.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fleemanruss01%2Ffantasy-armor%2F&tbnid=h1KXDnr6SxUgsM&vet=12ahUKEwjOy5bF56XsAhUN-YUKHcK8DbQQMygBegUIARCYAQ..i&docid=Ocera9D9GOdbtM&w=236&h=420&q=the%20best%20looking%20silver%20armor%5D&ved=2ahUKEwjOy5bF56XsAhUN-YUKHcK8DbQQMygBegUIARCYAQ

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