
Greenland High.

"Never in the history of the shields has this happened. Its impossible." Emily spoke staring at him in disbelief.

"What did you see?" Drake asked but she immediately turned leaving while he rushed after her.

"General Emily." He called but as soon as he came out of the room, the securities immediately stopped him.

"General Tavern instructed us to walk you out." One of the securities spoke and he sighed heavily watching Emily's disappearing figure from behind. He could only wonder what she actually saw.

Emily walked past the hallway and was about to pass the investigation department when she saw the person she was looking for through the glass. She immediately pushed the door open and everyone in the room stared up at her.

"Emily?" The man standing before the rest of the people in the room called.

"We need to talk Devin." She spoke and he rose his eyebrows confused.


In the night,

A little girl is seen running in the fields and playing all by herself. Seeing her dad standing and staring at the empty space, she ran to him.

"Dad?" She called and turned to look at what he was gazing at but didn't see anything.

"What are you staring at?" She asked again.

"There's no time left." He said and she stared at him confused.

"What are you saying?"

He immediately bent down to her size holding her arms.

"They are coming. You have to run, run as fast as can and don't look back."

"Dad." She called this time in fear and almost crying. "What's coming? Let's go together."

"No, only one of us gets to make it out. I need you to run. Run and don't look back!"

"Dad!" She called in little sobs.

"Run!!" She immediately started running as fast as she could. She could hear different loud footsteps behind her. It was definitely coming after her but as instructed, she didn't look back. She started breathing fast and at the same time crying. Suddenly, she felt a force trying to drag her back and she started groaning trying to resist it.

"Its all a dream Sian, wake up." Her voice rang in her head as she became unable to control her breath.

"Wake up Sian!"

She immediately opened her eyes breathing fast. Hurriedly checking the cupboard beside her, she took out her inhaler and punched in air into her mouth, breathing down heavily. The rays of the sun pierced through her curtains making it evident that it was already morning. She groaned realizing it was also school day. Starting in another school was a terrible idea for her. Just as she was about to lay back, her door opened.

"Its morning Sian. Wear something nice, its your first day in school." Lisa said and Sian rolled her eyes. Watching her close the door, she fell back on the bed tiredly.


Drake walked downstairs only to find his mom seated on the sofa. Just as he was about to walk past her, she spoke.

"Your dad told me about the mess you created in the organisation." She said and he paused.

"You're just not good at anything." She added and he swallowed hard.

"I'm trying my best." He replied and she laughed loudly in scorn.

"Best? You call that best?" She questioned and walked to him.

"I love you so much Drake. You know that right?" She asked and held his cheek softly.

"You don't believe me, that's fine." She added seeing his indifferent expression.

"Just make sure you don't mess things up out there and maybe you will gain importance in the shield organisation just like your brother." She said and moved closer to him whispering in his ears.

"Don't be such a nuisance." She said and revealed a sweet yet cunning smile.

"Let's go mother." Erin who walked in interrupted and she tapped Drake softly on his shoulders leaving. Staring at Drake, Erin also left.

Immediately a maid walked to Drake staring down at the ground.

"What will you like to eat young master?" She asked.

"Nothing, don't bother." He responded leaving with his bag hanged over his shoulders. Getting outside, he saw Casey and Jamie.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We decided to go to school together with you." Jamie answered and Drake rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"We spoke with Emily, so she can get us transferred with you too and she agreed. Now you don't have to feel alone, you have us." Casey added smiling and Drake went quiet for a while.


"C'mon, we got your back." Jamie answered walking into his car while Casey got into Drake's car with Drake and they drove out.

Sian came down from her mom's car staring at the school building before her. At the entrance of the school was written boldly GREENLAND HIGH.

"Have a good day! I'm sure you'll do great." Lisa said and drove out. Taking a deep breath, she walked in. She didn't bother looking around, she just walked straight in and thankfully she met the principal on the way.

"Well hello Miss Sian. I'm glad you made it." He said and she smiled.

"I hope you have a nice time here."

"Me too." She replied and he chuckled.

"Um... Leah!" He called a girl that was about to sneak past them and she froze turning slowly to him in guilt.

"But I didn't do anything Principal Gabe." She said already in her defence and he rolled his eyes.

"I never said you did anything wrong Leah but I hope today will go on well without any troubles." Gabe said and she smiled foolishly.

"This is a transfer student. Her name is Sian Matthews. Please do show her the way, she's in the same class as you." He said and Leah nodded.

"C'mon." Leah said leading her.

"Principal Gabe has already done the introduction, but still... I am Leah Philips." She said and Sian smiled mutely.

"Why did you transfer from your old school?"

"We moved to this city." Sian answered straight to the point to afford any further questions.

They both walked into the class which was a little rowdy, that she was hardly noticed.

"You can sit beside me, no one is sitting there. They always think I'm weird because I dress like a guy but its pretty easy to be that way." Leah said and Sian could only wish there was another chair she could seat on because she could only tell how much Leah talks a lot. She still didn't have any choice, besides Leah would be her only savior at that moment if she needs anything.

She walked over to the seat only to notice that for some reason everyone was staring outside through the window.

Before she knew it, everyone started shrieking in excitement and running out of the class. Her head went blank for a moment as she began to think on the possible things that would make everyone run out of the class. Was it earthquake?! She thought with her eyes shining widely. Before she will take any foolish action, she turned to Leah.

"What's going on?" Sian asked

"Well, just like you, some transfer students are also coming today. Talks are going round that one of them is the son of one the wealthiest men in the city. It happens that his father has so many companies and its not just that, he is super handsome." Leah said and scoffed.

"Its so funny right. I mean, he was just transferred yesterday and it already got around the school. That's what has been all over the school page." She added walking towards the window and Sian followed.

"Well, he is handsome." Leah stated while Sian just remained quiet staring at them.

Drake, Casey and Jamie walked into the school and seeing how the girls shrieked in excitement, staring at him, Casey immediately wrapped her hands around his. He stared at her and she smiled.

"Just wanted to make things easier for you in here." She spoke and turning around to find different gaze on them, he didn't say a word. They walked straight to the Principal's office. As he saw them, he immediately stood up.

"Mr Drake. You should have told me you were here and I would have walked you in myself." Gabe spoke and Drake just smiled.

"Not to worry, I did great finding my way here." Drake replied.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Gabe asked and just as Drake was about to reject, Casey spoke.

"Coffee please." She said.

"Right away." Gabe said and immediately made a call. "Get three cups of coffee to my office now." He instructed and ended the call.

"It will be here right away. Please sit." He offered and hey sat down.

The teacher was already in the class and was about to teach when he saw Sian.

"Well, well... Do we have a new student."

"She's a transfer student!" Leah immediately replied pointing at Sian and Sian hit her hand on her forehead helpless. Leah was definitely not the kind of low key girl. At that moment, she started hating the school already.

"Come on out and introduce yourself to the class." He said and she smiled. She felt everyone's gaze on her as she walked out. Getting in front of the class, she saw Leah giving her a thumbs up and she rolled her eyes.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sian Matthews. I'm a transfer student from the Brimstone High. I moved to...." To her talking about herself wasn't a problem because she had always read different speech since she was a kid but before she could finish, the door pushed open revealing the principal who walked in with Drake, Casey and Jamie. That alone divided the attention of the whole class.

"Sorry for interrupting Evan. We have new transfer students. This is Drake Tavern, Casey Bryan and Jamie James." He introduced and turned to Evan.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Gabe said and they both walked outside.

With the turn out of things, Sian hurriedly walked back and sat down.

"She is such a show off right? I feel like ripping her pretty face off." Leah whispered to Sian as they watched them take a seat. Of course she was talking about Casey. In fact every one in the class were all staring at her in hatred because they knew she would be a huge opposition to them.

When Casey saw that there was no more space to sit beside Drake except in the back, she walked to the girl seated beside him who was already shrieking in excitement that Drake had

sat beside her.

"Move..." Casey spoke.

"Um, its Harper not move." She answered trying to feign ignorance.

"I said get another chair."

"But..." The stare she received from Casey made her swallow back her words. She angrily left the seat to the back seat. Meanwhile Drake remained quiet like nothing was going on.

It was crazy to watch something like that happen with Casey, but maybe if she ever was that close to Darryl when she was still crazily in love with him, she wouldn't have done any less, Sian thought. But at that point she was still trying to pick up the pieces and form her life again, so things like that wasn't her concern.

The bell rang for break. Drake sighed heavily, for some reason the day was so long and he was hating it.

"Drake? Let's go." Casey said and hesitantly stood up. The three of them were about to leave the door when Drake paused as he caught sight of Sian who was talking with Leah. For some reason he felt like something drew his attention to her not until Jamie called.

"Drake? Is everything okay?"

Drake nodded and they both walked out.

Lisa walked out of a company exhaling deeply. All the places she had gone to none had accepted her for a work. Tiredly, she walked into a restaurant. One of the waiters immediately walked to her and gave her the list.

"What can I offer you miss?" He asked.

"A bottle of whiskey will do for now." She said but he didn't move. Seeing he was still standing there, she stared up at him.

"Didn't you hear me?" She asked and he smiled.

"Be right back." He said leaving and she rolled her eyes. She opened her wallet only to see Matthew's picture. She brought it out as her eyes became teary.

"I wish things could become better. Just you, Sian and myself. I loved it... How can I do this without you?" She muttered and as she noticed the waiter beside her, she cleaned her tears.

"Thank you." She spoke as he opened the drink, pouring it out into the glass.

"Is he your husband?" The waiter asked seeing the picture on the table. She immediately withdrew the picture putting it back inside her wallet.

"Is he the reason you're drinking?" He asked again and she stared at him angrily.

"Is that also part of your job? Snooping around people's personal lives?" She questioned.

"Apologies ma'am but just be careful to not get drunk here. No one in here will be able to take you home." He replied and she scoffed.

"Excuse me?" It felt like everything she had been trying to hide in was about to explode out on him.

"We have other customers. We wouldn't want to discomfort them." He stated and she stood up.

"You know what? I want to talk to your manager." She said and he just shook his head leaving and she angrily followed him.

"I said I want to see your manager. I'll get you fired!" She said and turned to another waiter seeing he wasn't answering.

"Where is your manager?" She asked and he remained quiet for a while turning to the same person she wanted to get fired.

"He is the owner of the restaurant." He replied. She remained still for a while not expecting that to happen.

"Wow. Just because you own the restaurant doesn't give you the right to throw insults at just anybody." She spoke. "What gives you the right to judge me?!" She questioned this time in her defence. He didn't respond and just continued what he was doing. This aggravated her because he was trying to make her the stupid one. Before she knew it her hands fell on his cheek. It was at that point that she realised that every single person in the restaurant was watching.

"Well, I hope you are better now." He said and she immediately walked out angrily. Stepping out, she felt total guilt envelope her. Maybe she wouldn't have gone that far, she thought. She sat down on the street bench by the side of the road feeling her mind lighten for a moment as she stared at the empty space. She actually needed someone to pour out her heart to but had no one. Now she understood what the waiter was trying to do. She was facing the pains alone and it was killing her slowly, and actually she felt better at the moment, now she had let the anger out.

Suddenly, a man walked to her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but are you Miss Lisa Matthews?" He asked and she nodded confused.

"Um... The company wants you back. One of our employees was just fired and we need an immediate replacement, that's if you're ready." He said and she scoffed in excitement.

"Of course I'm ready." She said and hurriedly took her bag and rushed after him.

Sian walked into the house only to discover Lisa wasn't at home. Exhaling deeply, she walked into the kitchen but didn't see anything to eat.

"Are you kidding me." She muttered walking back to her room only to see the room beside hers open . She walked slowly inside the room which was still dusty because nothing had been kept there yet. Only some of their stuffs which they hadn't unpacked where in a carton which they kept in the room.

Opening one of the carton, she found it filled with Matthew's belongings. She went through it bringing them out one after the other when she came across a picture of herself, Matthew, Lisa and Alex. She paused wondering why she couldn't remember when she snapped the picture. It was obvious that it was on one of her birthdays as a kid because of the cake in the picture but she couldn't remember anything more of it. Smiling as her eyes met Matthew's in the picture, she rubbed her fingers on the picture.

"I miss you dad." She muttered. Immediately, just like a flash, she saw a book and the hand that was holding the book but she couldn't see the person that owned the hand. It felt as if the hand was giving the book to someone. She held her head groaning in pain as the picture she held fell from her hand.

"Happy birthday Ariel!" She suddenly heard the voice. She saw the book again and it was given to a smaller person. She could now clearly see what was written on the book cover. She opened her eyes and it immediately turned to gold and then back to normal.

"Arrow Shield." She muttered.

There's more to come! Follow up with other chapters.

Thank you for spending time in my world.

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