
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs

I Am A Saiyan, Great Breakthrough

Seeing Ling Tian releasing his Ki to the fullest, Jiang Zhentian also released his Ki . But its unknown whether it is his full strength or not. Nevertheless, it was much more powerful than Ling Tian's.

Jiang Zhentian started to pressure Ling Tian with his massive Ki , or that was what he intended to do.

But sadly, Ling Tian showed no discomfort being Pressured by Jiang Zhentian's energy.

' Hm? He's not affected by the pressure of my Ki?!... Heh! Then lets see how you will hold up against my soul pressure!' Thought Jiang Zhentian as a force different from the Ki, fell on Ling Tian.

Of course, Ling Tian sensed that Jiang Zhentian was trying to put pressure on him. But he thought that the man was only trying to test him.

Jiang Zhentian's effort was futile as Ling Tian showed no discomfort at all. If Ling Tian actually felt weak in Jiang Zhentian's pressure, it would be funny.

After all, Ling Tian is someone who even stood in the presence of the two almighty existences like Raiga and Fairon. He even witnessed their earth shattering battle. To the two overpowered Saiyans, Jiang Zhentian is basically not even an ant in their eyes.

" Not bad, kid." Jiang Zhentian praised Ling Tian.

" Why thank you." Ling Tian replied in a simple tone.

" I'll let you have the first move." Jiang Zhentian said as he looked at Ling Tian seriously.

Ling Tian stared at his opponent for a moment, trying to find an opening. But it was like Jiang Zhentian had no openings at all, even though he was only standing still at the spot.

" Alright, here I come!" Ling Tian said as he charged at Jiang Zhentian with great speed.

" Haahh!"


Ling Tian punched at Jiang Zhentian with a yell. But his punch was blocked by his opponent with just one hand.

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian with emotionless eyes.

" Kuhh" Ling Tian then followed up with a palm strike with his free hand which Jiang Zhentian easily evaded by stepping two steps backwards.

Seeing this, Ling Tian did a low sweep kick with the intention of disturbing Jiang Zhentian's steady motion. But failed in achieving that as well. Ling Tian tried several moves of taekwondo and basic boxing on Jiang Zhentian. But he couldn't land a single hit on him.

Taichi fist was practically rendered useless since it mainly focuses on self-defense. With Jiang Zhentian only dodging Ling Tian's attacks and not trying to attack him, Taichi fist is of no use at the time.

Ling Tian then suddenly punched towards Jiang Zhentian's face. But his fist was easily caught by Jiang Zhentian. Jiang Zhentian was looking at Ling Tian with ice cold eyes.

" What are you trying to do here?" Jiang Zhentian asked to Ling Tian while still holding onto Ling Tian's hand.

" Ugh! Let go off my hand!" Ling Tian struggled against Jiang Zhentian and clenched his free arm to strike Jiang Zhentian.

" Waahh!!"

But before he could do so, Jiang Zhentian landed a heavy blow on his gut which caused him to spit out blood but he couldn't do anything to free himself from Jiang Zhentian's grasp.

" Are you mocking me?! Do you really think you can beat me with such crude martial arts?!" Said Jiang Zhentian as he landed another punch to Ling Tian's stomach, causing him to spit out blood again.

" Such a disappointment! I expected more from the Saiyan of legends. To think you haven't even trained in a proper martial arts?! Such a waste of talent!" Jiang Zhentian's eyes were filled with disappointment when he looked at Ling Tian.


" Waah!! Puuu!!!"

Jiang Zhentian landed another heavy blow to Ling Tian, this time he was sent flying while blood was spraying from his mouth.


While Ling Tian was still in mid air, Jiang Zhentian hit Ling Tian with a Ki blast, that made him crash into a small red hill.


When Ling Tian crashed into the small red hill, it was instantly shattered. Almost half of Ling Tian's body was covered by the shattered rubbles of the small red hill.

" *Cough* *Cough* hnghhh.. Ugh.. " Ling Tian tried to get up from the rubbles, but his entire body was screaming in pain.

" Haah.... Haah.... Haah.... Dammit!" Ling Tian grunted in pain and was breathing heavily as he slowly got up at his feet whilst enduring immense pain all over his body. The clothes in his upper body is completely obliterated and he was very hurt as well.

" Hmph... Boy, I can see that you've never trained your body and never trained in a fighting style in your life so far." Jiang Zhentian said as he slowly walked towards Ling Tian.

" What are you trying to say?" Ling Tian asked while still in pain.

" You have a power level that warriors need several decades of hard training to achieve. And I can see that you've never trained. So that only means, the power level you have right now is something you naturally gained without any training at all." Jiang Zhentian said.

" In other words, You gained your current power level that is equal to an individual who had trained very hard for several decades, without any training, solely because of your ridiculous levels of potential. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?" Jiang Zhentian said in a deep voice.

" .... "

Ling Tian might be a bit stupid. But he is not stupid enough to not understand what Jiang Zhentian was saying to him. He didn't reply and just stood there.

" If you had put at least 5% effort of what normal fighters do, I dare say that you would have long ascended past the limits of this world and ascended to Spirit Realm." Jiang Zhentian glared at Ling Tian and continued, " And not mention the fact that you have two Ancient Divine Grade Spirit Roots. If you had put a little bit of time on cultivation, you would have been in the Heaven Core Realm or even beyond by now." Jiang Zhentian said to Ling Tian while there was a bit of envy in his voice.

" He-hey, I-"

" What? You think I'm wrong?!" Yelled Jiang Zhentian as he interrupted what Ling Tian was about to say.

' Oh! You couldn't be more wrong!! You unreasonable son of a b*tch!!' Ling Tian thought. But he didn't voice it out since he didn't want another beating as was still in pain.

Ling Tian was correct. He had only come to this world for less than 10 days. And he has already reached such terrifying levels in Ki cultivation. But he just doesn't have techniques that can utilize his developed battle power.

" Anyway, it's time to end this. I don't have time to waste on a worthless bastard like you." Jiang Zhentian said as he disappeared from the place he was standing.


" Ahhh!!!"

And yet again Ling Tian was struck hard. Ling Tian screamed in pain as he was sent flying yet again.

Jiang Zhentian was literally playing football with Ling Tian, treating Ling Tian as a football.

" Even, I , as a human have the heart to get strong and not to be suppressed by anyone or anything. Why are you like this? Too disappointing!" Jiang Zhentian said with a sigh as he saw Ling Tian getting up again from the ground.

" Kukhh... You talk as if I'm not a huma-?!" Ling Tian suddenly stopped his sentence and had a shocked expression.

' Human? No I'm not a human anymore. I have a Saiyan body now.' Ling Tian thought with a thoughtful expression on his face.

But sadly, Jiang Zhentian didn't wait to look at Ling Tian's face, instead directly struck him in the face.

*bang* *boom!!*

Ling Tian was sent flying. Jiang Zhentian didn't show any mercy to Ling Tian as he fired a huge Ki blast at him, which caused Ling Tian to crash on the ground which was followed by the explosion of the Ki blast.

' That brat sure has a strong body.' Thought Jiang Zhentian as he saw how Ling Tian still have have his teeth without losing a tooth, despite getting struck in the face by him.

Meanwhile Ling Tian was laying among the rubbles with a dazed expression as if he was not aware of the damages done to his body.

' I see, so that's how it is.' Ling Tian expression suddenly changed as if he gained an enlightenment.

' No wonder. I've been subconsciously rejecting the fact that I'm a Saiyan. I've been rejecting my Saiyan bloodline, thinking that I'm still a human. .... If I don't accept my Saiyan lineage, then how could it possibly support me. I've been thinking of my Saiyan lineage as a object that is only used to provide me power..... hehe, in the end, I was still unconsciously obsessed with my past life.'

Ling Tian slowly got up own his feet, barely able to stand. There were many bloody wounds on his upper body.

" Oh? You can still stand, huh? I guess you have good endurance if nothing else." Jiang Zhentian said as he saw Ling Tian standing up.

" But its time to end this." Said Jiang Zhentian as he started to walk towards Ling Tian.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

' Sorry in advance, old man. I have seen that your grandson is unworthy. So as I've promised, I will be ending his life.' Thought Jiang Zhentian as he reached where Ling Tian is standing.

*haah* *haah* *haah* *haah*

Ling Tian was breathing heavily as he stood there .

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian with a deadpan expression.


Jiang Zhentian coated his right fist in a yellow coloured energy.

" It's over, kid. Farewell."

" Haahh!!!"

Jiang Zhentian struck towards Ling Tian with his yellow energy coated fist.


But before it could strike Ling Tian, the yellow energy fist was caught by Ling Tian with a single hand, stopping it in its tracks.

" What?!!" Jiang Zhentian was shocked by what just happened.

" Sorry, but I hate losing more than anything, because....." Ling Tian said in a low voice while keeping his eyes closed. But the voice was clearly heard by Jiang Zhentian.

He suddenly opened his eyes and smiled widely as he said, " I am a Saiyan!!!"


It was as if some dormant power within Ling Tian was awoken. His Power level was increasing at an unbelievable rate.

But Jiang Zhentian was more shocked because he saw that Ling Tian's pupils were now starry white.


" No- No way!! That's the All Seeing Endle-?! Kuahhh!!" Jiang Zhentian didn't get the chance to complete his statement because he was struck in the stomach and was sent flying.

" Ahhh~ that felt good. I'll make sure you pay you back all the beating you gave me." Ling Tian said while laughing as he felt better after finally hitting Jiang Zhentian.


Suddenly Ling Tian felt as if some lock that was restraining him was unlocked.


*whish* *whish* *whish* *whish*

Ling Tian's Ki was increasing at a ridiculous rate.

2 times....

5 times...

6 times...

8 times...

10 times...

Ling Tian's Ki reserves has increased by ten fold. Because Ling Tian has achieved the first stage of 'Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture'. His Ki was now more purer and more potent.

Ling Tian's wounds were healing at a visible pace.

Ling Tian is now ten times if not more powerful than he was just a moment ago.

Ling Tian clenched his fist and thought, ' I'm done with my past. I refuse to be bound to my past. My human self is a thing of the past. From now onwards, I will survive in this world as a.... True Saiyan!!'