
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Divine Rank Spirit Root Inheritance

Jiang Zhentian got up from the ground and looked at Ling Tian. He was shocked by what he saw.

" What the?! His Ki is increasing like there's no end! What's going on with that boy?"

But what happened next caused his eyes to almost pop out.

" What the heck?!!"

Because Jiang Zhentian saw that Ling Tian's injuries were healing at a pace that is visible to naked eye.

" But how?! The cursed blood energy in this dimension restricts one's healing abilities!... It seems like there are many unknown benefits being a unique Saiyan." Jiang Zhentian muttered as he smiled wryly. He had to admit that he was feeling jealous of Ling Tian's mysterious Saiyan bloodline.

' But those eyes... I'm sure of it! It's definitely the 'All Seeing Endless eye'. One of the strongest eye-bloodline in all realms. But how can he have it?! Didn't those inhuman bastards pluck out those eyes from the boy when he was a newborn?!' Jiang Zhentian thought as his eyes narrowed and frowned. ' There's no way 'Spirit Rebirth' would allow him to have those eyes.... That old monster has a lot to explain, when I get back to God's realm.'

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian with a serious look. He was curious as to what Ling Tian can do against him now that Ling Tian has received a huge boost in his Ki cultivation.

" Okay! Jiang Zhentian! The real fight starts now!" Ling Tian said to Jiang Zhentian as he took on a fighting stance.(imagine Goku's battle stance when he is in Super Saiyan blue state.)

" Oh? So you're saying that, you were only warming up before? If so, I gotta say, that's one extreme way of warming up before fighting. Hehe ~" Jiang Zhentian said to Ling Tian with an amused smile.

" No, I did fight you seriously before." Ling Tian replied.

" Oh?!" Jiang Zhentian was surprised by Ling Tian's reply. But before he could say anything, Ling Tian interrupted him.

" But I fought you before as a human." Ling Tian said with a meaningful smile.

" Huh?!" Jiang Zhentian was surprised and confused, because he wasn't quite understanding what Ling Tian was saying.

" But..... From this moment, I will fight you as a Saiyan!" Ling Tian declared with a serious expression as his Ki flared up.

" Is that so? Then bring it on!" Jiang Zhentian said as he also got in his fighting stance.


Ling Tian charged towards Jiang Zhentian and struck out a fist at him. Jiang Zhentian blocked the punch with one hand without much effort.


" You have more power than before, but that's it. You won't be abl-! Gahh?!" Jiang Zhentian was saying something with disappointment, but was interrupted by a fist right on his face.

" I never said that was all." Ling Tian said as he started to land strike after strike on Jiang Zhentian.

* Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*


In a split second, Ling Tian struck out with seven punches that mostly landed on the stomach and face of Jiang Zhentian. And lastly, Ling Tian kicked Jiang Zhentian flying.


Jiang Zhentian crashed into the ground creating a small crater.

Ling Tian looked at Jiang Zhentian who was on the ground then clenched his fist feeling the immense power within him.

' So this is the kind of power I can have when I control my Ki.... To think I could have this kind of power?! ..... But with this, I'll be able to defeat him! I'll survive no matter what!!' Thought Ling Tian as he was staring at his own fist.

" Cough,,Cough... That really hurt, kid." Said Jiang Zhentian as he got to his feet. Then he looked at Ling Tian, as if he was examining the latter. " That confirms it. You're not using it consciously, huh."

" Looks like you really did improve. Alright then, lets see what you've got to offer me." Jiang Zhentian said with a smirk on his face as he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

" Fine, then I'll show you." Ling Tian said as he moved towards Jiang Zhentian at high speed and punched at him.


Jiang Zhentian caught Ling Tian's fist and looked at him with a smile and said, " You may have improved a bit, but your movements are too obvious for me see through."


Ling Tian was kicked in the gut by Jiang Zhentian and staggered backwards a bit. It was then followed by a punch. Ling Tian held up his arms in front of him in a cross shape to block the punch.

" What's wrong, kid? Is that all you have?" Jiang Zhentian said as he was thinking, ' Don't stop now! Show me what those eyes of yours can do!' While looking at Ling Tian with a crazed grin.

" Krkhh... Eeearghh!!!" Ling Tian struck at Jiang Zhentian.

Jiang Zhentian evaded it and fired an energy blast at Ling Tian. Ling Tian saw this, he concentrated Ki in his palm , condensed it and fired it at the the Ki blast fired by Jiang Zhentian.


A small explosion occurred when the two energy blasts met.

' Firing an energy blast seems pretty easy. But firing a stronger energy blast seems like it will be hard.' Ling Tian thought as he prepared to fire another Ki blast.


Consecutive energy blasts were fired at Jiang Zhentian, who tried to evade them.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

In the end, Jiang Zhentian was still hit by four Ki blasts. Then he suddenly felt a presence behind him. But as soon as he turned his face he was hit in the face.

" hngh! Alright kid. I'll start getting serious now. You better be prepared."

" Hmph! I'll definitely defeat you."

" We'll see about that."


Both Ling Tian and Jiang Zhentian disappeared from their original positions. Suddenly an impact resounded and it was the result of Ling Tian and Jiang Zhentian's clash.


After forty minutes.


Jiang Zhentian while holding his hand in a defensive form slid backwards from the impact. Jiang Zhentian had a shocked expression when he looked at Ling Tian.

' No! I'm definitely not imagining things. That brat, he actually learned my battle style and became proficient in it while fighting me! Just what kind of talent enables someone to achieve such a terrifying feat?! Is he even still a Saiyan?!' Jiang Zhentian thought as he was in shock at the ridiculous talent of Ling Tian. Then suddenly a thought came came to his mind, which honestly scared him.

' Could it be that he is not a Saiyan but a Saiyan God?! ... No! That's impossible! That race has been extinct for almost a trillion years.' Jiang Zhentian immediately rejected the thought.

" You have some nerve spacing out in the middle of our fight!!" While Jiang Zhentian was absent mindedly thinking about things, an annoyed voice caused him to snap out of his imaginations.


Ling Tian appeared behind Jiang Zhentian as if he had teleported and kicked towards Jiang Zhentian.

Jiang Zhentian was barely able to block it, but was still sent flying.

" Okay! Stop! ..... You pass the trial!" Jiang Zhentian hurriedly said when he saw Ling Tian rushing towards him.

" Huh?!" Ling Tian stopped in his tracks and looked at Jiang Zhentian warily.

" No need to be so wary of me boy. I only did this because your grandfather asked me as a favour." Jiang Zhentian said with a wry smile when he saw Ling Tian still not letting his guard down.

" My grandfather?! You're telling me I actually have a grandfather? A family?!" Ling Tian asked Jiang Zhentian , unable to contain his restlessness.

Ling Tian hoped that Jiang Zhentian would give him a positive answer. Because, although he might look like he doesn't care, Ling Tian has a longing towards familial love. Although in his past life, the nuns in the orphanage took good care of him, he never felt a special love a child has to its mother towards them.

" You'll meet him soon anyway. Just ask him directly." Jiang Zhentian said.

Seeing that Ling Tian wanted to speak more, Jiang Zhentian stopped him and said, " Okay, enough of that. Ask all that to your grandfather. Now then, your grandfather has left a gift for you with me. I'm only allowed to give it to you if you pass my trial."

As he said this, Jiang Zhentian took out a shining crystal from who knows where and said " This is the gift left for you by your grandfather..."

" A crystalized Divine rank Spirit root inheritance."