

... ... Arkhé... An endless search, a path without a goal, a horizon you cannot reach no matter how much you walk. For many, this is the definition of a passion for knowledge, the meaning of philosophy, as each answer obtained is the cause of questions of greater complexity and depth. For some, this is a senseless pursuit, for others, this is the goal that gives meaning to their existence. After a life of difficulties, a person like any other, mortal and fleeting, with their death already sentenced even before being granted life, achieved one more chance. A faithful follower of knowledge, for knowledge is power, as power is knowledge. With this new opportunity that he wove into reality, he will advance on his path without rest, not before mountains, oceans, and empires, he will not stop, not before the skies, earth, and death, he will not hesitate. For the purpose of life is that which satisfies you, that which allows you to depart without regrets. In his case, one goal shone above all, a life that he wanted to achieve: to understand reality and become immortal. Although two goals in the eyes of many, both go hand in hand. The omniscient can and must obtain omnipotence to reach that height, while the omnipotent can and must obtain omniscience for it, just as there is no result without a cause. Morality, legality, and human relationships, they are but classifications and disciplines of society by which he ceased to be governed long ago, for as tools they are only there to be used and discarded once they lose their utility. But, in the end, he is just a mortal, like any other... This is a path without any future, the possibilities of dying, being forgotten over time, were the same as any other mortal who had died by his hands, directly or indirectly. However, whether or not he arrives at his unattainable goal, an epic death or a miserable end, no remorse will be left behind, for he'll live his life as he wants, and truly, its the journey, life itself, that brings happiness... ... ... ‎ ‎ ________________________________________ ‎ ‎ ... [WSA 2024] I hope that you enjoy the novel! Please vote and comment if you liked it, I always read them and often answer! Have a nice read!

rtrot320 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


Hello, everyone! I'm rtrot320, the author of this story. I'm here to explain some aspects of the narration in this one.

Let's start with the time jumps.

When a considerable amount of time has passed between two actions, they will be separated by two suspension points and a space between them, appearing like this:

"Finally, I finished with the evil dragon…

I had retired to a hut on the top of a mountain. It had been years since I finished off that dragon... What memories."

Meanwhile, when the narrator's perspective or point of view changes, there will be a slash separating the two (remember, this doesn't mean there is or isn't a change in time), appearing like this:

"Courageously, I walked the steps of the royal palace, something that would change my life.


As I watched my faithful friend continue his way over the stairs of the royal palace, I could feel the big smile this one had at having his dream fulfilled, although I only saw his back and not his face."

Meanwhile, if there is any time jump to the past (for example, a flashback), this will be specified so that you don't make a mess.

Leaving that aside, this is a story without a third-person narrator; that is, everything you see will be from someone's perspective, and you will never know anything that only an omniscient set could know.

You are also not directly told the identity of whom he changes to; this is a little mental work, but if you are keeping an eye on the story, you will get through it without a problem. Besides, in my opinion, it's more fun this way.

I think this is all. If I have forgotten something, or you have any doubt, don't hesitate to comment!

Enjoy the story and comment as much as you want! I always read your comments and usually reply to them.