
Archangel: A Forbidden Celestial Novel

A Forbidden Celestial Novel (Standalone) ~~~ "I can tell you had a long day. Let's take your mind off things." I shiver against his touch, his fingers pressing down on my most sensitive area. My eyes close in bliss when his mouth finds the tender spot on my neck, a soft moan slipping past my lips. ~~~ Talia Cardosi is a young small town woman, she only knows two things in life - working a lifeless job at the local café, and the strained relationship with her boyfriend. But, Talia is growing tired of her boyfriend's manipulative ways and craves a release from the mental drag that is the relationship. On a fateful night, Talia is graced by a very beautiful and mysterious man. They develop a growing romantic and sensual attraction towards each other; the handsome and mysterious man soon proves to be an escape for her. Never the less, She soon learns he has dark secrets himself, secrets that challenge her beliefs and faith. Will it affect her outlook on this man? Or will her desires and lust for him allow her to overlook these discoveries and slip away from the pains of her relationship?

AntonellaS_novels · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


Coming home past evening isn't always the greatest feeling, especially after being dropped off from a date gone terribly wrong. One would think I'd be out with friends or enjoying the night with someone who truly cares about me. But no, I spent my night arguing with the asshole of my boyfriend over simple crap I don't even want to go over.

Closing the door to my rented cottage, I sigh and roughly kick off my shoes, the very ones the asshole gifted me. The living room is dark, a soft blue hue filtering in from the moon, the only light source for the night. I rub my neck and walk to my room, craving a bath to relax my tense muscles.

The smooth flutter of wings behind me fills the ambiance with a sense of peace, the movement of the muscle-powered divinity much like a quilt being fanned out. I smile softly to myself, my Archangel always knows when I need him. He must have a sixth sense about these things to always know when I need to get away from reality.

I sigh softly as his arms circle around my waist, his lips finding their way to my neck. Leaning back against his tall frame I can feel the warmth of his skin, he's shirtless. Of course he's shirtless, a shirt would restrict the movement of the divinities protruding from his shoulders.

"How'd you know I'd be home at this time?" My tone isn't demanding, more questioning than anything, a hint of curiosity in my expression. His soft hum against the skin of my neck causes a shiver to ripple down my spine, a smile finding its way onto my face.

"I saw it in a vision. I was thinking about you." His voice is like velvet as it grazes my ear. A smooth, alluring, very tempting sound. I subconsciously grab the necklace he gifted me, one that has the power to keep the horrible dreams away and brings peace upon my sleep.

"Take me away please," I beg as I turn around to gaze deeply into his gleaming eyes. His chest moves up and down with each breath, the dark brown tone of his skin brought out by the moonlight behind me. I trace the palm of my hands down his muscled chest, the action bringing goosebumps across the smooth skin.

He takes my lips into a sweet kiss after he leans down to my level, his delightful scent surrounding me, along with his rich taste in my mouth. I haven't been kissed by him in a while, so my knees easily gave out on me, a moan slipping past my lips from the lack of self-control.

I squeal and wrap my arms around his neck tightly when I feel him dip below me in a crouch, his firm hands finding my waist before I'm whisked into the air. The sharp blow of the wind flicks my hair around. Two beats of his powerful wings have us up and out of my room, a couple of yards into the sky.

I laugh and trace the magnificent wings protruding from his shoulders, their beauty entrancing, each feather immaculate. I take my left hand to smooth out a soft feather from one of his wings. The midnight black wings flap with a powerful flutter, gently lulling me to sleep.

I smile as he takes my chin into his hold and places his plump lips on mine once again, distracting me from our surroundings after landing. His lips trail down my neck, his soft hands on the skin of my stomach as he begins to strip the shirt off my body. I shiver as the cold breeze caresses my bare skin, my bra being the only thing protecting me from the cold.

"Love, what are you doing?" My voice comes out in a quiver, his delicate touch introducing warmth which seeps down to my bones.

"Shh, baby, relax into my touch." His voice is deep with lust, a rasp introduced to the tone.

I melt against his gaze, his different colored eyes gleaming with unmistakable emotions, the usually ocean blue eye on the left deepening to match the nightly blue sky above, and the violet eye on the right sparkling like a thousand gems catching the gleam of morning sun.

I allow him to remove my shorts, his eyes never leaving mine as he kisses the insides of my thighs. He pulls me flush against his body, every inch of his toned and defined physique notable. It is then when I realize he has taken me to a body of freshwater, a lake. The water's surface sparkling like crystals, calling me in to taste its freshness.

"I can tell you had a long day, let's take your mind off things." I shiver against his touch, his fingers pressing down on my most sensitive area. My eyes close in bliss when his mouth finds the tender spot on my neck, a soft moan slipping past my lips.

I giggle and squeal when he suddenly places me in his hold, my legs wrapped securely around his hips, and his firm hands underneath my thighs for support. I lean down and trap his soft lips in a kiss, craving to taste his richness once more. He moves his tongue against mine skillfully, causing my core to soak with excitement.

"Oh, this is so good," I moan as the warm water kisses the bare skin of my thighs. He chuckles at my reaction, his glowing eyes filled with love and lust for me.

"You're so beautiful under this moonlight." He takes my chin between his fingers and gently pulls me back into another kiss, the soft tenderness quickly becoming eager, hungry for passion. I grind my hips against his as we taste each other, our daring hands mapping each other's dips and planes, savoring this moment we have together.

I whimper as I feel him align our bodies, so close to becoming one. He rubs my thighs, holding me above him, and presses our foreheads together. I flutter my eyes open, only to find him looking at me intently.

"Is this alright?"

I nod and pull him closer by the shoulders, his relaxed wings laid out against the water's surface. I gaze into his love filled eyes, engraving their gleaming colors in my mind, and gently push myself down onto him. I moan and whimper against him, relishing the feeling of his love for me.

His hands grip my hips tightly. The storm behind his deep ocean blue eye rages, and the violet haze in his right eye churning with a flame as if it were between the heat of fire. Idipmyheadback inpleasure as his tongue licks my sensitive throat,and our hips move in a synchronized rhythm.

We are one.