
Archangel: A Forbidden Celestial Novel

A Forbidden Celestial Novel (Standalone) ~~~ "I can tell you had a long day. Let's take your mind off things." I shiver against his touch, his fingers pressing down on my most sensitive area. My eyes close in bliss when his mouth finds the tender spot on my neck, a soft moan slipping past my lips. ~~~ Talia Cardosi is a young small town woman, she only knows two things in life - working a lifeless job at the local café, and the strained relationship with her boyfriend. But, Talia is growing tired of her boyfriend's manipulative ways and craves a release from the mental drag that is the relationship. On a fateful night, Talia is graced by a very beautiful and mysterious man. They develop a growing romantic and sensual attraction towards each other; the handsome and mysterious man soon proves to be an escape for her. Never the less, She soon learns he has dark secrets himself, secrets that challenge her beliefs and faith. Will it affect her outlook on this man? Or will her desires and lust for him allow her to overlook these discoveries and slip away from the pains of her relationship?

AntonellaS_novels · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Night Shift

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀~ Before ~

The sun hung low in the sky, nightfall just a moment away. I was on the night shift for today, in charge of closing the coffee shop and counting all the change in the register. Not that much of a big deal, the only problem being the dark corners of the neighborhood and having my damn car in the repair shop. The useless thing broke down just three months after I purchased it, worthless piece of junk.

"Hey,–" I look up to see my boss Cynthia in front of me, holding a white envelope in her hands, her bleached white hair dull and dead against the fluorescent lighting. "I'll need you to deposit this for the shop; the bank is just a few blocks away. Would you do that for me? I have to run out early."

I think about it for a moment, debating it in my head. Should I do this as a favor, walk out there alone? Sure it could make me look good in her eyes, possibly edge me closer to a raise, or even better, a promotion. Fine.

"Sure." The smile on my face stretched at my lips, a forced action.

"Great. I could always count on you, Talia." With that, she clicked away on her four-inch heels, the tube skirt pressing together the ever-living crap out of her legs.

"Yeah, great," I mumble to myself.

After a few hours of dull customers asking for a black coffee or "whatever that brown cake has," I finally can start closing up the shop. I quickly lock all the windows and bring down the blinds, making sure all the seats are tucked in, and all the tables are crumb-free. Finally, I can leave. Well, leave to deposit this damn check.

I shiver against the cool breeze that pushes back the thin material of my cardigan. The temperature usually drops at around this time, but tonight was one of the coldest it's been. I huff and look up at the half-lit moon overhead, the light it gives off being the only thing lighting up the path as most of the street lamps are dead or barely working.

"Just get to the bank, then you can kiss your pillow hello," I mumble to myself, tugging on the master lock on the gate to the shop, making sure it's secured. I step to the side and pull out my phone, scrolling through my contacts to find who I'm looking for, Javon.




"Hello?" I sigh as his voice rings out through the speakers to my phone. My boyfriend, Javon, promised he'd pick me up from work today as it's my first late-night shift I've picked up at this location.

"Hey. . . you said you'd be here at 9:15. It's already 9:30, where are you?" I press my back against the brick wall beside the coffee shop, regretting closing up before knowing if I'd have a safe ride to the places I need to go.

"I'm sorry, babe, something came up. Sorry I didn't tell you, my fault." Seriously? The one time I need a favor and– No, I won't get mad. Don't get frustrated Talia, I'm sure he has a reasonable excuse.

I sigh and press the bridge of my nose with my fingertips. I suck in a breath to speak.

"Well, I'm alone, and I need to go to the bank to deposit a check. Stay on the phone, at least it'll help me stay calm." I chew on my bottom lip, unsure of my surroundings as I walk forward. Every dark corner brought out an ominous vibe, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.

"I can't, Dear, I have to go now."

"No. Javon, please. No. Please, don't–"

The sound of the dead line cuts me off before I could finish my sentence. I sigh in frustration and disappointment as I lock my phone screen and roughly shove it into my purse. Alone, in the dark, holding a check with my life on it. Amazing.

I ball my fists up, grumbling to myself about all I've sacrificed for that man, all I've ever done for him. He knew I worked the late shift. He's fully aware of how unsafe I feel at night, no matter the location. I can't stand walking alone.

"What a joke of a man. Seriously?" I grumble to myself. I wrinkle my nose as I walk past the alleyway next to the closed pizzeria, the pungent stench of the garbage cans down the alley burning my nose.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" A rasped voice sounds behind me, causing me to gasp and turn around to the source of the sound.

"O-oh?" I put on a brave face, a tall man wearing a black hoodie towering over me, his wide grin plastered on his face.

"I'm not alone." I scoff, reaching for the keys in my bag as discreetly as possible.

"You're not now?" The man walks at a steady pace next to me; I notice his dark eyes scanning the street around us. "I don't see anyone else, doll face."

"I'm meeting up with them, so they know my location. So no, I'm not alone, Sir. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." I try my best to maintain my voice at a calm and composed tone.

I remember countless lessons and pieces of advice from both the women in my family and magazine catalogs, stating to grab a weapon and always stay calm and composed it'll "drive your attacker away."

"Oh, how sweet, I'll walk with you, we seem to be heading in the same direction." I shiver as his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him, the strong scent of alcohol and tobacco smoke on his clothing.

I push against him, a natural reflex from the unwanted contact. This seems to please him, he wanted a reaction like this, something to perk his interest.

"Now sweetheart, we're only walking. Nothing to fear." His face comes inches to mine, his arms wrapping around my torso, pinning my arms to my sides.

"Get off me!" I struggle against him, his weight completely on me. I turned my face to the side as his lips find their way on my skin, his disgusting scent infiltrating my nose and mouth.

I hit and push on his chest as he pushes us back into an alleyway. Dear God, no. My mind blanks against the possibilities of what could happen in just a few moments.

I take a breath in and force my knee up, hitting him hard between his legs. His grip on me momentarily weakens, allowing me the opportunity to escape his hold. I push him back and away from my small frame, running only a few steps ahead before he catches me again, this time by my hair.

"Now now you rat, don't be that way. I just want to have some fun with you." He presses something cold against the side of my neck, the sharp metallic end piercing my skin. I freeze against him. He has a blade.

"No!" I scream as his free hand starts fondling with my upper body roughly, ripping the shoulder material of the shirt I'm wearing. He laughs as I struggle against him, my hands clawing and pushing against his wrist, trying to get away from the blade close to my skin.

The sudden sound of a rustle and a gust of wind distracts me from my attacker, then his hold on me is completely released. I feel my body falling forward from the force of the man pushing me forward, the hard concrete below scraping my arms as I block my fall.

"What the–" I hear the voice of my attacker. My body sinking into shock as I lay on the floor. I'm going to die.

I gasp and sob, my lungs squeezing and tightening in my chest. The shuffling going on a few feet away completely blurred and distorted to me.

"What are you?" The man yells in questioning, his voice holding bewilderment and fear.

"Burn in hell," A voice like velvet rings behind me, aggression and anger laced in with the words as the smooth tone of it caresses my skin. A bright blinding light fills the alleyway, causing me to hide in my elbow.

I push myself back, hoping I'm crawling out of the alleyway. My sobs tear at my chest, and my head feels like it's about to explode.

I'm going to die here all alone. I can't breathe. My heart is about to burst through my chest. I'm completely defenseless.

"Please, God, no." I whimper, my voice coming out in broken sobs and heaves. I scream as warm hands gently grip my biceps, pulling my arm away from my eyes.

"Hey, you're okay." That same voice from before, so gentle and sweet.

"No. No!" I sob and push the warm hands away, my vision blurred and distorted, from either my tears or the sudden bright light or maybe both.

"You're fine; he's gone now. I won't hurt you." The most intense blue eyes gaze into mine. I suck in a sharp breath. Beautiful.