
Apotheosis, The Goddess of Excess

A girl is reincarnated into world of tales of demons and Gods with a task to kill Sage Emperor. However, She wants to be more than just a mercenary. She wanted to ascend into godhood. Note: 1) I'm writing this for fun. 2) Obviously , the world is based on already existing novel of Tales of demons and gods. #TDG #Tales of demons and gods #Evil MC #Female MC #Cultivation #No-Harem

Quetzalcotal · Autres
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25 Chs

Chapter 14

Ziyun held the hands of Xiao Ning'er. Seeing Nie li giving suggestions to everyone in the group as he studied the map.

She got tensed when Nie li actually pinpointed the location of the main treasury room.

'Shit! I can't let this drag on' With that thought, She began her plan.


In the middle parts of ancient orchid city ruins. The gorilla demon beasts are sleeping peacefully, the spirit grade demon beast, blue armed gorilla being the more intelligent compared to others which are just normal demon beasts overlooked them.

Suddenly, a beautiful butterfly landed on it. The blue-armed gorilla's beastial instincts kicked in making it jump but it jumped a bit too late as the butterfly blasted causing a small explosion enough to injure its hide but not enough to be a severe wound.


The normal demon beast pack woke up, few more butterflies arrived on the spot.

The leader gorilla beast immediately ordered the normal beast to end the threat as the butterflies slowly blasted.

Some weak demon beasts gained fatal injuries. The leader watching them, jumped into action to kill the remaining butterflies but they flew away.

In an enraged state, the normal gorilla demon beast along with the leading spirit gorilla demon beasts chased the butterflies.


As the expedition group heard angry roars and got ready for combat. The near-death experiences already gave them important lessons.

Ziyun wore her gauntlets along with drawing her bow and arrows.

"Ning'er, Do what I say and wear this armour" Ziyun gave Ning'er a Gold ranked armour she bought.

Ning'er did as told as she believed in Ziyun.

Soon enough, a scout who went to check what was going on came back and gave a report "Report! Blue armed Go-"

But his head is crushed by a giant 5-meter-tall Gorilla.

Most people felt panic feeling the Gold rank aura and several more silver rank and gold rank beasts rushing towards them.

"Charge!!" Chen Linjian commanded.

Ziyun began to shoot the arrows and noticed Nie Li getting closer to her.

"Ning'er let's go, it's not safe" Ziyun stopped shooting as a giant black gold rank spirit grade gorilla demon beast arrived.

This shocked everyone and some even froze but to those who froze. It became their biggest mistake.

Nie li began to divert the black gold rank beast. Using this chance, Ziyun dragged Ning'er along with her.

"Everyone, escape to safety. Try to get to the city lord palace" Chen Linjian roared.

Both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er escaped from the spot before anyone. The meat shields*cough* guards that were supposed to protect Ziyun already died fighting the beast. They are some of the strongest in the group so, they fought on the front line which lead to their deaths.

Ye Ziyun activated an inscription that created a barrier around them. She lead Ning'er to the entrance of the underground palace.

Both Ziyun and Ning'er stopped as they noticed no demon beast around anymore.

Ning'er took a few moments to catch her breath.

"We are finally safe. It's all thanks to you" Ning'er commented.

"Partly, the inscription I used played a role. The barrier around us stops our scent and sound from going out partially concealing our presence. It also blurs us to the background a little" Ziyun prepared these types of Inscriptions by using costly materials beforehand.

Ziyun began to wear her complete armor set. Leaving only her head open.

"I never hear such an inscription. I'm sure, this costs a lot" Ning'er exclaimed as she examined the barrier.

"You'll be surprised at what my family is hiding. Though, I have to say. This is not my family's collection. I used some old books to decipher this."

"Oh! Why are you wearing armor now?"

"Who knows when we have to fight again? I didn't expect a Blackgold rank beast to be here. I will fight it if it comes again. The armor I gave you can hold onto a Black gold rank beast attack but it will break immediately so, escape if the situation calls for it"

Ning'er is moved by her words. Now that she thought about it. Ziyun has been on her side throughout the entire trip, even when the black gold beast arrived. Ziyun's first priority is to save Ning'er.

"Ziyun, I appreciate your help and I love how much you care for me but let me fight alongside you next time" Ning'er said with a resolute expression.

Ziyun looked into Ning'er eyes and came close to her and held her over her waist. Ziyun released a breath in Ning'er's ears which made her blush due to the ...skinship.

"W..What are y..you doing?" Ning'er asked.

Ziyun smirked at her reaction "Heh! You can't stop getting flustered when I'm near you. How can you fight?"

"Can we not talk about this now?" Ning'er asked in a slightly irritated tone.

"Oh~, then if you want to fight side by side, you have to kiss me without getting flustered. Then, I will trust that you can handle fights"

Ziyun left Ning'er "What's that have to with fighting?"

"Then kiss me" Ziyun replied. Xiao Ning'er blushed again, Ziyun's intimacy with her brings her to edge.

"Let's stop it here. It looks like we reached some important place" Ziyun said seriously. Noticing the shift in tone, Ning'er saw the pillar that looked suspicious.

Soon, Ziyun and Ning'er entered the place.

"Wow, you even know the ancient language?" Ning'er exclaimed. She noticed how easily Ziyun deciphered the tomb.

"Yes, I learned it recently too. It is nothing too important though. It's not like we have people using other languages"

Ziyun lead Ning'er through the safest path. Already starting the second part of her plan.

"Oh! By the way. Where are we going?" Ning'er asked as she noticed she was just following Ziyun's lead.

"I don't know. We should get to the city lord mansion in this direction, at least I hope so. Luckily, there seem to be no traps here. So, it should be safe" Ziyun said. She doesn't want Ning'er to be harmed. This is one of the safest routes and the remaining small traps are destroyed by her in advance, except for one.

"You are right, there seems to b-Ziyun!!!"

Ning'er shouted as she saw Ziyun activating a trap which led to her vanishing suddenly.


Ning'er heard Ziyun's shout through the wall to her left.

"Ziyun! Are you alright!!" Ning'er shouted, worry evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly alright! It seems I triggered a trap that separates us. Still, the tunnel I'm in looks the same as the one you are in now. Don't worry, just follow the path and beware of the traps. We should meet soon if we just follow the way"

Ning'er heard Ziyun and calmed down a little.

"Okay, talk to me once every few seconds" Ning'er said not wanting to lose Ziyun in this maze.

"No, concentrate on getting to the end. We will be distracted if we talk and may trigger another unknown trap"

Ning'er decided to follow Ziyun's words.

Ziyun began running through the tunnel. Some traps are triggered but with her speed and durability, she managed to shrug off most of the attacks. The armor also helped her.

When she began to turn, ten spears run through her stomach piercing through her armor like butter.

Ziyun stood with a big hole in her stomach.

"Wow...I really got used to pain"

Ziyun observed the hole in her stomach which started regenerating due to Avalon.

She hated Avalon healing due to still causing pain to her. It is not severe but still, she got annoyed by it and started using Alchemy pills to stop the pain.

But now she doesn't feel pain anymore, or more like, she can shrug it off.

"This should be the last trap and...I must be near"

Ziyun ran for an hour at high speeds, getting closer to the main treasury.

Once, she regenerated completely. Ziyun began continued her journey but she didn't run, taking her time to walk.

Ziyun saw a room full of corpses and a tomb in the middle. She understood what happened and felt pity for the dead

"They experienced something much worse than death"

These are the skeletons of people who hid in the underground palace while the fighters and demon spiritualists defended the ancient orchid city. Unfortunately, the demon beasts slaughtered everyone above and the people who were left in the underground had nowhere to go. So, they died in the dark without hope. They starved to death.

Ziyun started robbing everyone after feeling pity for them. After seeing some Gory scenes in this journey, skeletons didn't scare her anymore.

"Wow! A soul stone. I can use this in my gold rank cultivation"

What the leftover people have is not that much worth but still, they have some important valuables like cultivation techniques and a few rare resources that survived the test of time.

Ziyun then saw the coffin in the middle. She got close to it and was surprised

"Interesting, Inscriptions even I can't recognize with cheat-like knowledge. It seems I have a lot more to learn when it comes to inscriptions"

As Ziyun got close to her. Ziyun felt her body resonating with the coffin and immediately felt a pull.

Ziyun felt a foreign soul force entering her and then space shifted as an old man appeared.

"I see, someone else managed to find this place"

Ziyun didn't speak. This is the first time, she felt something like this. She couldn't read the memories of the person in front of her.

This scared her a lot as she is in another dimension from what she can comprehend.

"I don't know who you are or how you managed to get here with your measly cultivation but it is what it is. I'm just intent left behind. So, there's not much time, Remember this profound chant and comprehend it. This is the greatest insight I gained in my life with my Genius"

Ye Ziyun waited with tension, whoever the person in front of her is obviously very powerful. Just an intent left behind is taking life and communicating with her. This just shows, that Emperor kong ming is not just an expert from this world but he must have ascended to higher worlds, probably the Draconic ruins realm.

She patiently waited to listen to this chant. As Emperor kong ming said it is his greatest insight, and she understood that it must be something really profound.

The Fear of the unknown is still present as she doesn't even know how to exit this space.

"Infinity has no beginning, no beginning can have no end" Emperor Kong ming told in a serious tone with eyes showing his profound wisdom.

"You need to comprehend this along with 5 others. You will fight with each other and devour each other's comprehension increasing individual comprehension and finally leaving one member alive with profound insight"

Listening to this Ziyun could only utter

"Are you fu*king kidding me? That is the most basic in math. I'm not even a math major! How the f*ck is that profound!! And the 5 members kill each other just to understand the basic of the basics, Are they fu*king stupid to not even know Basic math on infinite series? Don't include me in this farce of a joke! Even a dumb person can understand the infinite series"

However, to Ye Ziyun's irritation. The intent exhausted, she exited the space.

Ziyun stood still looking at the coffin. She couldn't believe that she feared that much ...just to become part of a freaking joke.

"Hah~, at least I will find something valuable in this tomb"

Ziyun opened the tomb and shouted "JACKPOT!!"

Ziyun saw three remnant pages of the Temporal demon spirit book and abstruse gemstone.

When she held the papers, she felt a connection in her body.


Ziyun immediately scanned her body with soul force and found a sealing inscription where the resonance is coming from....which she was aware of until now.

Ziyun remembered her grandfather sealing something in her childhood but the thing is....Even he himself is not aware of what he sealed. It's like he is forced to seal the page.

Ziyun channeled the soul force into the page that's when her previous life's memories began to enter her mind. Her cultivation experience, her lackluster life in City lord palace due to Ye Han's ascension to Peak gold rank, Ning'er leaving glory city to never return, Destruction of Glory city, having sex with Nie li, and dying.

Ziyun vaguely remember these feelings until now but now, she remembered everything from her point of view. This is unlike reading memories, she once again relived 16 years of pitiful life in one second.

Ziyun sat down on the tomb as tears left her. She hated that pitiful life more than anything.

After some time, Ziyun's eyes turned ice cold with a bloodthirsty smile.

"Finally! I can fight demon beasts now with the experience from that timeline"

Ziyun saw the remnant pages, as much as she want to remove the paper from her body. She didn't, She understood that the remnant page inside the body is her anchor to Nie li who is the owner of the original book. She decided to keep the anchor till she had a way to deal with his abnormal luck.

She wore the Soul stone and Abstruse Gemstone

"This should give me at least 6 times boost in cultivation until I reach Gold rank. From then on, I will have 3 times passive boost"

Ziyun stood, with a change in her posture clearly visible. Now that she has 3 years of personal experience in an apocalyptic world. She felt confident in combat and cultivation.

Ziyun decided to look for treasure later and began to organize her mind once more.