
Apotheosis, The Goddess of Excess

A girl is reincarnated into world of tales of demons and Gods with a task to kill Sage Emperor. However, She wants to be more than just a mercenary. She wanted to ascend into godhood. Note: 1) I'm writing this for fun. 2) Obviously , the world is based on already existing novel of Tales of demons and gods. #TDG #Tales of demons and gods #Evil MC #Female MC #Cultivation #No-Harem

Quetzalcotal · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 13

It's already been a day since the expedition group started their journey.

Ziyun is not surprised to see Nie li in the expedition group. Chen Linjian already planned to bring him since Nie li is known as a Genius that can decipher ancient language inside the academy.

During the night time, Ziyun completed her sword training and body conditioning in Avalon.

"Ziyun, where were you just now?" Ning'er asked as she saw Ziyun leaving but then Ziyun vanished out of thin air and appeared beside a tree.

"I was just....Unloading. You know what I mean~" Ziyun being the cool-headed person she is played it off. Ziyun is surrounded by many guards for protection most of the time. This is the only excuse she is using with them to have some private space.

"Oh, but you are just too fast"

"I've been holding on for a long time. Anyway, why don't we sleep together?" Ziyun asked but she dragged Ning'er to her tent who didn't even agree.

"B..But, I was given my own ten-ah!!" Before Ning'er was finished, Ziyun pushed Ning'er onto the bed.

Ziyun began undressing and changed into a transparent gown that shows off her curves and body.

Ning'er seeing this blushed as Ziyun is so beautiful. Now that she's looking closer, Ziyun is even prettier than last time.

Ziyun slept beside Ning'er who is still mesmerized by Ziyun's beauty.

Of course, Ning'er is just admiring Ziyun's beauty. There are only two sexualities in this backward civilization being Male and female. So, Ning'er has no thoughts of falling in love with Ziyun, it's just she's embarrassed seeing the naked body of Ziyun.

Ziyun who is aware of this is just taking time to slowly corrupt Ning'er's thoughts so that Ning'er can fall in love with her. She hugged Ning'er pressing her chest against her back.

"Z..Ziyun, aren't you going to cultivate?" Ning'er asked timidly. Even when she wanted to move, Ziyun is just too strong for her to move. She tried and failed.

"Mm~, We are in the forest. Besides, our soul force which surges during cultivation will make demon beasts think we are challenging them" Ziyun explained patiently.

"Oh!" Ning'er is surprised by the information.

"Anyway, Can you ..let me go. I spread my legs when I sleep" Ning'er revealed one of her embarrassing secrets, it's only because it is Ziyun.

"Hmm? I can~ but I'm sure my legs can support yours. Feel free to use them"

Releasing Ning'er, Ziyun slept with her face close to Ning'er's with her lips just a few inches away from Ning'er's.

Ning'er didn't know what to feel, she want to move away but Ziyun held Ning'ers head close to hers.

Just when she thought things are getting weird, Ziyun licked her lips to moisturize them. Ziyun's tongue touched Ning'er's lips.

Ning'er's eyes widened but then she felt a sweet aroma. She wanted to wake Ziyun to sleep in another tent but Ziyun already 'slept'.

Ning'er wished it didn't happen again, it's just too weird for her. The surprise kept her awake for a while. Ziyun finally let Ning'er completely go from her grip.

Ning'er decided to leave but then, She heard Ziyun talk in her 'sleep' "My one and only family I have is Ning'er. She's my one and only family! Don't you dare take her away from me!"

Hearing this, Ning'er didn't have the heart to leave but stay. Ning'er slept beside Ziyun that night. Shortly after which Ziyun truly slept.

Waking up early in the morning. Ziyun changed into her training attire and went to Avalon.

She begins her body cultivation there. Unlike Soul cultivation, Body cultivation follows a strict workout and you have to follow it daily with no excuse.

During the final part of the training, Ziyun took out a bathtub from her storage ring and used inscriptions to heat it. Then she filled it with Earth elemental herbs taking a bath in it while still breathing in a rhythmic pattern. She had already gotten used to the pain by now.

"Hah~, I need to buy even more resources for the second layer of the technique. For now, I will relax~"

When she got out, She felt her skin become slightly stiff yet it is soft to the touch.

"Magic doesn't align with commonsense"

Changing her clothes, Ziyun left Avalon.

Looking at the sleeping figure of Ning'er. She can't help but bit her lip. Ning'er looks are really something, it has a mature charm.

'Still can't believe, that body is just 13 years old. It looks more like 15 or 16'

Shaking the thoughts away, Ziyun began the first part of her plan.

She took out a crystal from her storage ring. She broke it and immediately the butterfly she created appeared out of it.

'Go and divide yourself into maximum numbers after leaving this camp and explore this point of the map.'

She showed the map and the butterfly immediately left the camp. After going far, it divided itself into ninety-nine.

The exploration team continued their journey when they are taking a break. Nie li tried to converse with Ziyun which angered Shen Yue.

To impress Shen Yue, a bronze rank expert challenged Nie li which he gladly agreed to.

"Why are they fighting now? Nie li is not even a bronze rank." Ning'er asked in shock. She can't comprehend the sheer stupidity to fight in a situation like this when they are surrounded by dangerous demon beasts and they also need to conserve energy if some strong demon beast attacks them.

They managed to defend themselves from weak demon beasts till now, but the problem is, even if they are weak, they are more frequent which increases their exhaustion.

it should be enough proof that you should try to conserve energy more.

"Nie li is not a Genius like us, He is crafty. He is using this fight to increase his influence on the group. From his eyes, I can tell the bronze rank expert will lose to Nie li." Ziyun replied and closed her eyes.

Ning'er thought she was not interested in the fight, which is partially true but Ziyun has another purpose.

Ziyun shared her senses with her butterflies and saw only 82 screens.

"So, 17 died already. It seems they still need some time to travel"

Ziyun didn't expect all the butterflies to survive. Some demon beasts feast on insect-type beasts. It is only natural that the butterflies couldn't survive in the wild.

This loss of butterflies is worth it in the end if she gains valuable information on ruins before the team reaches there.

While Ziyun is in deep thought, Ning'er and everyone else are surprised as Nie li defeated the bronze rank expert.

The overwhelming thoughts of everyone entered Ziyun's mind waking her up from her shared senses.

"How is that even possible?" Ning'er whispered to Ziyun who replied " Experience and tactics, I guess"

That made Ning'er even more confused as the bronze rank expert should have more experience.

'Whatever, it's not like I know him' Ning'er gave up the next second not caring about it.

The expedition team continued their journey. Meanwhile, Huyan lanruo tried to seduce Nie li as she took interest in him but Nie li being so blunt to her didn't help it. In anger, she used her snow Sakura demon beast ability.

Ziyun is aware of the rare snow Sakura's ability Lanruo possesses but seeing it in action made her giddy.

'The sheer versatility of that ability, If I'm not a psychic I would gladly use that demon beast'

Ziyun liked the charm ability of snow Sakura, In some extremely rare cases, it even possesses direct mind control.

That night, the expedition team took a rest again in a new camp.

Ziyun followed her routine in Avalon. When she came back, she directly went to the tent and began observing the progress of her butterflies.

Luckily, 64 butterflies made it to the orchid ruins. With butterflies being able to see even in the darkest of times, she manually controlled the butterflies with her will.

She saw Silver-armed apes surrounding the city. Their aura of them is between silver rank and black gold rank. It's just a guess but it is most likely the case.

Further Venturing into the city, She saw one tombstone of some emperor. She immediately sent 20 butterflies into it as they made their way into it.

She noticed many traps in it. Out of 20, only 3 survived as she used the butterflies as test subjects to search for traps with their sensitive feet. The demon butterflies can scan the structure of the objects with their feet. It's one of the reasons, Ziyun choose it.

The butterflies made it into the treasury room. Looking at all the treasures, Ziyun felt butterflies in her stomach(figuratively).

Ziyun likes jewelry and luxury a lot.

Ziyun searched some more and found another treasury room. This time, it is extremely small but still, it is a treasure.

Ziyun found 3 small treasury rooms that only have gold and small trinkets. She didn't mind sharing the treasure with the expedition group.

Being the generous person she is, Ziyun decided to keep the main treasury room and 2 small treasury rooms for herself.

While sharing 1 small treasury room with the expedition group.

As to how she will divert the group, a plan already formed in her head.

She ordered the butterflies to search for all possible threats in the city once more aside from the demon apes.

It's already late at night, Ziyun just decided to sleep when a huge commotion began.

Ning'er rushed at her when she appeared inside Ziyun's tent. Ziyun understood what happened.

"Ziyun pack everything quickly. Brother Linjian ordered everyone to evacuate this place quickly to safety"

"Okay, I'm coming"

Soon, the expedition team moved on.

'He is quite useful.' Ziyun thought. She knows the expedition team in last life has many casualties but didn't know how and why since Nie li didn't go along on the expedition.

'It seems the fox bears are the reason. Well, They are no threat since I come prepared' Ziyun rubbed the small bottle on her side.

Knowing, she cannot face demon beasts yet. Ziyun prepared a toxic concoction. Ziyun is not an Alchemy expert but even the failed concoction is still a toxic liquid. This Concoction can kill any demon beast below Black gold rank. On humans, this will at most melt their skin, if ingested they will have severe Migraine but to demon beast, it will melt their spiritual consciousness.

Ziyun knows some archery in her childhood due to her mother. So, she prepared a thousand arrows drenched in the toxin. This is one of her cards.

It took the expedition team another 2 days to reach the ruins. During the middle of the journey, they did face some demon beasts.

Ziyun used bow and arrows during these two days due thrice due to near-death situations.

Even one of her guards died being her meat shield.

Ziyun decided to visit his family to compensate them for the glorious sacrifice.

These life and death situations are not that big but for Ziyun who enjoyed a safe life in her first life and a Princess lifestyle in this life, they changed her mind slightly.

'I have to increase my strength a lot, weak have no chance to live at all. For now, I will not hesitate to use these meat shields anymore'

Ziyun originally didn't want the guards to die. They are valuable human resources but in the wild where survival of the fittest is the one and only absolute rule. Ziyun decided to use the guards to their full potential.

It took them another two days to reach the ruins.

"Team, finally we are here. This is the ruin I told you all about. We finally made it with our collective effort!"

Chen Linjian announced cheerfully controlling the crowd with his charisma.

Even Ziyun acknowledged his charisma and leadership skills.

'He has the potential to be an excellent leader'

Most of the butterflies Ziyun sent all died here due to ...an unexpected element but Ziyun didn't mind. The information she received is worth the loss. Less than 10 butterflies left which is more than enough for her to start her plan.

Ziyun stood close to Ning'er. She didn't want Ning'er to die an early death. What she's going to do now will probably cause some casualties but it is what it is. Ziyun couldn't care less about some no-name strangers.